project - Research and innovation

INCREdible - Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin - Resins iNet
INCREdible - Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin - Resins iNet

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The overall objective of INCREdible is the promotion and innovation of NWFPs in the Mediterranean through the development and animation of a multi-actor network of networks in order to increase knowledge flows contribute to business discovery, social innovation and the co-design of locally adapted innovative value chains.


See objectives in English.


INCREdible will develop Innovation NETworks (iNets) of Mediterranean NWFPs. Each iNet will aim to gather best practices (both practical and science-based) related to NWFP production, transformation and trade channels. Attention will be drawn to cross-cutting sectorial issues such as innovative (i) business models and value chains, (II) access to finance, (iii) marketing, and digital tools. It will be collected information and knowledge arising from iNets into an interregional online platform, which will function both as a deposit and exchange system of information among partners, existing networks and organizations, for raising awareness of existing success cases and cross-fertilization.

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The project has 5 iNets, for 5 non-wood forest products (NWFP): Cork, Resin, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants, Wild Mushrooms & Truffles and Wild Nuts and Berries.

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This group of PA concerns the Resin iNet, one of the five iNets of the INCREdible thematic network.

Key challenges of the resin as a non-wood forest product are:

• To spread proven management and harvest techniques to those areas where production fully stopped.

• To recover and compile ancient and new results of scientific research and disseminate them among key stakeholders.

• The need to strengthen the weakest part of the value chain and to recognize the importance of the sectorial cohesion.

• To reconsider the importance of multipurpose forest management to take advantage of market opportunities at territorial level.

• To fight climate change and the irruption of new pests and phytosanitary syndromes threatening the coniferous Mediterranean forest. Maritime pine is particularly affected.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1999150

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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37 Practice Abstracts

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Several management scenarios are modelled in order to estimate their average carbon stock, according to different time paths. From the forest production data (tables and growth models), carbon stock in forestry system is assessed with the software CO2FIX. Different technological itineraries suggested answer to the fertility variability of stations and allow the comparison of the choices effect in forest management: date, intensity and numbers of cuts, or duration of rotation particularly. Diverse hazards can also be simulated (forest fires, prematurely clear cuts) in order to study the impacts. It is then possible to compare the carbon footprints of a baseline scenario to an improved management scenario.Amongst the tested scenarios, it seems beneficial to promote, in Alepo pine forests, long terms technological itinerary with several thinning before final harvest rather than itinerary voluntarily shorten or through the simulation of forest fire.

Reasoned thinning (≤ 40 % of the volume) also allow a greater carbon sequestration while limiting understory vegetation development, thus the forest fire risk.

To showcase carbon aspect can make silvicultural operations attractive while the latter address other issues. This approach can mobilize the forestry sector and possible funding sources to trigger economically unprofitable but necessary intervention. More Information:

Plusieurs scénarios de gestion sont modélisés afin d’estimer leur stock de carbone moyen, sur différents pas de temps. À partir de données de production (tables et modèles de croissance), le stock de carbone dans le système forestier est évalué grâce au logiciel CO2FIX. Les différents itinéraires techniques proposés répondent aux variabilités de fertilité des stations et permettent de comparer les effets des choix de gestion sylvicole : date, intensité et nombre de coupes, ou durée de révolution notamment. Divers aléas peuvent également être simulés (incendie, coupe rase anticipée) pour en étudier l’impact. Il est alors possible de comparer les bilans de carbone d’un scénario de base et d’un scénario de gestion améliorée.Parmi les scénarios sylvicoles testés dans les massifs de pin d’Alep, il apparaît plus intéressant de promouvoir des itinéraires techniques sur un cycle long, comprenant plusieurs éclaircies avant récolte, plutôt que ceux raccourcis volontairement ou par la simulation d’un incendie.

Les éclaircies d’intensité raisonnée (≤ 40 % du volume) permettent aussi une séquestration plus importante, tout en limitant le développement du sous-étage et donc le risque d’incendie.

La mise en avant l’aspect carbone peut rendre les opérations sylvicoles attractives, ces dernières répondant également à d’autres enjeux. Cette démarche aide à mobiliser la filière et d’éventuelles sources de financement, pour déclencher les interventions déficitaires mais nécessaires. More Information:

Resin is one of the products that can be obtained from pinaster pine stands, with wood being the main productive objective in most of the Spanish stands. That is why, so far, no resin production models have been developed, although there are research groups working in this area. One of the initiatives presented was that of CETEMAS, where work is being done on the calibration of the 3PG process model for stone pine and pinaster pine stands in the Central Plateau. These types of models are complicated, require many input variables, but explain the physiological functioning of trees, allowing their evolution to be known under certain conditions. In this sense, UPM develops a line of research that seeks to understand the interrelationships between soil and climate in resin production. Process models could be applied to resin production in the future.Process models offer many advantages, since they combine dasometric and environmental variables, provide spatial resolution, are a useful tool for forest management and make it possible to know the behavior of forest stands under different climatic scenarios. The main drawback lies in the complexity of its calibration, since it requires a large amount of input data, and its development and validation takes time. In this sense, LiDAR technology is another of the technologies that may be of great interest in the field of estimation of resin production. This technology allows estimating stand and individual tree attributes at low cost but ensuring high precision. More Information:

La resina es uno de los productos que se puede obtener de las masas de pino pinaster, siendo la madera el principal objetivo productivo en la mayoría de las masas forestales españolas. Es por eso que, hasta el momento, no se han desarrollado modelos de producción de resina, aunque existen grupos de investigación trabajando en este ámbito. Una de las iniciativas presentadas fue la de CETEMAS, donde se está trabajando en la calibración del modelo de proceso 3PG para masas de pino piñonero y pino pinaster en la Meseta Central. Este tipo de modelos, son complicados, requieren muchas variables de entrada, pero explican el funcionamiento fisiológico de los árboles permitiendo conocer su evolución bajo ciertas condiciones dadas.  En este sentido, la UPM desarrolla una línea de investigación que busca entender las interrelaciones entres suelo y clima en la producción de resina. Los modelos de proceso ofrecen muchas ventajas, ya que combinan variables dasométricas y medioambientales, proporcionan resolución espacial, son una herramienta útil para la gestión forestal y permiten conocer el comportamiento de las masas forestales bajo diferentes escenarios climáticos. El principal inconveniente radica en la complejidad de su calibración, ya que requiere una gran cantidad de datos de entrada, y su desarrollo y validación lleva tiempo.  En este sentido, la tecnología LiDAR es otra de las tecnologías que pueden resultar de gran interés en el ámbito de la estimación de la producción resinera. Esta tecnología permite estimar atributos de masa y de árbol individual a bajo coste pero asegurando una gran precisión. More Information:

The stands studied are mixed forests of Pinus pinaster (dominant species), Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus. 45 plots were established along an altitudinal gradient (790-1200 m) with climatic conditions of 518 mm per year and 12.7 ºC of average temperature. The biotic and abiotic factors present were characterized in these plots: fungi, insects, growth. In addition, the plots were classified according to the degree of decay that they showed according to different indicators such as defoliation level, mistletoe affection, growth decay and lack of regeneration.The analysis of the plots shows that biotic factors such as Armillaria mellea appears among the factors causing the decay of Pinus pinaster in its dry limit, which may be a factor that contributes to the decay. However, biotic factors are dominant, particularly those related to water stress (including mistletoe and weather). Also the legacies of land use have an effect as predisposing factors (long-term) and inciting factors (short-term). These legacies have important consequences for species dynamics today, including decay. Although the true implications that the historical use of forests has on the current distribution of species are still unknown. Understanding the relationships between these factors will help explain the phenomena of decay. More Information:

Las masas estudiadas son bosques mixtos de Pinus pinaster (especie dominante), Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus. Se establecieron 45 parcelas a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal (790-1200 m) con unas condiciones climáticas de 518 mm y 12.7 ºC de temperatura media. En estas parcelas se caracterizaron los factores bióticos y abióticos presentes: hongos, insectos, crecimiento. Además, se clasificaron las parcelas según el grado de decaimiento que mostraban de acuerdo a diferentes indicadores como nivel de defoliación, afección por muérdago, decaimiento en el crecimiento y falta de regeneración.El análisis de las parcelas muestra que entre los factores causantes del decaímiento de Pinus pinaster en su límite seco, aparecen factores bióticos como Armillaria mellea que puede ser un factor que contribuya al decaimiento. Sin embargo, los factores bióticos son los dominantes, en particular los relacionados con el estrés hídrico (incluyendo muérdago y clima). También los legados del uso de la tierra tienen efecto como factores que predisponen (a largo plazo) y factores que incitan (corto plazo). Estos legados tienen importantes consecuencias en la dinámica de especies hoy en día, incluyendo el decaimiento. Aunque todavía se desconocen las verdaderas implicaciones que el uso histórico de los bosques tiene en la actual distribución de especies. Entender las relaciones entre estos factores, ayudará a explicar los fenómenos de decaimiento. More Information:

The cooperative Pinaster Servicios Medioambientales, located in Tabuyo del Monte, Spain, bases its business model on the extraction of natural resin complemented by other activities such as active rural tourism, micoturism, production of forest fruits, forestry work and timber harvesting.

Training is another key activity of the cooperative, both in terms of environmental education and resin extraction techniques, within the framework of a business philosophy based on sustainability and a commitment to nature and ecology.

This model protects and strengthens the work of the resin workers, and facilitates the survival of the business in adverse periods, typical of the fluctuating market for natural resin.The traditional resin tapper profession, like that of other forest harvesters, is a precarious livelihood threatened by major external factors.

Public authorities should stimulate the generation of decent and quality rural employment through highly professionalised employment models, whose activity is capable of adapting efficiently to the business opportunities offered by multifunctional forest management. This initiative should avoid subsidies, but rather stimulate the creation of a network of cooperatives that provide a stable employment framework.

Resin producers must bet on forestry cooperatives, a formula that, in addition, generates benefits for the rural community as a future socio-labour project. More Information:

La cooperativa Pinaster Servicios Medioambientales, con base en Tabuyo del Monte, España, basa su modelo de negocio en la extracción de resina natural complementada con otras actividades como el turismo rural activo, el micoturismo, la producción de frutos del bosque, los trabajos selvícolas y el aprovechamiento maderero.

La formación es otra actividad clave de la cooperativa, tanto en su vertiente de educación ambiental como en la técnica resinera, enmarcada en una filosofía empresarial basada en la sostenibilidad y la apuesta por lo natural y ecológico.

Este modelo protege y refuerza laboralmente a los trabajadores resineros, y facilita la supervivencia del negocio en periodos adversos, propios del fluctuante mercado de la resina natural.El oficio de resinero tradicional, como el de otros recolectores forestales, es un medio de vida precario y amenazado por factores externos de envergadura.

Los poderes públicos deberían estimular la generación de empleo rural digno y de calidad mediante modelos laborales altamente profesionalizados, cuya actividad sea capaz de adaptarse de forma eficiente a las oportunidades de negocio que ofrece la gestión forestal multifuncional. Esta iniciativa debe huir del subsidio, y sí estimular la creación de un entramado de cooperativas que proporcione un marco laboral estable.

Los resineros deben apostar por el cooperativismo forestal, una fórmula que, además, genera beneficio para la comunidad rural en tanto que proyecto sociolaboral de futuro. More Information:

DL 181/2015 applies to all resin operators involved in the economic circuit of pine resin in Portugal, from extraction, transport, storage, first processing to import and export. It establishes the requirements, related to wounds and other practices involving trees and resin, and several procedures, which include the registration of the operator and prior notification of resin tapping. It includes the imposition of fines for non-compliance with the rules, ensuring the sustainability of operations and resin management practices in pine forests.

The Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry (ICNF) has implemented the SiResin app to facilitate the registration of operators and the submission of resin declarations.(a) There is no specific resin tapping season, although higher yields are associated with the warmest months.

(b) Two resin tapping systems:

- to death: trees are tapped in the 4 years immediately preceding the cut (thinning or final cut)

- to life: the wounds are made over several years. In that case, minimum tree diameter=20 cm; distance between tapped faces=10 cm

(c) depth of wounds≤1 cm; 1st wound 20 cm aboveground and made in an upward direction; at the end of the 4th year, the height of the tapped face should not exceed 2 m (see image).

The tools and all the material used to collect the resin must be removed at the end of the season. More Information:

O DL 181/2015 aplica-se a todos os operadores de resina envolvidos no circuito económico da resina de pinho em Portugal, desde a extração, transporte, armazenagem, primeira transformação até à importação e exportação. Estabelece os requisitos, relacionados com as feridas e outras práticas que envolvam as árvores e a resinagem, e diversos procedimentos, que incluem o registo do operador e a comunicação prévia da resinagem. Prevê a aplicação de coimas por incumprimento das regras, garantindo a sustentabilidade das operações e práticas de gestão da resina nos pinhais.

O Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF) implementou a aplicação SiResin para facilitar o registo dos operadores e a apresentação das declarações de resina.(a) Não existe um período específico para a prática da resinagem, embora as produções mais elevadas estejam associadas aos meses mais quentes.

(b) Dois sistemas de extração de resina:

- à morte: árvores exploradas nos 4 anos imediatamente anteriores ao corte (desbaste ou corte final)

- à vida: as feridas efetuam-se ao longo de vários anos. Neste caso, diâmetro mínimo da árvore=20 cm e distância entre as presas=10 cm

(c) profundidade das feridas≤1 cm; 1ª ferida a 20 cm acima do solo e feitas no sentido ascendente; no final do 4º ano, a altura da fiada não deve exceder 2 m (ver imagem).

As ferramentas e todo o material utilizado para recolha da resina têm que ser retirados no final da campanha. More Information:

Old studies have already carried out similar experiments (A.Oudin and P.Buffault). The conclusions were as follows: resin extraction leads to a slight decrease in growth and therefore an increase in density. It also leads to an increase in compressive, flexural and buckling strength as well as better preservation (increased resistance to insects and fungi due to chemical transformations).

These results should be qualified because the extraction method is no longer the same as before. The study will, therefore, make it possible to update these results.Pine resin is harvested for three years using the Biogemme method (open circular pikes using a mechanized tool and resin activator). 6 trees whose resin has been harvested will be compared to 6 trees whose resin has not been harvested. Following the cutting of the trees, the following elements will be studied :

Quality of the wood by characterization of the mechanical performances (4-point edge bending tests, BRINELL hardness test)

Drying time and energy costs (target moisture content of 14%)

Resin uplift (aesthetics) of sawn timber

Finish adhesion (measurement by Persoz pendulum for surface characteristics, " quick" degradation test by QUV, and adhesion of the finish quantified by the Positest) More Information:

D'anciennes études ont déjà effectué des expérimentations similaires (A.Oudin et P.Buffault). Les conclusions étaient les suivantes: l'extraction de résine engendre une légère diminution de l'accroissement et donc une augmentation de la densité. Cela engendre également une augmentation de la résistance à la compression, à la flexion et au flambage ainsi qu'une meilleure conservation (augmentation de la résistance aux insectes et champignons suite à des transformations chimiques).

Ces résultats sont à nuancer car la méthode de gemmage n’est plus la même qu’avant. L’étude permettra donc d’actualiser ces résultats.Les pins sont gemmés pendant trois ans avec la méthode Biogemme (cares circulaires ouvertes à l’aide d’un outil mécanisé et activation). 6 arbres gemmés seront comparés à 6 arbres non gemmés. Suite à la coupe des arbres, les éléments suivants seront étudiés :

- qualité du bois par caractérisation des performances mécaniques (tests de flexion 4 points à chant, test dureté de BRINELL)

- temps de séchage et coûts énergétiques (taux d’humidité à cible de 14%)

- remontées de résine (esthétique) des sciages

- tenue des finitions (mesure par pendule Persoz pour les caractéristiques de surface, test de dégradation « rapide » par QUV, et adhésion de la finition quantifiée par le Positest). More Information:

The resin from 23 trees per plot was harvested for 4 months in 2018 and again in 2019.

In dry heathland, the average yield was 2.97 kg/tree per year in 2018 and 2.40 kg/tree per year in 2019.

In mesophilic heathland, the average yield was 2.77 kg/tree per year in 2018 and 2.40 kg/tree per year in 2019.

In wet heathland, the average yield was 2.87 kg/tree per year in 2018 and 2.65 kg/tree per year in 2019.

The average yield does not seem to be correlated with the type of heath (close means and high standard deviations). 

High variability in yield was observed between trees. It would appear that larger trees would produce more resin.

These trends will need to be confirmed with further experiments. The aim of this experiment was to show whether or not there is a link between the production of Pinus pinaster resin and the type of heathland. In order to eliminate as much bias as possible, it is, therefore, necessary to fix the other variables. In other words, the three plots should have the same characteristics: same density, same dendrometric characteristics, same climate (rainfall, sunshine, temperatures), same genetic characteristics, etc.

The three plots are located in the commune of Captieux, the stands are from seedlings and are around 50 years old. More Information:

La résine de 23 arbres par parcelle a été récoltée pendant 4  mois en 2018 puis en 2019. En lande sèche, le rendement moyen a été de 2,97 kg/arbre/an en 2018 et 2,40 kg/arbre/an en 2019. En lande mésophile, le rendement moyen a été de 2,77 kg/arbre/an en 2018 et 2,40 kg/arbre/an en 2019. En lande humide le rendement moyen a été de 2,87 kg/arbre/an en 2018 et 2,65 kg/arbre/an en 2019. Le rendement moyen ne semble pas corrélé au type de lande (moyennes proches et écarts types élevés).

Il a été observé une grande variabilité de rendement entre les arbres. Il semblerait que les arbres plus gros produiraient plus de résine. Ces tendances seront à confirmer avec d’autres expérimentations. L’objectif de cette expérimentation était de mettre en évidence l’existence ou non d’un lien entre la production de résine de pin maritime et le type de lande. Afin d’éliminer un maximum de biais, il est donc nécessaire de fixer les autres variables. En d’autres termes, il faudrait que les trois placettes aient les mêmes caractéristiques : même densité, caractères dendrométriques identiques, même climat (précipitations, ensoleillement, températures), même caractéristiques génétique, etc.

Les trois placettes sont situées sur la commune de Captieux, les peuplements sont issus de semis, ont aux alentours de 50 ans.  More Information:

The improvement of the technical and environmental characteristics of a plastic coming from starch (i.e.: poly(lactic acid) (PLA)) and bacterial produced polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB), is demonstrated by adding Limonene, derived from natural resin, in the following aspects:

Improved processability between PLA and PHB polymers.

Improvement of the thermal product stability, with an improvement of the general small processing window of PHB.

Increased flexibility, even while maintaining the mechanical strength of the product

The disintegrability test under UNE-EN ISO 20200 standard confirmed the biodegradable character of all the tested formulations.Considering that the bioplastic products are more expensive than traditional petrochemical-based products, the use of pine resin derivatives as plastic additives could reduce the cost of the final product.

Biodegradable plastic, used rationally, produces environmental benefits such as plastic waste generation in agriculture.

Pine resin derivatives can be also used in petrochemical-based plastic to increase the biobased content into the formulation and reduce the environmental impact of these plastic products.

The success of the deliberate introduction of resin derivatives into the packaging sector depends on the viability of the resin derivatives production (terpenes, gum rosin, etc.) to supply the plastic industry. More Information:

La mejora de las características técnicas y ambientales de un plástico procedente del almidón (ácido poliláctico) (PLA)) y del polihidroxibutirato (PHB) producido por bacterias, se demuestra añadiendo Limoneno, derivado de la resina natural, en los siguientes aspectos:

Mejora de la procesabilidad entre los polímeros de PLA y PHB.

Mejora de la estabilidad térmica del producto, con una mejora de la pequeña ventana de procesamiento general del PHB.

Aumento de la flexibilidad, incluso manteniendo la resistencia mecánica del producto

El ensayo de desintegrabilidad según la norma UNE-EN ISO 20200 confirmó el carácter biodegradable de todas las formulaciones ensayadas.El plástico biodegradable, utilizado racionalmente, produce beneficios ambientales como la reducción del consumo de agua o de pesticidas en la agricultura.

Los productos bioplásticos son más caros que los productos tradicionales basados en la petroquímica; el uso de derivados de la resina de pino como aditivos podría reducir el costo del producto final.

Los derivados de la resina de pino también pueden utilizarse en los plásticos de base petroquímica para aumentar el contenido natural en la formulación y reducir el impacto ambiental.

El éxito de la introducción de derivados de la resina en el sector de los envases depende de la producción de los derivados de la resina (terpenos, colofonia, etc.) para abastecer a la industria del plástico. More Information:

The technical guide, aimed at regional and local administrations, offers guidelines and directives for the implementation of the procedure for signing territorial contracts - bases and calls for tender - and on the administrative structure required for the management of the territorial contract to support the resin tapper activity.

The document, prepared taking into account the opinion of sectoral experts from both the public administration and the private sector, offers a catalogue of possible commitments that can be assumed by the beneficiary resin producers, as well as the possible considerations that the public administration can offer. It also indicates the possible means of financing the territorial resin contract.The territorial contract is an opportunity for the administrations, not only to support the resin workers, but also to configure a forestry labour profile based on the multifunctional use of the forest, and the generation of positive externalities within the framework of the Community strategy for sustainable development.

The public administrations must understand the importance of stimulating a forestry labour model in which the worker balances his sources of income by carrying out complementary activities related to various agroforestry resources.

In contrast, a professional profile based on resin monoculture is very exposed to failure and a socio-professional crisis due to external economic factors. More Information:

La guía técnica, dirigida las administraciones regionales y locales, ofece pautas y directrices para la puesta en marcha del procedimiento de suscripción de los contratos territoriales -bases y convocatorias-, y sobre la estructura administrativa precisa para la gestión del contrato territorial de apoyo a la actividad resinera.

El documento, elaborado teniendo en cuenta la opinión de expertos sectoriales tanto de la administración pública como del sector privado, ofrece un catálogo de posibles compromisos que pueden asumir los resineros beneficiarios, así como las posibles contraprestaciones que la administración pública puede ofrecer. Se indican, además, los posibles medios de financiación del contrato territorial resinero.El contrato territorial es una oportunidad para las administraciones, no solo como apoyo los trabajadores resineros, sino para promover un perfil laboral forestal basado en el aprovechamiento multifuncional del monte, y la generación de externalidades positivas en el marco de la estrategia Comunitaria de desarrollo sostenible.

Las administraciones públicas deben comprender la importancia de estimular un modelo laboral forestal en el que el trabajador equilibre sus fuentes de ingresos mediante el ejercicio de actividades complementarias relacionadas diversos recursos agroforestales.

Por contra, un perfil profesional basado en el monocultivo de la resina está expuesto al fracaso y la crisis sociolaboral debido a factores económicos externos. More Information:

The use of the association's website is rather satisfactory, which proves the interest and curiosity of the public for the approach.

The association took part in several events in 2019: a conference at the library in Anglet in May, a tour on resin extraction organised by the Groupement de Productivité Forestière du Lot-et-Garonne in Biscarosse in June. This notably allowed to measure the interest of forest owners for the return of resin extraction in their forests.

At the same time, the association is a partner in the European project SustForest Plus, whose objective is to revive resin extraction in southern Europe. The association participates in the elaboration of the French strategy and sets up experiments to improve the productivity and profitability of the activity. The association brings together several stakeholders at different levels of the value chain. Indeed, the board of directors is made up of foresters ( Silviculturist, Pro Silva France, Alliance Forêt Bois, Forestry Association Useful Forest Management of Biscarosse, Urcofor, Ceresa), tappers (Biogemme Holiste), industrialists (Cgt Groupe Gascogne, Biolandes, Uirpm).

Any person can freely join the association, whether it is an individual or an association, local authority, company or industrial.

It should be noted that the Landes Departmental Council has been supporting "Gemme la forêt d'Aquitaine" for several years.  More Information:

La fréquentation du site internet de l’association est plutôt satisfaisante ce qui prouve l’intérêt et la curiosité du public pour la démarche.

L’association a participé à plusieurs évènements en 2019 : conférence à la bibliothèque d’Anglet en mai, tournée sur le gemmage organisée par le Groupement de Productivité Forestière du Lot-et-Garonne à Biscarosse en juin. Cela a notamment permis de mesurer l’intérêt des propriétaires forestiers pour le retour du gemmage dans leurs forêts.

En parallèle, l’association est partenaire du projet européen SustForest Plus dont l’objectif est la relance du gemmage dans le sud de l’Europe. L’association participe à l’élaboration de la stratégie française et met en place des expérimentations pour faire progresser la productivité et la rentabilité de l’activité.L’association regroupe plusieurs acteurs à différents niveaux de la chaîne de valeur. En effet, le conseil d’administration est constitué de forestiers (Sylviculteur, Pro Silva France, Alliance Forêt Bois, Association Gestion Forestière Usagère Biscarosse, Urcofor, Ceresa), de gemmeurs (Biogemme Holiste), d’industriels (Cgt Groupe Gascogne, Biolandes, Uirpm). Toute personne peut adhérer librement à l’association, qu’il s’agisse d’une adhésion individuelle ou d’association, collectivité locale, entreprise ou industriel. A noter que le Conseil Départemental des Landes soutient depuis plusieurs années « Gemme la forêt d’Aquitaine ». More Information:

Four socio-labour profiles identified:

Young people with exclusive dedication, inactive between campaigns. 17-21-year-olds.

Partial dedication. Located in less productive pinewood areas.

Exclusive dedication. Located in more productive areas: They extract from 7,000 to 10,000 pine trees. They're about 70%.

Women. Exclusive or partial dedication. About 1%.

Two main entry factors: a refuge from unemployment and desired employment option.

Exit factors: lack of professionalism and knowledge, temporality and lack of economic performance.

The group demands training and mentoring plans.Comprehensive, long-term training programmes must be created that include:

Forestry and business training.

Program of tutoring and accompaniment to the new resin tapper worker during the first years.

This training system should be based on a network of experienced professionals who connect with those with less experience and knowledge, to support the new resin tappers.

The training must be adapted to the needs of new and veteran resin tappers.

Training actions should be led and supported by the Public Administration as coordinating and managing authority.  More Information:

Se han identificado cuatro perfiles sociolaborales

Jóvenes con dedicación exclusiva, inactivos entre campañas. 17-21 años.

Dedicación parcial. Zonas de pinares menos productivos.

Dedicación exclusiva. Ubicados en zonas más productivas: Llevan 7.000 a 10.000 pinos. Al rededor del 70%.

Mujeres. Dedicaciones exclusivas o parciales. Cerca del 1%.

Dos factores principales de entrada: refugio ante el desempleo y opción laboral deseada.

Factores de salida: falta de profesionalidad y conocimientos, temporalidad y baja rentabilidad.

El colectivo demanda planes de formación y mentorización.Se deben crear programas de formación integral de larga duración que incluyan:

Formación forestal y empresarial.

Programa de tutoración y acompañamiento al resinero durante los primeros años.

Este sistema formativo debe basarse en una red de profesionales experimentados que conecte con los de menor trayectoria y conocimiento, para dar soporte a los nuevos resineros.

La formación debe adaptarse a las necesidades de los resineros nuevos y veteranos.

Las acciones formativas deben estar encabezadas y avaladas por la Administración Pública como autoridad de coordinación y gestión.  More Information:

The label is a means of guaranteeing the quality and origin of a product for the consumer and the producer. It is awarded by an independent public body, the national institute of origin and quality (INAO) and checks are regularly carried out to ensure that production complies with the specifications. A label is, therefore, a distinction that enhances the value of the production in relation to the competition.

For the natural resin market, the competition is twofold: natural resin from other continents and products made from tall oil. The label must, therefore, guarantee both the origin of the resin and the method of extraction.European legislation recognises several signs of quality:

AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée or Controlled Designation of Origin) and AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protégée or Protected Designation of Origin): protects the know-how, the production technique attached to a territory that gives it its specificity;

PGI (Protected Geographical Indication): recognises the quality of a product at its origin. The main manufacturing operations (and not all activities) must be carried out in a defined area.

Label Red: guarantees a higher level of quality compared to other products that are similar in terms of their production or manufacturing conditions. More Information:

Le label est un moyen de garantir la qualité et l’origine d’un produit pour le consommateur et le producteur. Il est attribué par un organisme public indépendant, l'institut national de l'origine et de la qualité (INAO) et des contrôles sont régulièrement effectués afin de vérifier que la production répond au cahier des charges. Un label est donc une distinction qui valorise la production par rapport à la concurrence.           

Pour le marché de la résine naturelle, la concurrence est double : résine naturelle en provenance d’autres continents, et produits issus du tall oil. Le label doit donc à la fois garantir l’origine de la résine mais également son mode d’extractionLa législation européenne reconnaît plusieurs signes de qualités :

AOC (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée) et AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée): protège le savoir-faire, la technique de production rattachée à un territoire qui lui donne sa spécificité ;

IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée) : reconnaît la qualité d’un produit à son origine. Les opérations principales de fabrication (et non l’ensemble des activités) doivent être réalisées dans une zone délimitée.

Label Rouge : garantit un niveau de qualité supérieur par rapport aux autres produits similaires par leurs conditions de production ou fabrication. More Information:

The project was developed from November 2016 to October 2019. The research consisted of drawing inspiration from ancient manufacturing techniques to approach the exceptional quality of Antonio Stradivari's varnish.  

The experiments carried out during the Stradivernis project made it possible to identify for the first time the curves of heat treatments on oil and rosin and their influence on the quality of the varnish film, in particular its gloss and resistance to solvents.

The addition of additives considerably improves the drying time of the film and the technical characteristics of the films. The most advanced formulations have made it possible to envisage an extension of this work towards an industrial project. A know-how repository is in progress on these formulations with additives.The experiments were carried out in three areas:

Study of oil heat treatments and their influence on the quality of the varnish film. Five treatments were tested: raw oil, two heat treatments below 200°C, rinsing of the oil with water before a heat treatment below 200°C, and standolization at 400°C under nitrogen. 

Heat treatments of rosin and their influence on the quality of the varnish film. Four treatments were tested: raw rosin and three heat treatments at 180°C, 200°C and 250°C for 30 minutes. 

The addition of mineral additives and their influences on the polymerisation and the quality of the varnish film. More Information:

Les travaux ont été développés de novembre 2016 à octobre 2019. Les recherches ont consisté à s’inspirer des techniques anciennes de fabrication afin de s’approcher de la qualité exceptionnelle du vernis d’Antonio Stradivari.             

Les expériences menées au cours du projet Stradivernis ont permis d’identifier pour la première fois les courbes de traitements thermiques sur l’huile et la colophane et leur influence sur la qualité du film de vernis, notamment sur sa brillance et sa résistance aux solvants. L’ajout d’additifs améliore considérablement le temps de séchage du film et les caractéristiques techniques des films. Les formulations les plus abouties ont permis d’envisager un prolongement de ce travail vers un projet industriel. Un dépôt de savoir-faire est en cours sur ces formulations avec additifsLes expériences ont été menées sur trois axes :

1. Etude des traitements thermiques de l’huile et de leurs influences sur la qualité du film de vernis. Cinq traitements ont été testés : l’huile crue, deux traitements thermiques inférieurs à 200°C, un rinçage de l’huile à l’eau avant un traitement thermique inférieur à 200°C, et une standolisation à 400°C sous azote. 

2. Les traitements thermiques de la colophane et leurs influences sur la qualité du film de vernis. Quatre traitements ont été testés : la colophane crue et trois traitements thermiques à 180°C, 200°C et 250°C pendant 30 minutes. 

3. L’ajout d’additifs minéraux et leurs influences sur la polymérisation et la qualité du film de vernis. More Information:

The first results concern the description of practices abandoned in France but still in progress in Northern Italy and the Austrian Tyrol; the bibliographical analysis of the genomic and biochemical mechanisms of terpene and resin acid overproduction after injury or simulation of injury by methyl jasmonate and, finally, the first successful RNA extractions from Pinus sylvestris wood, paving the way for the identification of terpene synthesis genes, activated after injury. The research will then focus on the wounding method, the adjuvants to be applied to the wound, and the chemical composition of the resin of different species.The results of the project are and will be achieved in two ways. The first one consists in carrying out bibliographical and ancient archive research. The second is to carry out experiments.

The knowledge produced will be fundamental and is mainly addressed to other scientists but also to members of the resin industry who might be interested in data on species other than maritime pine.  More Information:

Les premiers résultats concernent la description des pratiques abandonnées en France mais encore en cours en Italie du Nord et au Tyrol autrichien, l’analyse bibliographique des mécanismes génomiques et biochimiques de surproduction de terpènes et d’acides résiniques après blessure ou simulation de blessure par le jasmonate de méthyle et enfin les premières extractions réussies d’ARN du bois de pin sylvestre, ouvrant la voie à l’identification des gènes de synthèse des terpènes, activés après blessures. Les recherches porteront ensuite sur la méthode de blessure, les adjuvants à appliquer sur la blessure, et la composition chimique de la résine des différentes espèces.Les résultats du projet sont et seront obtenus de deux manières. La première consiste à effectuer une recherche bibliographique et d’archives anciennes. La seconde consiste à réaliser des expérimentations.

Les connaissances produites seront fondamentales et s’adressent principalement à d’autres scientifiques mais aussi aux membres de la filière résine qui pourraient être intéressés par des données sur d’autres essences que le pin maritime. More Information:

In the SustForest Plus project, a series of nine technical sheets have been produced that will allow local blacksmiths to manufacture the main resin tools. 

Each sheet is dedicated to a specific tool or accessory, of which a general description is provided: what it is for and how it is used.

Also, each tool is described in terms of materials, dimensions, and manufacturing steps.

One of the most important elements of the sheets is the dimensional drawings of each of the parts described.Although a brief explanation of how to use each of the tools is given in the sheets, the purpose of this manual is only to describe their manufacture. It should be borne in mind that, although the resination technique is relatively easy to learn, only with the help of an instructor can it become a profitable and safe activity for the resin worker, and safe from the phytosanitary point of view.

For this reason, it is not recommended to make the tools for starting in the resin extraction activity in a self-taught way. More Information:

En el proyecto SustForest Plus se han realizado una serie de nueve fichas técnicas que permitirán a herreros locales la fabricación de las principales herramientas de resinación.

Cada ficha está dedicada a una herramienta o accesorio concreto, del que se proporciona una descripción general: para qué y cómo se usa.

Además, de cada herramienta se describen los materiales, dimensiones y fases para la fabricación. 

Uno de los elementos más importantes de las fichas son los croquis acotados de cada una de las piezas descritas.Aunque en las fichas se da una breve explicación sobre la forma de uso de cada una de las herramientas, el objetivo de este manual es únicamente describir su fabricación. Hay que tener muy en cuenta que, aunque la técnica de resinación es relativamente fácil de aprender, solo con ayuda de un instructor puede llegar a constituir una actividad rentable y segura para el resinero, y segura desde el punto de vista fitosanitario.

Por ello, no se recomienda fabricar las herramientas para iniciarse en la resinación de forma autodidacta. More Information:

In trees that had been tapped in previous years with a 12 cm width face, opening a 20 cm width face  (C12-20) produces 21.8% more resin than a new 12 cm face  (C12-12) -see figure 2.

By opening a 20 cm face (T20)  on trees that have never been tapped, it produces 21.5% more resin than with a 12 cm face (T12).

Opening a 20 cm face in either case with and without prior tapping, increases production by 21-22%, although total production is much higher in previously tapped trees (4.5kg versus 3.7kg). The positive effect of the 20cm face on resin production would be demonstrated if statistically confirmed when compared to the 12 cm face.

The tapping practised in this way has no significant effect on the subsequent use of the wood for sawing.Further research is needed to increase knowledge leading to optimize the method and to improve its adaptation to multifunctional forestry. The conducted research leads to making progress with the method validity but optimization is needed to improve operational tapping mode and to establish adequate protocols about stand selection, tapping season or adequate time of application previous to logging.  

In any case, the showed results open the possibility to practice an end-of-rotation tapping, 2-3 years before logging, applying the adapted wide resin tapping face method, which is compatible with the production of sawn timber in the Galician forests. More Information:

En los árboles resinados en años anteriores con una cara de 12 cm de ancho, la apertura de una cara de 20 cm de ancho produce un 21,8% más de resina que una nueva cara de 12 cm.

Al abrir una cara de 20 cm en árboles sin resinación previa, se produce un 21,5% más de resina que con una cara de 12 cm.

Así, abrir una cara de 20 cm siempre aumenta la producción en un 21-22%, aunque la producción total es mayor en árboles previamente resinados (4,5 kg frente a 3,7 kg). El efecto positivo de la cara de 20 cm en la producción de resina se demostraría si se confirmara estadísticamente en comparación con la cara de 12 cm.

La resinación practicada de esta manera no tiene un efecto significativo en el uso posterior de la madera para aserrar.Es necesario seguir trabajando en esta línea de investigación para optimizar el método y mejorar su adaptación a una silvicultura multifuncional. La investigación llevada a cabo ha permitido progresar de cara a la validez del método, pero es necesario la optimización para mejorar el modo operativo de la resinación y àra establecer protocolos de trabajo acerca de la selección de masas, la campaña de resinado o el momento de aplicación más adecuado antes de la corta.

En cualquier caso, los resultados mostrados abren la posibilidad de practicar una resinación a fin de turno, 2-3 años antes de la tala, aplicando el método de resinación adaptado de cara ancha, que es compatible con la producción de madera aserrada en los bosques gallegos. More Information:

Prescribed burnings were conducted in April 2015 in two plots, and two others were used as control. Resin tapping was performed in one of the burned plots and one of the control plots. The production was measured during two seasons (2015, 2016). The results showed significant differences in resin yield between the two years considered, although no significant differences were found between burned and unburned trees. According to the results, the prescribed fire of low intensity does not cause significant anatomical changes. However, when combined with tapping, the induction of defence structures is favoured. The effect of the creation of these new structures was not reflected in resin yield at the time the analysis was performed.Since low intensity prescribed fire did not cause significant anatomical changes on the studied plots, in principle, it has no interest as a tool to increase resin yield until further research is completed. However, it is interesting to use prescribed fire as a silvicultural treatment since it reduces fire hazard and increases the trafficability of resin tappers in the stand, increasing the efficiency of resin tapping. More Information:

Las quemas prescritas se llevaron a cabo en abril de 2015 en dos parcelas, y otras dos fueron utilizadas como control. La extracción de resina se realizó en una de las parcelas quemadas y en una de las parcelas de control. La producción se midió durante dos campañas de resinación (2015, 2016). Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en el rendimiento de resina entre los dos años considerados, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los árboles quemados y no quemados. Según los resultados, el fuego prescrito de baja intensidad no causa cambios anatómicos significativos. Sin embargo, cuando se combina con resinación, se favorece la inducción de estructuras de defensa. El efecto de la creación de estas nuevas estructuras no se reflejó en el rendimiento de resina en el momento en que se realizó el análisis.Dado que el fuego prescrito de baja intensidad no causó cambios anatómicos significativos en las parcelas estudiadas, en principio, no tiene interés como herramienta para aumentar el rendimiento de resina hasta que no se lleven a cabo estudios adicionales que contrasten dicha hipótesis. Sin embargo, es interesante utilizar el fuego prescrito como tratamiento silvícola, ya que reduce el riesgo de incendio y aumenta la transitabilidad de los resineros en el monte, lo que aumenta la eficiencia de las labores de resinación. More Information:

The results of the visual classification analysis for structural use (UNE 56544) of 50 boards of dimensions 50x120x3000mm of Pinus pinaster Ait. subsp. mesogeensis  resinated at least 25 years, were:

Visual class ME-1 (good) : 41,9 %

Visual class ME-2 (suitable): 47,3 %.

Rejections (not allowed): 9,6%.

The characteristic values of the resinated pine are in normal ranges of resistance and rigidity for the wood of Pinus pinaster in Spain, and they do not suppose reduction against non-resined pines.

The density of the resined wood is 17% higher than the one coming from non-resinned pines.The density of the wood is taken into account in the structural calculation according to Eurocode 5 in the design of joints using metal connectors so that a higher density of the wood means a better joint strength at the same level of the other parameters included in the Johanssen equations.

Forest managers should consider resin use in Pinus pinaster forests as a complementary use that does not devalue the quality of the wood in terms of its further structural use. More Information:

Los resultados del análisis de clasificación visual para uso estructural (UNE 56544) de 50 tablas de dimensiones 50x120x3000mm de Pinus pinaster Ait. Subsp. mesogeensis resinados al menos 25 años, fueron los siguientes:

Clase visual ME-1 (buenas) : 41,9 %

Clase visual ME-2 (aptas): 47,3 %

Rechazos (no permitida): 9,6%

Los valores característicosdel pino resinado están en rangos normales de resistencia y rigidez para la madera de Pinus pinaster en España, y no suponen merma frente a pinos no resinados.

La densidad de la madera resinada es un 71% superior que la de pinos no resinados.La densidad de la madera se tienen en cuenta en el cálculo estructural según el Eurocódigo 5 en el diseño de uniones mediante conectores metálicos, de modo que una mayor densidad de la madera supone una mejor resistencia de la unión a igualdad de los demás  parámetros incluidos en las ecuaciones de Johanssen.

Los gestores forestales deberían considerar el uso de la resina en los bosques de pino pinaster como un uso complementario que no devalúa la calidad de la madera en términos de su uso estructural posterior. More Information:

SustForest Resin Lab offers a European-wide database with metadata of experimental plots in the natural resin field. 

This database can be accessed both through a web viewer and an online catalogue that offers the main characteristics of each of the plots, both technical and administrative.

The web platform allows the interested users (1) to offer the data collected in plots managed by them, and (2) to request access to the data of the plots already included in the repository, and/or access to the plot for new experimentation.To include a plot in the SustForest Resin Lab repository a form must be sent to the network manager that will include aspects such as objectives and protocols of experimentation, available data, and seizure period, among others.

The network manager will request periodically the update of the collected information to the plot managers. 

The use of the SustForest Resin Lab resin plots network must be preceded by a request that will be evaluated with the plot managers to ensure its viability and concurrence with other ongoing activities.  More Information:

SustForest Resin Lab ofrece una base de datos a nivel europeo con metadatos de parcelas experimentales en el área de las resinas naturales. 

Se puede acceder a esta base de datos tanto a través de un visor web como de un catálogo en línea que ofrece las principales características de cada una de las parcelas, tanto técnicas como administrativas.

La plataforma web permite a los usuarios: 1) ofrecer los datos recogidos en las parcelas gestionadas por ellos, y 2) solicitar el acceso a los datos de las parcelas ya incluidas en el repositorio, y/o el acceso a la parcela para nuevos experimentos.Para incluir una parcela en el repositorio de SustForest Resin Lab se debe enviar un formulario al administrador de la red que incluirá aspectos como los objetivos y protocolos de experimentación, los datos disponibles y el período de embargo, entre otros.

El gestor de la red solicitará periódicamente la actualización de la información recogida a los gestores de las parcelas. 

El uso de la red de parcelas debe ir precedida de una solicitud que se evaluará con los administradores de las parcelas para asegurar su viabilidad y la concurrencia con otras actividades en curso.  More Information:

Six sampling areas were selected (Paredes de Coura, Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Tortosendo, Alcobaça, Leiria and Sines), with a total of 900 resin samples and some of resin waste, including chemical characterization in order to determine its commercial value in the bioproduct sector.

Inventory and life cycle assessment of the entire resin value chain is under development.

In addition, the technical-scientific responsiveness was achieved through the involvement of the whole consortium.In terms of practical recommendations, changes will be proposed for forestry patterns associated with the exploration activities of Maritime Pine and Stone Pine ecosystems.

In addition, once the resin biotransformation process has been optimized, scale-up is essential for the industrialization process. More Information:

Foram selecionadas 6 áreas de amostragem (Paredes de Coura, Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Tortosendo, Alcobaça, Leiria e Sines) de modo a obter resultados representativos de Portugal, com um total de 900 amostras de resina e algumas de aparas, tendo já sido realizada a maioria da caracterização química, com o intuito de determinar o seu valor comercial, no contexto dos bioprodutos.

Está a desenvolver-se o inventário e a avaliação de ciclo de vida, de toda a cadeia de valor da resina.

Para além disso alcançou-se a capacidade de resposta técnico-científica através do envolvimento de todo o consórcio.Em termos de recomendações práticas, pretende-se propor alterações dos padrões de silvicultura, associadas às atividades de exploração dos ecossistemas de Pinheiro bravo e de Pinheiro manso.

Para além disso, depois de otimizado o processo de biotransformação de resina, é essencial fazer o scale-up para se chegar à industrialização deste mesmo processo. More Information:

no significant differences, at the resin production level, were observed between stands with higher and lower density, but stands with a lower number of trees per ha produced, on average, a higher amount of resin per tree.

tree diameter significantly influences the resin production. Trees with a diameter below 20 cm produced lower resin quantity.

the plots that were submitted to controlled fire treatment, showed a significantly higher average of resin production, compared with plots without this treatment.The resin tapping of smaller trees, such as the trees that are cut earlier, during thinning operations, is not feasible. For the resin tapping of these trees to pay off the operation costs, it is necessary that either the amount of resin produced is higher or the price paid for renting the tree is appropriate to the amount produced, i.e., at a lower price that is usually applied.

Controlled fire is a practice to consider to manage understory vegetation in resin tapped and stands that will be resin-tapped for the first time. It facilitates circulating in the stands and benefits the increase of resin production.

Payment of the resin to the landowner should be done as a function of the total resin production and not of the number of resin tapped trees since a stand with lower tree density is not equal to a stand with lower resin production. More Information:

Não existem diferenças significativas a nível da produção de resina entre povoamentos com maior e menor densidade, sendo que os que possuem menor número de árvores por ha produzem, em média, maior quantidade de resina por árvore.

O diâmetro das árvores influencia significativamente a produção de resina. Árvores com diâmetro inferior a 20 cm produzem menor quantidade de resina.

As parcelas submetidas a tratamento com fogo controlado apresentaram uma produção média de resina superior às parcelas sem tratamento sendo essa diferença significativa.A resinagem de árvores de menor dimensão, como por exemplo as árvores que saem mais cedo do povoamento por via de um desbaste, não é viável. Para que a resinagem destas árvores compense os custos inerentes à operação é necessário que, ou a quantidade de resina produzida seja maior ou o preço pago pelo aluguer da árvore seja adequado à quantidade produzida, ou seja, a um preço mais baixo do que normalmente é praticado.

O fogo controlado é uma prática a considerar no controlo de vegetação quer em povoamentos resinados quer em povoamentos que irão ser resinados pela primeira vez pois para além de facilitar a circulação no povoamento beneficia o aumento da produção de resina.

O pagamento da resina ao proprietário deverá ser feito em função da produção total de resina e não em função do número de árvores resinadas uma vez que um povoamento com menor densidade não é sinónimo de um povoamento com menor produção. More Information:

a) Resin tapping does not induce significant anatomical changes in the width of the growth ring and in the resin channel area.

b) There is a significant increase in the number of resin channels in the resin tapped trees after the first year of resin tapping.

c) Resin tapped trees had higher wood density, especially on the incision side. No significant differences were observed for the other physical properties.

d) The wood of resin tapped trees has a greater capacity for elastic deformation on the incision side.

e) The wood of resin tapped trees is less rigid and brittle, withstanding higher stress at the maximum load point on the incision side.

f) The wood from resin tapped trees has a higher resin content in the lower trunk.Given the main uses of maritime pine wood and the expected technological performance of this wood, resin extraction is an activity that should be contemplated in maritime pine forest management plans as it does not interfere with the main characteristics and properties of wood and promotes increased profitability of pine stands.

The higher resin content of resin tapped wood should give it greater resistance to biodegradation.

The wood of resin tapped trees can have greater problems in solid wood transformation processes such as drying and the surface finishing of planks. However, for the production of panels or paper, no problems arise from the use of this wood. More Information:

a) A resinagem não induz alterações anatómicas significativas na largura do anel de crescimento e na área dos canais de resina.

b) Há um aumento significativo do número de canais de resina nas árvores resinadas logo após o 1º ano de resinagem.

c) A densidade da madeira de árvores resinadas é mais elevada sobretudo do lado da incisão. As outras propriedades físicas não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre árvores resinadas e não resinadas.

d) A madeira de árvores resinadas, do lado da incisão, tem maior capacidade de deformação elástica.

e) Do lado da incisão, a madeira é menos rígida e quebradiça aguentando maior tensão no ponto de carga máxima.

f) A madeira de árvores resinadas tem maior teor de resina na parte inferior do troncoAtendendo às principais utilizações da madeira de pinheiro bravo e ao desempenho tecnológico que se espera dessa madeira, a extração de resina deve ser uma atividade a contemplar nos planos de gestão florestal do pinheiro bravo pois não interfere nas principais características e propriedades da madeira e promove o aumento da rentabilidade do pinhal.O maior teor de resina existente na madeira resinada deverá conferir-lhe maior resistência à biodegradação.

A madeira resinada pode ter maiores problemas nos processos de transformação da madeira maciça como na secagem e nos acabamentos superficiais das tábuas. No entanto, para produção de painéis ou papel não se vê nenhum tipo de problema na utilização desta madeira. More Information:

Resin production is a character that varies greatly from one individual to another. The tree breeding program sought to achieve individuals that produce a large amount of resin for their massive multiplication for the establishment of plantations oriented to the  resin production with increased profitability. For this, different steps were followed. In a first stage, individuals with important resin productions were identified, a total of 2998 trees with productions between 10 and 40 kg resin per tree whose characteristics were included in a catalog of large producers. In the second stage, 270 trees from the previous group were selected to ensure enough genetic variability when crossing the most suitable parents for the next generation of plus trees. In the third stage a clonal bank was established including 91 genotypes wothout difficulties to be grafted. A progeny test was carried out to evaluate the heritability of the chosen character and by means of early evaluation techniques such as miniresination it was found that resin production is a highly heredible character.It is necessary to continue working on this line of research, but the results obtained imply that there is already genetically improved material of maritime pine available for the imporved production of resin. However, its use is subject to the production of this material for commercial purposes, to be developped by an ongoing Interreg-SUDOE project, SustForest Plus. More Information:

La producción de resina es un carácter que varía de unos individuos a otros. El programa de mejora genética buscaba conseguir individuos que produzcan gran cantidad de resina, para su multiplicación masiva con el fin de establecer plantaciones orientadas a la producción de resina, aumentando la rentabilidad de este aprovechamiento. Para ello se seguían diferentes pasos. En una primera etapa se identificaron pies con importantes producciones de resina, un total de 2998 pies con producciones entre 10 y 40 kg/pie  cuyas características quedan recogidas en el catálogo de grandes productores. En la segunda etapa se seleccionaron 270 árboles del grupo anterior para asegura una variabilidad genética amplia en los cruzamientos entre de los progenitores más convenientes para la siguiente etapa. En la tercera etapa se estableció un banco clonal con 91 genotipos sin dificultades para ser injertados. Se realizó un ensayo de progenies para evaluar la heredabilidad del carácter elegido y mediante técnicas de evaluación precoz como la miniresinación se comprobó que la producción de resina es un carácter heredable.Es necesaria continar trabajando en esta línea de investigación,  aunque los resultados obtenidos implican que ya stá disponible material genéticamente mejorado de pino negral para la producción de miera. No obstante su utilización se ve supeditada a la producción masiva de este material con fines comerciales, objetivo de un proyecto Interreg-SUDOE en marcha, SustForest Plus. More Information:

The supercritical state of an element is achieved by increasing temperature and pressure. The fluid has physical properties intermediate between those of liquids and gases. For example, the density remains high but the viscosity is low. As a result, the fluid has a very good impregnation capacity. CO2 is used because its supercritical state is reached at relatively low temperatures and pressures (between 40 and 60°C and more than 80 bar). During extraction, supercritical CO2 is injected through the material into the extractor. The result is a mixture of supercritical CO2 with the extract. The separation with the extract is done in the separator, reducing the pressure.The main advantage of supercritical CO2 extraction is that the process does not require a high temperature. However, heat can have a negative impact on the extract. The risk of altering the properties of the extract is therefore reduced with this extraction method. Then, this extraction method could offer a very good selectivity of the molecules or compounds to be extracted by varying the temperature and pressure. Finally, supercritical CO2 extraction does not require the use of a solvent. More Information:

L’état supercritique d’un élément est atteint par élévation de la température et de la pression. Le fluide a des propriétés physiques intermédiaires entre celles des liquides et des gaz. Par exemple, la densité reste importante mais la viscosité est faible. De ce fait, le fluide a une très bonne capacité d’imprégnation. Le CO2 est utilisé car son état supercritique est atteint à des températures et pressions relativement faibles (entre 40 et 60°C et plus de 80 bars). Lors de l’extraction, le CO2 supercritique est injecté à travers la matière dans l’extracteur. Il en ressort un mélange de CO2 supercritique avec l’extrait. La séparation avec l’extrait est faite dans le séparateur, en diminuant la pression.Le principal avantage de l’extraction au CO2 supercritique est que le procédé ne nécessite pas une température élevée. Or, la chaleur peut avoir des répercussions négatives sur l’extrait. Le risque d’altération des propriétés de l’extrait est donc réduit avec cette méthode d’extraction. Ensuite, ce mode d’extraction pourrait offrir une très bonne sélectivité des molécules ou composés à extraire en faisant varier la température et la pression. Enfin, l’extraction au CO2 supercritique ne nécessite pas l’emploi d’un solvant. More Information:

A distress call can be triggered voluntarily or automatically. In the first case, it is the worker who makes the call using an "SOS" key. In the second case, it is the device that triggers the call following the detection of a loss of verticality or lack of movement of the person equipped. The worker has, following the purchase, defined a list of numbers to call. During a distress call, these numbers are called in cascade until one of them answers. The latter is in charge of checking that it is not a false alarm before alerting the emergency services. The worker's GPS position will allow the emergency services to find him without difficulty. The offer of such devices is now consistent and adapted to the need as evidenced by the Magneta website dedicated to the sale of such devices. They are very varied, whether in terms of ergonomics, functionalities or even modes of communication. Lone Worker Device can be a dedicated tool or an application that can be integrated into a smartphone. The buyer must therefore think about the model he chooses according to his needs. For example, the device for a resin tapper must be compact, lightweight, have a good battery life and a high-performance transmission system (call and position). More Information:

Un appel de détresse peut être déclenché volontairement ou bien automatiquement. Dans le premier cas, c’est le travailleur qui émet l’appel grâce à une touche « SOS ». Dans le second cas, c’est l’appareil qui déclenche l’appel suite à la détection d’une perte de verticalité ou bien d’une absence de mouvement de la personne équipée. Le travailleur a, suite à l’achat, défini une liste de numéros à appeler. Lors d’un appel de détresse, ces numéros sont appelés en cascade jusqu’à ce que l’un d’eux réponde. Celui-ci est en charge de vérifier qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une fausse alarme avant d’alerter les secours. La position GPS du travailleur permettra aux secours de le retrouver sans peine.L’offre de tels dispositifs est maintenant conséquente et adaptée au besoin comme en témoigne le site internet Magneta dédié à la vente de tels dispositifs. Ils sont très variés, que ce soit en termes d’ergonomie, de fonctionnalités ou même de modes de communication. Le DATI peut être un outil dédié ou bien une application que l’on intègre à un smartphone. L’acheteur doit donc réfléchir au modèle qu’il choisit en fonction de ses besoins. Par exemple, le dispositif pour un gemmeur doit être peu encombrant, léger, avoir une bonne autonomie de batterie et un système de transmission performant (appel et position). More Information:

In the harvest period, the treatment of yield with the acid solution has revealed an increase in the flow of resin. the average yield in the three species of Maritime pine, Aleppo pine, and stone pine were about 271.83, 168, and 118.33 ml respectively.  The yield of the distillation of pine species has shown that the best yield of turpentine was obtained with samples of the stone pine (4.3%) followed by those of Maritime pine (3.66%) and Aleppo pine (3.5%). Furthermore, the best resin yield was also obtained with the samples of maritime pine (71%) followed by Aleppo pine (69%) and Gable pine (64%). In addition, the southern exposure of the three pine species studied could be responsible for the largest value on the process of resin extraction.The activated tapping method with acid spraying could contribute to the harvesting of the highest yield of maritime pine resin. On the other hand, the acid-free tapping method represents the lowest yield. In fact, the activated sulfuric acid tapping was a far higher yield than that obtained by the traditional process (Dahmane, 1986). Similarly, it appears that the resin content was mainly depending on the nature of the species studied and the exposure direction of these different species studied. This exposure direction could define the important rate of resin which was correlated to the rate of light perceived by the different species. More Information:

Le rendement avec et sans acide a mis en évidence que l’acide accélère d’une façon remarquable l’écoulement de gemme.

Le rendement moyen chez les trois espèces de Pin maritime, Pin d’Alep et Pin pignon ont présenté un rendement de l’ordre de 271,83ml, 168ml et 118,33ml respectivement.

Le rendement de la distillation des espèces de Pin a montré que le meilleur rendement en essence térébenthine est obtenue avec des échantillons du Pin pignon (4.3%) suivie de ceux du Pin maritime (3.66%) et de Pin d’Alep (3.5%)..

Par contre le meilleur rendement en colophane est obtenu avec les échantillons du pin maritime suivi de celui du pin d’Alep et Pin pignon, soit des taux respectifs de 71%, 69% et 64%

Le rendement selon l’exposition en résine obtenu des trois espèces de pin présente une différence hautement significative. La valeur la plus importante est enregistrée au niveau de l’exposition Sud.La méthode de gemmage activé avec pulvérisation d'acide renferme le rendement le plus élevé en résine de pin maritime, par contre, la méthode de gemmage sans acide représente le plus faible rendement. il a été rapporté que le gemmage activé à l’acide sulfurique permet d’obtenir un rendement de loin supérieur à celui obtenu par le procédé traditionnel (Dahmane M. 1986).

De même il ressort que la teneur en colophane varie en fonction de la nature de l’espèce étudiée, cette variation des rendements peut être due à l’exposition qui capte plus de lumière. More Information:

The antioxidant activity of the resin was tested in vitro by the DPPH test using increasing concentrations of the resin. The result was based essentially on the determination of the IC50 value. Therefore, we are focused on this part of this work on the detection of the different antioxidant pine resin activity between Aleppo pine, maritime pine, and stone pine. The most powerful free radical scavenger is recorded in the pine nut with the most important activity (IC50 = 15 ± 0.59mg / ml). The weakest free radical scavenger is recorded in Aleppo pine and presented the least activity (IC50 = 17 ± 0.11mg / ml).The DPPH activity in the resin could be attributed to their high contents of phenolic compounds. However, the anti-radical activity depends on the chemical structure of phenolic compounds and on the availability of hydroxyl groups (OH) (Jayaprakasha et al., 2008).

Furthermore, the antioxidant activity is linked to the chemical composition of pine resins. It could be correlated with the majority or minority constituents or also with a synergy between them (Wang et al., 2008). The presence of α-pinene and limonene may explain the important antioxidant activity in pine nuts since they are considered to be major elements with a wide variety of biological activities (Wang et al., 2008). More Information:

L’activité antioxydante des gemmes a été testée in vitro par le test de DPPH en utilisant des concentrations croissantes de la gemme  et le résultat a été évalué par la détermination de la valeur de CI50.  Nous avons réussi à démontrer dans cette partie de ce travail que la gemme de pin possède une activité antioxydante différente entre le pin d’Alep, le pin maritime et le Pin pignon.  Le piégeur de radicaux libres le plus puissant est enregistré au Pin pignon et présentait l’activité la plus importante (CI50 = 15± 0.59mg/ml), Le piégeur de radicaux libres le plus faible est enregistré au Pin d’Alep et présentait l’activité la moins importante  (17  0.11mg/ml).Il ressort que l’activité du DPPH  de la gemme pourrait être attribuée à leurs teneurs élevées en composés phénoliques, néanmoins l’activité anti-radicalaire dépend de la structure chimique des composés phénoliques et de la disponibilité en groupements hydroxyles (OH) (Jayaprakasha et al. 2008).

De plus l’activité antioxydante est liée à la composition chimique des résines des pins. Elle peut être corrélée aux constituants majoritaires ou bien minoritaires ou également à une synergie entre eux (Wang et al. 2008). La présence de L'α-pinène et le limonène peut expliquer l’importante activité antioxydante chez le pin pignon étant donné qu’ils sont des éléments majeurs ayant une large diversité d'activités biologiques (Wang et al., 2008). More Information:

The antibacterial activity of resin was mainly evaluated by the WELL method, in the presence of four pathogenic bacteria species: Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogene and Salmonella enterica. The pure resins revealed a significant antibacterial activity similar to the reference antibiotic Gentamicin. In addition, the antibacterial activity of the ethanolic resin extract was measured in terms of the diameter of the “halo”, formed as a consequence of the microbial growth inhibition produced by the antimicrobial material disk. This reduction was induced by the Pinus pinea with the largest mean inhibition diameter (2.38cm) compared to the Pinus pinaster with the lowest inhibition diameter (1.68cm).The listeria strain (Gram+) and the Bacillus strain (Gram+) were more sensitive than the E. coli (Gram-) and Salmonella (Gram-) strain under the action of the resin tested. Indeed, the activity of tested resin was probably due to the majority compounds (caryophyllene, limonene and pinene) (Abi-ayad et al., 2011).

Antibacterial activity seems to result from a combination of several modes of action, implying different cellular targets. However, the results of this work indicated that this essence could be intended for commercial use as a preventive agent against different types of strains of bacteria and fungus. More Information:

L’activité antibactérienne des gemmes est mise en évidence par la méthode des puits, en présence de quatre espèces bactériennes pathogènes : Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogene et Salmonella enterica. Les résines pures testées ont exercé une activité antibactérienne importante se rapprochant  à celle de la Gentamicine antibiotique de référence. En plus que l’analyse de la variance montre que le pin pignon admet le plus important diametre moyen d’inhibition (2.38cm) par conte le pin maritime a le diametre moyen d’inhibition le plus faible (1.68cm).La souche listeria (gram+) et la souche Bacille (gram+) sont plus sensibles que la souche E. coli et Salmonella (gram -) sous l’action des gemmes testées. En effet l’activité de gemmes testées est probablement due aux composés majoritaires (caryophyllène, limonène et pinène) (Abi-ayad et al., 2011).

L’activité antibactérienne semble résulter d’une combinaison de plusieurs modes d’action, impliquant différentes cibles cellulaires cependant les résultats de ce travail indiquent que cette essence peut avoir une utilisation commerciale en tant qu’agent de prévention contre les microbes. More Information:

This evaluation was performed using a screwdriver with a hole saw to obtain a perfect round wound with the diameter of the elbow. To extend the duration and the quantity of flow, we use a special acid-based product in gel form. This activated gemming technique allowed a high yield against acid-free. The most important value is recorded at the level of the southern exposure.

The antioxidant activity of the resin has been tested in vitro by the DPPH test. The most powerful free radical scavenger is recorded in the pine nuts, while the lowest activity is in the Aleppo pine. The antibacterial activity of gems shows that the pine nuts is the most effective with an average diameter of inhibition (2.38 cm) against maritime pine (1.68 cm).The pine forest of Aleppo offers a set of socio-economic benefits to the local populations, estimated at about 220,000 inhabitants in the four governorates concerned (Zaghouan, Siliana, Kef and Kasserine)(DGF,2016).

 For that, it is necessary to think about the establishment of an effective strategy aiming to improve the income through better exploitation and valorization of the forest resources and reduction of the degradation of the forest using a multi-stakeholder management approach. Resin extraction can be a solution to this forest failure. More Information:

La care réalisée à l’aide d’une visseuse munie d’une scie à cloche permettant d’obtenir une blessure ronde parfaite au diamètre du coude. Afin de prolonger la durée et la quantité d’écoulement, nous avons recours à un produit spécial à base d’acide sous forme de gel. Cette technique de gemmage activé a permis un rendement élevé contre  sans acide. Selon l’exposition, la valeur la plus importante est enregistrée au niveau de l’exposition Sud.

L’activité antioxydante des gemmes a été testée in vitro par le test de DPPH. Le piégeur de radicaux libres le plus puissant est enregistré chez le pin pignon alors que la plus faible activité est chez le Pin d’Alep. L’activité antibactérienne des gemmes est mise en évidence par la méthode des puits et a permis de montrer que le pin pignon est le plus efficace avec un diamètre moyen d’inhibition (2,38cm) contre le pin maritime (1,68cm).La forêt du pin d'Alep offre un ensemble d'avantages socio-économiques aux populations locales, estimée à 220.000 habitants environ dans les quatre gouvernorats concernées (Zaghouan, Siliana, Kef et Kasserine)(DGF,2016).

Pour cela, il convient de réfléchir à la mise en place d'une stratégie efficace visant à améliorer le revenu à travers une meilleure exploitation et valorisation des ressources forestières et une réduction de la dégradation de la forêt en utilisant une approche de gestion multi-acteurs. De ce fait l'extraction de la résine peut être une des solutions à cette défaillance forestière. More Information:

In our study, we evaluated the phytochemical and biological activities as well as the regeneration techniques of pinus brutia. The results obtained show that:

The results of essential oils extraction of needles treated with solar drying have the greatest yield on essential oils (2%).

The in vitro test of these essential oils, revealed a moderate antimicrobial activities on E.coli, C.albicans and Bacillus subtilis.

The solar dried samples of P.brutia needles recorded the highest yield (8,49%) when using maceration extraction

The statistical analysis revealed that time and the % of ethanol decrease the yield of total polyphenol content extraction. On the other hand, the elevated levels of temperature increased the total polyphenol content.

The total content of ultrasonically extracted polyphenols was found to be slightly elevated than those obtained by aqueous maceration.In the northern region of Tunisia, no economic importance has been attributed to pinus brutia. Therefore, it could be useful to increase the beneficial molecules of pine needles. More Information:

Dans notre étude, nous avons évalué les activités phytochimiques et biologiques ainsi que les techniques de régénération du pinus brutia. Les résultats obtenus montrent que :

Les résultats de l'extraction des huiles essentielles des aiguilles séchées sous serre ont le rendement le plus élevé (2%) ce qui est en concordance avec les travaux de Hmamouchi et al., 2001.

Le test in vitro de ces huiles essentielles a révélé une activité antimicrobienne modérée vis-à-visE. coli, C. albicans et Bacillus subtilis.

Les échantillons d'aiguilles de pin brutia séchées au soleil (sous serre) ont enregistré le rendement le plus élevé (8,49%) lors de l'extraction par macération.Des tendances similaires ont été également rapportées en littérature parKhangholi et   Zaeinodehi (2008).

L'analyse statistique a révélé que le temps et le pourcentage d'éthanol diminuent le rendement de l'extraction de la teneur totale en polyphénols. D'autre part, les niveaux de températures élevés ont augmenté la teneur totale en polyphénols.

La teneur totale en polyphénols extraits par ultrasons s'est avérée légèrement supérieure à celle obtenue par macération aqueuse.Dans le nord de la Tunisie, aucune importance économique n’a été attribuée à pinus brutia. Par conséquent, il pourrait être utile d'exploiter les molécules bénéfiques des aiguilles de pin. More Information:

For several decades, the use of natural resins has been an effective instrument for pine forests conservation in Castile and Leon, providing a natural and renewable raw material, generating stable employment in rural areas and promoting active forestry that has contributed to forest fires prevention.

Nowadays, it is possible to maintain resin extraction as a profitable activity in local pine forests. The resinous products market evolution and the possibilities of technological innovation in forest works can support this assertion.Increase the awareness of public administrations and public opinion on the need to maintain resin extraction activity.

Promote the mutual recognition of all the agents of the sector.

Intensify relations between producer countries, especially Spain and Portugal.

Integrate forestry into rural development policies.

Deepen the differential characteristics of the local resin.

Look for administrative formulas to promote the multifunctional activity of the resin worker.

Support research and technological innovation.

Genetic improvement.

Search for alternative uses of resined wood. More Information:

El aprovechamiento resinero ha sido durante varias décadas un instrumento eficaz para la conservación de los pinares en Castilla y León, proporcionando una materia prima natural y renovable, generando empleo estable en el medio rural e impulsando una selvicultura activa que ha contribuido a la prevención de incendios forestales.

En la actualidad, es posible mantener la extracción de resina como actividad rentable en los pinares locales. La evolución del mercado de productos resinosos y las posibilidades de innovación tecnológica en los trabajos forestales pueden respaldar esta afirmación.Incrementar la concienciación de las administraciones públicas y de la opinión pública sobre la necesidad de mantener la actividad de extracción de resina.

Fomentar el reconocimiento mutuo de todos los agentes del sector estableciendo un marco de colaboración.

Intensificar las relaciones entre países productores, en especial España y Portugal.

Integrar la actividad forestal en las políticas de desarrollo rural.

Profundizar en las características diferenciales de la resina local.

Buscar fórmulas administrativas para fomentar la actividad multifuncional del trabajador resinero.

Apoyar la investigación y la innovación tecnológica.

Mejora genética.

Búsqueda de usos alternativos de la madera resinada. More Information:

ResinApp is a system of traceability formed by two complementary applications, one Android for mobile devices and another Web for computer use.

Its users are industry managers, resin transporters and resin tappers.

It is easy to use in real time.

Basic functionalities: 

- Logistic coordination of the works.

- Communication between users.

- Administrative document management: contracts, delivery notes, invoices, certificates of sustainable forest management.

- Monitoring of yields and production.The success of the system depends on the willingness to use it, avoiding control by control.

A traceability and logistics manager should be appointed who knows ResinApp and protocols.

Users must act objectively and consistently, avoiding the handling of sensitive data for performance evaluation.

The delivery of the applications to the users will be ordered, gradual and assisted, facilitating the assimilation and acceptance of the system and the learning of the required methods.

Data must be entered in real-time reflecting the reality on the ground. More Information:

ResinApp es un sistema de trazabilidad formado por dos aplicaciones complementarias, una Android para dispositivos móviles y otra Web para uso informático.

Sus usuarios son los gerentes de la industria, los transportistas y los resineros.

Es fácil de usar en tiempo real.

Funcionalidades básicas: 

• Coordinación logística de los trabajos.

• Comunicación entre los usuarios.

• Gestión documental administrativa: contratos, albaranes, facturas, certificados de gestión forestal sostenible.

• Seguimiento de rendimientos y producción.El éxito del sistema depende de la disposición a su utilización, evitando el control por el control.

Se debe designar un responsable de trazabilidad y logística que conozca ResinApp y protocolos.

Los usuarios deben actuar de forma objetiva y coherente, evitando el manejo de datos sensibles para la evaluación de su rendimiento.

La entrega de las aplicaciones a los usuarios será ordenada, gradual y asistida, facilitando la asimilación y aceptación del sistema y el aprendizaje de los métodos requeridos.

Los datos deben introducirse en tiempo real reflejando la realidad sobre el terreno. More Information:

In the Biogemme© method, the resin tapper uses an electro-portable machine equipped with a specific cutting tool. Two carbide plates start the bark until it touches the cambium. At each operation, two circular cares with a surface area of 45 cm² are opened. The ergonomics of the mechanization as well as a better posture facilitate the work of the resin tapper. By using an activator based on non-toxic organic acid, the resin tapper is protected from possible occupational diseases caused by sulphuric acid. Finally, the use of closed bags on a funnel adapted to the care (closed vessel harvesting) facilitates the installation of the bags and their harvesting when they are full.The use of the machine generates dust, splinters and the acceptable noise of the engine. The resin tapper must be equipped with glasses and earplugs. The resin extraction tool is equipped with a stabilizer that gets stuck in the bark to prevent twisting and the resin tapper is equipped with thigh plates to carry it below the waist limiting back weight. Also, when moving from one tree to another, he must be able to attach the machine to his belt so that he can walk without embarrassment. More Information:

Dans la méthode Biogemme©, le gemmeur utilise une machine électroportative munie d’un outil coupant spécifique. Deux plaquettes en carbure entament l’écorce jusqu’à effleurer le cambium. A chaque piquage, deux cares circulaires d’une surface de 45 cm² sont ouvertes. L’ergonomie de la mécanisation ainsi qu’une meilleure posture facilitent le travail du gemmeur. En utilisant un activant à base d’acide organique non toxique, le gemmeur est protégé des éventuelles maladies professionnelles dues à l’acide sulfurique. Enfin, l’utilisation de sacs fermés sur un embout adapté à la care (récolte en vase clos) facilite l’installation des sacs et leur récolte lorsqu’ils sont pleins.L’utilisation de la machine génère de la poussière, des éclats et du le bruit acceptable d’un moteur. Le gemmeur doit donc être muni de lunettes et de bouchons d’oreilles. L’outil de gemmage est équipé d’un stabilisateur qui se plante dans l’écorce afin d’éviter les torsions.Le gemmeur est équipé de plaques de cuisses afin de porter l’activant en dessous de la taille limitant le poids dorsal. Aussi, lorsqu’il se déplace d’un arbre à un autre, il doit pouvoir accrocher la machine à sa ceinture de manière à pouvoir marcher sans gêne. More Information:

In an unfavourable climatic scenario with a temperature increase of 4 to 5°C by 2100 (RCP 8.5 by IPCC), Maritime Pine would remain a species adapted to the pedoclimatic conditions of the Landes de Gascogne. However, the risk of tree dieback of abiotic origin will increase. In the near future, volume production of wood could even increase. Moreover, dynamic management of stands (timber removal through thinning and clear cutting) would improve their resilience to climate change.Stands that stock a lot of carbon in biomass will be the most exposed to climate change due to a high leaf index (foliage density), increasing the impacts of drought and warming. Standard silvicultural management of maritime pine (4 thinnings and one clear-cut at 120 cm circumference) would show the least sensitivity to climate variations and would be the most water efficient and productive in terms of volume of hardwood. More Information:

Dans un scénario climatique défavorable avec une augmentation de la température de 4 à 5 °C d’ici 2100 (RCP 8.5 du GIEEC), le pin maritime resterait une essence adaptée aux conditions stationnelles des Landes de Gascogne tout en sachant que les risques de dépérissement d’origine abiotique vont s’accroître. Dans un futur proche, la production en volume de bois pourrait même augmenter. De plus, une gestion dynamique des peuplements (prélèvements de bois par des éclaircies et coupe rase) améliorerait leur résilience face aux changements climatiques.Les peuplements qui stockent beaucoup de carbone dans la biomasse seront les plus exposés au changement climatique du fait d’un indice foliaire (densité de feuillage) élevé, accentuant les impacts des sécheresses et du réchauffement. La gestion sylvicole standard du pin maritime (4 éclaircies et une coupe rase vers 40 ans) montrerait le moins de sensibilité face aux variations du climat, et serait le plus efficient en eau et le plus productif en volume bois fort. More Information:

The SiResin started in April 2016 and, so far, two reports have been written. Principal highlights:

- most of the resin yield comes from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) trees; a small percentage of the production comes from stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) trees;

- most registered operators are included in the resin tapping activity;

- only 7 operators declared 1st processing;

- the resin tapping is carried out in the center and north of Portugal and in the south in isolated counties;

- 92% of the number of declarations of resin tapping corresponds to areas where trees are tapped during rotation (minimum diameter, 20 cm);

- during 2016-2018, a total of 5.700 tons of resin was declared as import being 86% from Brasil.The success of SiResin depends on the operators’ adherence, which should be encouraged.

Declarations made by operators are resin yield estimates as they are made, annually, at the beginning of the season. Validation of estimates at the end of the season should be considered. More Information:

O SiResin teve início em abril de 2016 e, até à data, foram produzidos dois relatórios. Principais conclusões:

- a maior parte da resina explorada é proveniente do pinheiro bravo (Pinus pinaster Ait.); uma pequena percentagem tem origem no pinheiro manso (Pinus pinea L.)

- a maior parte dos operadores registados atuam na extração de resina

- só 7 operadores é que declararam atividade na indústria de 1ª transformação

- a resinagem ocorre essencialmente nas regiões norte e centro e, pontualmente, no sul do País

- 92% das declarações de extração de resina correspondem a áreas em que o pinheiro bravo é resinado à vida (diâmetro mínimo, 20 cm);

- no período 2016/18, foram declaradas 5700 ton de resina importada, sendo 86% proveniente do Brasil.O sucesso do SiResin está dependente da adesão dos operadores da resina, a qual deve ser encorajada.

As declarações feitas pelos operadores são estimativas de resina, uma vez que são feitas, anualmente, no início da época. Devia ser considerada a obrigatoriedade de validar as estimativas no final da época. More Information:

The arboretums set up throughout the country are 28 in number. They have the distinction of covering very different and very contrasting bioclimatic and edaphic conditions.   28 arboretums have been set up including 208 coniferous and broadleaved species in 32 genera that the most important are: Eucalyptus genus: 117 species; Acacia: 26 species; Pinus: 18 species; Casuarina: 7 species

The study of the adaptive behavior of the species relative to the different environmental conditions and the evaluation of their productivity has made it possible to draw up a list of the most suitable species for the environment and the most productive, suitable for many uses.Arboreta offer a wide range of species with different production and uses objectives:

Species of forest interest for the production of wood and biomass such as: Pinus laricio and Eucalyptus saligna, (in humid bioclimate), Pinus brutia and Eucalyptus brockwayi (in wet and semi-arid bioclimates).

Pastoral species of interest such as: Pistacia atlantica, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia salicina

Species of honey interest such as Eu bicolor, Eu gillii, Eu lehmani, Eu incressata, Eu

salubris, Eu Leucoxylon.

Species of ornamental interest including several species of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Cypress.

Bioenergetic species of interest: Eucalyptus diversifolia and Eu. lehmanii.

Agroforestry species of interest: Ceratonia siliqua and Argania spinosa. More Information:

Les arboretums mis en place à travers tout les pays sont au nombre de 28. Ils ont la particularité de couvrir des conditions bioclimatiques et édaphiques très différentes et très contrastées.

28 arboretums comprennent 208 espèces résineuses et feuillues réparties en 32 genres dont les plus importants:

            Genre Eucalyptus : 117 espèces

            Genre Acacia : 26 espèces    

            Genre Pinus : 18 espèces

            Genre Casuarina : 7 espèces

L’étude du comportement adaptatif des espèces en rapport avec les différents facteurs du milieu et l’évaluation de leur productivité a permis d’arrêter une liste des espèces les plus adaptées au milieu et les plus productives, convenant à des usages très diversifiés.Les arboretums offrent un éventail d’espèces répondant à des objectifs de production différents pour des usages très variés :

Des espèces d’intérêt forestier pour la production du bois et de la biomasse telles que Pinus laricio et Eucalyptus saligna, (en bioclimat humide) Pinus brutia et Eucalyptus brockwayi (en en bioclimats sub humide et semi aride).

Des espèces d’intérêt pastoral telles que : Pistacia atlantica, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia salicina.

Des espèces d’intérêt mellifère telles que : Eu. bicolor, Eu. gillii, Eu. lehmani, Eu. incressata, Eu. salubris, Eu. Leucoxylon.

Des espèces d’intérêt ornemental dont plusieurs espèces d’Eucalyptus, d’Acacia et de cyprès.

Des espèces d’intérêt bioénergétique telles que : Eucalyptus diversifolia et Eu lehmanii.

Des espèces d’intérêt agroforestier telles que : le caroubier et l’arganier. More Information:

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