project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

PATADORATA - Venetian Golden Potato: competitiveness and value creation through varietal innovations and conservation techniques.
PATADORATA - Patata dorata veneta: competitività e creazione di valore attraverso innovazioni varietali e tecniche di conservazione

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Completed | 2018 - 2021 Italy
Completed | 2018 - 2021 Italy
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Application of varietal innovations through the cultivation of new varieties already selected and application of innovative product conservation techniques.
Varietal innovation: to enhance the agricultural product through the identification of varieties that are suitable for specific nutritional uses,
which have good organoleptic qualities, little tendency to deformation, and high degree of washability
Conservation: to apply techniques and tools to improve and innovate storage facilities in order to maintain better and longer the qualitative characteristics of the harvested product, reducing the onset of bacterial and fungal rots through ozone sanitation of chill rooms.


Gli obiettivi sono innovazioni varietali e di conservazione. Per l’innovazione varietale si prevede di individuare 2 varietà già costituite con usi alimentari specifici, buone qualità organolettiche, poca deformazione, ed alto valore di lavabilità. Per la conservazione si intende realizzare l’igienizzazione con ozono delle celle di conservazione per ridurre marciumi di natura batterica e fungina e prolungare la durata di conservazione. Il trattamento con ozono aumenta il valore aggiunto del prodotto per qualità migliore e shelf life più lunga, aumento della produttività per riduzione di scarti e resi per difetti ed un vantaggio ambientale in quanto l’ozono si degrada a contatto con l’aria.


WP1 - Varietal innovations 
1. Assessment of the varieties to agronomic tests; 2. Drafting protocol for field tests; 3. Implementation of cultivation tests of innovative varieties; 4. Data collection and processing, drafting of reports.
WP2 - Application of innovative conservation techniques
1. Installing ozone systems; 2. Drafting the protocol of activities for conservation tests; 3. Conservation tests; 4. Data collection, drafting of intermediate and final report
WP3 - Dissemination
1. Business field trips; 2. Distribution of brochures; 3. Publishing specialized articles; 4. Company visits to conservation facilities; 5. Seminars for the dissemination of project results


WP1 - Innovazioni varietali  1. Costituzione gruppo tecnico; 2. Scelta varietà 3. Redazione protocollo attività; 4. Prove di coltivazione; 5. Acquisizione ed elaborazione dati, redazione relazioni WP2 - Tecniche innovative di conservazione 1. Costituzione gruppo tecnico 2. Installazione impianti 3. Redazione protocollo attività 4. Avvio e collaudo  impianti 5. Prove di conservazione 6. Stoccaggio e avvio della conservazione prodotto raccolto 7. Prove di conservazione e controllo qualità. 8. Acquisizione ed elaborazione dati.Redazione relazioni. WP3 - Diffusione 1. Visite aziendali 2. Distribuzione brochure 3. Pubblicazione articoli specialistici 4. Seminari di divulgazione risultati


The Veneto region, with a production of 118,000 tons, on a cultivated area of ​​3,200 hectares, is one of the main potatoes centers in Italy, asserting itself for its high quality.
Among the provinces of Padua, Vicenza and Verona, in the municipalities of Montagnana, Saletto, Megliadino San Fidenzio, Ospedaletto Euganeo, Cologna Veneta, Pressana, Roveredo di Guà, Lonigo, Noventa Vicentina and Poiana Maggiore from the early 1900s, is identified in the alluvial lands along the Adige and Guà rivers an area suited to potatoes, the most important productions were obtained in the red clay soils where quality products were produced, with high organoleptic characteristics and particular color and brightness of the peel, which made them acquire the name of "Golden potato".
The denomination "Golden Potato of the Red Soils of Guà" includes various varieties grown today: Agata, Primura and Colomba, the most cultivated, Vivaldi, Cicero, Monalisa, Liseta and Alba.
The productive average of the area involved in the cultivation of the "Golden Potato" ranges between 40,000 and 50,000 tons per year, equal to a value of about ten million euros, an average production per hectare of about 55 tons and a gross salable production (PLV) of about 11,000 euros per hectare.
The potato sector of the "Golden Potato" is still suffering from the same problems, delays and critical issues of the entire regional and national sector, linked to the high production costs (about 8,000 euros per hectare) and to a low remuneration of the product sold (about 20 euro cents per kilo); it is therefore essential to carry out demonstration activities / projects that apply varieties, agronomic processes and conservation processes capable of creating added value for the sector.

Additional comments

With regard to conservation, it is possible to apply techniques and tools able to improve and innovate the storage facilities to maintain better and longer the quality characteristics of the harvested product, reducing the onset of bacterial and fungal rottenness, through the sanitation with ozone of the cold storage cells. Gaseous ozone is used at a very low concentration in cold storage to prevent the development of mold and bacteria; it is also a powerful deodorizer (Rice et al., 1982). By avoiding microbial activity on food surfaces, the shelf life of fruit and vegetables is prolonged.
The ozone treatment therefore allows to increase the added value of the product placed on the market due to a better quality and a longer shelf life that allows to regulate the offer on the market. In addition, an increase in productivity is obtained due to the average reduction of waste and returns due to defects from the current 15% to 5% of the stored product; in economic terms, a net advantage is obtained due to lower costs and greater quantity sold of approximately € 2.5 million per year for the "Golden Potato" segment only and around € 5 million for the entire Veneto potato sector. Moreover, a clear advantage is obtained also from an environmental point of view, since ozone is a molecule that rapidly degrades when in contact with air
turning into oxygen alone.

Additional information

As far as varietal innovation is concerned, the main need is the identification of varieties suitable for specific food uses (frying, baking, purée, etc.), which have good organoleptic qualities, little tendency to deformation, good resistance to the rottenness and high value of washability (resistance to alterations of mechanical, physiological or parasitic type: dents, scratches, wilting, peeling, greening, budding, deformations, parasites), subcutaneous stains, roughness, suberifications.
It is planned to carry out field tests of at least 2 varieties to be identified between: Orlena, Sme, Spectra, Laudine, Guadi.From the conservation point of view, the storable and storable product character of the potato makes preservation a factor of absolute economic-organizational value, this role is increased if one considers its impact on the quality of the final product; two elements are influenced by the competitiveness of the product: the conservation costs and the quality of the conservation process.
The quality of the product may be affected by unsuitable or non-optimal storage methods, thus causing an economic loss, the entire chain of potato manifests in fact a high infrastructural shortage in this sense felt by the sector operators who show the need to be supported by an intervention policy that attributes specific degrees of priority to this type of investment

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP014 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Veneto
Main geographical location

€ 588198.95

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The OG "PATADORATA" was established to identify new potato varieties, suitable for cultivation in the areas of the Veneto plain and to study cultivars through the application of innovative conservation techniques. In the application of varietal innovations, field trials of innovative varieties were conducted for three different crop years (2018, 2019 and 2020) evaluating the varieties considered most suitable for large-scale cultivation for economic and production purposes. At the end of the trials, it was possible to distinguish the varieties recommended for the areas indicated in the project from those not recommended. The recommended varieties are: Twister, which is resistant to downy mildew and alternaria and is suitable for organic cultivation; Levante has an average production of about 550 q/ha; Gaudi is a variety with good production, although it has a thin skin that is damaged by mechanical harvesting; and La Vie has firm yellow flesh with excellent organoleptic characteristics. Not recommended, however, are the Sunshine, Anivia and Monique varieties. For storage at the fridgeconservation facility and normal technique with low and constant temperatures and average humidity of 87-88 %, ozone equipment was added. Significant results were obtained on the quality of tubers especially in the medium to long term, with a reduction of rotten tubers with percentages varying from 1 to 6 percent of the total volume of the product; there was also a lower percentage of shriveled tubers.

Il GO “PATADORATA” è nato per individuare nuove varietà di patata, adatte alla coltivazione negli areali della pianura veneta e per studiare cultivar attraverso l’applicazione di tecniche di conservazione innovative. Nell’applicazione delle innovazioni varietali sono state realizzate prove di coltivazione in pieno campo di varietà innovative per tre diverse annate agrarie (2018, 2019 e 2020) valutando le varietà ritenute più idonee per una coltivazione su larga scala ai fini economici e produttivi. Al termine delle prove si sono potute distinguere le varietà consigliate per gli areali indicati nel progetto, da quelle non consigliate. Le varietà consigliate sono: Twister, resistente a peronospora e alternaria, si presta alla coltivazione biologica; Levante ha una produzione media di circa 550 q/ha; Gaudi è una varietà di buona produzione, anche se ha la buccia sottile che si danneggia con la raccolta meccanica e La Vie ha pasta soda di colore giallo con ottime caratteristiche organolettiche. Sconsigliate invece sono le varietà Sunshine, Anivia e Monique. Per la conservazione all’impianto di frigoconservazione e alla normale tecnica con temperature basse e costanti e umidità media dell’87–88 %, sono state aggiunge apparecchiature per la produzione di ozono. Risultati significativi sono stati ottenuti sulla qualità dei tuberi soprattutto nel medio-lungo periodo, con una riduzione di tuberi marci con percentuali variabile dall’ 1% al 6% del volume totale del prodotto; si è riscontrato inoltre una minore percentuale di tuberi avvizziti.

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Project coordinator

  • Terre del Guà - Società Cooperativa Agricola

    Project coordinator

Project partners


    Project partner

  • Agriveneto spa

    Project partner

  • Istituto Cooperativo di Ricerca

    Project partner