project - Research and innovation

INCREdible - Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin - Nuts and Barries iNet
INCREdible - Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin - Nuts and Barries iNet

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The overall objective of INCREdible is the promotion and innovation of NWFPs in the Mediterranean through the development and animation of a multi-actor network of networks in order to increase knowledge flows contribute to business discovery, social innovation and the co-design of locally adapted innovative value chains.


See objectives in English.


INCREdible will develop Innovation NETworks (iNets) of Mediterranean NWFPs. Each iNet will aim to gather best practices (both practical and science-based) related to NWFP production, transformation and trade channels. Attention will be drawn to cross-cutting sectorial issues such as innovative (i) business models and value chains, (II) access to finance, (iii) marketing, and digital tools. It will be collected information and knowledge arising from iNets into an interregional online platform, which will function both as a deposit and exchange system of information among partners, existing networks and organizations, for raising awareness of existing success cases and cross-fertilization.

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The project has 5 iNets, for 5 non-wood forest products (NWFP): Cork, Resin, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants, Wild Mushrooms & Truffles and Wild Nuts and Berries.

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This group of PA concerns the Wild Nuts & Berries iNet, one of the five iNets of the INCREdible thematic network.

Key challenges of Wild Nuts & Berries as a non-wood forest product are:

• Knowledge transfer of scientific research results among key stakeholders from growers, processors, and traders to consumers.

• Modernisation of mechanised harvest and processing.

• Lack of commercial and trade declaration on botanic species and geographic origin distorts markets.

• Lack of product traceability and strong persistence of grey-black markets on the Mediterranean tree nut supply chains. These allow frequent pillage from forests and orchards, and even from storages, implying tax fraud, undeclared cross-border movements and speculative price bubbles and volatility for the end products, pine nuts and chestnuts as gourmet food.

• Climate change, new invasive pest and diseases are jeopardising pine nuts and chestnut supply from the Mediterranean.

• Business opportunities from novel wild berries.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1999150

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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46 Practice Abstracts

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In 2019/2020 the average yield of pine cone in pine nuts was 2.98%, ranging from a minimum of 2.55% to a maximum of 3.35%. 

This campaign (year 2019/2020) shows an increase in the kernel yield of the pine cone and less heterogeneity between the sampled sites (different farms), which corresponds to an improvement in the quality of the pine cone across the region. 

Most of the sampled sites show a positive evolution of kernel yield in relation to the previous year, even exceeding the values ​​recorded in the 1st sampling campaign (year 2015/16), tending back towards the normal pattern of industrial yield that had been between 3 and 4 % before 2010.All the work carried out indicates that too small samples of pine cones, as this assessment usually is made by industrials or self-taught by producers, is insufficient for a realistic determination of kernel yield.

The methodical and impartial performance of the sampling of the cone kernel yield performed by this Local Forest Owners Association, which can be carried out at the moment of the cone harvest taking place on the property, and based on the market price of the pine nut kernel, will allow the sales price negotiation of the pine cone within fairer intervals for both sides, contributing decisively to increase market transparency. More Information:

Em 2019/2020 o rendimento médio da pinha em miolo de pinhão foi de 2.98%, variando entre um mínimo de 2.55% e um máximo de 3.35%.

Nesta campanha (2019/2020) constata-se o aumento do rendimento da pinha e uma menor heterogeneidade entre os locais amostrados, o que corresponde a uma melhoria da qualidade da pinha de forma transversal à região.

A maioria das propriedades amostradas apresenta uma evolução positiva do rendimento em relação ao ano anterior, ultrapassando até os valores registados na 1ª campanha de amostragem (ano 2015/16), tendendo para o padrão normal do rendimento industrial que se situa entre os 3 - 4%.Todos os trabalhos realizados indicam que uma pequena amostra de pinha, como geralmente é feita esta avaliação por parte dos industriais ou de forma autodidacta por parte dos produtores, é insuficiente para uma determinação realista do rendimento.

A realização de forma metódica e imparcial da amostragem do rendimento da pinha em miolo de pinhão, a qual pode ser realizada em simultâneo com a colheita da pinha a decorrer na propriedade, e tendo por base o preço de mercado do miolo de pinhão, permitirá negociar o preço de venda da pinha dentro de intervalos mais justos, contribuindo de forma decisiva para aumentar a transparência do mercado. More Information:

Modelling with Maxent has made it possible to identify the areas with the highest probability of development of the species. By modelling the potential distribution of Castanea sativa, it was obtained that approximately 93,000 ha are areas of optimal potential for the presence of chestnut, especially the area of El Bierzo and southern Salamanca, and approximately 361,000 ha are of intermediate potential in Castilla y León. The sensitivity of the model has resulted in a good rating (0.894 out of 1)

Download:… development of this model allows for the adaptation of forest management plans, the conservation of existing orchards and the promotion of new growing areas. In this way, the future decisions of the farmers are supported with information that allows minimizing risks in future investment processes.

