project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Pocket farmer 2 - More performant operation of pocket digesters
Pocketboer 2 - Performantere werking van pocketvergisters

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Ongoing | 2019 - 2021 Belgium
Ongoing | 2019 - 2021 Belgium
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Pocketboer 2 is tapping into the experiences of dairy farmers who are already using pocket digesters, to find solutions for common problems and improve performance. Pocketboer 2 is a follow-up project on 'Pocketboer'. A first project of the Pocketboer operational group supported the sector with adjustments for the quality and operation of the installations.


Meer en meer landbouwers in Vlaanderen - België gebruiken kleinschalige (‘pocket’) anaërobe vergisters op hun boerderijen om biogasenergie te produceren uit rundermest. Omdat de technologie vrij nieuw is, maakt de Operationele Groep Pocketboer 2 gebruik van de ervaringen van melkveehouders die al pocketvergisters gebruiken om oplossingen te vinden voor veelvoorkomende problemen en de prestaties te verbeteren. Pocketboer 2 is een vervolgproject op 'Pocketboer'. Een eerste project van de operationele groep Pocketboer ondersteunde de sector met aanpassingen voor de kwaliteit en de werking van de installaties.


1. Knowledge & information exchange between (future) operators, partners and other stakeholders (via core groups, knowledge cooperatives, Facebook group, publications in trade press & newsletters, stakeholder consultations, tips & tricks) so that the sector is optimally informed;
2. Analyzing, addressing or solving technical bottlenecks (via fermentation tests, market studies, measurements, cost-benefit analysis and strengthening the negotiating position of operators);
3. support of files linked to support & regulations (roll-out of digital meter instead of the reversing counter, certificates / investment support, etc.).


1. Kennis- & informatie-uitwisseling tussen (toekomstige) uitbaters, partners en andere stakeholders (via kerngroepen, kenniscoöperaties, facebookgroep, publicaties in vakpers & nieuwsbrieven, stakeholderoverleg, tips & tricks) opdat de sector optimaal wordt geïnformeerd;
2. Aanslepende technische knelpunten analyseren, aankaarten of oplossen (via vergistingstesten, marktstudie, doormetingen, kosten- batenanalyse en versterken van de onderhandelingspositie van uitbaters);
3. Dossiers gelinkt aan steun & regelgeving (uitrol digitale meter i.p.v. de terugdraaiende teller, certificaten/investeringssteun, … ) begeleiden


In addition to the partners in the OG mentioned under 'Partners', the operational group consists of two knowledge cooperations (KC), these are groups in which, in addition to representatives from the operational group (farmers & research partners), 15 to 20 managers of pocket digesters (farmers) come together on the basis of geographical proximity to share experiences and knowledge. exchange. During the duration of this project, each of these groups meets 5 times.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014BE06RDRP001 Belgium - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Flanders
Main geographical location
Arr. Roeselare
Other geographical location
Arr. Kortrijk

€ 33000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

Project partners