project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

RUMPRINT - Environmental footprint of cow's milk and beef
RUMPRINT-Huella ambiental de leche y carne de bovino

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The main objective is finding ways of reducing the environmental footprint of beef and cow's milk in Catalonia, without losses in production and quality.
The specific objectives are:

Inventory resource consumption and pollutant emissions throughout the value chains of beef and veal

Make an environmental diagnosis of the inventories compiled using the PEF guides.

Add environmental indicators complementing the PEF, which are relevant for the environmental diagnosis of beef and cow's milk

Identify points for environmental improvement and propose alternatives

Raise awareness of the PEF, the results of its application in the beef sector and the benefits of adopting a life cycle perspective. 


El objetivo principal es hallar el modo de reducir la huella ambiental de la carne y la leche de bovino producidos en Cataluña, sin mengua de la producción y la calidad.
Los objetivos específicos son:
1. Inventariar el consumo de recursos y emisiones contaminantes de la carne y la Leche de bovino.
2. Hacer la diagnosis ambiental de los inventarios recopilados usando las guías PEF.
3. Añadir indicadores ambientales complementarios al PEF y relevantes para la diagnosis ambiental.
4. Detectar puntos de mejora ambientales y proponer alternativas.
5. Hacer difusión del PEF, de los resultados de aplicarlo en el sector bovino y de los beneficios de usar una perspectiva de ciclo de vida.


There are five phases of action:

Phase 1: Inventory of resource use and pollutant emissions in milk and beef production. An exhaustive compilation of all the inputs and outputs of materials and energy, from the farm to the sale of the product, will be carried out in order to obtain detailed knowledge of the two production chains. The information will be
gathered according to the PEF guidelines.

Phase 2: Quantification of the PEF environmental footprint in milk and beef production

Phase 3: Definition of indicators supplementing those in the PEF profile

Phase 4: Proposal for improvements in the meat and cow's milk value chains to reduce environmental impact.

Phase 5: Dissemination of the results



Hay 5 fases:

Fase 1: inventario de recursos y emisiones contaminantes en la producción de leche y de carne de bovino. Para desarrollar un conocimiento detallado de las dos cadenas productivas, se hace una compilación exhaustiva de todas las entradas y salidas de materiales y de energía desde la granja hasta la venta del producto en tienda. La información se recoge siguiendo las pautas de las guías PEF.

Fase 2: Cuantificación de la huella ambiental PEF en la producción de leche y carne de bovino

Fase 3: Definición de indicadores complementarios a los del PEF

Fase 4: Propuesta de mejoras en las cadenas de valor de la carne y de la leche de bovino para reducir el impacto ambiental.

Fase 5: Difusión de los resultados


Environmental concerns surround the meat, milk and dairy products sector due to its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and biodiversity loss related to feed imports, among other major environmental issues. Its key role and contribution to achieving sustainable development goals have also been identified. In response to social demands, livestock farmers and the meat and dairy products industry have sought ways to measure, reduce and raise awareness of the environmental footprint of their products. However, the absence of regulation has meant that the results and eco-labels that have been produced for communication purposes are not comparable with each other. Consumers consequently have difficulty understanding the wide range of eco-labels found in the market, and with using the information as a criterion for their purchases, and producers are therefore calling for ways to objectively and fairly identify green products to deal with false eco-labelling. Given this situation, there is a need for an environmental footprint measurement methodology based on scientific knowledge that inspires confidence. This need has also been identified by the European Commission, which has launched an initiative to standardise the measurement of the environmental footprint of products (abbreviated to PEF in English). The PEF is currently in the testing phase, and will be implemented in policies in 2023. The RUMPRINT operational group (OG) was created to evaluate the suitability of the PEF guidelines for companies in Catalonia's local beef sector, to prepare the sector for compliance with future European environmental regulations, and to make progress in environmental competitiveness in a globalised market.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 151987.92

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator