project - Research and innovation

NEFERTITI - Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration 1 of 2
NEFERTITI - Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration 1 of 2

Ongoing | 2018 - 2022 France
Ongoing | 2018 - 2022 France
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The overall objective of NEFERTITI is to establish an EU-wide highly connected network of well-specified demonstration and pilot farms designed to enhance knowledge exchanges, cross fertilisation among actors and efficient innovation uptake in the farming sector through peer-to-peer demonstration of techniques to be organised by themes.


L’objectif global de NEFERTITI est d’établir un réseau européen de fermes de démonstration et de fermes pilotes interconnectées et organisées par thèmes, afin d’améliorer les échanges de connaissances, l’apprentissage mutuel entre les acteurs et l’adoption efficace de l’innovation dans le secteur agricole.


Under the project NEFERTITI 10 interactive thematic networks will be established bringing together 45 regional clusters (hubs) of demo-farmers and actors involved (advisors, NGOs, industry, education, researchers and policy makers) in 17 countries. The project NEFERTITI focuses on creating added value from the exchange of knowledge, actors, farmers and technical content between networks in order to boost innovation uptake and to improve peer to peer learning and network connectivity between farming actors across Europe. In the end, it all contributes to a more competitive, sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.


Dans le cadre du projet NEFERTITI, 10 réseaux thématiques interactifs sont mis en place, rassemblant 45 pôles régionaux (hubs) d’agriculteurs et d’acteurs impliqués dans des activités de démonstration (conseillers, acteurs des filières, enseignement, chercheurs, ONG et responsables politiques) dans 17 pays. Le projet NEFERTITI mise sur l’échange de connaissances entre réseaux d’acteurs en particulier les agriculteurs afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage entre pairs, la mise en connexion des réseaux d’acteurs agricoles en Europe pour ainsi stimuler l’adoption de l’innovation. La finalité est de contribuer à bâtir une agriculture plus compétitive, plus durable et plus respectueuse du climat.


NEFERTITI acknowledges the potential merits of the innovations coming from the grass roots at the farmer level and seeks to enhance the visibility and general acquaintance among the farmers’ public of these innovations. Also the innovation potential of farmers and their partners in business sometimes leads to innovations that are not widely spread (e.g. because they are not readily ‘saleable’). NEFERTITI will address three levels: farmers’ solutions, business carried solutions and research and development solutions; also enabling farmers to better demonstrate their own innovations to a wide audience is a key objective of NEFERTITI.

NEFERTITI’s overall aim is to realise added value from connecting existing initiatives of EU demonstration and pilot farms on thematic level, improving knowledge flows. Moreover NEFERTITI sees a potential role for networks to improve the bottom up influence on research programs agenda setting, improved dialogue and fertile ground to initiate new operational projects and innovations.

Additional information

NEFERTITI has chosen to represent the main agricultural sectors in Europe to be present in the 10 networks that were chosen. By taking on board these different sectors we profit in the learning process from the distinct different settings of stakeholders, farmers and issues and resulting innovation ecosystems from these three sectors. Within these sectors the themes have been chosen based on the key concerns of the farming communities of the national/regional ‘hubs’ in the project, reflecting the importance of the sector for the region.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 6999992

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

45 Practice Abstracts

The event was held within the NEFERTITI network ‘farm attractiveness’ and the hub "farmON HUb", which is a regional cluster of NEFERTITI involving demonstration farms and other innovative actors of agriculture and food production from the Transdanubian part of Hungary.

Participants of the event were agricultural students, early career farmers and young people interested in agriculture. The aim was to raise awareness for innovative farming and to show the benefits of working with advisory services. The venue of the event was Imre Fazekas's farm, a demonstration farm of the Szechenyi Istvan University, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science in the North-West part of Hungary. He manages 700 ha of land for seed production (hybrid corn, Phacelia tanacetifolia, oil radish, mustard), combined with hen breeding.

During the event we combined presentations of experts (farmer, advisor) with interactive tasks, workshops.

Imre introduced his farm and spoke about his career to the young people, speaking not only about the positives but also about the challenges of his career in agriculture and how he overcame these challenges. He talked very impressively about the current agricultural career opportunities in Hungary. The farmer has also shown the latest technological developments on his farm and the planned innovations and how these contribute to better productivity and higher profitability.

The adviser talked about his work and why it is useful to work with advisory services. The hub coach introduced NEFERTITI project, its specific goals and networking opportunities to the participants. We also used interactive group work during the event, which inspired participants to think creatively about an agricultural career.

At the end of the event participants were asked about their impressions. They were very positive about what they heard and saw during the event, they found the interactive parts particularly useful. Generally the event influenced their views positively on making a career in agriculture.

A rendezvény a "Farm attractiveness" ("A gazdálkodás vonzóbbá tétele") NEFERTITI hálózat, és a "farmON HUb" (a NEFERTITI keretében kialakított regionális klaszter, ami a dunántúli területen működő bemutató gazdaságokat és más innovatív agrár- és élelmiszeripari szereplőket fogja össze) keretében valósult meg. A résztvevők agrárszakos hallgatók, fiatal gazdálkodók és a mezőgazdaság iránt érdeklődő fiatalok voltak. A rendezvény célja az innovatív gazdálkodás és a szaktanácsadóval való együttműködés előnyeinek bemutatása volt. A helyszín Fazekas Imre gazdasága, a Széchenyi István Egyetem Mezőgazdaság- és Élelmiszertudományi Kar Mintagazdasági Hálózatának tagja. Imre 700 ha-on gazdálkodik, vetőmag előállítással (hibrid kukorica, facélia, olajretek, mustár) és tojótyúk tartással foglalkozik.

A rendezvény során a szakemberek (gazdálkodó, szaktanácsadó) előadásait különböző interaktív feladatokkal, műhelymunkával kombináltuk. Imre bemutatta a gazdaságát és beszélt a fiataloknak a pályafutásáról, a pozitívumok mellett őszintén bemutatva a kudarcélményeit is, illetve hogy hogyan tudott ezeken sikeresen felülkerekedni. Meggyőzően beszélt a jelenlegi magyarországi mezőgazdasági karrierlehetőségekről, valamint bemutatta gazdasága legújabb technológiai fejlesztéseit, a tervezett innovációkat, illetve hogy ezek hogyan járulhatnak hozzá a jobb termelékenységhez és jövedelmezőséghez.

A szaktanácsadó beszélt a munkájáról, és arról, hogy miért érdemes szaktanácsadóval együttműködni. A hub coach (a hub „vezetője”) bemutatta a NEFERTITI projektet, a projekt céljait és a résztvevők kapcsolatépítési lehetőségeit. A rendezvény során alkalmaztuk az interaktív csoportmunka módszert is, amely arra ösztönözte a résztvevőket, hogy kreatívan gondolkodjanak egy mezőgazdasági karrierről. Az esemény végén a résztvevőket megkérdeztük benyomásaikról. Nagyon pozitívan nyilatkoztak az esemény során hallottakról és látottakról, különösen az interaktív részeket találták hasznosnak. Általánosságban elmondható, hogy az esemény pozitívan befolyásolta véleményüket a mezőgazdasági karrierépítés lehetőségéről.

There are two main outcomes from the Network 10 on-farm demonstrations (on-farm demos), firstly regarding the facilitation of on-farm demonstrations. Successful on-farm demos rely on an inspiring and dynamic host farmer, who is willing to openly share their experiences as a new entrant. For example, the Network 10 host farmers in Scotland have described the pressure of starting a farm on their family life and managing local expectations. These direct and personal insights are valuable to those participating in the on-farm demos, they build trust between the host farmer and the on-farm demo participants and share key lessons with aspiring new entrant farmers that can support their future resilience.

The second outcome is regarding practical recommendations to support new and young people to pursue a career in Scottish agriculture. An emerging theme from the on-farm demos hosted by new entrant farmers is the belief that ‘cooperation rather than competition’ is vital to their success. Such collaboration can include establishing joint venture enterprises, for example share farming or partnerships between ‘aspiring and retiring’ farmers, or new tenancies for smaller farm units on large estates. This model of cooperation is an area of growing interest within Scottish agricultural and land policy; the Scottish Government recently announced the establishment of a Scottish Land Matching Service, to support increasing land access by new entrants to agriculture. Learning from the NEFERTITI Network 10 demo-campaign in Scotland will seek to support and inform this initiative.

In the German hub of Network 10, we work on two challenges facing agriculture: On the one hand, society is increasingly losing its connection to agriculture and is learning more and more where food comes from and how it is produced. Also, reports about fertilization, extinction of species, pesticides are worsening the reputation of agriculture among the population. On the other hand we have a big problem what the dying of the farms is because the handing over of the farms is often difficult. All in all, we want to restore and/or improve the attractiveness of agriculture in the long term and build a network that cares about young farmers.

In order to make agriculture more attractive in society as well, primary school pupils were invited to the showcase to work with them on agricultural topics at 3 stations. Also farm tours for families in connection with a breakfast instead of or the occupation as a farmer were presented at a vocational fair. Our experience is that people are very interested in agriculture and enjoy listening and discussing. The participants were asked for their opinion at the end of the event in order to optimise future events on the basis of feedback.

Im deutschen Hub von Netzwerk 10 bearbeiten wir zwei Herausforderungen, mit denen die Landwirtschaft konfrontiert ist: Einerseits verliert die Gesellschaft immer mehr die Verbindung zur Landwirtschaft und verlernt mehr und mehr, wo die Nahrungsmittel herkommen und wie sie produziert werden. Auch verschlechtern Meldungen um Düngung, Artensterben, Pflanzenschutzmittel das Ansehen der Landwirtschaft in der Bevölkerung. Andererseits haben wir ein großes Problem was das Höfe-Sterben abgeht, weil sich die Hofübergabe oft schwierig gestaltet. Alles in allem geht es uns darum die Attraktivität der Landwirtschaft langfristig wiederherzustellen und/oder zu verbessern und ein Netzwerk aufzubauen, dem der landwirtschaftliche Nachwuchs am Herzen liegt.

Um die Landwirtschaft auch in der Gesellschaft attraktiver zu machen, haben im Rahmen der Showcase Demo Grundschüler auf einen Betrieb eingeladen und mit ihnen an 3 Station landwirtschaftliche Themen erarbeitet und mit Beispielen dargestellt. Auch Betriebsführungen für Familien in Verbindung mit einem Frühstück statt oder der Beruf als Landwirt wurde an einer Berufsmesse präsentiert. Wir haben die Erfahrung gemacht, dass die Leute ein großes Interesse an der Landwirtschaft haben und gerne zuhören und diskutieren. Die Teilnehmenden wurden zum Ende des Events nach Ihrer Meinung befragt, um zukünftige Veranstaltungen auf Grund der Rückmeldungen zu optimieren.

Up to 6000 people are required to enter dairy farming in Ireland over the coming years. It is therefore important to make young people aware of the opportunities that exist and promote dairying as a career. The Irish hub has arranged a number of on-farm demonstrations to promote careers in dairying and give a background to the sciences involved through practical demonstrations. Securing an audience for these events is critical to their success. A partnership with the Irish Agricultural Science Teachers Association (IASTA) has proven hugely successful in achieving good audiences. IASTA has a network that facilitates directly contacting class teachers within a 40km radius of the proposed event. Three consecutive events have had almost full attendance as a result ensuring that maximum effect is achieved in each catchment area. Unlike many other events, accurate attendance numbers are known up to ten days in advance of the event. This is hugely beneficial to the planning of the event in terms of space needed, group numbers, group sizes, transport and parking. Where necessary this also facilitates the capping of attendance numbers or making the decision to run additional sessions to cater for larger attendances. Class teachers are very responsive to the project partly due to the involvement of their representative body. Partnerships with representative bodies and possibly also producer groups, Co-operatives etc. have the potential to greatly increase attendance at events and to streamline the organisation of the event.

We cannot view the bee colony as a randomly bundled group of bees , but rather as a complex and interconnected super-organism. A holistic approach in control of honey bee diseases involves examining and evaluating all the parameters that are important for the patho-physiological process as well as the conditions that will lead to the healing of the colony. During the November 2019 the members of HUB 10 in Croatia organised a demo-event about holistic approach in the fight against honey bee diseases in Vukovar . All participants listened a theoretical part and then we visited the apiary and carried out certain practical actions. The beekeepers had been closely watching the use of oxalic acid in varroa treatment and evaluated the strength of the honeybee colony in November.

The main outcomes of the event: introducing participants to a holistic way of thinking in the fight against bee diseases, establishing good networks of beekeepers, mutual exchange of knowledge and practical experiences, understand and explain basics of honey bee pathology and assess general health of honey bee colonies.

The main recommendations: transferring the know-how technology to the beekeepers, fewer problems in apiaries concerning beekeeping management and honey bee health than before, setting the modern beekeeping in the centre of rural and sustainable development and and consequently the beekeepers will be ready to take care for nature and earn spare money at the same time.

Pčelinju zajednicu ne možemo promatrati kao nasumično nabacanu grupu pčela već kao jedan složen i međusobno umrežen super-organizam . Holistički pristup u suzbijanju bolesti pčela podrazumijeva ispitivanje i procjenu svih parametara bitnih za nastanak pato-fizioloških procesa kao i uvjeta koji će dovesti do ozdravljenja pčelinje zajednice. Tijekom studenog 2019.g.organizirali smo demo-događaj o holističkom pristupu u suzbijanju bolesti pčela u Vukovaru.Svi sudionici slušali su teoretski dio te smo kasnije posjetili pčelinjak gdje smo proveli određene praktične radnje. Pčelari su pozorno pratili primjenu oksalne kiseline u suzbijanju vaooze te procjenu jačine pčelinje zajednice u studenom.

Glavni rezultati: upoznavanje sudionika s holističkim načinom razmišljanja u borbi protiv pčelinjih bolesti, povezanost pčelara, međusobna razmjena znanja i praktičnih iskustava, razumijevanje i objašnjenje osnova iz patologije pčela i procjena općeg zdravstvenog stanja pčelinje zajednice.

Glavne preporuke: prijenos tehnologije znanja pčelarima, manje problema u pčelinjacima u svezi tehnologije i zdravstvenog stanja nego prije, postavljanje modernog pčelarstva u središte ruralnog i održivog razvoja, a posljedično, pčelari će biti spremni brinuti se za prirodu i istovremeno zarađivati novac.

European agriculture is facing a lack of attractiveness of its careers which causes serious problems in renewing generations of farmers. Among the innattractiveness factors of the profession, we find the lack of knowledge regarding how farms work or bad image of the public regarding these jobs.

One of the ways to reconnect the public and the sectors is to open the gates of farms. This can be organized in a many different ways, the most common being organizing open houses events in volunteer farms. The initiative can come from the farmer himself, or he can be solicited and supported by a consultancy structure, who will support him on the organization and logistics on the day of the visit.

It is preferable to have studied the activities to be carried out with the public, the subjects that one wishes to talk about, and to make sure that the farmer will be able to adapt his speech to a non-expert public. Some studies have shown that the public is much more sensitive to the direct speech of the farmer than that of a person in charge of representing him, but communication remains a competence on its own, and not every farmer can do it with ease.

Another way for farmers and citizens to meet, especially in urban areas, is to move the farm to the city. In particular, we attended an event of this type at Le Mans. Those events are more distant from the reality of the farm, but can reach a much wider audience.

Finally, an important element to make the farming profession known is media such as movies or social media, like twitters or facebook where farmers are increasingly active and followed by thousands or tens of thousands of people.

L'agriculture Européenne est confrontée à un déficit d'attractivité de ses métiers qui pose de sérieux problèmes de renouvellement des générations d'agriculteurs. Parmi les facteurs d'innattractivité du métier, on retrouve la méconnaissance ou la mauvaise image du public vis à vis de ces métiers.

Une des façons de renouer du lien entre le public et les filières est d'ouvrir les portes de fermes. Cela peut s'organiser de plusieurs façons, la plus courante est d'organiser des journées portes ouvertes dans des fermes d'agriculteurs volontaires. L'initiative peut venir de l'agriculteur lui-même, ou bien il peut être sollicité et appuyé par une structure de conseil, qui l'épaulera sur l'organisation et la logistique le jour de la visite.

Il est souhaitable d'avoir étudié en amont les activités à réaliser avec le public, les sujets que l'on souhaite traiter, et de s'assurer que l'agriculteur sera en mesure d'adapter son discours à un public non expert. Certaines études ont en effet montré que le public est beaucoup plus sensible au discours direct de l'agriculteur qu'à celui d'une personne en charge de le représenter, mais la communication reste une compétence à part entière que tous n'ont pas toujours eu l'occasion de développer.

Une autre façon de faire se rencontrer les agriculteurs et les citoyens, en zone urbaine notamment, est de faire se déplacer la ferme à la ville. Nous avons notamment suivi un évènement de ce type au Mans. Ces évènement sont plus éloignés de la réalité de la ferme, mais permettent de toucher un public beaucoup plus large.

Enfin, un élément important pour faire connaitre le métier d'agriculteur il y a les médias comme les films ou encore les réseaux sociaux ou les agriculteurs sont de plus en plus actif et suivi par des millers voir des dizaines de milliers de personnes. is the Portuguese hub of NEFERTITI´s network “Pesticide use reduction in the production of grapes, fruits and vegetables”. It involves different vine demo-farms for wine production, in Douro and Alentejo regions, as well as other innovation actors (e.g., researchers, advisors, farmers associations, policy actors). The focus is on non-chemical solutions of pest management. Particular attention has been paid to practices for conserving and enhancing biodiversity (e.g., cover crops, biodiverse hedges), to promote ecosystem services (e.g., biological control), and biotechnical tactics (e.g., mating disruption).

ADVID (Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region), partner of, has been developing different R&D projects with their associated farmers, such as Qta. Carvalhas (Real Companhia Velha), to promote more sustainable practices of pest management in Douro Valley. An example of demo activities carried out by ADVID is the field visit to Qta. Carvalhas integrated in the IOBC‐WPRS Meeting of the Working Group “Integrated Protection in Viticulture”, held in November 8, 2019. The peculiarities of Douro Valley as a mountain viticulture area, and a producing region of premium wines were discussed. Economic sustainability is a major challenge, due to higher production costs compared to other regions. Conservation biodiversity practices are a key component and a basis for pest biocontrol in the farm. Herbicide application can be reduced by using ground-cover vegetation and adapted slope mowers, limiting treatments to vine rows. Mating disruption is an effective control tactic against grape berry moth. Fungicide treatments for powdery and downy mildew have been reduced to four. é o hub português da rede NEFERTITI sobre “Redução do uso de pesticidas na produção de uva, frutas e hortícolas”, envolvendo diferentes demo-farms, na área da viticultura, nas regiões do Douro e Alentejo e outros atores de inovação (e.g., associações, empresas, decisores políticos, investigadores). Dá-se particular importância aos métodos não químicos de proteção da vinha, como a conservação e fomento da biodiversidade (e.g., enrelvamento, sebes), para promover os serviços de ecossistema (e.g., luta biológica), e as táticas biotécnicas (e.g., confusão sexual).

A ADVID (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura na Região do Douro), parceiro do, tem desenvolvido projetos de I&D com os seus associados, para promover práticas mais sustentáveis de proteção da vinha, na Região do Douro. Como exemplo de atividades de demonstração, é de referir a visita à Qta. Carvalhas, Real Companhia Velha, no âmbito da Reunião do Grupo de Trabalho da OILB-SROP "Proteção Integrada em Viticultura”, a 8 de novembro de 2019. Discutiram-se as especificidades do Douro, como região de viticultura de montanha e produtora de vinhos Premium. A sustentabilidade económica é um dos principais desafios, devido aos maiores custos de produção, em comparação com outras regiões. As práticas de conservação e fomento da biodiversidade são uma componente importante para promover a luta biológica. O uso de herbicidas pode ser reduzido através da cobertura vegetal do solo, na entrelinha e taludes, com controlo mecânico da vegetação dos taludes e aplicação de herbicida na linha. A confusão sexual tem mostrado ser eficaz para combater a traça-dos-cachos. O número de tratamentos fungicidas, para o míldio e oídio, tem vindo a ser reduzido.

Among the small berry plants grown in Bulgaria, the red raspberry is the most valuable. In recent years, raspberry cane midge Rasseliella theobaldi and spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii are the pests of economical importance causing severe damages on canes and fruits of raspberry plants. The efficiency of chemical control of the insect pest has significantly decreased in last few years. For this reason alternative approaches as traps (pheromones and attractants), botanical insecticides (azadirachtin), microbial insecticides (Bacilus subtilis), and lime.

In July, 2019, in organic raspberry field was demonstrated the use of bite traps and lime against the adults of D. suzukii and bacterial suspension of B. subtilis towards the larvae of R. theobaldi. As results of methods applied the population of spotted wing drosophila was reduced up to 75% and the mortality of cane midge larvae reached approximately 60%. The bacterium and lime affected the pathogens as powdery mildew and grey mold,as well. In order to achieve higher efficiency of the products used, the time of treatment, the combination of the means and the precise spraying of the insecticides on the plants are of crucial importance.

Demonstrated bioproducts are a good alternative to chemical pesticides and can be successfully integrated into pest control systems in organic and conventional raspberry plantations.

Сред ягодоплодните култури, отглеждани в България малините имат най-голямо икономическо значение. През последните години неприятелите, които причиняват най-сериозни щети по леторастите и плодовете на малината са малиновото комарче и петнистокрилата дрозофила. Широко прилаганите химически средства за контрол на вредителите имат все по-малка ефикасност, което налага прилагането на алтернативни средства за контрол като уловки (феромонови и хранителни), ботанически инсектициди (азадирахтин), микробиални инсектициди (Bacilus subtilis) и овощарска вар.

През месец юли тази година в България в биологично малиново насаждение беше демонстрирано използването на хранителни уловки и овощарска вар срещу възрастните индивиди на дрозофилата и бактериална суспензия на B. subtilis срещу ларвите на комарчето. Като резултат от приложените средства популацията на дрозофилата намаля до 75% и смъртността на ларвите на комарчето достигна 60%. Използваните бактерия и овощарска вар имат ефект и срещу фитопатогени като брашнеста мана и сиво гниене. Като допълнение овощарската предпазва растенията и от температурен стрес. За постигането на по-висока ефикасност на използваните продукти от голямо значение е времето на третиране, комбинирането на отделните средства и прецизното напръскване на растенията.

Демонстрираните био продукти са добра алтернатива на химическите пестициди и могат успешно да бъдат интегрирани в системите за контрол на неприятелите в биологични и конвенционални малинови насаждения.

Professional fruit growing in Germany often happens in large scale. Therefore big areas are cultivated with a few single fruits (especially treefruits). In order to avoid monocultural farming, a general high level of diversity in flora and fauna should be aimed by practice. Enhancing biodiversity in these regions can also have a high value in plant protection strategies, since beneficials like insects or birds can activly be fostered and therefore decrease pests in the culture. This is a main issue in organic fruit growing, beacause the natural regulation might be an obligatory part of successful pest control. Methods for ecological upgrading of orchards can be implementing biological valuable, annual or multiannual flower stripes at the edge of orchards or along seam structures, offering nesting aids for wild bees (Studies showed, that roundabout 25% of pollination services are done by wild bees) and birds, installation of shallow water zones in naturally designed irrigation ponds to foster warmth-loving, water-breeding insect species (e.g. Dragonflies), alternating mowing of green lanes (spares the soil too!), building cairns to foster predators (foxes, martens etc.). Most of these actions can be easily implemented within the farms by low costs or some modification of operating procedures.

Der professionelle Obstanbau in Deutschland findet oft in großem Stil statt. Große Flächen werden mit wenigen Dauerkulturen (insbesondere Baumobst) bewirtschaftet. Um eine monokulturelle Landwirtschaft zu vermeiden, sollte durch die Praxis ein allgemein hohes Maß an Vielfalt in Flora und Fauna angestrebt werden. Die Förderung der Biodiversität in diesen Regionen kann auch bei Pflanzenschutzstrategien einen hohen Stellenwert haben, da Nützlinge wie Insekten oder Vögel aktiv gefördert werden können und damit Schädlinge in der Kultur reduziert werden. Dies ist ein Hauptproblem im ökologischen Obstbau, da die natürliche Regulierung ein obligatorischer Teil oder teils sogar die einzige Lösung für eine erfolgreiche Bekämpfung verschiedener Schädlinge sein kann. Methoden zur ökologischen Aufwertung von Obstgärten können die Implementierung von biologisch wertvollen, ein- oder mehrjährigen Blütenstreifen am Rande von Obstgärten oder entlang von Saumstrukturen sein; das Angebot von Nisthilfen für Wildbienen (Studien haben gezeigt, dass rund 25% der Bestäubungsleistungen von Wildbienen erbracht werden) und Vögel; die Einrichtung von Flachwasserzonen in natürlich angelegten Bewässerungsbecken zur Förderung wärmeliebender, wasserbrütender Insektenarten (z.B. Libellen); alternierendes Mähen von Fahrgassen (schont auch den Boden!); Aufschichten von Steinhaufen zur Förderung von Raubtieren (Füchse, Marder usw.). Die meisten dieser Maßnahmen können auf den Betrieben i.d.R. mit geringen Kosten oder kleineren Änderungen der Betriebsabläufe problemlos umgesetzt werden.

Farmers’ knowledge and understanding of the innovation guide the decision-making process. The aim of PUReVeg&Vine hub is to create spaces where farmers and other stakeholders can share knowledge regarding pesticides use reduction techniques in vineyards and vegetable crops. The hub is organising demonstrations in two different regions (Almería and Navarra). During the 2019 demonstrations in Navarra have been mainly focused on the use of mechanical weeders to meet the challenges of the reduction of herbicides in vineyards and vegetable crops. In Almería the effort has been devoted to disseminate biological control techniques in greenhouse crops.

During this year several demonstration methods have been applied: field walks, videos, oral presentations... One demonstration was a hands-on experience where participants were actively involved and they could take part in the monitoring of Necremnus tutae, a native parasitoid wasp of Tuta absoluta in Mediterranean regions. The monitoring of this parasitoid is crucial to ensure pest control, so the activity was very interesting both for the dissemination of this alternative tool among growers and advisors and to teach them about how to maximise the benefit of this wasp. The farmer helped by the technicians, share its experience on the biological control of the pest and visitors were highly motivated because of the "learning-by-doing" approach of the demonstration.

The organisation of demo-activities in which farmers talk about their experience with an innovation creates a scenario in which different stakeholders share knowledge and learn together, contributing to reduce environmental impact of crop protection.

El conocimiento de la innovación por parte de los agricultores influye en la toma de decisiones en sus explotaciones. El objetivo de PUReVeg&Vine es crear espacios en los que agricultores y técnicos puedan compatir conocimiento sobre el uso de técnicas de reducción de fitosanitarios en viña y cultivos hortícolas. Este HUB está organizando demostraciones en dos regiones (Almería y Navarra). Durante la campaña 2019, las demostraciones en Navarra se han centrado en el uso de desherbadoras mecánicas para poder afrontar el reto de la reducción de materias activas herbicidas en viña y cultivos hortícolas. En Almería los esfuerzos han estado dedicados a difundir técnicas de control biológico en cultivos de invernadero.

Durante este año se han aplicado diversos métodos de demostración: visitas a parcelas, vídeos, presentaciones... Una de las demostraciones fue una experiencia práctica en la que productores y técnicos participaron activamente, monitoreando la presencia de Necremnus tutae, un parasitoide nativo de Tuta absoluta en regiones mediterráneas. El monitoreo de esta avispa parasitoide es crucial para el control de la plaga, por lo que la actividad fue muy interesante tanto para la difusión de la medida de control, como para mostrar cómo poder beneficiarse de la presencia de esta avispa en sus parcelas. El agricultor con la ayuda de los técnicos, compartió su experiencia en el control biológico de Tuta en su invernadero y los asistentes estuvieron muy interesados por el carácter práctico de la demostración.

La organización de este tipo de demostraciones establece un marco en el que agricultores y técnicos pueden compartir conocimiento, contribuyendo a reducir el impacto medioambiental de la protección de cultivos.

Natural products with low impact on health and environment is one of the ways for limiting the use of conventional pesticides. Since 2014, these products are listed on a national official list called in French "biocontrôle". Their use into a protection program would reduce conventional inputs: either by reducing the associated doses or by substituting them.The Alt'Fongi project proposes to evaluate biocontrôle products in the Bordeaux context with three test platforms: downy mildew, powdery mildew and gray mold. On July 16, 2019, the results were presented at the French NW9 hub, followed by a visit to the downy mildew platform where various biocontrôle products were associated with low quantities of copper (calculated before each spraying). For this year, two products stand out as having a positive effect against downy mildew: a phosphite based product and an extract of sweet orange essential-oil. These products can already integrate a protection program. Other products have to be tested again as they help to reduce downy mildew but not enough. For powdery mildew, used alone potassium bicarbonate and sweet orange essential-oil gave good results. Essential criteria before using biocontrôlehave to be reminded: Avoid use during periods of high sensitivity of the vine, have an irreproachable quality of spray, and carry out methods of prophylaxis and management of vines vigor. Alt’Fongi (2018-2020) is a project leaded by Chamber of Agriculture, with IFV and EPLFPA Bordeaux Gironde, co-funding by CIVB.

L’utilisation de produits d’origine naturelle moins impactants sur l’environnement et la santé est un des leviers pour limiter le recours aux intrants classiques. Depuis 2014, ces produits sont répertoriés sur une liste officielle nationale appelées en français « produits de biocontrôle ». Leur utilisation intégrée dans un itinéraire technique permettrait de réduire les produits classiques : soit en diminuant les doses associées, soit en les substituant.Le projet Alt’Fongi propose d’évaluer les produits de biocontrôle dans le contexte bordelais sur trois grandes plateformes d’essai : mildiou, oïdium et pourriture grise. Le 16 juillet 2019, les résultats ont été présentés au hub français du NW9, suivi par une visite de la parcelle d’essai mildiou où divers produits de biocontrôle ont été associés à des faibles doses de cuivre (calculées avant chaque traitement).Pour cette année, deux produits ressortent comme ayant un effet positif contre le mildiou : un produit à base de phosphites et un extrait d’huile essentielle d’orange douce. Ces produits peuvent d’ores et déjà intégrés dans des calendriers de traitements. D'autres produits, aux résultats intermédiaires mais non encore suffisant, demandent d'être testés à nouveau. Pour l’oïdium, un produit à base de bicarbonate de potassium et l’huile essentielle d’orange douce employés seuls ont donné de bons résultats. Il faut rappeler les critères indispensables avant d’utiliser le biocontrôle : Eviter de les utiliser sur des périodes de forte sensibilité de la vigne, avoir une qualité de pulvérisation irréprochable, et réaliser des méthodes de prophylaxie et de gestion de la vigueur. Alt’Fongi (2018-2020) est un projet porté par la Chambre d’agriculture de la Gironde avec l’IFV et EPLEFPA Bordeaux. Il est co-financé par le CIVB.

In the Dutch Water Hub the aim is to share knowledge and demonstrate techniques and strategies for sustainable water use in greenhouse horticulture. Focus is on prevention leakage of pesticides and nutrients to water bodies and increasing the water use efficiency.

At the fossil free and sustainable Demo Greenhouse, technologies and strategies needed for energy-efficient and water efficient zero-discharge cultivation are demonstrated. The latest knowledge and technologies are shown in four different crops: strawberry, gerbera, potted anthurium and freesia. Demonstrated are: (1) an adequate water system with sufficient room for storage of irrigation and drain water, (2) band filtration system for removal of larger particles, which is a water efficient alternative for conventional filtration, (3) an effective disinfection (here ozone was shown) to prevent the spread of diseases while recycling the water, (4) fertigation based on plant needs to prevent imbalances in nutrients, (5) the use of low sodium input water.

During a yearly Water Event, growers, advisors and others participate in the demonstration. Groups of approx. 15 persons visited the Demo Greenhouse where the strategy and technologies were explained. Discussions in these groups were focussing on experiences with the system, and (foreseen) bottlenecks in implementing. During an additional workshop the discussion continued in depth, and also the consequences of climate change on the availability of irrigation water was included. Participants were able to visit stands of suppliers where relevant technologies were shown, and during coffee breaks there was ample time for networking and discussions with peers and others.

Het NL Water-netwerk is gericht op delen van kennis en demonstreren van technieken en strategieën voor duurzaam watergebruik in de glastuinbouw. Belangrijkste thema’s zijn het voorkomen van emissies van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten naar het water, en verminderen van het waterverbruik.

In de fossielvrije en duurzame Demokas worden technologieën en strategieën getoond die nodig zijn voor energie-efficiënte en (water) emissieloze teelt. De nieuwste kennis en technologieën worden getoond in vier verschillende gewassen: aardbei, gerbera, ingemaakte anthurium en fresia. Met betrekking tot water: (1) een passend watersysteem met voldoende opslag voor giet- en drainwater, (2) bandfiltratie voor verwijdering van grove deeltjes (geen filterspoelwater), (3) een effectieve desinfectie (hier werd ozon getoond) om de verspreiding van ziekten te voorkomen bij hergebruik van drainwater, (4) bemesting op basis van plantbehoefte om onbalans in nutriënten te voorkomen, (5) gebruik van natriumarm gietwater.

Tijdens het jaarlijkse WaterEvent nemen telers, adviseurs, leveranciers en anderen deel aan de demo. Groepen van ca. 15 personen bezochten de Demokas waar gebruikte technieken en de strategie werden uitgelegd. De discussies met de deelnemers waren gericht op ervaringen met het systeem en (voorziene) knelpunten bij de implementatie van de technieken en strategie. Tijdens een workshop werd dieper hierop ingegaan, en werden ook de gevolgen van klimaatverandering op de beschikbaarheid van goed gietwater besproken. Deelnemers konden stands van leveranciers bezoeken waar relevante technieken werden getoond, en tijdens koffiepauzes was er voldoende tijd voor netwerken en discussies met collega’s en anderen.

The Portuguese wine industry faces major challenges resulting from the effects of climate change that are cuasing a drier and more extreme climate, especially in the regions south of the Tagus River. In order to minimize climate risks, the vineyard area under irrigation has expanded, but this expansion puts more pressure on the water resources of dry regions. The PT.Water.hub aims to contribute to a greater perception by the wine industry of the problem of water scarcity and inefficient use. In addition, it intends to disseminate and demonstrate new technologies and relevant legislation for arid regions of Portugal such as the Alentejo region. In this context, the PT.Water.hub organized on 17 May 2019, together with the “innovation actors” ATEVA and Aquagri and the “Demo-Farm” Esporão, a demonstration activity Alentejo. During the demo activity, the farmer and audience discussed the basics of grapevine water relations and irrigitation, and water status indicators (plant and soil) (e.g. water potential, capacitance probes) were presented. The use of flow meters in different sectors of the vineyard was shown to be an efficient tool to minimize losses by leakage from the irrigation system. The importance of good soil characterization (profile, physical & chemical characteristics) was also emphasized as means to optimize sustainable soil and irrigation management. Strategies to reduce herbicide use through cultivation were also demonstrated. This demo activity was attended by about 100 participants.

O sector da vinha e do vinho português enfrenta importantes desafios resultantes dos efeitos das alterações climáticas que têm conduzido a um clima mais seco e extremo, sobretudo nas regiões localizadas a sul do rio Tejo. Com vista à minimização dos riscos, a área de vinha regada tem-se expandido. Todavia esta expansão coloca mais pressão sobre os recurso hídricos de regiões secas. O PT.Water.hub tem como objectivo contribuir para uma maior percepção por parte da fileira vitivinícola para o problema da escassez e uso ineficiente da água. Para além disso pretende também divulgar e demonstrar novas tecnologias e legislação relevante para regiões áridas de Portugal como é o caso do Alentejo. Neste contexto, o PT.Water.hub, organizou no passado dia 17 de maio de 2019, conjuntamente com os “inovation actors” ATEVA e Aquagri e a “Demo-Farm” Esporão, uma açção de demonstração na região do Alentejo sobre o uso eficiente de água.Os príncipios básicos das relações hídricas da videira, alguns indicadores do estado hídrico (planta e solo) (ex. potencial hídrico) e equipamento (sondas capacitivas) foram apresentados. O uso de caudalímetros em diferentes sectores da vinha foi apontado como forma de se minimizarem perdas de água com fugas no sistema de rega. Foi também realçada a importância de uma boa caracterização dos solos (perfil, características químicas e físicas) como forma de optimizar a gestão sustentável do solo e da rega.. Foram igualmente demonstradas estratégias para reduzir o uso de herbicidas através da mobilização na linha. Esta ação de demonstração contou com a presença de 100 participantes.

On 12th of September 2019 within network "Water use efficiency in Horticulture", Polish hub, training for advisors were organized. Training took place in Pomology Orchard of Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. Two researchers answered the question: how to limit water use on farm. Due to new regulation in Poland which put on growers water consumption rate it was very important to show advisors that little steps and clever decisions can save water and growers' money. What growers can do in practice to limit water use on farm but not resign of scale of production? First decisions are concentrated on equipment. Often it is not worth to buy cheap chinesse equipment but invest in good quality one. Groweres have to think about irrigation techniques eg. dripping system is very economical whilst overhead sprinklers lost much water. When you have to build new water storage reservoir it is important to invest in new tighten technologies to prevent water leaking. Then very important is to make service before each irrigation season to find break tubes. Finally the most important tip: irrigate only when needed. Decision on irrigation should be made only on reliable criteria eg. installed tensometer in soil. Also putting manometers in our irrigation system told us when something will be wrong. Very useful for growers in making decisions with irrigation could be platform invented by Institute of Horticulture

W dniu 12.09.2019 w ramach sieci "Efektywne wykorzystanie wody w ogrodnictwie" zostało zorganizowane szkolenie dla doradców. Szkolenie odbyło się w Sadzie Pomologicznym Instytutu Ogrodnictwa w Skierniewicach. W obliczu nowych regulacji prawnych wielu rolników zastanawia się jak zużywać mniej wody jednocześnie nie rezygnując z wysokiego poziomu produkcji. Profesor Treder zwrócił uwagę na kilka bardzo ważnych aspektów związanych z nawadnianiem w gospodarstwie. Pierwsze decyzje jakie muszą podjąć rolnicy są związane z wyborem dostawcy wyposażenia. Warto zainwestować w dobry jakościowo sprzęt, który posłuży nam dłużej niż jeden sezon. Następnie należy przemyśleć sposób nawadniania. Wybierając np. system kroplowy możemy zaoszczędzić bardzo dużo wody, a wybierając deszczownie niestety straty są ogromne. Ponadto kiedy musimy zbudować zbiornik retencyjny warto zainwestować w nowe technologie uszczelniające, aby mieć pewność, że woda nie będzie "uciekać". Kolejna bardzo ważna wskazówka dotyczy przeprowadzania serwisu instalacji przed każdym sezonem nawadniającym, aby wychwycić pęknięcia. I na koniec najważniejsza rzecz: nawadniajmy tylko wtedy kiedy jest to koinieczne, a decyzje o nawadnianiu podejmujmy na podstawie wiarygodnych kryteriów. Prostym i tanim urządzeniem jest tensjometr, który mierzy wilgotność gleby. Również zamontowanie manometrów w naszym systemie nawadniającym zasygnalizuje, że coś jest nie tak. Instytut Ogrodnictwa stworzył platformę internetową, która może wspomóc rolników w podejmowaniu decyzji związanych z nawadnianiem.

In November 2019 a demonstration activity was organised in José Nieto´s farm, a 3.5 ha greenhouse where organic tomatoes are grown, to demonstrate the use of digital tools and sensors to optimise the use of water for irrigation. This activity was organised in collaboration with his agri-cooperative, Costa de Níjar, and their technical advisor, who acted as a facilitator. The objective of the demo activity was to share knowledge and experiences of optimal irrigation management and practices that reduce water use and environmental impacts from excesive irrigation. Growers in the region are very much aware of the need to optimise the use of water for irrigation. More specifically, this demo activity was focused on the use of sensors and software tools for more precise water management, on the blending of water from different sources (desalinated, underground, rain, recycled waste water) for irrigation purposes, on optimal irrigation managment through the use of simple measuring devices such as tensiometers, and good practices in the design and maintenance of drip irrigation systems. It was the owner of the greenhouse, following the peer to peer learning and farm demo approach, who explained to and discussed with a group of vegetable growers and advisors, the operation, positioning and location of soil moisture probes such as tensiometers and the GS3-type FDR sensors made by Meter. Used together, these tools provide continuous measurements of soil water potential, volumetric water contents, electrical conductivity and temperature of the soil. These data are then incorporated into a software package which enables the user to establish thresholds to initiate irrigation, produce graphs of measurements over time, and to support the management of irrigation scheduling. The initial investment was rapidly recovered due to savings from reduced water and fertiliser use, and the improved quality of his production.

En noviembre de 2019 se organizó una actividad demostrativa en la finca de José Nieto, un invernadero de 3,5 hectáreas donde se cultivan tomates ecológicos, para demostrar el uso de herramientas digitales y sensores para optimizar el uso del agua para riego. Esta actividad se organizó en colaboración con su cooperativa agrícola, Costa de Níjar, y su asesor técnico, que actuó como facilitador. El objetivo de la demostración fue compartir conocimientos y experiencias sobre la gestión óptima del riego y prácticas que reducen el impacto ambiental. Los productores de la región son muy conscientes de la necesidad de optimizar el uso del agua para el riego. En concreto, esta actividad de demostración se centró en la utilización de sensores y herramientas informáticas para una gestión más precisa del agua, en la mezcla de agua procedente de diferentes fuentes (desalinizada, subterránea, pluvial, aguas residuales recicladas) con fines de riego, en la optimización mediante el uso de dispositivos de medición sencillos como tensiómetros, y en las buenas prácticas en el diseño y mantenimiento de instalaciones de riego por goteo. Fue el propietario del invernadero, siguiendo el enfoque de aprendizaje entre pares y de demostraciones en finca, la persona que explicó y comprobó con un grupo de productores y técnicos el funcionamiento, posicionamiento y ubicación de sondas de humedad del suelo como tensiómetros y sensores tipo GS3. Estas herramientas proporcionan una medida continua del potencial hídrico del suelo, del contenido volumétrico de agua, de la conductividad eléctrica y de la temperatura del suelo. Estos datos se incorporan a un paquete de software que permite al usuario establecer umbrales, construir gráficos y apoyar la gestión de la programación de riego. La inversión inicial se recuperó rápidamente gracias al ahorro que supuso la reducción del uso de agua y fertilizantes y a un mejor perfil de calidad de su producción.

Every crop needs nutrients to grow, therefore farmers apply fertilisers to their soils and crops. Crop growers want to use their amounts of nutrients applied by fertilisers as efficiently as possible, since the amount they are allowed to use is limited, and any excess of nutrients that is not taken up by the crop is a waste of money. Every crop has different needs in amount of nutrients, and also the timing when a crop takes up most nutrients depends. It depends on the growing pattern of the crop, but also on environmental circumstances like the weather. There are different kinds of fertilisers, for example manure and mineral fertilisers. Each fertiliser has its own characteristics and nutrient dynamics. A group of vegetable growers in the north of the Netherlands is experimenting with so-called slow-release fertilisers. This mineral fertiliser has a coating which will slowly dissolve once added to the soil, and because of this the nitrogen in it will be released slowly and step by step. In theory this could have a positive effect on crop yield, and on the other hand prevent nutrient losses, because the nutrients become gradually available, and more around the time when the crop needs it. Coming winter we will gather the results on crop yield and nutrient losses ans will hopefully be able to more quantitatively show the effects of slow-release fertilisers. Even though those numbers are not yet available, there are vegetable growers who see benefits of these fertilisers, and already use them on almost all of their fields.

Elk gewas heeft nutriënten nodig om te kunnen groeien, daarom bemesten telers hun bodem en het gewas. Het is voor telers van belang om de nutriënten uit (kunst)mest zo optimaal mogelijk te gebruiken, omdat er een maximale hoeveelheid (norm) is die je mag toepassen, en alle overmaat aan toegediende nutriënten die niet wordt opgenomen door het gewas is een verlies wat geld kost. Elk gewas is verschillend in zijn behoefte aan bepaalde nutriënten, en verschillend in wanneer de meeste nutriënten worden opgenomen. Deels wordt dit bepaald door het groeiseizoen van het specifieke gewas, maar ook door omstandigheden zoals het weer. Er zijn veel verschillende manieren van bemesten, bijvoorbeeld via organische mest en/of kunstmest. Elke mestsoort heeft zijn eigen kenmerken en nutriënten dynamiek. Een groepje vollegrondsgroentetelers in noord Nederland heeft dit jaar geëxperimenteerd met zogenoemde slow-release meststoffen. Deze kunstmest heeft een coating die langzaam oplost wanneer de mest is toegediend, hierdoor komt de stikstof uit de mestkorrel langzamer en geleidelijker vrij dan bij gebruik van normale kunstmest. In theorie kan dit een positief effect op de opbrengst hebben, en de stikstofverliezen beperken omdat de nutriënten vrijkomen op het moment dat het gewas hier de meeste behoefte aan heeft. Komende winter gaan we de opbrengsten vergelijken, en kijken naar de stikstofuitspoeling onder de verschillend bemeste perceelsdelen om meer kwantitatief uitspraak over de gecoate meststof te kunnen doen. Ondanks dat hier nog weinig over bekend is zijn er toch een aantal telers die uit zichzelf gebruik maken van deze slow-release meststof op een groot deel van hun percelen, omdat zij ervan overtuigd zijn dat het werkt.

BUL Nutrients HUB is a group for sharing innovations, technologies and best practices on plant nutrition for increasing the nutrient use efficiency and environmental protection. The BUL Hub focuses on following areas: joint use of various types of vegetable fertilizers and technological solutions for environmentally friendly fertilization; improvement environmental and economic effects from farm-level nutrient balancing through soil and leaf analysis; applying the fertilization recommendation system based on: appropriate fertilizer at the appropriate rate, at the right time and in the right way.

Within the hub it is used different demonstration techniques and methods - field tours, machinery and technology demonstrations, presentations, multimedia materials and discussion in working groups after events. Very interesting demo event was organized by National Agricultural Advisory Service and farmer cultivated vegetables. The purpose was to be disseminated knowledge about the effect of joint use of water-soluble fertilizers on vegetable fertilization through a system of drip irrigation and about different patterns in vegetable nutrition.

The participants were aware that water-soluble fertilizers should be used at a certain stage of the plant's development, depending on the given phase and the weather conditions. It was explained that balanced and timely use of these fertilizers is extremely important for obtaining high yields and excellent production quality. Most farmers plan to introduce on their farms part of demonstrated practices, especially practices with rapid impact on the economic viability and which are environmentally friendly and will lead to solving a particular negative impact.

Хъб за торене България е група за споделяне на иновации, технологии и добри практики в храненето на растенията с цел увеличаване на използването на хранителни вещества и опазване на околната среда. Хъбът се фокусира върху: съвместно използване на различни видове торове за зеленчуци и технологични решения за екологосъобразно торене; подобряване на екологичните и икономически ефекти от изготвянето на баланс на хранителните вещества на ниво ферма чрез анализ на почвата и листата; прилагане на системата от препоръки за торене, базирана на концепцията – подходящ тор в подходяща норма, в подходящо време и по подходящ начин

В рамките на хъба се прилагат различни демонстрационни техники и методи-посещения по полето, демонстрации на машини и техника, презентации, мултимедийни материали и дискусии в работни групи след събитията. Много интересно събитие беше организирано от Национална служба за съвети в земеделието и зеленчукопроизводител. Целта на демонстрацията бе разпространение на знания относно ефекта от съвместното използване на водоразтворими торове при торене на зеленчуци чрез система за капково напояване и относно различни модели при хранене на зеленчуци.

Участниците бяха запознати, че този вид торове се внасят в точно определен етап от развитието на растенията в зависимост от дадената фаза и метеорологичните условия. Беше обяснено, че балансираното и навременно използване на водоразтворими торове е от изключително важно значение за получаването на висок добив и за отлично качество на продукцията. Повечето земеделски стопани планират да въведат във фермите си част от демонстрираните практики и по-специално тези, които биха имали много бързо въздействие върху икономическата им жизнеспособност и са екологосъобразни.

A film was made in which the farmer Martin Wörishofer explains his cultivation and business model "market gardening" and how this system contributed to the successful start of vegetable cultivation. A relatively high quantity of high-quality vegetables is to be produced on a small cultivation area (0.5 ha). The aim of this video is to show other vegetable growers and newcomers to horticulture a successful business model and to explain possible solutions for a target-oriented nutrient management.

The products are sold directly to the consumer via the farm shop and market stalls as well as by supplying restaurants. The company produces a wide variety of unusual vegetables, which are highly appreciated by people with a passion for cooking. As there are not seedlings for all vegetables on the market, the farm produces its own seedlings. In addition, the "Paper Pot Transplanter", a special manual planting machine originally from Japan, is used for planting. This technique requires higher material costs, which are overcompensated by the efficient planting and thus reduced working time.

The high production of vegetables throughout the year requires a relatively high input of organic nutrients. The farm uses a selection of different fertilizers, compost being one of the main inputs. Compost ensures a healthy soil with high soil fauna activity and thus sustainable production. As the compost has a lower nitrogen content, further fertilisers supplement the nitrogen supply.

In addition, the operation is energy self-sufficient and uses flower strips for biological pest control and to increase biodiversity.

Es wurde ein Film gedreht, in dem der Landwirt Martin Wörishofer sein Anbau- und Geschäftsmodell "market gardening" erklärt und darstellt wie dieses System dazu beigetragen hat, den Gemüseanbau erfolgreich zu starten. Dabei soll auf einer kleinen Anbaufläche (0,5 ha) eine relativ hohe Menge an qualitativ hochwertigem Gemüse produziert werden. Ziel dieses Videos ist es, anderen Gemüsebauern sowie Neueinsteigern im Gartenbau ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell zu zeigen und mögliche Lösungen für ein zielführendes Nährstoffmanagement zu erklären.

Die Produkte werden direkt an den Verbraucher über den eigenen Hofladen und über Marktstände sowie über die Belieferung von Restaurants verkauft. Der Betrieb produziert eine große Vielfalt an eher ungewöhnlichem Gemüsesorten, welche von Menschen mit einer Leidenschaft für das Kochen sehr geschätzt werden. Da es nicht für alle Gemüsesorten Setzlinge auf dem Markt gibt, produziert der Betrieb den Großteil seiner Setzlinge selbst. Darüber hinaus wird für die Pflanzung der “Paper Pot Transplanter”, eine spezielle manuelle Pflanzmaschine angewendet, die ursprünglich aus Japan stammt. Diese Technik erfordert höhere Materialkosten, welche allerdings durch die effiziente Pflanzung und dadurch reduzierte Arbeitszeit überkompensiert werden.

Die hohe Produktion von Gemüse über nahezu das ganze Jahr hinweg erfordert einen relativ hohen Einsatz an organischen Nährstoffen. Der Betrieb verwendet eine Auswahl verschiedener Düngemittel, wobei Kompost eines der wichtigsten Düngemittel darstellt. Kompost sorgt für einen gesunden Boden mit hoher Bodenfaunaaktivität und damit für eine nachhaltige Produktion. Da der Kompost einen geringeren Stickstoffgehalt hat, ergänzen weitere Dünger die Stickstoffversorgung.

Darüber hinaus ist der Betrieb energieautark und nutzt Blühstreifen zur biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung und zur Steigerung der Biodiversität.

In Almeria (Spain) both the agricultural local knowledge and innovation actors are very much aware of the need to optimise the use of nutrients in greenhouse farming systems due to economic and environmental reasons. There is need to organise demos on the use of sensors, software and analytical tools for a more precise nutrient management. In November 2019 a demonstration activity was organised in Paqui Ferrer´s greenhouse in collaboration with the technical department of UNICA group, one of the largest F&V agri-cooperatives in Spain. Paqui is a frontrunner grower, owns a 2,5 has polytunnel greenhouse and grows tomatoes for the international market. The main objective of the activity was to share practical experience on the use of ion selective sensors to measure potassium and nitrate contents in the soil solution. This, in combination with other analytical tools like the Rhizon microprobes and pocket instant ionic meters, provide useful data to establish better strategies for crop nutrient management. These sensors and tools have been in operation for the last two growing seasons. A group of growers and advisors from the cooperative were invited to see on the farm the performance of such ion selective sensors, their location and positioning, and how to understand and make fertilisation decisions using parameters like Soil Electrical Conductivity or Vapour Pressure Deficit. The availability of a complete data set enables Paqui to make better decisions not only in relation with the use of fertilisers but also on how much and when to irrigate. The quality of the yield is much more even during the winter season and it is possible to adjust water and nutrient supply to the crop demands.

En Almería (España), tanto los agentes locales de conocimiento como de innovación son muy conscientes de la necesidad de optimizar el uso de nutrientes en los sistemas de cultivo en invernaderos, tanto por razones económicas como ambientales. Es necesario organizar demostraciones sobre el uso de sensores, software y herramientas analíticas para una gestión más precisa de los nutrientes. En noviembre de 2019 se organizó una actividad de demostración en el invernadero de Paqui Ferrer en colaboración con el departamento técnico del grupo UNICA, una de las mayores cooperativas agrícolas de frutas y hortalizas de España. Paqui es una productora líder, posee un invernadero de 2,5 hectáreas y cultiva tomates para el mercado internacional. El objetivo principal de la actividad fue compartir experiencias prácticas sobre el uso de sensores selectivos de iones para medir el contenido de potasio y nitratos en la solución del suelo. Esto, en combinación con otras herramientas analíticas como las microsondas Rhizon y los medidores iónicos instantáneos de bolsillo, proporciona datos útiles para establecer mejores estrategias para el manejo de los nutrientes de los cultivos. Estos sensores y herramientas han estado en funcionamiento durante las dos últimas temporadas de cultivo. Un grupo de productores y técnicos de la cooperativa fueron invitados a ver en la finca el rendimiento de estos sensores selectivos de iones, su ubicación y posicionamiento, y cómo entender y tomar decisiones de fertilización utilizando parámetros como la Conductividad Eléctrica del Suelo o el Déficit de Presión de Vapor. La disponibilidad de un conjunto completo de datos permite a Paqui tomar mejores decisiones no sólo en relación con el uso de fertilizantes, sino también sobre la cantidad y el momento del riego. La calidad del rendimiento es mucho más uniforme durante el invierno y es posible ajustar el suministro de agua y nutrientes a las demandas del cultivo.

The development of organic arable farming is meaningful in Finland, as there are many organic events and organic projects. Nefertiti project has taken part in many events as well as in planning future events. The leader of Nefertiti HUB requires quite a lot of knowledge in organic farming like seeds, cultivation techniques, fertilization, machinery and soil condition.

For example, the Finnish Organic Days, which involved the Nefertiti project, discussed the new EU organic regulation and its potential impact on Finnish arable farming. The discussion covered the plants variety in future organic farming, as well as the potential of old cereals variety in organic farming. One of the main objects was plant breeding and how to use it in Finland. The event also discussed the production of certified organic seed in practice and how and where cooperation can be possible.

Demonstrations of the Nefertiti project have also focused firmly on carbon farming and the structure of the soil in general. This has also been addressed through the soil effect of machinery, for example in terms of weed control. Plowing based on weed control is still very high in Finland, so other lighter mechanical and plant-based solutions are better for carbon farming.

The Nefertiti project has introduced new innovative things to organic farms and raised topical issues about organic farming.

Luomupeltoviljelyn kehittäminen on ollut mielekästä toteuttaa Suomessa, koska luomutapahtumia on runsaasti erilaisten toimijoiden ja hankkeiden puitteissa. Nefertiti -hankkeen puitteissa on päästy mukaan moneen tilaisuuteen kuin myös suunnittelemaan tulevia tapahtua. Nefertiti -vetäjältä vaaditaan aika paljon osaamista monenlaiseen luomuasiaan, koska erilaisissa luomupeltoviljelyn koulutuksissa käydään läpi lajikkeita, lajeja, viljelytekniikoita, lannoitusta, koneita sekä maankasvukuntoa.

Esimerkiksi Luomupäivissä, jossa Nefertiti -hanke oli mukana, käsiteltiin uutta EU:n luomuasetusta ja sen mahdollisia vaikutuksia suomalaiseen peltoviljelyyn. Keskustelussa käytiin läpi lajike -ja lajivalikoimaa tulevaisuuden luomuviljelyssä sekä maatiaisviljojen mahdollisuuksia luomussa. Maatiaisviljojen viljely muuttaa viljelytekniikkaa merkittävästi, joka vaikuttaa moneen asiaan luomuviljelyssä. Lisäksi pohdittiin lajikkeiden jalostusta ja miten sitä voidaan hyödyntää Suomessa. Tapahtumassa keskusteltiin myös laajasti sertifioidun luomusiemenen tuotannosta käytännössä ja miten yhteistyö pakkaamon kautta pystytään pitämään yllä ja mitä siihen tarvitaan.

Nefertiti-hankkeen demotilaisuuksissa on pureuduttu tiukasti myös hiiliviljelyyn sekä yleensä maan rakenteeseen. Tätä on tarkasteltu myös koneiden maaperävaikutuksen kautta esimerkiksi rikkakasvien torjunnan kannalta. Rikkakasveja torjutaan Suomessa edelleen hyvin paljon kyntämällä, joten muut kevyemmät mekaaniset ja kasvistoon liittyvät ratkaisut ovat hiilensidonnan kannalta parempia.

Nefertiti -hankkeen kautta on jalkautettu uusia innovatiivisia asioita luomutiloille sekä nostettu keskusteluun ajankohtaisia asioita luomupeltoviljelystä.

Farmers from Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland went onto the fields where their colleagues explained practices to improve soil quality and yields. One hosting farmer uses the concept of cover crops to create a green bridge on his fields during winter. Thus preventing erosion and minimizing weed pressure. By keeping vegetation cover on the fields, leaching of nutrients into the groundwater will be minimized.

The choice of covercrop has to be adapted to the regional circumstances. A covercrop before early sown crops like oats or peas should consist of non-frost tolerant plants so minimal soil preparation is needed. A covercrop before late sown crops like soybean or corn should consist of frost tolerant species of clover and grasses as they maximise the “catch-crop”-effect and can provide additional fodder in early spring if needed.

A similar approach is found on the Wackenberger Hof. Even though they are not necessarily applying reduced tillage practices they also try to minimize the footprint in the soil by using under sown clover-grasses in the cereals to reduce tillage throughout the crop rotation. His approach for undersown crops minimises leaching of nutrients while also reducing compaction of the soil. After seeding of the spring cereals such as oats, he will use the harrow for weed-suppression. During the last application of weed-control a pneumatic seeder is used to seed a clover-grass mixture directly between the harrow tines. Typically, white clover species are used as it stays relatively close to the ground. This avoids competition between the undersown crop and the planted cereal.

After harvest, no more additional steps are required for the establishment of the biennial clover grass. This reduces stress on the soil as well as fuel needed and the farmers time.

In der Region Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland fanden Feldbegehungen statt, auf denen Landwirte sich mit ihren Kollegen über Strategien zur Verbesserung der Bodenqualität und der Erträge austauschten. Ein gastgebender Landwirt nutzt das Konzept des Zwischenfruchtanbaus, um im Winter eine grüne Brücke auf seinen Feldern zu installieren. Dadurch wird Erosion verhindert und der Unkrautdruck minimiert. Durch die Beibehaltung der Vegetationsdecke auf den Feldern wird die Auswaschung von Nährstoffen in das Grundwasser minimiert.

Die Wahl der Deckfrucht muss an die regionalen Gegebenheiten angepasst werden. Eine Deckfrucht vor früh ausgesäten Kulturen wie Hafer oder Erbsen sollte aus nicht-frosttoleranten Pflanzen bestehen, so dass so wenig Bodenbearbeitung wie möglich vor der Aussaat erforderlich ist. Eine Deckfrucht vor spät ausgesäten Kulturen wie Soja oder Mais sollte aus frostbeständigen Kleearten und Gräsern bestehen, da sie den positiven Effekt der Zwischenfrucht maximieren und bei Bedarf im Frühjahr zusätzliches Futter liefern können.

Ein ähnlicher Ansatz findet sich auf dem Wackenberger Hof. Obwohl sie nicht direkt reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung praktizieren, versuchen sie auch, den Fußabdruck im Boden zu minimieren. Dazu wird Kleegras als Untersaat im Getreide verwendet, um die Bodenbearbeitung während der gesamten Fruchtfolge reduzieren zu können. Der Ansatz für Untersaaten minimiert die Auswaschung von Nährstoffen und hilft gleichzeitig, Bodenverdichtungen zu vermeiden. Nach der Aussaat der Sommergetreide wie Hafer wird der Striegel zur Unkrautbekämpfung eingesetzt. Bei der letzten Anwendung des Striegels wird mit einer pneumatischen Sämaschine eine Kleegrasmischung direkt zwischen den Striegelzinken ausgesät. Typischerweise werden Weißkleearten verwendet, da sie relativ nah am Boden wachsen. Dadurch wird die Konkurrenz um Licht zwischen der Untersaat und dem Getreide vermieden.

As part of a series of demonstration activities carried out as part of the Network on 'Increasing productivity and quality in organic arable cropping', on July 12, 2019, a "Soybean in Organic Farming - new possibilities" workshop was held.

The workshop took place on the organic farm of Andrzej Wolszczak in Ignacówka, Mazowieckie region (central Poland). A demonstration plot of 0.60 ha was established on the farm, where two soybean varieties: Annushka and Madlen were grown.

The demonstration was aimed at expanding the range of cultivated plant species in the organic farming system. Soybean cultivation is an innovation both for this and for nearby farmers. The purpose of the demonstration was to show the possibility of soybean cultivation in local conditions and to indicate a beneficial effect on soil and following plants.

One of the key conditions for successful soybean cultivation is to reduce weed infestation at the appropriate stage of plant development using various machines and devices.

Main recommendations arising from the demonstration:

• Weed control with the weed harrow gives good results. The first treatment should be done very early, i.e. at 3 leaves stage of soybean growth.

• Soybean cultivation is of great environmental importance, improves soil fertility and has a yield-forming potential for follow-up crops.

• Soybeans seeds should be treated with a bacterial vaccine. Such preparation is designed to accelerate the formation of warts on the roots, ensuring the proper process of symbiosis, which in turn affects the yield.

• When choosing varieties, attention should be paid to the height of the lower pods. Higher set pods reduce seed losses during harvest.

W ramach serii działań demonstracyjnych realizowanych w ramach Sieci dot. Zwiększenia produktywności i jakości uprawy w systemie rolnictwa ekologicznego, w dniu 12 lipca 2019 przeprowadzono warsztaty dot. „Możliwości uprawy soi w systemie rolnictwa ekologicznego”.

Warsztaty odbyły się w gospodarstwie ekologicznym Andrzeja Wolszczaka w Ignacówce, woj. Mazowieckie. W gospodarstwie założono poletko demonstracyjne o powierzchni 0,60 ha na którym uprawiano 2 odmiany soi: Annushka i Madlen.

Demonstracja miała na celu poszerzenie asortymentu uprawianych gatunków roślin w systemie rolnictwa ekologicznego. Uprawa soi jest innowacją zarówno w gospodarstwie rolnika jak i dla okolicznych rolników. Celem demonstracji było pokazanie możliwości wprowadzenia do uprawy w lokalnych warunkach soi oraz wskazanie korzystnego wpływu na glebę i rośliny następcze.

Jednym z warunków powodzenia uprawy soi jest ograniczenie zachwaszczenia w odpowiedniej fazie rozwoju rośliny za pomocą różnych maszyn i urządzeń.

Główne rekomendacje wynikające z demonstracji:

• Regulacja zachwaszczenia za pomocą brony chwastownika daje dobre efekty. Pierwszy zabieg należy zrobić bardzo wcześnie tj. w fazie gdy soja wytworzy 3 listki.

• Uprawa soi ma istotne znaczenie prośrodowiskowe, polepsza żyzność gleby oraz działa plonotwórczo na uprawy następcze.

• Nasiona soi należy zaprawić szczepionką bakteryjną. Preparat ma za zadanie przyspieszyć czas tworzenia się brodawek na korzeniach zapewniając właściwy przebieg symbiozy, co z kolei wpływa na plonowanie.

• Przy doborze odmian należy zwrócić uwagę na wysokość osadzenia dolnych strąków. Wyżej osadzone strąki zmniejszają straty nasion podczas zbioru.

The Hub is composed by farmers and technicians from different entities. Topics in which the Hub is interested are: soil management, weeds control, crops for human consumption, cover crops, composting and grain selection. In Navarra, there is an increasing demand of organic grain legumes for human consumption and bread- making wheat. However, farmers have difficulties in producing these crops due to the difficulties in reaching sufficient protein in wheat and, to lodging, weeds and diseases pressure in legumes. Moreover, post-harvest separation could be a limitation. Technicians of INTIA and 10 professional farmers visited intercropping trials of wheat + lentil and wheat + chickpea, afterwards a workshop was carried out. The event was well organized, when a field demonstration is included in the event, farmers show more interest and appreciate it. It is crucial to program the time well especially in order not to lengthen the field visit. The demonstration was positive: farmers were interested in observing different treatments and with the provisional results that technicians provided. During the workshop, difficulties that farmers observed during the visit were discussed one by one suggesting possible solutions. We concluded: 1) pedo-climatic conditions are key to the choice of mixtures (specially for legumes development), 2) it is important to make a proper soil and crop management, 3) it is necessary to take into account the sowing date in order to achieve an adequate emergence and control weeds, 4) the mixture of cereals + legumes species helps to control weeds, 5) a good separation of the post-harvest grain is key for its later commercialization. Regarding last point, a group of farmers has joined together to buy a selection equipment.

El Hub está compuesto por agricultores y técnicos de diferentes entidades. Los temas en los que el Hub está interesado son los siguientes: manejo del suelo, control de hierbas adventicias, cultivos para consumo humano, cubiertas vegetales, compost y selección de grano. En Navarra, hay una demanda creciente de legumbres para consumo humano y trigo con calidad panadera en el sector ecológico. Sin embargo, los agricultores tienen dificultades en la producción de legumbres debido a las malas hierbas y enfermedades, además no consiguen alcanzar una calidad de trigo suficiente. Técnicos de INTIA junto a 10 agricultores visitaron un ensayo de mezclas de especies de trigo + lenteja y trigo + garbanzo, posteriormente en un taller se debatieron las ventajas y dificultades de las mezclas de especies. El evento estuvo bien organizado, cuando se incluye una parte de visitas a campo, los agricultores lo agradecen y muestran más interés. La visita fue positiva: los agricultores mostraron interés observando los diferentes tratamientos y en el avance de resultados que se les proporcionó. En el taller se pudo concluir que: 1) las condiciones pedo-climáticas son clave para la elección de las mezclas de especies (especialmente para el desarrollo de las leguminosas), 2) es importante realizar un apropiado manejo de la tierra, 3) para tener una adecuada nascencia hay que jugar con la fecha de siembra, 4) la mezcla de especies cereal + leguminosa ayuda al control de hiervas adventicias, 5) una buena separación del grano cosechado es clave para su posterior comercialización. Respecto a este último punto, un grupo de agricultores se ha unido para comprar un equipo de selección conjuntamente.

The main objective of the Inno&Moi Days was to promote innovation to arable farmers and advisors, through 4 main challenges including crop yields, crop protection, crop nutrition, and market. The demo event brought forward 12 show cases spread over 35 thematic workshops among them 30% promoting digital tools and technologies. The Dino robot (developed by Naïo Technologies) is initially designed to mechanically weed field vegetable crops. It was demonstrated on arable crops and provided an interest for farmers : Its main asset is that it works autonomously, so you have more time for other farm tasks. It also fully addresses the challenge about pesticide reduction at the European and French scales. However, the technology is quite new (the robot has been put on the market in 2017 for vegetable only), and the gap between theory and practice is still noticeable for arable crops, although the robot gives promising results.…

L'objectif principal des Journées Inno&Moi était de promouvoir l'innovation auprès des agriculteurs et des conseillers, à travers 4 grands défis : le rendement des grandes cultures, la protection des cultures, la nutrition des cultures et l'adaptation aux marchés. L'événement de démonstration a mis en avant 12 show cases répartis sur 35 ateliers thématiques dont 30% dédiés aux outils et technologies numériques. Le robot Dino (développé par Naïo Technologies) est initialement conçu pour désherber mécaniquement les cultures maraîchères. Il a fait l'objet de tests en grandes cultures et a suscité l'intérêt des agriculteurs : Son principal atout réside dans le fait qu'il fonctionne de manière autonome, ce qui dégage du temps pour réaliser d'autres tâches sur l'exploitation. Le robot répond également pleinement au défi de la réduction des pesticides à l'échelle européenne et française. Cependant, la technologie est relativement nouvelle (le robot a été mis sur le marché en 2017 pour les cultures maraîchères seulement), et l'écart entre la théorie et la pratique est encore perceptible pour les grandes cultures, bien que le robot donne des résultats prometteurs.…

Seed potato growers want to achieve a high seed potato yield. Especially the size of the tuber is very important. A potato plant reacts very differently to differences in the soil. The techniques are now available to make a task map based on a soil scan, which can be loaded into the planting machine. The Claassen arable farm is 250 hectares in size and he grows 75 hectares of seed potatoes. The entrepreneur is convinced that this technique contributes to a higher yield. In 2018, he loaded the task card into his seed machine, which was equipped with outdated software that made the machine not work properly. In 2019 the test was successful. Based on germination tests, an estimate was first made of the number of stems per tuber. With this information he opted for planting distances ranging from 13 to 18 cm in the row.

Harvest measurements still have to show whether his expectations have been fulfilled.

During the demo day the entrepreneur explained his vision to 70 visitors. This led to a lot of discussion. The demo day shows that the technology works and that new perspectives for the seed potato growers arise.

Pootgoedtelers willen graag een hoge pootgoed opbrengst realiseren, waarbij de grootte van de knol heel belangrijk is. Een aardappelplant reageert sterk verschillend op verschillen in de bodem. Inmiddels is de techniek voorhanden om op basis van een bodemscan een taakkaart te maken, die ingeladen kan worden in de pootmachine. Het akkerbouwbedrijf Claassen is 250 ha groot en hij teelt 75 ha pootgoed. De ondernemers is ervan overtuigd dat deze techniek bijdraagt aan een hogere opbrengst. In 2018 heeft hij de taakkaart ingeladen in zijn pootmachine, die met verouderde software was uitgerust waardoor machine niet goed werkte. In 2019 was de test wel geslaagd. Op basis van kiemproeven is eerst een inschatting gemaakt van het aantal stengels per knol. Met deze informatie heeft hij gekozen voor pootafstanden die varieerden van 13 tot 18cm in de rij.

Oogstmetingen moeten nog uitwijzen of zijn verwachting is uitgekomen.

Tijdens de demodag heeft de ondernemer zijn visie toegelicht aan 70 bezoekers. Dit leverde veel discussie op. De demodag laat zien dat de techniek werkt en dat hiervoor nieuwe perspectieven ontstaan voor de pootaardappeltelers.

The Nefertiti project organized a demonstration focused on precision farming in Lapua on July 15, 2019. The farmer – whose field we were on – Kari Alasaari told about his use of precision farming. He has tried and exploited the potential of precision cultivation for a long time. Kari said that the introduction of new methods is a step-by-step approach, taking into account the existing machine base of the farm and its capabilities and limitations. It is quite common that it takes several years to internalize a new approach or cultivation solution. In the demonstration, we used as an illustration tool A3-size laminated brochures, with satellite images from different years of the same field where we were standing. The brochures were circulating among the audience and then people could ask further questions. That was an example of theory combined with practice. Farmer explained that yield mapping has to be done for several years in a row and take average from the results. Otherwise it can give distorted picture of the field's yield capacity. For example, during wet year some areas on the field could be very low yielding even if they are performing above average in a year when precipitation is in average level. The boom sprayer used by Alasaari was also on display. After this presentation, the Veristech soil scanner was introduced. It featured a soil sampling device attached to the tractor's front hoists, which takes samples from three different depths. The presenter Jussi Knaapi explained in detail what information the device can collect and how it can be used in practical cultivation.

Nefertiti-hanke järjesti täsmäviljelyyn keskittyvän demonstraation Lapualla 15. heinäkuuta 2019. Viljelijä - jonka pellolla olimme - Kari Alasaari kertoi hänen tavastaan hyödyntää täsmäviljelyä. Hän on itse kokeillut ja hyödyntänyt jo pitkään täsmäviljelyn mahdollisuuksia. Kari kertoi että uusien menetelmien käyttöönottamisessa kannattaa edetä vaiheittain ja ottaa huomioon tilan olemassa oleva konekanta ja sen mahdollisuudet sekä rajoitteet. On ihan tavallista, että uuden toimintatavan tai viljelyratkaisun sisäistäminen ottaa useamman vuoden. Demonstraatiossa käytimme havainnollistavana välineenä A3-kokoisia laminoituja esitteitä, joissa oli satelliittikuvia samalta pellolta missä seisoimme. Yleisö saattoi tutustua rauhassa esitteisiin pidellen niitä käsissään, ja sitten kysyä tarkentavia kysymyksiä. Kyseessä oli siis teoria yhdistettynä käytäntöön. Alasaaren käyttämä kasvinsuojeluruisku oli myös nähtävillä. Tämän esityksen jälkeen samassa alkoi tutustuminen Veristech-maaperäskanneriin. Siinä demonstroitiin traktorin etunostolaitteisiin kiinnitettyä maanäytteen keräämiseen tarkoitettua laitetta, joka ottaa näytteet kolmesta eri syvyydestä. Esityksessä kerrottiin seikkaperäisesti mitä tietoja laitteella saadaan kerättyä ja kuinka niitä voi hyödyntää käytännön viljelyssä.

The NEFERTITI event was organized in the framework of the SMARTFARM conference in Bábolna. The main goal was combining theory and the practice on the field for the farmers with demonstrating the most up-to-date high-tech smart management technologies, as well as presented site-specific, good agricultural practices and decision-support mechanisms in the different fields of nutrient management, plant protection and water management.

Farmers from all around Hungary and even from across the border participated.

Besides the presentations and demonstrations, a 30 m long soil profile was prepared, where the SMART tillage machines of the exhibitors were shown so visitors could learn about the working depth and method of different machines.

As new element of the event, consultants, and experts - not representing any brand or company - gave free advice to the participants. The topics of the consultation were the followings: precision farming (smart, precision, site-specific farming); soil-testing, nutrient management (bring your soil samples and nutrient management plan with you!); laboratory tests, analyses (bring your laboratory test results with you!); water management, soil and plant conditioning; plant examination (bring your infected plant with you!); administrations, obligatory reporting.

Due to the interactive programs the pear-to-pear learning was realized in practice Participants, farmers talked to each other and experts, they could share practices and smart solutions with each other.

A NEFERTITI rendezvény a SMARTFARM konferencia kereten belül került megrendezésre.

A rendezvény célja az volt, hogy a legmodernebb „high tech” precíziós gazdálkodási technológiák felvonultatása mellett bemutassák a jól bevált, helyhez kötődő növénytermesztési gyakorlatokat, döntéstámogatási mechanizmusokat is a talajmanagement és a növényvédelem, és nedvességgazdálkodás különböző témaköreiben, melyek alacsonyabb költség- és beruházás igényűek ezáltal a kisebb gazdaságok számára is könnyebben elérhetőek. Az idei évben a látványos szántóföldi bemutatókon, izgalmas előadásokon és kerekasztal beszélgetéseken felül kiállítóink hazánkban egyedülálló legújabb SMART talajművelő eszközeiket egy több, mint 30 m-es talajszelvényben mutatták be, egymással összehasonlítható módon, így működésük „nem csak felülről, hanem szemmagasságból is” megtekinthetővé vált. Szintén újdonság volt a SMART Szaktanácsadási Pont ahol minden érdeklődőnek ingyenes (cég és termék független!) konzultációs lehetőséget biztosított. ’Kérdezzen bátran, kérje ki térítésmentesen szakértőink véleményét, hogy segíthessünk’ volt a szaktanácsadási pont mottója.

Az interaktív programoknak köszönhetően a gazdálkodók bátran kérdezhettek a jelen lévő szakétrőktől és egymással is megoszthatták gyakorlati tapasztalataikat.

Corn Field Day took place on the fields of Szymańczak's farm. During the event, farmers could see a live harvesting demonstration of subsequent varieties. The combine has a weight of crops and a grain moisture detector. During the show, the combine was online coupled with a large screen, which displayed its work parameters in real time, as well as the current crop yield and moisture content. Soils and crops are mapped on the farm. Crops in this quite dry year amounted to 10-14 tons per hectare (11.3 t / ha in the whole farm).

The farm presented dozens of varieties of different companies, the technology was uniform, so farmers assess the yield of varieties in the conditions of precise technology. Training in assessing corn parameters based on the appearance of the cob was carried out.

Corn borer and diabrotica are monitored on the farm - several types of traps are set up. Information about the raid of the pest is sent to 1500 farms.

Pest spraying technology at the 2 meter high maize stage was also presented. For this purpose, a converted fan orchard sprayer was used. The rotating machine head sprays 40 meters in each direction, so the paths in the field are every 80 meters. The sprayer and tractor are remotely controlled with the help of GPS - a tractor with a sprayer enters the technological paths without an operator, spraying is carried out at night.

Maize condition, fertilization and spraying efficiency are assessed by drone raids.

Na polach gospodarstwa Państwa Szymańczaków odbyły się Dni Kukurydzy. W trakcie zdarzenia rolnicy mogli zobaczyć na żywo pokaz zbioru kolejnych odmian. Kombajn posiadał wagę plonów oraz detektor wilgotności ziarna. W trakcie pokazu kombajn był sprzężony z telebimem, na którym wyświetlano w czasie rzeczywistym parametry jego pracy oraz aktualny plon kukurydzy i jej wilgotność. W gospodarstwie prowadzone jest mapowanie gleb i plonów. Plony w tym dość suchym roku wyniosły 10-14 ton z hektara (w całym gospodarstwie 11,3 t/ha).

W gospodarstwie prezentowane był kilkadziesiąt odmian różnych firm, technologia była jednolita, więc rolnicy ocenić plonowanie odmian w warunkach precyzyjnej technologii. Odbywało się szkolenie oceny parametrów kukurydzy na podstawie wyglądu kolby.

W gospodarstwie prowadzony jest monitoring corn borer oraz diabrotica – założone jest kilka typów pułapek. O nalocie szkodnika wysyłana jest informacja do 1500 gospodarstw rolnych.

Prezentowano także technologię oprysku na szkodniki w fazie 2 metrów wysokości kukurydzy. W tym celu używany był przerobiony, wentylatorowy opryskiwacz sadowniczy . Obracalna głowica maszyny dokonuje oprysku na odległość 40 metrów w każdą stronę, dlatego ścieżki przejazdowe w polu są co 80 metrów. Opryskiwacz i ciągnik są sterowane zdalnie z pomocą GPS – ciągnik z opryskiwaczem wjeżdża w ścieżki technologiczne bez operatora, opryski wykonuje się nocą.

Kondycję kukurydzy, ocenę skuteczności nawożenia i oprysków dokonuje się poprzez naloty drona.

During the international working days, an open fair event, bi annual organised, over more than 70.000 people visited the 2 days during fair on 120 hectares in East-Flanders, Belgium. During the 2019 edition, among other things, the focus was on mechanical weed control in order to use less pesticides, what's good for soil life and quality. Both the weed harrow and the hoeing machine, two basic machines for mechanical weed control in organic agriculture, have undergone a major renewal in recent years. Lieven Delanote, organic agriculture adviser at Inagro, explained the guided demonstration on both days of the fair. Under the dry conditions, there was literally "dust" to think about. The weed harrow has long been a basic machine for mechanical weed control in organic agriculture. Spring teeth move through the ground and pull away small weeds. The best result is obtained on germinating weeds from germination stage to germination leaf. Larger weeds are too firmly anchored in the soil to pull away without damaging the crop. Due to a difference in development between weeds and crops, a selective effect, also in the row, is possible. An important advantage of the tidal harrow is that it works row-independent and can therefore be used in many crops. With the hoeing machines, the camera control provides a major technological advance. All machines were equipped with this. Nevertheless, the mechanical part, including the decoration (type of hoe blades) and its adjustment, remains decisive for a good result. Small details are important. Your own experience or the expertise of the machine vendor can make a big difference with the correct composition of a hoeing machine.

Tijdens de internationale werkdagen, een openlucht beurs, tweejaarlijks georganiseerd, bezochten meer dan 70.000 mensen tijdens de 2 dagen de beurs op 120 hectare in Oost-Vlaanderen, België. Tijdens de 2019-editie lag de nadruk onder andere op mechanische onkruidbestrijding om minder pesticiden te gebruiken, wat goed is voor het bodemleven en de kwaliteit. Zowel de onkruideg als de schoffelmachine, twee basismachines voor mechanische onkruidbestrijding in de biologische landbouw, hebben de afgelopen jaren een grote vernieuwing ondergaan. Lieven Delanote, adviseur biologische landbouw bij Inagro, verklaarde de begeleide demonstratie op beide dagen van de beurs. Onder de droge omstandigheden was er letterlijk "stof" om over na te denken. De onkruideg is al lang een basismachine voor mechanische onkruidbestrijding in de biologische landbouw. Veertanden bewegen door de grond en trekken klein onkruid weg. Het beste resultaat wordt verkregen bij het ontkiemen van onkruiden vanaf het kiemstadium tot het kiemblad. Groter onkruid is te stevig verankerd in de grond om weg te trekken zonder het gewas te beschadigen. Vanwege een verschil in ontwikkeling tussen onkruid en gewassen is een selectief effect, ook in de rij, mogelijk. Een belangrijk voordeel van de wiedeg is dat deze rij-onafhankelijk werkt en daarom in veel gewassen kan worden gebruikt. Met de schoffelmachines biedt de camerabesturing een belangrijke technologische vooruitgang. Alle machines waren hiermee uitgerust. Desalniettemin blijft het mechanische gedeelte, inclusief de decoratie (type schoffelbladen) en de aanpassing ervan, bepalend voor een goed resultaat. Kleine details zijn belangrijk. Uw eigen ervaring of de expertise van de machineverkoper kan een groot verschil maken met de juiste samenstelling van een schoffelmachine.

“Growing cover crops can make big differences in terms of yield and quality of the following crop”.

The main purpose of the Cover Crop Day 2019 in The Netherlands was to draw attention to knowledge about cover crops and finding information about cover crops. Cover crops can support various functions, the most important being: organic matter, structure, crop health and biodiversity. The aim was to help farmers implement cover crops in their rotation, and to create awareness about cover crops and their function towards the soil, nematodes and yield & quality of the following crop.

In the new Handbook Cover Crops (presented during the opening), 21 cover crops are discussed in detail and presented in a summarizing factsheet, in the general chapters subjects like cultivation aspects, mixes, N-catch crops, soil conservation and legislation are explained.

For each parcel, situation or purpose another cover crops can be better. The weak points of a parcel can best be taken as a starting point when choosing a cover crop. The best time to choose a cover crop is when the crop rotation is determined.

Some cover crop can function as host plant for nematodes; mixes of cover crops must therefore be chosen carefully. Although mixes can increase the number of nematodes because the mix contains host plants, the yield can still be good, due to other positive effects of mixed cover crops. The nematode schema can be used to determine which cover crop has an effect on the nematode population.

An example were cover crops can have a positive impact on the following crop is sowing Japanese oat instead of rye. Because the number of nematodes (if present) is reduced, the crop can give a higher profit. Thereby, cover crops become more important to meet regulations, for example regulations about crop diversity.

“Een groenbemester kan een groot verschil maken in opbrengst en kwaliteit van het volggewas”.

Het belangrijkste doel van de Groenbemesterdag was de aandacht vestigen op kennis over groenbemesters en het vinden van informatie over groenbemesters. Groenbemesters kunnen verschillende functie ondersteunen, de belangrijkste zijn: organische stof, structuur, gewasgezondheid en biodiversiteit.

In het nieuwe handboek "Groenbemesters" (gepresenteerd tijdens de opening) worden 21 groenbemesters in detail besproken en gepresenteerd in een samenvattende factsheets, In de algemene hoofdstukken worden zaken als teeltaspecten, mengsels, N-vangstgewassen, bodembeheer en wetgeving uitgelegd.

Voor elk perceel, situatie of doel kan een andere groenbemester een betere zijn. De zwakke punten van een perceel kunnen bij de keuze van een groenbemester het beste als uitgangspunt genomen worden, en een groenbemester kan het beste tijden het opstellen van de rotatieschema worden bepaald.

Omdat bepaalde groenbemesters kunnen fungeren als waardplant voor nematoden, moeten mengsels van groenbemesters zorgvuldig worden gekozen. Hoewel mengsels het aantal nematoden kunnen verhogen, kan de opbrengst nog steeds goed zijn vanwege andere positieve effecten van gemengde groenbemesters. Het aaltjesschema kan gebruikt worden om te bepalen welk effect groenbemesters kunnen hebben op de aaltjespopulatie.

Een voorbeeld van een positief effect op het volggewas, is het telen van Japanse haver in plaats van bijvoorbeeld rogge. Omdat het aantal nematoden kan verminderd kan deze teelt een hogere winst opleveren. Daarbij worden groenbemesters steeds belangrijker om aan regelgeving te voldoen, bijvoorbeeld regelgeving over gewasdiversiteit.

On September 24, 2019, a conference on new solutions in the cultivation and protection of cereals was held at Piotr Doligalski's farm, Poland. During the plenary session, problems concerning wheat cultivation in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship were discussed as well as innovative methods of growing and fertilizing cereals. Innovations in fertilization were presented by representatives of Scandagra and Intermag. There were series of micronutrient fertilizers presented, based on glycine - the smallest, most mobile and most rapidly absorbed amino acid by plants. These are used as an agent in the transport of micronutrients. They have a faster absorption and bigger efficiency (especially during drought) than standard micronutrient fertilizers.

The second part of the conference was about demonstration of strip till machines. The advantage of the strip till system lies in the economy and gives some benefits in years of extremely weather conditions, such as drought or frost. During the demonstration, the farmer pointed out to the role of catch crops on the farm. The catch crops should be diverse (not only mustard), prefarably a mixture of several plants in the same field, cruciferous, papilionaceous, sunflower, etc. are recommended in order to reduce the impact of changing soil and weather conditions.

W dn.24.09.2019 w gospodarstwie pana Piotra Doligalskiego w Kowrozie miała mioejsce konferencja dot. innowacyjnych metod uprawy i inegowanej ochrony zbóż na terenie województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego. Podczs sesji plenarnej przedstawiono nowoczesne trendy w uprawie zbóz. Innowacje dot. nawożenia prezentowali przedstawiciele takich firm jak Scandagra i Intermag. Zaprezentowano serie nawozów mikroelementowych bazujacych na naturalnym transporterze mikroelementów - glicynie - njbardziej mobilnym i najszybciej absorbowanym przez rosliny aminokwasem. Takie rozwiazanie zwieksza przyswajalnośc mikroelementów przez rośliny zwłaszcza w okresie suszy. W dugiej części konferencji (plenerowej) zaprezentowano prace urządzeń do orki uproszczonej uprawy pasowej i siewu rzutowego. Wskazano na zalety zastosowania takiej metody uprawy takie jak i redukcji kosztów i pewniejszych plonów w latach niedoboru wody czy tez duzych mrozów. W trakcie pokazów na polu rolnik podkreslił znaczenie stosowania poplonów na jednym polu w mieszankach np. krzyżowe, motylkowe, słonecznik a nie tylko gorczyca i gorczyca. Mix gatunków w zasianym poplonie niweluje wpływ zmiennych warunków glebowych i pogodowych na uprawę.

The Hub ‘Optimal soil quality in arable crops’ is a NEFERTITI’s regional cluster aiming at sharing innovation, technologies and good practices around soil quality in arable crops, with a special focus on no tillage and reduced tillage, organic fertilization and crop rotations. The hub is located in Navarra (Northern Spain), and engages demo farmers in Navarra and surrounding regions. An event was organized on 21st of September in Zaragoza (Spain) with the support of The Aragonese Association of Conservation Agriculture (AGRACON). Most of the 55 participants were farmers. In the morning there were two room-sessions and a field demonstration. In the room-sessions it was shown how no-tillage maintains soil structure and prevents erosion, in comparison with conventional tillage. In the field demonstration no-till machinery was shown and 3 farmers spoke of their experiences with no-tillage and weed control. They showed how important it is to choose the sowing machine in relation with the management of the crop residues. Under their conditions of an average rainfall of 200 mm/year the disc sowing machine was the most suitable. One of the summer weeds present in the area (Salsola kali) was managed as a cover crop, instead of trying to eradicate it. They proposed to control its growing with a herbicide but without killing it, so it decreased soil evaporation and it was an extra source of organic matter. After lunch some videos were shown, and a short discussion was held about the advantages and disadvantages of no-till. In the afternoon we visited an irrigated farm that was managed under no-tillage and the farmer exposed his experiences. He highlighted the importance of planning the crop rotation to control weeds and manage crop residues.

El Hub "Calidad óptima del suelo en cultivos herbáceos" es un grupo regional de NEFERTITI que busca compartir innovación, tecnologías y buenas prácticas en torno a la calidad del suelo, con un enfoque especial en el no laboreo y el laboreo reducido, la fertilización orgánica y la rotación de cultivos. El hub se encuentra España y comprende agricultores en Navarra y las regiones circundantes. El 21 de septiembre se organizó un evento en Zaragoza (España) con el apoyo de la Asociación Aragonesa de Agricultura de Conservación (AGRACON). Asistieron más de 55 personas, la mayoría agricultores. Por la mañana hubo dos sesiones de sala y una demostración de campo. En las sesiones de sala se mostró cómo el no laboreo mantiene la estructura del suelo y evita la erosión, en comparación con el laboreo convencional. En la demostración de campo se mostró maquinaria de no laboreo y 3 agricultores hablaron de sus experiencias con el no laboreo y el control de malezas. Mostraron lo importante que es elegir la sembradora en relación con el manejo de los residuos del cultivo. Bajo sus condiciones de lluvia (200 mm/año), la sembradora de discos fue la más adecuada. Una de las malezas de verano presentes en el área (Salsola kali) se manejó como cultivo de cobertura, en lugar de tratar de erradicarla. Propusieron controlar su crecimiento con herbicida pero sin secarla, con lo que disminuyó la evaporación del suelo y fue una fuente adicional de materia orgánica. Después del almuerzo se mostraron algunos videos y hubo un debate sobre las ventajas y desventajas del no laboreo. Por la tarde se visitó una explotación en regadío manejada en no laboreo y el agricultor destacó la importancia de planificar la rotación de cultivos para controlar las malezas y gestionar los residuos de los cultivos.

Demonstration activities were organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Directorate for Professional Support for the Development of Agriculture and Fisheries. There is a lack of practical experience in the beef cattle grazing production systems in Croatia, while the potential is huge. The aim of the demonstration is to eliminate prejudices and motivate existing and potential farmers to properly manage beef cattle grazing operations. The best practitioners showed off their farms. At the first demonstration, a tested cow-calf model was presented to farmers and advisers, with a practical points on the most common mistakes in grazing. The number of participants was 44. At the second demonstration, with a presentation on grassland and forage production, there were 31 participants.

Main results: Best practices and new technologies are presented through the exchange of knowledge between different actors to stimulate innovation adoption and enhance peer-to-peer learning while promoting organic production that meets social expectations related to animal health and welfare. Many details are presented, that are useful for all participants, related to the production systems of grazing beef cattle . An example of use domestic Croatian Simmental breed in meat and organic cattle breeding with the exchange of experiences is presented. Various innovative devices and equipment used for livestock husbandry and for the management of pastures and intensively used land are presented.

Main practical recommendations: the importance of selecting an apropriate breed for various grazing systems and the importance of using land for fodder production for winter feeding are emphasized, due to the lack of arable land and climatic conditions in the area.

Demonstracijske aktivnosti organiziralo je Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Uprava za stručnu podršku razvoju poljoprivrede i ribarstva. U Hrvatskoj ne postoji praktično iskustvo u proizvodnom sustavu tova na paši, a potencijal je ogroman. Cilj demonstracija je ukloniti predrasude i motivirati postojeće te potencijalne farmere za pravilno upravljanje mesnim pašnim govedarstvom. Najbolji praktičari pokazali su svoje farme. Na prvoj demonstraciji uzgajivačima, savjetnicima i ostalima izložen je prokušani model uzgoja krava-tele uz praktično izlaganje o najčešćim pogreškama u pašnom govedarstvu. Broj sudionika bio je 44. Na drugoj demonstraciji uz izlaganje o travnjaštvu i proizvodnji krme bio je 31 sudionik.

Glavni rezultati: predstavljene su najbolje prakse i nove tehnologije kroz razmjenu znanja između različitih sudionika kako bi se potaknulo usvajanje inovacija i unaprijedilo učenje s farmera na farmera uz poticanje ekološke proizvodnje koja zadovoljava društvena očekivanja vezana uz zdravlje i dobrobit životinja. Izloženi su mnogi detalji korisni za sve sudionike vezani uz pravilno upravljanje mesnim pašnim govedarstvom. Predstavljen je primjer korištenja domaće hrvatske simentalske pasmine u mesnom i ekološkom govedarstvu uz razmjenu iskustava. Predstavljeni su različitii inovativni uređaji i oprema koji se koriste u uzgoju stoke te za održavanje pašnjaka i površina koja gospodarstva koriste intenzivno.

Glavne preporuke: naglašena je važnost izbora pasmine za pašni tov te korištenje površina u spremanju voluminozne krme za zimsko razdoblje hranidbe zbog nedostatka obradivih površina i klimatskih uvjeta na tom području.

With growing antimicrobial reistance and the long withdrawal period for antibiotic treated animals in organic dairy sytems it is important to minimise the use of antibiotics, yet at the same time treat in a timely manner cows which it is appropriate to use antibiotics on. While typing the pathogen determines the best course of treatment, often the delay in treatment can lead to sub-optimal treatment response.

Early identification makes alternaitive treatments, such as the use of linament and increasing milking frequency more effective. Plating the bacteria to determine the type of bacteria aor the sensitivity of the bacteria to different drugs differentiates between mastitis cases which shoukd be treated with antibiotics, and those which there is no need to treat. This results in lowering the use of antibiotics and therefore the loss incurred due to discarded milk. Early detection reduces the severity of cases, minimises cross infection, and minimises the loss of lactation yield.

Using 24/7 health monitoring technology, such as the SmaXtec rumen bolus, which measures rumen temperature and activity levels, or the Cow Manager eartag, which measures activity, rumination rate and external ear temperature, can pick up health issues more than 24 hours earlier than without monitoring equipment, giving time to culture the mastitis to determine the correct course of action to take.

In 2019, the German hub in the network "Robust organic livestock systems" concentrated on the topic of dairy cattle. Optimal feeding of the herd is an important concern for farmers. OBSALIM is a method for accurately measuring the effect of feeding cattle, sheep and goats at herd level. This allows differentiated conclusions to be drawn about the current metabolic state of the animals and the adaptations derived from this. Many diseases, which always have to do with the metabolism in ruminants, can thus be avoided. Externally visible features such as shaggy coat, long fibres in the faeces or lacrimation are observed in the herd and identified as a so-called symptom. With the help of a map set, which describes each symptom and judges with points, one calculates an overall result. This evaluation method, i.e. the number of points, provides information about the respective supply of crude fibre or protein or the condition of the rumen activity. Following the evaluation, the feeding can be optimised, for example by adding more fibre or energy-rich feed or by allowing more time for re-chewing phases. Because the rhythm between eating and digestive ruminants is enormously important.

The OBSALIM method provides the farmer with a tool that, unlike conventional ration calculation or MLP evaluation, is up-to-date on a daily basis and requires no further laboratory analysis of the feed or milk. Effects can be observed immediately and used in the fine adjustment of the feed, e.g. during feed changes. The displayed symptoms can change within a few days and quickly provide information about the success of an adjustment. It is recommended to check the herd once a week. To learn Obsalim, farmers can take a 2-day course and then use the method themselves. For the evaluation there is the map set or an App.

Der deutsche Hub im Netzwerk "Robuste ökologische Tierhaltung" konzentrierte sich 2019 auf das Themenfeld Milchvieh. Die optimale Fütterung der Herde ist ein wichtiges Anliegen der Landwirte. OBSALIM ist eine Methode zur genauen Erfassung der Wirkung der Fütterung auf Herdenniveau von Rind, Schaf und Ziege. Dadurch können differenzierte Rückschlüsse auf den aktuellen Stoffwechselzustand der Tiere, und daraus abgeleitete Anpassungen, gezogen werden. Viele Erkrankungen, die beim Wiederkäuer immer mit dem Stoffwechsel zu tun haben, können dadurch vermieden werden. Äußerlich sichtbare Merkmale wie struppiges Haarkleid, lange Fasern im Kot oder Tränenfluss werden im Herdenverband beobachtet und als sogenanntes Symptom festgestellt. Mithilfe eines Kartensets, das jedes Symptom beschreibt und mit Punkten beurteilt, errechnet man ein Gesamtergebnis. Diese Bewertungsmethode, also die Punktzahl, gibt Aufschluss über die jeweilige Versorgung mit Rohfaser oder Protein oder den Zustand der Pansentätigkeit. Im Anschluss der Auswertung kann die Fütterung optimiert werden, beispielsweise durch mehr faser- oder energiereiches Futter oder indem man mehr Zeit für Wiederkauphasen einräumt. Denn der Rhythmus zwischen Fressen und Verdauen-Wiederkäuen ist enorm wichtig.

Die Methode OBSALIM gibt dem Landwirt ein Werkzeug an die Hand, das im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Rationsberechnung oder MLP-Auswertung tagesaktuell ist und keine weiteren Laboranalysen des Futters oder der Milch benötigt. Wirkungen können unmittelbar beobachtet und in der Feinanpassung der Fütterung, z.B. bei Futterwechseln, genutzt werden. Die angezeigten Symptome können sich innerhalb von ein paar Tagen ändern und geben schnell Aufschluss über Erfolge einer Anpassung. Empfohlen ist es, einmal pro Woche den Check an der Herde durchzuführen. Um Obsalim zu erlernen, können Bauern einen 2-tägigen Kurs machen und die Methode dann selbst anwenden. Zur Beurteilung gibt es das Kartenset oder eine App.

The objective of our network is to promote the exchange of knowledge and innovation around a big range of topics that can be related to “robust organic livestock systems”.

In the Pyrenees region of Navarra, it is relatively common to combine livestock activity with potato production. This alliance is especially interesting in the production of certified organic seed potato, because the manure that is produced by the animals is very well received by the potato, which in organic production, cannot receive conventional fertilizers. In addition, having more than one product helps to cushion the impact that the prices fluctuations can cause on the profitability of the system.

For this reason, one of the DA organized in 2019 was organized in a farm in which the production of organic seed potatoes (currently with very good sales prices) improves the profitability of a lamb meat production farm (with prices that are currently very low), reaching a much more robust system.

El objetivo de nuestra red es potenciar el intercambio de conocimientos e innovación alrededor de una gran diversidad temática que se puede relacionar con los “sistemas robustos de ganadería ecológica”.

En el Pirineo Navarro, es relativamente común la combinar la actividad ganadera con la producción de patata. Esta alianza es especialmente interesante en la producción de patata de siembra certificada en ecológico, debido a que el estiércol que se produce con la ganadería es muy bien recibido por la patata, que en ecológico, no puede recibir fertilizantes convencionales. Además, la disposición de más de un producto, amortigua el impacto que pueden causar las fluctuaciones de los precios en la rentabilidad del sistema.

Por esta razón, en una de las jornadas demostrativas organizadas en 2019 se mostró una explotación en la que la producción de patata de siembra ecológica (en la actualidad con precios de venta muy favorables) mejoraba la rentabilidad de una explotación de producción de carne de cordero (con precios que actualmente son muy bajos), convirtiéndolo en un sistema mucho más robusto.

The organic hub, made up of 6 Breton organic dairy farmers and 5 organic technical advisors, met 3 times to define the year's demonstration actions and exchange information on their practices through farm visits, particularly during the cross visit in Germany. The priority theme deals with food autonomy, one of the keys to robustness in organic dairy systems. In Brittany, this search for autonomy is carried out in particular through grazing since the territory is favourable. 6 demonstration actions took place on farms: 4 in spring on "grazing grass, harvested grass, aiming for quality", and 2 in winter on "quality fodder, a balanced ration, assured winter dairy production". One of them was held on the Trevarez experimental farm, an opportunity for the organic hub to discuss the many rations tested, the 3-way crossing, feed cows... we took the opportunity to visit 2 other farms which where chosen to learn about its innovative system and driving styles. These shared experiences have been very appreciated and reassure farmers about their ration choices, especially those whose systems are evolving significantly during the conversion process.

The first practical recommendations are:

- Focus on quality forage, especially through early mowing

- Promote the simplification of work at all levels

- Thinking carefully about the genetics of your herd, and stabilize it

The 2020 outlook is to continue these technical meetings in the same shape, by studying in greater depth some technical themes expected by farmers, such as the renewal rate, heifer feeding and technical and economic results.

Le hub bio, constitué de 6 éleveurs laitiers bio bretons et 5 conseillers techniques bio, s'est réuni 3 fois pour définir les actions de démonstrations de l'année, et échanger sur leurs pratiques au travers de visites d'élevages, notamment lors de la cross visit en allemagne. La thématique prioritaire traite de l'autonomie alimentaire, une des clés de la robustesse en système laitier bio. En Bretagne, cette recherche d'autonomie se fait notamment via le pâturage puisque le territoire y est propice. 6 actions de démonstration ont eu lieu en fermes : 4 au printemps sur "l'herbe pâturée, l'herbe récoltée, viser la qualité", et 2 en hiver sur "des fourrages de qualité, une ration équilibrée, une production laitière d'hiver assurée". L'une d'entre elles s'est tenue sur la ferme expérimentale de Trevarez, l'occasion pour le hub bio d'échanger autour des nombreuses rations testées, du croisement 3 voies, des vaches nourrices... Nous en avons profité pour visiter 2 exploitations qui ont été choisies en raison de leur système et de leur conduite innovante. Ces partages d'expérience ont été trés appréciés, ils rassurent les éleveurs sur leurs choix de ration, notamment ceux dont le système évolue beaucoup en cours de conversion.

Les premières recommandations pratiques sont :

- S'attacher à faire un fourrage de qualité, notamment au travers de la fauche précoce

- Favoriser la simplification du travail, à tous les niveaux

- Bien réfléchir et stabiliser la génétique de son troupeau

Les perspectives 2020 sont de poursuivre ces rendez-vous techniques sur le même format, en approfondissant certaines thématiques techniques attendues par les éleveurs comme le taux de renouvellement, l'alimentation des génisses, ou les résultats technico-économiques.

Lameness is an important issue in dairy farming. It is estimated that claw lesions cost somewhere between €53-200 per cow per year, of which around 80% can be attributed to milk production losses, associated fertility issues and increased culling rates. Unfortunately, most dairy farmers still understimate the impact of lameness on their farm, since the problem is not as visible as mastitis for instance.

The magnitude of the problem is associated with the ability to identify lame cows, making early detection and quick intervention crucial in the battle against lameness. Since lame cows are often less active and lie down more than their non-lame herd mates, technologies like pedometers and activity meters can aid the farmer in identifying cows in need of assistance. Various digital tools have recently come to market to register claw lesions or clinical cases of lameness. Good record keeping provides valuable insight into the health status of the herd.

Data derived from activity meters or other sensors, in conjunction with good record keeping, can be used to visualize the overall magnitude of lameness on a dairy farm - increasing awareness and possibly motivating the farmer to change his management towards claw health.

Kreupelheid is een belangrijke aandoening in de melkveehouderij. De kost van klauwletsels wordt geschat op 53-200 euro/koe/jaar. 80% hiervan is te wijten aan melkproductieverliezen, bijbehorende vruchtbaarheidsproblemen en verhoogde vervangingspercentages. Helaas onderschatten de meeste melkveehouders nog steeds de impact van kreupelheid, omdat het probleem niet zo zichtbaar is dan bijvoorbeeld mastitis.

Vroege detectie en snelle interventie cruciaal zijn in de strijd tegen kreupelheid. Maar slechts een beperkt deel van de kreupele koeien wordt door de veehouder opgemerkt. Omdat kreupele koeien vaak minder actief zijn en meer neerliggen, kunnen sensoren zoals activiteitsmeters de boer helpen bij de detectie. Registratie van klauwletsels en klinische kreupelheid kan dan weer in verschillende digitale applicaties, die vandaag op de markt zijn.

Gegevens afkomstig van activiteitsmeters of andere sensoren, in combinatie met een goede administratie, kunnen worden gebruikt om de omvang van kreupelheid op een melkveebedrijf te visualiseren, het bewustzijn te vergroten en de boer te motiveren om zijn klauwgezondheidsmanagement bij te sturen.

Many dairy farmers feed the cows by using a mixer feeder. In most cases it has to be loaded with the different feed types and this requires a lot of time. As a result, cows are supplied with fresh feed only every 1 or 2 days. The feed must be regularly pushed in by hand or some farmers push this by using the tractor. All this does not contribute to sustainable, efficient and optimal farm management.

The Vector can improve feed management and saves on average 8 hours per week. On an annual basis, this is a saving of 416 hours per year. It is a very flexible system and you determine your own feeding regime. Each feed strategy can be applied. It can be divided into different rations over different groups of cows. The Vector knows exactly where and when fresh feed is needed and the supplies it. This gives benefits in feed efficiency - both in less wastage , and more accurate rationing.

The Lely Vector is an automatic feeding system that provides the cows with fresh with the least possible labour effort. It takes the dairy farmer once every three days to fill up the feed kitchen, do an inspection and conduct periodic cleaning. This work can be planned in advance. Filling the mixing and feeding robot with the feed gripper offers the opportunity to mix many different types of feed. With every bite of a feed type, the system weighs the feed and corrects the feed grab automatically to the exact amount that the cows need. That is why the cows are always fed the exact same amounts of feed.

Fertility management has a major role to play among German dairy farmers. It is important for a good profitability of the dairy farms that the cows are regularly occupied and calves. The conventional recognition of oestrus by the farmer for artificial insemination represents a challenge for the ever-increasing herds. The detection of oestrus by the eye due to the individual behaviour of the cow is not always given or sometimes only at a late point in time. Also the observation of the cow herd means a large expenditure of time. The new technology of the HEATTIME transponder collars facilitates the heat recognition and supplies a meaningful data basis for the farmer. The technology of the transponder has its origin in space travel and records the movements in vertical and horizontal direction. Calibration of the transponder to the cow to be monitored takes approximately 5 days. If deviations in the cow's behaviour pattern occur, they indicate heat (= high activity) or (metabolic) disease (= low activity). The rumination activity is recorded by a microphone, which also indicates the cow's state of health. At the data station in the stable office, the farmer can see which cow is behaving conspicuously. The software calculates the ideal insemination window and thus increases the probability of successful insemination, thereby reducing the costs for any further inseminations.

Das Fruchtbarkeitsmanagement spielt bei den deutschen Milchviehhaltern eine bedeutende Rolle. Für eine gute Wirtschaftlichkeit der Betriebe ist es wichtig, dass die Kühe regelmäßig belegt werden und kalben. Die herkömmliche Brunsterkennung durch den Landwirt für die künstliche Besamung stellt bei den immer grösser werdenden Herden eine Herausforderung dar. Das Erkennen der Brunst von Auge auf Grund des individuellen Verhaltens der Kuh nicht immer gegeben oder teilweise erst zu einem verspäteten Zeitpunkt. Auch bedeutet die Beobachtung der Kuhherde einen großen Zeitaufwand. Die neue Technik der HEATTIME Transponderhalsbänder erleichtern die Brunsterkennung und liefern eine aussagekräftige Datenbasis für den Landwirten. Die Technik des Transponders hat seinen Ursprung in der Raumfahrt und erfasst die Bewegungen in vertikaler und horizontaler Richtung. Die Kalibrierung des Transponders auf die zu überwachende Kuh bedarf ungefähr 5 Tage. Treten Abweichungen im Verhaltensmuster der Kuh auf, weisen die auf Brunst (= hohe Aktivität) oder auch auf (Stoffwechsel-)Krankheit (=niedrige Aktivität) hin. Durch ein Mikrofon wird die Wiederkautätigkeit erfasst, was ebenfalls Hinweise auf den Gesundheitszustand der Kuh gibt. Auf der Datenstation im Stallbüro kann der Landwirt sehen, welche Kuh sich auffällig verhält. Die Software errechnet das ideale Besamungsfenster und steigert so die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine erfolgreiche Besamung wodurch die Kosten für allfällig weitere Besamungen reduziert werden können.

A group of 13 dairy farmers located in Brittany and equipped with milking robots met several times to discuss their practices and their experience on robotic milking and grazing. These meetings took place on the farms of the breeders as well as on the experimental farm of Trévarez and during a trip organized in Germany in June 2019. Several themes were addressed during these meetings: - Exchange of practices on the use of the milking robot - Robot control according to the behavior of the herd - Grazing practice to reduce production costs - Frequent milking robot during grazing practice - Using a mobile milking robot to optimize grazing management These different activities led to several practical recommendations: - Adapt plot to grazing practice with a milking robot - Choose a rotational grazing mode A / B or A / B / C if possible - Use tools or technologies to measure grass growth (connected herbometer for example).

Un groupe de 13 éleveurs laitiers localisés en Bretagne et équipés de robots de traite s'est réuni plusieurs fois pour échanger sur leur pratiques et leur expérience sur la traite robotisée et le pâturage. Ces rencontres ont eu lieu sur les exploitations des éleveurs ainsi que sur la ferme expérimentale de Trévarez et lors d'une voyage organisé en Allemagne en juin 2019. Plusieurs thématiques ont été abordées lors de ces rencontres : - Echange de pratiques sur l'utilisation du robot de traite - Pilotage du robot en fonction du comportement du troupeau - Pratique du pâturage pour diminuer les coûts de production - Fréquentation du robot de traite lors de la pratique du pâturage - Utilisation d'un robot de traite mobile pour optimiser la gestion du pâturage

Ces différentes activités ont conduit à plusieurs recommandations pratiques: - Adapter son parcellaire à sa pratique du pâturage avec un robot de traite - Choisir un mode de pâturage tournant A/B ou A/B/C si possible - Utiliser des outils ou technologies permettant de suivre la croissance de l'herbe (herbomètre connecté par exemple)

The greenhouse gas balance in peat soils plays an important role. In the past, a large water infrastructure with many ditches, watercourses and rivers developed in the grassland regions of northern Germany. Due to the enormous availability of water and the high rainfall, the areas were made available for agriculture by an organised water management system in the past. In the Wesermarsch, measures are now being developed and tested with all affected actors for an optimised water management system. In the past, water was pumped mainly from the land to cultivate the soil. Today, the framework conditions have changed and the ecological risks must also be considered in order to ensure sustainable cultivation in the future. The water balance in this area is set to a maximum level and is channelled into the area through new innovative ideas such as underfloor irrigation. The aim is to minimise greenhouse gases while maintaining the economic efficiency of the area. Farmers made their land available for this purpose and drainage associations, scientists and politicians are now creating new measures for the management of peat soil areas, taking into account the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and ecological.

Die Treibhausgasbilanz in Moorböden spielt eine wesentliche Rolle. In den Grünlandregionen in Norddeutschland entstand in der Vergangenheit eine große Wasserinfrastruktur mit vielen Graben Wasserläufen und Flüssen. Durch die enorme Wasserverfügbarkeit und der hohen Regenfälle wurden die Flächen durch ein organisiertes Wassermanagementsystem in der Vergangenheit für die Landwirtschaft verfügbar gemacht. In der Wesermarsch wird nun mit allen betroffenen Akteuren, Maßnahmen entwickelt und getestet für ein optimiertes Wassermanagementsystem. Früher wurde das Wasser hauptsächlich aus der Fläche gepumpt, um den Boden zu bewirtschaften, heute haben sich die Rahmenbedingungen geändert und die ökologischen Risiken müssen mitbetrachtet werden, um eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung auch in Zukunft zu gewährleisten. Der Wasserhaushalt wird in dem genannten Gebiet auf ein Höchst Level gesetzt und durch neue innovative Ideen wie die Unterflurbewässerung, in die Fläche geleitet. Ziel ist es Treibhausgase zu minimieren bei gleichbleibender Wirtschaftlichkeit der Fläche. Landwirte stellten dazu Ihre Flächen zur Verfügung und Entwässerungsverbände, sowie Wissenschaftler und Politik kreieren nun neue Maßnahmen für die Bewirtschaftung von Mooren unter berücksichtig der drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit: Soziales, Ökonomie und Ökologie.

Carbon sequestration in grassland is a topic of increasing importance to Irish farmers and farmers internationally. Carbon sequestration has a role to play in reducing the contribution of agriculture to atmospheric carbon levels. Increasing farmer awareness of the concept of carbon sequestration is hugely important to maximise its impact. The Irish NEFERTITI hub has formed strong links with the Teagasc Environment, Soils and Land Use Department to deliver the latest information to farmers. Adoption of good grassland management is one area that can be focused on to improve the levels of carbon sequestered in the soil. Grazing only pastures are optimal for carbon sequestration as opposed to those used for silage/hay production. Allowing more than five years between sward establishment and reseeding has a positive impact on grassland carbon sequestration. Effective grassland management has the ability to maintain the productivity of a sward for a longer period, reducing the frequency at which reseeding is required. Only when soil pH, phosphorus and potassium levels have been optimised and a paddock is still underperforming should reseeding be considered. Optimising soil nutrition and using targeted reseeding programmes also have huge benefits for farm performance, for example a soil of optimal pH 6.3 will grow up to 1.5t DM/year more than a pH of 5.5. Plant diverse swards incorporating species like plantain and chicory with a deeper rooting structure have been though to increase carbon sequestration levels; research is currently on-going to further understand the impact of the deeper rooting structure on both carbon fixation and respiration by the plants. Grassland management techniques to increase carbon sequestration levels have a positive impact on grassland performance.

In June 2019, the Uk became the first major economy to pass a net zero emmisions law. This will require the UK to bring all green house gas emmisios to net zero by 2050. The UK has 62% grassland and many of these areas are upland, so mainly utilised by stock grazing and their potential as a carbon sink is huge. The livestock production is responsible for around 14% of green house gas emmisions, however the grassland soils are able to sequester carbon and off set the C emmisions. The UK HUb is concentrating on mainly areas of grass which are producing livestock from grass. Some Uk Farmers are keen to improve their soils and to find innovative ideas to increase carbon capture within grassland. IfA are working with scientists and farmers and other discussion groups to help reduce greenhouse gasessby activly changing managment techniques and helping farmers to share these ideas. Some of these will include reduced stocking rates, diverse swards and potential tree planting in suitable areas.

Climate change is already a reality which the agriculture and the dairy sector face. In Brittany, we have observed an increase of mean temperatures from 1,3°C between 1990 and 2018. In order to limit the climate change, the agriculture has a role to play with the limitation of its greenhouse gas emission but also with its particularity to sequestrate the carbon in the soil sink to the grassland and the hedges. Following the COP 21, it has been estimated that a 4‰ additional carbon sequestion per year could compensate all the GHG due to human activities at world scale. Nevertheless, the agricultural intensification observed in France during the second half of 20th century resulted in a decrease of the grassland area replaced by maizes fodders in lowland regions, destruction of hedges to increase field size. This phenomenon lead to a risk to lose carbon in soils of intensive agricultural region.

The objective of the French Hub is to help the promotion of the grassland hold/increase into crop rotation in North-West of France. Added to its carbon sequestration potential, grassland have other advantages as regards soil fertility, erosion limitation and water quality. In a economical point of view, grazing grass is the less costy feed to provide to cows and permit to produce a milk with a good profitability. To achieve this objective, the Hub will base into on-going and finished research which study the grassland use (seed, legumes, grazing, harvest…) but also into farmers testimony who have set up an efficient production system (economic, environment and social).

Le changement climatique est une réalité à laquelle fait déjà face l’agriculture et la filière laitière. En Bretagne, nous avons observé une hausse des températures moyennes de 1,3°C entre 1990 et 2018. Afin de limiter les effets du changement climatique, l’agriculture a un rôle à jouer de par la limitation de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre mais également de par sa particularité de pouvoir stocker le carbone dans le sol grâce aux prairies et aux haies. Suite à la COP 21, il a été estimé qu’un stockage de carbone additionnel de 4‰ par an sur les sols du monde permettrait de compenser l’ensemble des émissions émises par les activités humaines. Néanmoins, l’intensification des productions agricoles prônée dans la seconde partie du 20ème siècle a eu pour conséquence de réduire la surface agricole en prairie au profit du maïs mais également la destruction des haies lors du remembrement agricole. Cela a conduit in fine à une perte en carbone des sols agricoles français.

L’objectif du hub français est de favoriser le maintien et/ou la mise en place de prairie dans les assolements agricoles du Grand Ouest. En plus de son potentiel de stockage de carbone, la prairie présente des avantages indéniables que ce soit en termes de fertilité des sols, de limitation de l’érosion et de la qualité de l’eau. D’un point de vue économique, l’herbe pâturée constitue l’aliment le moins coûteux pour les éleveurs et permet donc de produire du lait rentable. Afin d’atteindre son objectif, le hub s’appuiera sur les recherches menées et en cours sur l’utilisation des prairies (semis, légumineuses, pâturage, récolte…) mais également sur des témoignages d’éleveurs ayant mis en place des systèmes herbagers efficace économiquement, environnementalement et socialement.

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