project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Connecting isolated terrestrial habitats (biodiversity in taxis 2.0)
Vernetzung verinselter Biotope (Biodiversitätstaxis 2.0)

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Completed | 2016 - 2018 Germany
Completed | 2016 - 2018 Germany
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Sites with such a high potential and the connecting pathways can be mapped using high resolution geodata as well as potential obstacles. This will be realised for the western part of the Eifel as pilot region.


Das Vorhaben befasst sich mit der geodatenbasierten Ermittlung von Potentialflächen zur Schafbeweidung und der Erfassung eines Triebwegenetzsplans unter Nutzung von Routing-Algorithmen im GIS. Ziel dabei ist eine optimale Erreichbarkeit von Beweidungsflächen.


Objective of this study therefore is the geodata based assessment and mapping of sites with high potential for sheep farming and for best routing approaches to connect single sites. Sites with such a high potential and the connecting pathways can be mapped using high resolution geodata as well as potential obstacles. This will be realised for the western part of the Eifel as pilot region. Biodiversity will be improved by connecting such single “island” sites and additionally there will be positive effects on the economic situations of the sheep farmers. Sheep function as taxis of biodiversity by transporting micro animals and diaspores from one habitat to another.


Durch hochauflösende Geodaten im Untersuchungsgebiet Westeifel lassen sich mögliche Potentialflächen und Triebwege ermitteln und potentielle Hindernisse bzw. Erschwernisse lokalisieren. Neben positiven wirtschaftlichen Faktoren wird die Biodiversität durch die Vernetzung verinselter Biotope gefördert. Schafe fungieren als Biodiversitätstaxis, indem sie Diasporen und Kleinstlebewesen durch ihre Wanderungen mitttransportieren.


Sheep farming needs landscapes rich on ecotones, permanent access to connecting pathways as corridors, and of course good economic conditions and fair prices for their activities especially for ecologic activities. Objective of this study therefore is the geodata based assessment and mapping of sites with high potential for sheep farming and for best routing approaches to connect single sites. Sites with such a high potential and the connecting pathways can be mapped using high resolution geodata as well as potential obstacles. This will be realised for the western part of the Eifel as pilot region.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014DE06RDRP017 Germany - Rural Development Programme (Regional) – Rhineland-Palatinate
Main geographical location
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Kreisfreie Stadt

€ 324285.15

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Rheinland-Pfalz AgroScience GmbH Institut für Agrarökologie (IfA); Trapp, Matthias Dr.

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Bundesverband Berufsschäfer e. V. vertreten durch Czerkus, Günther (Vorsitzender)

    Project partner

  • Czerkus, Günther

    Project partner