project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group


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Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
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The need addressed by the project is increasing the economic yield of honey. Beekeepers are continually adapting to market conditions, requiring a good quality/price ratio in order to stay on the market. To address this need, the project has the following objectives:
The main objective of the project is to create a honey quality system.
Secondary objectives: increasing honey price by proving product quality, ensuring the traceability and transparency of the products provided by the software application, endowing a local honey analysis laboratory to allow local analyzes to be carried out.


Nevoia abordata de catre proiect este Cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Apicultorii sunt intr-o continua adaptare la conditiile de piata, avand nevoie sa ofere un raport calitate/pret foarte bun pentru a putea ramane pe piata. Pentru a rezolva aceasta nevoie, proiectul are ca obiective urmatoarele:


The most important activity in the project is the research. Honey samples will be analyzed, establishing criteria and parameters for a new honey quality system. Each tested lot will receive a quality level depending on the honey properties, which will influence the sale price of the products.
At the same time, we aim to implement a software application that facilitates final customer access to relevant information about the product offered. This application will collect and display data about each batch of honey (analysis reports, beekeeper information, honey origin information).


Activitatea cea mai importanta din cadrul proiectului este cea de cercetare. Se vor face analize asupra probelor de miere, stabilindu-se criteria si parametrii pentru un nou sistem de calitate al mierii. Fiecare lot testat va primi un nivel de calitate in functie de proprietatiile mierii, lucru care va influenta pretul de vanzare al produselor.
In acelasi timp ne propunem implementarea unei aplicatii software care sa faciliteze accesul clientului final la informatii relevante in legatura cu produsul oferit. Aceasta aplicatie va colecta si afisa date despre fiecare lot de miere in parte (buletine de analiza, informatii despre apicultor, informatii despre locul de provenienta al mierii 


The idea of ​​this project came in the context of the changes in the EU legislation regarding the transparency and traceability of the products, as well as  the more and more frequent problems arising from placing on the market of fake honey.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014RO06RDNP001 Programul Național de Dezvoltare Rurală pentru perioada 2014 - 2020
Main geographical location

€ 310315

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible

10 Practice Abstracts

The honey analysis process is more than 95% completed, thus paying the researchers salaries, included in chapter 7.2.2 of the Budget. Next comes the collection, comparison and standardization of data to obtain the final results of the project.

Partea de efectuare a analizelor de miere a fost in procent de peste 95% finalizata, astfel platindu-se si salariile cercetatorilor, cuprinse la capitolul 7.2.2 din Buget. Urmeaza colectarea, compararea si standardizarea datelor pentru obtinerea rezultatelor finale ale proiectului.

The implemented project will bring major benefits to farmers by increasing the economic yield of honey. The project will implement a new honey quality system that will allow the differentiation of different types of honey according to their properties, offering a corresponding quality level to each batch. Also implemented software will ensure transparency and traceability of all production processes until the product arrives on the shelf.

Proiectul implementat va adduce beneficii majore pentru fermieri cu privire la cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Prin proiect se va implementa un nou sistem de calitate al mierii care va permite departajarea diferitelor tipuri de miere in functie de proprietatile acestora, oferind un nivel de calitate corespunzator fiecarui lot in parte. De asemenea aplicatia software implementata va asigura transparenta si trasabilitatea tuturor proceselor de productie pana in momentul cand produsul ajunge pe raft.

Beneficiul principal al fermierilor va fi cresterea randamentului economic al mierii, mierea obtinand un pret mai bun in functie de nivelul de calitate pe care il va primi. In acelasi timp, aplicatia software imbunatateste relatia cu clientul final oferindu-i acestuia informatii transparente legate de procesele de productie, creand astfel o relatie de lunga durata intre producator si client.

The implemented project will bring major benefits to farmers by increasing the economic yield of honey. The project will implement a new honey quality system that will allow the differentiation of different types of honey according to their properties, offering a corresponding quality level to each batch. Also implemented software will ensure transparency and traceability of all production processes until the product arrives on the shelf.

