project - Research and innovation


Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Other, Switzerland
Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Other, Switzerland
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The project will increase industrial efficiency and sustainability in natural resources use and enable socio-economic benefits in the targeted sectors.

At the end of the project :

5 promising molecules will be created and used by the cosmetic and nutraceutic companies,

10 companies will be involved in the value chain

5 jobs will be created


Description of the project

Despite a difficult economical context these last years in Europe, some sectors like the cosmetic and nutraceutical field are significantly growing. While the European cosmetic sector is estimated at 72 billion €, the nutraceutical sector is also a growing sector as consumers are more concerned about health, population aging and the positive image of natural products. The European food supplement market is expected to increase to 10.3 billion € by 2020. These sectors are characterized by a strong demand from consumers to return to natural products from local resources.

Currently, the majority of natural actives used in cosmetic or nutraceutical formulations are imported to Europe, while a great diversity of resources is present in the North-West Regions [1]. A large amount of residues in covered areas known for their arboriculture and viticulture sectors are not fully exploited for the sourcing of natural actives and are not used.

The aim of the AgriWasteValue project is to transform agricultural residues from the European North-West regions into bioactive compounds in order to use them in key industrial sectors such as the cosmetic and nutraceutical fields and then in a second phase in the energy, chemical and agricultural fields.

How does the process work?

Innovative and scalable methods such as environmentally-friendly extraction and biochemical treatment will be put in place in order to obtain biosolvants and biobased chemicals.

The project works towards the creation of sustainable value chains and “zero-waste” biobased operations.


The production of bioactives via extraction

A biochemical treatment (which can also be called fermentation) transforming lignocellulosic fractions into biosolvants and biobased chemicals

The final residues will be used in order to produce biogas and fertilizer

The transnational cooperation of the project will open up new ways of recycling residues from the agricultural, viticulture and arboriculture sectors.

The identification and formulation of new cosmetic and nutraceutic products from raw material strengthens the local economy by developing new regional value chains.

[1] especially crossborder regions such as France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK.

Advantages of the project

The project creates a sustainable value chain in the agro-industrial sector and enhances the competitiveness of Europe through the complementarity of its activity sectors and its network of SMEs. It is in line with the concept of circular economy and has social, environmental and economic advantages. Thanks to the creation of this new regional value chain, local producers will be able to find alternatives for an economic valorization of their residues with local enterprises/partners. Later, these enterprises will benefit from local resources for the development of their products.

Social benefits: new jobs, cross-sector industrial interactions for the regions.

Another benefit of the project is that it creates an exchange of know-how with local scientific institutes.

Objectives of the project

The project will increase industrial efficiency and sustainability in natural resources use and enable socio-economic benefits in the targeted sectors.

At the end of the project :

5 promising molecules will be created and used by the cosmetic and nutraceutic companies,

10 companies will be involved in the value chain

5 jobs will be created

Budget of the project

Global budget : 3.193.157,19€

Fund ERDF : 1.744.580,84€

Follow the project on :

The website's project (available early January 2020)

LinkedIn @AgriWasteValue Interreg NWE

Twitter @AgriWasteValue

Project details
Main funding source
Other EU research and development funds
Project acronym
Agricultural sectors
  • Crops (generic)
  • Fruits
  • Viticulture

€ 3.193.157,19

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

€ 1.744.580,84

EU contribution

Any type of EU funding.

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Project coordinator

Project partners