In the case of locations with optimum potential, the decision to plant chestnut trees is easier. However, in sub-optimal areas with lower productivity under normal growing conditions, it may be necessary to increase the investment by installing irrigation. More Information:

La modelización con Maxent ha permitido identificar las zonas con mayor probabilidad de desarrollo de la especie. Mediante la modelización de la distribución potencial de Castanea sativa se obtuvo que aproximadamente 93.000 ha son lugares de potencial óptimo para la presencia del castaño, sobre todo la zona del Bierzo y el sur de Salamanca y aproximadamente 361.000 ha son de un potencial medio en Castilla y León. La sensibilidad del modelo ha resultado que la calificación del modelo es buena (0.894 sobre 1).

Descarga:… desarrollo de este modelo permite adecuar los planes de gestión forestal, conservación de los sotos existentes y el impulso de nuevas zonas de plantación.  De esta manera, las decisiones futuras de los agricultores están apoyadas con información que permite minimizar riesgos en procesos de inversión futuros.

En el caso de las localizaciones con un potencial óptimo, la decisión de implantar castaño es más fácil. Sin embargo, en las áreas subóptimas con una menor rentabilidad en condiciones normales de cultivo, quizás sea necesario incrementar la inversión mediante la instalación del riego. More Information:

Mechanical harvesting promotes the cleaning of pine trees, by the fall of dry branches and needles, and also of pine cones affected by pest drilling. In Spain, in the Valladollid area, areas with mechanized harvesting presented higher attacks of Tomicus piniperda when compared to those of manual harvesting.

According to Gonçalves (2016) comparing the two harvesting methods, mechanized harvesting has an average efficiency of detaching pine cones above 86%. And it is 6 to 15 times faster than manual harvesting, with negligible damage to trees. The average harvesting cost was reduced, offsetting the amount of pine cone that remains on the tree.

The 17 years comparison between plots harvested manually and mechanically showed no differences in terms of pine cone production.Track the weighings of the pine cone produced on your farm.

Hire specialized / experienced operators;

Ensure that the harvest takes place in safe conditions, avoiding rainy or windy days, which increase the labour risks of accidents;

The intensity of vibration applied to each tree can be different (5 to 8s) but only enough to make the mature pine cone fall;

Do not harvest mechanically while the canopy is wet, or early in the morning on frost days;

The use of mechanized harvesting should not occur when the vegetative activity of the tree beguns and the immature pine cone may fall due to the greater fragility of the tissues;

Monitor the presence of scoliths (xylophagous insects) in areas with mechanized harvesting, checking the existence of bark that stands out and with galleries on the pine wood. More Information:

A colheita mecânica promove a limpeza dos pinheiros, pela queda de ramos e agulhas secas e também das pinhas afectadas por pragas perfuradoras. Em Espanha, na zona de Valladollid, as áreas com colheita mecanizada apresentava mata que superiores de hilésina (Tomicus piniperda) quando comparadas com as de colheita manual.

De acordo com Gonçalves (2016) comparando os dois métodos de colheita, a colheita mecanizada tem uma eficácia média de destaque das pinhas superior a 86% e é 6 a 15 vezes mais rápida do que a colheita manual, com danos negligenciáveis nas árvores. O custo de apanha reduziu-se, compensando a quantidade de pinha que fica na árvore.

Ao fim de 17 anos de ensaio com comparação da produção de pinhas nos talhões colhidos manual e mecanicamente não se verificaram diferenças significativas.Acompanhe as pesagens da pinha produzida na sua exploração.

Contrate operadores especializados/ experientes;

Garanta que a colheita ocorre em condições de segurança, evitando dias de chuva ou com vento, os quais aumentam os riscos de acidente de trabalho;

A intensidade de vibração aplicada a cada árvore pode ser diferente (5 a 8s) mas apenas a suficiente para fazer cair a pinha madura;

Não proceda à colheita mecânica enquanto as copas estiverem molhadas, ou logo pela manhã em dias de geada;

A utilização da colheita mecanizada não deverá ocorrer quando a atividade vegetativa da árvore se reiniciar podendo ocorrer queda da pinha imatura pela maior fragilidade dos tecidos;

Monitorize a presença de escolitídeos (insectosxilófagos) nas áreas com colheita mecanizada, verificando a existência de casca a destacar-se e com galerias sobre o lenho dos pinheiros. More Information:

Monitoring the loss of moisture from the pine cone harvested in December (2015) over 4 months (April / 2016) by packaging 30 kg of pine cone in two mesh bags that were weighed weekly and with two storage options: outdoors free - under shed (excluding rain) or in a closed warehouse, allowed to obtain the following results:

• Moisture loss of 21% (pine cone kept in the warehouse) and 24% (pine cone outdoors under shed) at the end of April;

• The effect of the average relative humidity of the air was verified mainly in the pine cone stored under a shed, whose weight loss was accentuated when the relative humidity of the air decreased (increasing the dryness);

• The pine cones stored in the warehouse had a more constant weight loss over time.Know the real productivity of your pinewood (Pinus pinea), carrying out the annual weighing of the pine cones produced;

The pine cone market doesn't has a fixed price, and there may be differences related to the quality of the pine cones, in terms of its kernel yield,  but may also occur as a result of the law of supply and demand or in response to price variation in the final market of pine nuts in the consumer (, so it's necessary to  follow the market price evolution during the pine cones harvesting season, for instance by contacting your local Forest Producers Association;

Carry out an analysis of the pine cone yield in pine nuts. More Information:

A monitorização da perda de humidade da pinha colhida em Dezembro (2015) ao longo de 4 meses (Abril/2016) através do embalamento de 30 kg de pinha em dois sacos de rede que eram pesados semanalmente e com duas opções de armazenamento: ao ar livre – sob telheiro (exclusão da chuva) ou em armazém fechado, permitiu obter os seguintes resultados:

A perda de humidade de 21% (pinha guardada em armazém) e 24% (pinha ao ar livre sob telheiro);

O efeito da humidade relativa do ar verificou-se principalmente na pinha armazenada sob telheiro, cuja perda de peso se acentuou quando a humidade relativa do ar diminuiu (aumentando a secura);

A pinha guardada em armazém apresenta uma perda de peso mais constante ao longo do tempo.Conheça a produtividade real do seu pinhal, realizando a pesagem anual das pinhas comercializadas;

O mercado da pinha não apresenta um preço fixo, podendo ter diferenças que podem estar relacionadas com a qualidade da pinha, em termos do seu rendimento em miolo de pinhão, mas também podem ocorrer como resultado da lei da oferta e da procura ou em resposta à variação do preço no mercado final do miolo de pinhão (, por isso acompanhe a evolução do preço de mercado da pinha, por exemplo contactando a sua Associação de Produtores Florestais;

Efectue uma análise do rendimento da pinha em miolo de pinhão. More Information:

The main conclusions mentioned in the bibliography are:

• The number and size of pine cones varies year to year;

• The average weight of the pine cone is related to the climatic conditions in the spring of the last year of pine cones maturation (mainly with the precipitation);

• The amount of shelled pine nuts depends on the number and size of pine cones produced;

• The larger the pine cones, the greater the number of pine nuts they contain;

• The number of shelled pine nuts per pine cone is positively related to the total number of pine cones, that is, in years of high production, pine cones tend to be larger and have a higher number of pine nuts.Monitor and record the amount (total weight) of pine cones produced on your farm every year;

With those responsible for pine cone harvesting, annually identify the best producing stone pine trees - those that produce the largest amounts of pine cones and/or larger pine cones;

Improve the knowlege on the kernel yields of your pine cones;

Contact your Local Producers Association to find out about annual trends in terms of size and quality of pine cones in your region; 

Register your best producing trees in the National Catalog of Forest Reproduction Materials for the sale of forest reproductive material. More Information:

As principais conclusões referidas na bibliografia são: 

O número e tamanho das pinhas varia de ano para ano;

O peso médio da pinha está relacionado com as condições climatéricas da primavera do ano de amadurecimento das pinhas (principalmente com a precipitação);

A quantidade de pinhão negro depende do número e tamanho das pinhas produzidas;

Quanto maiores são as pinhas, maior é o número de pinhões que contêm;

O número de pinhões negros por pinha está positivamente relacionado com o número total de pinhas, ou seja, em anos de grande produção, as pinhas tendem a ser maiores e a ter um maior número de pinhões.Monitorize e registe todos os anos a quantidade de pinha produzida na sua exploração;

Juntamente com os responsáveis da colheita, identifique anualmente os pinheiros mansos melhores produtores – os que produzem maiores quantidades de pinha e/ ou pinhas de maiores dimensões;

Conheça os rendimentos das suas pinhas em miolo de pinhão;

Contacte a sua Associação de Produtores para conhecer as tendências anuais em termos de dimensão e qualidade da pinha na sua região;

Inscreva no Catálogo Nacional de Materiais de Base as suas árvores melhores produtoras, para comercialização de materiais florestais de reprodução. More Information:

Under the scope of the research program on course, resistant hybrid genotypes were selected and candidate genes and QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) were identified (1,2,3). The comprehension of the host-pathogen system in Castanea spp using histopathology is being performed and the functional validation of the candidate genes, through genetic transformation, is being implemented as well. The ultimate goal of the research program is the molecular assisted selection of improved genotypes from the breeding program. There are already germplasm collections in the field of new genotypes, selected from the breeding program  to be used as rootstocks with improved resistance to root rot, that will be disclosed to the market in 2020/2021 plant materials are a key factor for the success on the installation of new chestnut orchards with potential for high productivities. P. cinnamomi has been the main responsible for the decline of the chestnut production in Portugal by 52 725 tones since 1961 (FAOSTAT 2019).

Irrigation systems are also important to achieve higher productions, together with good management practices of pests and diseases. Although chestnut is a multipurpose tree with economic (timber and fruit production) and ecological importance in the mountain areas of southwest Europe, its major importance is to be used as a crop with important economic income to the farmer, paying back the investments in good installation and management practices. More Information:

No âmbito do programa de investigação em curso, foram selecionados genótipos híbridos com resistência melhorada e identificados genes candidatos e QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) (1,2,3). A compreensão da interação hospedeiro-patógeno em Castanea spp está a ser feita por histopatologia e a validação funcional dos genes candidatos, por transformação genética. O objetivo final do programa é a identificação de genes candidatos de resistência, para ulterior seleção assistida molecular de genótipos melhorados. Já existem coleções dos novos genótipos selecionados em campo, para serem utilizados como porta-enxertos, que serão lançados no mercado na campanha de 2020/2021 materiais vegetais melhorados são um fator-chave para o sucesso da instalação de novos pomares de castanheiro com altas produtividades, já que P. cinnamomi é o principal responsável pelo declínio da produção de castanha em Portugal em 52 725 toneladas desde 1961. (FAOSTAT 2019).

A instalação de sistemas de rega bem como boas práticas de gestão de pragas e doenças são também fatores decisivos para alcançar produções mais elevadas. Embora o castanheiro seja uma árvore de uso múltiplo, com importância económica (produção de madeira e fruto) e ecológica, sua maior importância em Portugal é como produtor de castanha, com importante retorno para o agricultor dos investimentos. More Information:

In a field trial planted between 2009-2011, the incidence of L. occidentalis on 64 clones of P. pinea from four PR grafted onto the same species was evaluated. In 2014, a subsample of 5-10 trees was individually protected with insect-proof coverage. Conelets, cones and pine nuts harvested were counted annually. The main results were: a) protection increased pine nuts production between 2.8 and 3.5 times. Losses were attributed to conelet abortion and/or predation of pine nuts in mature cones; b) at the clonal level, cone harvest was positively correlated with conelet production of three years ago and with reduced abortion and seed predation during cone development; c) there were no productive differences among PR, but the one from ‘Coastal Catalonia’ which showed the lowest conelet production also experienced the lowest cone and seed predation, balancing the final harvest.Given that conelet production at clonal level was positively correlated with pine nut harvest three years after, it is recommended to choose clones combining high production of conelets together with reduced cone losses during the three years of cone development in order to maximize production in grafted plantations under L. occidentalis attack. The local provenance region, ‘Coastal Catalonia’, showed reduced cone losses under the trial conditions. This result should be corroborated under different environmental conditions to advise the use of the local provenance. More Information:

En un ensayo plantado entre 2009-2011, se evaluó la incidencia del L. occidentalis sobre 64 clones de P. pinea de cuatro RP injertados sobre la propia especie. En 2014, se protegió individualmente con malla insect-proof una submuestra de 5-10. Se contaron anualmente los estróbilos y la cosecha de piñas y piñones. Resultados destacables: a) la protección incrementó entre 2.8 y 3.5 veces la producción de piñones. Las pérdidas se atribuyeron al aborto de estróbilos en desarrollo y al vaciado de piñones; b) a nivel clonal, la cosecha se correlacionó positivamente con la producción de estróbilos de 1er año y con unas menores pérdidas durante su desarrollo y maduración en los años siguientes; c) no hubo diferencias productivas entre RP, pero Cataluña Litoral con menor producción de estróbilos acabó perdiendo menos piñas durante los tres años de desarrollo, igualando la cosecha final.Aunque la producción de estróbilos de primer año de un clon estuvo positivamente correlacionada con la producción final, para aumentar la producción de piñones en plantaciones injertadas de P. pinea bajo la presión de la chinche americana se recomienda utilizar clones que combinen la elevada producción de estróbilos con una menor pérdida de estos a lo largo de su desarrollo.

La procedencia local, los clones de la RP Cataluña Litoral, mostraron una menor pérdida de estróbilos en las condiciones del ensayo. Habría que corroborar este comportamiento en otras condiciones ambientales para aconsejar el uso de la procedencia local. More Information:

Several initiatives can be highlighted for the company Santiago Perea S.L. that reflect its commitment to innovation over time. The company shortly after its creation designed a pine cone processing line to obtain pine nuts. The line has been adapting to the emergence of new technologies and continues to be used today, ranging from the collection of the pine cones to the sale of pine nut kernels to the final consumer. The company supplies itself with the pine nuts from the Doñana pine forests which are accessed through public auction. This fact guarantees, among other issues, ensuring the traceability of the product they market, which facilitates the achievement of other types of goals such as eco-labeling. This is precisely the second turning point, the ecological certification of the product that has allowed its differentiation in the market.The history of the company Santiago Perea S.L. has been linked to the search for efficiency and process improvement, with innovation being a constant. Knowing how to adapt to the times, with the implementation of a constantly adapting pine cone and nut processing chain, and being able to see the possibilities offered by different market tools when it comes to positioning your product prominently in the sector, are among the milestones that have allowed the company to occupy the prominent position they have in the sector. The company defends the importance of the quality, traceability and certification of its product as main commitments in its business policy. More Information:

Entre las principales iniciativas llevados a cabo por Santiago Perea S.L. que reflejan su apuesta clara por la innovación a lo largo de la historia, se pueden destacar las siguientes. La empresa poco después de su creación diseñó una línea de procesado de piña para la obtención de piñón que ha ido adecuándose a la aparición de nuevas tecnologías y sigue utilizándose en la actualidad. Esta línea de procesado comprende desde la recolección de la piña hasta la venta del piñón al consumidor final. La compañía se abastece de los piñones de los pinares de Doñana a los que accede mediante subasta pública.  Esto garantiza la trazabilidad del producto que comercializan, lo cual facilita la consecución de otro tipo de metas como el etiquetado ecológico. El segundo punto de inflexión es precisamente esta certificación ecológica del producto que ha permitido su diferenciación en el mercado.La andadura de la empresa Santiago Perea S.L. ha estado unida a la búsqueda de la eficiencia y mejora de los procesos, siendo la innovación una constante en la trayectoria de esta compañía. Saber adaptarse a los tiempos, con la implementación de una cadena de procesado de piñón en constante adaptación, y ser capaces de ver las posibilidades que ofrecen diferentes herramientas del mercado a la hora de posicionar su producto de manera destacada en el sector, se cuentan entre los hitos que han permitido a la empresa ocupar la posición destacada que tienen en el sector. La empresa defiende la importancia de la calidad, la trazabilidad y la certificación de su producto como compromisos principales en su política empresarial. More Information:

In fairs specifically dedicated to this nut, namely Rural Castanea in Vinhais and Norcastanha in Bragança, several products, and some innovations in terms of the use of chestnuts, can already be purchased. Many local pastries and bakeries are already betting on diversifying their offer, with chestnut based products (using flour and puree), such as 'natas', pudding, 'bolo-rei', and bread. In these events, there are even contests only dedicated to the presentation of chestnut based confectionery. Alongside this, there are other processed products such as jams, preserves, and alcoholic options such as liqueurs, wine, and chestnut beer. This also opens doors to new businesses and new opportunities for tourism around this emblematic fruit.To scale the production of some of the options presented, it is necessary to guarantee the existence of processed chestnuts, piled and frozen, or in the form of flour or puree. In the absence of this base product, the expansion of its use is always conditioned. Although there is a strong industry in terms of processing and 1st transformation (e.g. Agroaguiar and Sortegel), there's none focused on the 2nd transformation, leaving room for new business establishment, possibly in partnership. The use of chestnuts in making dishes (frozen chestnuts) and pastries (chestnut flour) could be two ways to promote the integration of this fruit in daily meals. More Information:

