project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Using 'Internet of Things' (IoT) technology to improve slurry management on farms
Using 'Internet of Things' (IoT) technology to improve slurry management on farms

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The aim is to better understand what role IoT technology has when trying to improve efficiency of application of slurry. Soil condition, water table level, rainfall levels and air temperature all influence the likelihood of water run-off from fields. When it occurs after slurry application it can waste a valuable source of nutrients and risks polluting natural water courses.

This project will test a range of sensors at Glynllifon College and two other dairy farms in North West Wales, Hen Dŷ at Caernarfon and Erw Fawr near Caergybi. The farmers are hoping that by gaining real-time information on the conditions of the land it will allow them to quickly and safely make decision on slurry management.


Y nod yw ceisio deall yn well pa ran sydd i dechnoleg IoT mewn ymdrechion i fod yn fwy effeithlon wrth daenu slyri. Mae cyflwr y pridd, y lefel trwythiad, lefelau glawiad a thymheredd yr aer oll yn dylanwadu ar ba mor debygol y mae dŵr o lifo oddi ar gaeau. Pan mae hyn yn digwydd ar ôl taenu slyri gall wastraffu ffynhonnell faeth werthfawr ac mae’n berygl o lygru cyrsiau dŵr naturiol.

Bydd y prosiect hwn yn profi amrywiol synwyryddion yng Ngholeg Glynllifon ac ar ddwy fferm laeth arall yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru, Hen Dŷ yng Nghaernarfon ac Erw Fawr ger Caergybi. Gobaith y ffermwyr yw, drwy fod ganddynt wybodaeth amser real am gyflwr y tir, y gallant wneud penderfyniad yn gyflym a diogel ynglŷn â rheoli slyri.


Various IoT sensors will be positioned on each of the three farms:

Water table sensors - To test if accurately monitoring the water table level will provide farmers with knowledge of when it is suitable to apply slurry. 
Soil moisture sensors - To test the quality of the data generated against the number of sensors per field and layout pattern.   
Rain Gauge - This will enable farmers to monitor the amount of rainfall in the area. This will factor into the overall decision over whether conditions are correct to apply slurry.
Slurry Pit Level Sensor - Good slurry management includes ensuring adequate safe storage on-farm.  This will provide accurate information to a farmer of on-farm storage capacity.


Caiff gwahanol synwyryddion IoT eu lleoli ar y tair fferm:

Synwyryddion lefel trwythiad – I ceisio gweld a yw monitro’r lefel trwythiad yn fanwl yn rhoi i ffermwyr wybodaeth ynglŷn â phryd mae’n briodol taenu slyri. 
Synwyryddion lleithder pridd – I brofi ansawdd y data a gynhyrchir yn erbyn nifer y synwyryddion ym mhob cae a phatrwm eu lleoliad.   
Mesuryddion Glaw – Bydd hyn yn galluogi ffermwyr i fonitro glawiad yr ardal a fydd yn helpu i wneud penderfyniad ynglŷn ag yw’r amodau’n iawn i daenu slyri.
Synhwyrydd Lefel y Storfa Slyri – Rhaid i ddulliau rheoli slyri effeithiol gynnwys sicrhau bod digon o le i’w storio’n ddiogel ar y fferm. Bydd hyn yn rhoi i ffermwr wybodaeth fanwl am y capasiti storio ar y fferm. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location

€ 47028

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The aim of this project is to better understand what role IoT technology has when trying to improve efficiency of application of slurry. Soil condition, water table level, rainfall levels and air temperature all influence the likelihood of water run-off from fields. When it occurs after slurry application it can waste a valuable source of nutrients and risks polluting natural water courses.

IoT water table sensors, soil moisture sensors, rain gauges, and slurry pit level sensor will be positioned on each of the three farms.

The information from the various sensors will feed into an app that will show a dashboard style map of the fields that will indicate fields that are suitable/unsuitable to apply slurry. The project will also evaluate the opportunity for IoT to be used for self-auditing purposes by logging environmental conditions and weather forecasts for farms as evidence that slurry is applied under suitable conditions at all times. This project will be the first of its kind in Wales and the group will evaluate the methodology in utilising IoT technology for a specific agriculture application such as slurry management to identify good practices that could be adopted by other efforts to utilise IoT in farming.

Nod y prosiect yw ceisio deall yn well pa ran sydd i dechnoleg IoT mewn ymdrechion i fod yn fwy effeithlon wrth daenu slyri. Mae cyflwr y pridd, y lefel trwythiad, lefelau glawiad a thymheredd yr aer oll yn dylanwadu ar ba mor debygol y mae dŵr o lifo oddi ar gaeau. Pan mae hyn yn digwydd ar ôl taenu slyri gall wastraffu ffynhonnell faeth werthfawr ac mae’n berygl o lygru cyrsiau dŵr naturiol.

Bydd synwyryddion IoT lefel trwythiad, synwyryddion lleithder pridd, mesuryddion glaw, ac synwyryddion lefel y storfa slyri yn cael eu lleoli ar y tair fferm:

Bydd y wybodaeth a geir o’r gwahanol synwyryddion yn bwydo i ap a fydd yn dangos map o’r caeau fel dangosfwrdd, gan ddangos y caeau sy’n addas/ anaddas i daenu slyri arnynt. Bydd y prosiect hefyd yn gwerthuso’r cyfle i IoT gael ei ddefnyddio i wneud hunanarchwiliadau, drwy gofnodi amodau amgylcheddol a rhagolygon y tywydd ar gyfer ffermydd fel tystiolaeth bod slyri yn cael ei daenu mewn amodau addas bob amser. Y prosiect hwn fydd y cyntaf o’i fath yng Nghymru a bydd y grŵp yn gwerthuso’r fethodoleg o ddefnyddio technoleg IoT at ddefnydd amaethyddol penodol megis rheoli slyri er mwyn canfod arferion da y gallai ymdrechion eraill i ddefnyddio IoT mewn ffermio eu mabwysiadu.

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Project coordinator

  • Geraint Hughes

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Aled Jones

    Project partner

  • Arwel Jones

    Project partner

  • Ceredig Evans

    Project partner

  • Esmor Hughes

    Project partner

  • James Ingram

    Project partner

  • Rhodri Owen

    Project partner