project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Development of a carbon footprint guidance and calculator for recycled fertilizer products
Kierrätyslannoitevalmisteiden hiilijalanjälkiohjeistuksen ja -laskurin kehittäminen

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Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
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There is currently no tool in Finland or anywhere else in the world for manufacturers of recycled fertilizers to reliably and transparently calculate and demonstrate the climate and environmental benefits of the products they manufacture.
The project develops calculation guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint and handprint of recycled fertilizer products. The calculation guidelines are consistent with existing and known accounting practices. The project is also developing easy-to-use demo version of the carbon footprint counter (excel). In addition, the project will raise awareness of recycled fertilizer products and their good properties.


Suomessa eikä muuallakaan maailmassa ole tällä hetkellä olemassa työkalua, jolla kierrätyslannoitteiden valmistajat voisivat luotettavasti ja läpinäkyvästi laskea ja osoittaa valmistamiensa valmisteiden ilmasto- ja ympäristöhyödyt.
Hankkeessa kehitetään laskentaohjeistus kierrätyslannoitevalmisteiden hiilijalan- ja kädenjäljen laskemiseen. Laskentaohjeistus on yhdenmukainen olemassa olevien ja tunnettujen laskentakäytäntöjen kanssa. Hankkeessa kehitetään myös toimiva ja helppokäyttöinen hiilijalanjälkilaskurin demoversio (excel).  Lisäksi hankkeen avulla lisätään tietoisuutta kierrätyslannoitevalmisteista ja niiden hyvistä ominaisuuksista.


The project will prepare a background study, on the basis of which guidelines and a counter will be prepared. The project will organize two workshops to gather the views of manufacturers. The instructions and counter will be tested by the manufacturers. The guidelines will be subject to third party evaluation.


Hankkeessa laaditaan taustaselvitys, jonka pohjalta lähdetään laatimaan ohjeistusta ja laskuria. Hankkeessa järjestetään kaksi työpajaa, joissa kerätään valmistajien näkemyksiä. Ohjeistusta ja laskuria testataan valmistajien toimesta. Ohjeistukselle teetetään kolmannen osapuolen arviointi. 


One of the most important legislative drives is the new EU fertilizer product regulation, that was adopted in 2019. It brings organic fertilizers and soil improvers in the same legislative framework with mineral-based fertilizers. This allows them to be exported freely in the EU internal market. These fertilizers are marked with an CE-label. However, organic fertilizers and soil improvers made from sewage sludge cannot be CE marked. The Regulation also allows for products manufactured and used on the basis of national legislation. The legislation is still evolving and there are still a number of factors holding back the development. The challenge of organic and recycled-based fertilizer products is that they are affected by a number of different pieces of legislation such as waste, fertilizer, product, chemical and agriculture. All of these are still under development both at the national and EU-level. However, the existing legislation already provides the adequate framework for the safe use of organic and recycled-based fertilizers, soil improvers and nutrients. It is true that the legislation has several important areas for development, such as EU-level legislation on the sludge is being out of date, but they are under construction.  Bigger problem actually seems to be their bad reputation, as their quality is assumed to be poor and users don't have updated information about their pros and cons. Obtaining public approval is essential to increase their use. The properties of the products should be better communicated. We believe that lower footprint of recycled fertilizer products could be a competitive advange compared to mineral-based fertilizer products. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014FI06RDRP001 Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelma 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Pohjois-Karjala, Etelä-Pohjanmaa

€ 82323.64

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator