project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Selection of Duroc pigs for a traditional and distinguished pork production model (Rodapork)
Selección de duroc para un modelo productivo de carne de cerdo tradicional y diferenciada (Rodapork)

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
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This project aims to devise a production model by means of an appropriate genetic
selection of Duroc pigs in order to obtain an optimal animal that can provide a distinguished meat,

and based on a series of ethical considerations, without neglecting the urgent need to optimise the animal science parameters leading to more efficient and
competitive production in terms of production costs.
The main objective  is to return to a production model capable of producing a high-end
differentiated product, meeting the requirements of the traditional
delicatessen, and can provide new cuts of meat for the gourmet market and/or restaurants.


Este Proyecto pretende crear un modelo productivo, mediante un adecuada selección genética de cerdo Duroc, que nos permita obtener un animal óptimo, capaz de proporcionar una carne diferenciada, sin obviar las consideraciones éticas que afectan el proceso productivo, y la necesidad imperiosa de optimizar los parámetros zootécnicos que conduzcan a una producción menos costosa.

El objetivo principal es recuperar un modelo productivo capaz de generar un producto diferenciado de "gama alta" que satisfaga tanto los requerimientos de la charcutería tradicional como los de tiendas gourmet y restarurantes.


Characterisation of the genotypes in the RODAPORK project based on parental purity.
- Planning and carrying out of crosses.
- Genetic/nutritional monitoring of the various combinations studied (monitoring and crosses with Duroc).
- Slaughter and carving.
- Quality analysis of meat and fat. Sensory analysis of cooked meat.
- Final assessment of products.


- Caracterización de los genotipos en pureza parentales del proyecto RODAPORK.

- Planificación y realización de cruces.

- Monitorización genética / nutricional de las diferentes combinaciones objeto de estudio (control y cruces con DUROC).

- Sacrificio y despiece.

- Analítica de calidad de carne y grasa. Análisis sensorial de carne cocinada.

- Evaluación final de productos.


The vast majority of production of pork with white coat genotypes (including Duroc) except for the case of
"Italian pork" produced as the basis for Parma or San Daniele ham, is currently based on optimising the profitcost
ratio, within which the market price manages this production as a "commodity".
However, new market niches are constantly appearing, which demand a differentiated product and highlight
aspects directly related to the quality of the product, and its gastronomic quality and ethical quality in
• Gastronomic quality: its possible use as part of a list of ingredients in a distinguished high added-value
• Ethical quality: the incorporation of sustainability criteria (environmental, economic and social) as
well as differentiated animal welfare criteria in the production model of a specific animal protein.
One of the main objectives in this project is therefore to obtain a uniform product from a genetic programme
that incorporates various combinations of genetic lines, and an in-depth study of the heterosis achieved and
the complementarity between the combined lines and the Duroc base.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 193267.71

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator