project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Raising the value of pulse farming through the development of new products and innovative ingredients
Valorización del cultivo de legumbres a través del desarrollo de nuevos productos e ingredientes innovadores

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
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The main objective of the project is to develop new products with a high rate of innovation and high added value using flours and other new ingredients obtained from pulses. This will not only open up new trade opportunities for producers and farmers, but also increase pulse farming and consumption. The new products will be suitable for people who do not consume animal products or who are allergic to gluten, and will meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly aware of the link between food, health and well-being.


El principal objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar nuevos productos con un alto índice de innovación y un elevado valor añadido utilizando harinas y otros nuevos ingredientes obtenidos a partir de legumbres. Esto permitirá no sólo abrir nuevas oportunidades comerciales para los productores y agricultores, sino también incrementar el cultivo y el consumo de legumbres. Los nuevos productos desarrollados serán aptos para quienes no consumen productos de origen animal, o tienen alguna alergia derivada de la presencia de gluten y permitirán satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores que son cada vez más conscientes de la relación entre la alimentación, la salud y el bienestar.


The actions carried out in the framework of the project are:
Action 1: Characterisation study of raw materials and optimal varietal selection.
Action 2: Obtaining pulse flours, study of their nutritional, techno-functional and bioactive properties.
Action 3: New applications of pulse flours in the food industry. Action 4: Development of new protein-rich plant products.
Action 5: Study of the recovery of by-products obtained from processing pulses for the development of new foods.
Action 6: Development of predictive models using near-infrared technology as a tool for sample analysis and quality control.


Acción 1: Estudio de caracterización de la materia prima y la selección varietal óptima.
Acción 2: Obtención de harinas de legumbres, estudio de sus propiedades nutricionales, tecnofuncionales y bioactivas.
Acción 3: Nuevas aplicaciones de las harinas de legumbres en la industria alimentaria. Acción 4: Desarrollo de nuevos productos vegetales ricos en proteína.
Acción 5: Estudio de valorización de los subproductos obtenidos durante el procesado de legumbres para el desarrollo de nuevos alimentos.
Acción 6: Desarrollo de modelos de predicción mediante tecnología del infrarrojo cercano, como herramienta para el análisis de muestras y control de calidad.


There is a need to increase not only the consumption, but also cultivation and knowledge of pulses given their health benefits, potential for developing innovative foods, the need to establish a “gourmet” market and the amount of pulses imported annually. In this context, this project aims to make use of the research carried out to date and knowledge from different research groups, bearing in mind the current market situation for pulses, to develop new high value-added products which can compete with those developed from animal proteins, thereby increasing the need for pulses and opening up new market channels in innovative formats, thus promoting not only pulse consumption but also their cultivation.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 114870

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Jaume Palau

    Project coordinator