Proiectul implementat va adduce beneficii majore pentru fermieri cu privire la cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Prin proiect se va implementa un nou sistem de calitate al mierii care va permite departajarea diferitelor tipuri de miere in functie de proprietatile acestora, oferind un nivel de calitate corespunzator fiecarui lot in parte. De asemenea aplicatia software implementata va asigura transparenta si trasabilitatea tuturor proceselor de productie pana in momentul cand produsul ajunge pe raft.

Beneficiul principal al fermierilor va fi cresterea randamentului economic al mierii, mierea obtinand un pret mai bun in functie de nivelul de calitate pe care il va primi. In acelasi timp, aplicatia software imbunatateste relatia cu clientul final oferindu-i acestuia informatii transparente legate de procesele de productie, creand astfel o relatie de lunga durata intre producator si client. 

The implemented project will bring major benefits to farmers by increasing the economic yield of honey. The project will implement a new honey quality system that will allow the differentiation of different types of honey according to their properties, offering a corresponding quality level to each batch. Also implemented software will ensure transparency and traceability of all production processes until the product arrives on the shelf.

Proiectul implementat va adduce beneficii majore pentru fermieri cu privire la cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Prin proiect se va implementa un nou sistem de calitate al mierii care va permite departajarea diferitelor tipuri de miere in functie de proprietatile acestora, oferind un nivel de calitate corespunzator fiecarui lot in parte. De asemenea aplicatia software implementata va asigura transparenta si trasabilitatea tuturor proceselor de productie pana in momentul cand produsul ajunge pe raft.

Beneficiul principal al fermierilor va fi cresterea randamentului economic al mierii, mierea obtinand un pret mai bun in functie de nivelul de calitate pe care il va primi. In acelasi timp, aplicatia software imbunatateste relatia cu clientul final oferindu-i acestuia informatii transparente legate de procesele de productie, creand astfel o relatie de lunga durata intre producator si client. 

Consolidating the team by hiring the researchers, planning future activities and organizing the program of each individual member, to ensure compliance with the imposed deadlines. Each researcher has a well-established role within the team, with both individual and common activities.

Consolidarea echipei prin efecturea angajarilor, planificarea activitatiilor viitoare si organizarea programului fiecarui membru in parte, pentru a ne asigura de respectarea termenelor impuse. Fiecare cercetator are un rol bine stabilit in cadrul echipei, cu activitati atat individuale cat si comune. 


The analysis activities of the honey samples whose provenance has already been noted have been started. The physical-chemical analysis, the analysis of the antibacterial and antifungal effect of honey, the analysis of the in vitro therapeutic potential of honey, which together will give us a clear picture of the properties for each batch of honey separately.

Au fost demarate activitatile de analiza a probelor de miere a caror provenienta a fost deja notata. Analiza fizico-chimica, analiza efectului antibacterian si antifungic al mierii, analiza potentialului terapeutic in vitro al mierii, care impreuna ne vor da o imagine clara a proprietatilor fiecarui lot de miere in parte. 

as a result of intensive farming practices (through chemicalization and the reduction of uncultivated surfaces and therefore of spontaneous flora). Also, with the help of the purchased equipment, physico-chemical analyzes of the honey will be carried out, such as the diastase index, the Glucose/Fruit ratio and the HMF. The main benefit of the farmers will be the increase in the economic yield of the honey, the honey obtaining a better price depending on the level of quality it will receive. At the same time, the software application improves the relationship with the final client by providing him with transparent information related to the production processes, thus creating a long-term relationship between the producer and the client.

Achizitia de echipamente din cadrul Capitolului 4.4 Utilaje, echipamente tehnologice şi funcţionale care nu necesită montaj şi echipamente de transport. Echipamentele achizitionate urmeaza sa fie folosite in analiza mierii, furnizand informatii vitale cum ar fi: prezenta antibioticelor, a insecticidelor si a pesticidelor in miere. Aceste substante sunt din ce in ce mai prezente in miere in ultimii ani ca urmare a practicilor de agricultura intensiva (prin chimizare si reducerea suprafetelor necultivate si deci a florei spontane). De asemenea, cu ajutorul echipamentelor achizitionate se vor efectua si analize fizico-chimice a mierii, cum ar fi indicele diastazic, raportul Glucoza/Fructa si HMF-ul.

The beginning of the actual research activities through the harvesting of different types of honey, an activity that takes place over a longer period of time, taking into account the calendar of the blooming periods and also of the beekeeping activities. After harvesting, each sample is divided into separate lots and important data related to the producer, geographical data, climatic data are noted. This information will allow us an overview of the diversity of honey varieties depending on the geographical area and the specific climatic data of the year, which, combined with the physico-chemical, organoleptic, microscopic analyses, as well as the study of the therapeutic activity "in vivo" will lead to building a complete footprint of each individual batch of honey.

Debutul activitatilor de cercetare propriu-zise prin recoltarea diferitelor sortimente de miere, activitate care se deruleaza pe o perioada mai lunga de timp, avand in vedere si calendarul perioadelor de inflorire dar si a lucrarilor apicole. Dupa recoltare, fiecare proba este lotizata si se noteaza date importante legate de producator, date geografice, date climatice. Aceste informatii ne vor permite o vedere de ansamblu asupra diversitatii sortimentelor de miere in functie de zona geografica si datele climatice specifice anului, care, coroborate cu analizele fizico-chimice, organoleptice, microscopice, precum si studiul activitatii terapeutice "in vivo" vor duce la construirea unei amprente complete a fiecarui lot de miere in parte.

The implemented project will bring major benefits to farmers by increasing the economic yield of honey. The project will implement a new honey quality system that will allow the differentiation of different types of honey according to their properties, offering a corresponding quality level to each batch. Also implemented software will ensure transparency and traceability of all production processes until the product arrives on the shelf

Proiectul implementat va adduce beneficii majore pentru fermieri cu privire la cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Prin proiect se va implementa un nou sistem de calitate al mierii care va permite departajarea diferitelor tipuri de miere in functie de proprietatile acestora, oferind un nivel de calitate corespunzator fiecarui lot in parte. De asemenea aplicatia software implementata va asigura transparenta si trasabilitatea tuturor proceselor de productie pana in momentul cand produsul ajunge pe raft.

Beneficiul principal al fermierilor va fi cresterea randamentului economic al mierii, mierea obtinand un pret mai bun in functie de nivelul de calitate pe care il va primi. In acelasi timp, aplicatia software imbunatateste relatia cu clientul final oferindu-i acestuia informatii transparente legate de procesele de productie, creand astfel o relatie de lunga durata intre producator si client. 

The implemented project will bring major benefits to farmers by increasing the economic yield of honey. The project will implement a new honey quality system that will allow the differentiation of different types of honey according to their properties, offering a corresponding quality level to each batch. Also implemented software will ensure transparency and traceability of all production processes until the product arrives on the shelf.

Proiectul implementat va adduce beneficii majore pentru fermieri cu privire la cresterea randamentului economic al mierii. Prin proiect se va implementa un nou sistem de calitate al mierii care va permite departajarea diferitelor tipuri de miere in functie de proprietatile acestora, oferind un nivel de calitate corespunzator fiecarui lot in parte. De asemenea aplicatia software implementata va asigura transparenta si trasabilitatea tuturor proceselor de productie pana in momentul cand produsul ajunge pe raft.

Beneficiul principal al fermierilor va fi cresterea randamentului economic al mierii, mierea obtinand un pret mai bun in functie de nivelul de calitate pe care il va primi. In acelasi timp, aplicatia software imbunatateste relatia cu clientul final oferindu-i acestuia informatii transparente legate de procesele de productie, creand astfel o relatie de lunga durata intre producator si client.

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • APIVEST Agricultural Cooperative

    Project partner

  • Local Action Group "Asociatia Microregionala Tara Fagetului"

    Project partner

  • Popescu Roxana

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • West University of Timisoara

    Project partner