Em feiras especificamente dedicadas a este fruto, nomeadamente a Rural Castanea em Vinhais e a Norcastanha em Bragança, já se podem adquirir vários produtos, e algumas inovações, ao nível da utilização da castanha. Muitas pastelarias e padarias locais já apostam em diversificar a sua oferta, com produtos à base de castanha (pelo uso de farinha e puré) como natas, pudim, bolo-rei e pão. Nestes certames existem até concursos apenas dedicados à apresentação de doçaria à base de castanha. A par disto existem outros produtos processados como as compotas, os doces, as conservas, e opções alcoólicas como licores, vinho e cerveja de castanha. Isto abre portas também a novos negócios, e novas oportunidades de turismo em torno deste fruto emblemático.Para que se possa escalar a produção de algumas das opções apresentadas, é preciso garantir a existência de castanha processada e transformada, pilada e congelada e/ou no formato de farinha ou puré. Não havendo este produto base, a expansão do seu aproveitamento está sempre condicionada. Apesar de haver uma forte indústria ao nível do processamento e 1.ª transformação (p.e. Agroaguiar e Sortegel), esta não se tem focado na 2.ª transformação, havendo aqui lugar para a instalação de novos negócios, possivelmente em parceria. A utilização da castanha na confeção de pratos (castanha congelada) e na pastelaria (farinha de castanha) seriam duas formas de promover a integração deste fruto nas refeições do dia-a-dia. More Information:

The PNM honey is characterized by its high content of chestnut nectar, either in the form of monofloral honey, where it has a minimum representation of 70%, or in the form of multifloral honeys, based on an apicultural flora consisting also of heather and lavender. It has a floral aroma, a light wood tone, and a sweet flavor, with salty notes. It has a dark amber hue and is produced at altitudes above 600 m, being called mountain honey. Two of its differentiating parameters are high conductivity values and a relatively high pH (albeit acidic). It is a honey that crystallizes, that is, it solidifies naturally, losing the initial liquidity, fluidity, and viscosity, which can be recovered by slight heating.There has been a recent investment in the production of monofloral honeys, a differentiated product within the repertoire of several beekeepers, which often implies the adaptation of production and management processes. These must take into account the available flora and the flowering calendar: new apiary installation should take place in areas where the vegetation predominance is that which is desired to be dominant, and a phased honey harvest should be considered. The potential of chestnut monofloral honey is great in the PNM, as it is a culture that occupies more and more area. Its flowering reaches its peak in June to August, the peak of honey production in the region as well as of the pollination activity. More Information:

O mel do PNM caracteriza-se pelo elevado conteúdo em néctar de castanheiro, seja na forma de mel monofloral, onde detém uma representatividade mínima de 70%, seja sob a forma de méis multiflorais, assente numa flora apícola constituída também por urzes e rosmaninho. É um mel com aroma floral, um leve tom a madeira, e um sabor doce, com notas salgadas. Tem uma tonalidade âmbar escuro, sendo caracteristicamente de montanha, produzido a altitudes superiores aos 600 m. Dois parâmetros diferenciadores são os elevados valores de condutividade e um pH relativamente alto (ainda que ácido). É um mel que cristaliza, ou seja, solidifica naturalmente, perdendo a liquidez, fluidez e viscosidade iniciais, valências recuperáveis mediante o seu leve aquecimento.Tem-se verificado um investimento recente na produção de méis monoflorais, um produto diferenciado dentro do reportório de vários apicultores, o que muitas vezes implica a adaptação dos processos produtivos e de gestão do efetivo. Essas adaptações deverão ter em conta a flora disponível e o calendário de floração: a instalação do apiário em zonas onde a predominância de vegetação seja aquela que se queira dominante ou a retirada faseada do mel. No PNM, o potencial do mel monofloral de castanheiro é grande, já que é uma cultura que ocupa cada vez mais área. A sua floração atinge o auge nos meses de Junho a Agosto, sendo este o pico de produção melífera das abelhas na região, assim como da atividade de polinização. More Information:

The kernel-per-cone yield decreased significantly in three of the four studied regions, in the most affected areas by more than 50%. This reduction was mainly due to a generalised drop in the kernel-per-nut yield (kg of kernels per kg of inshell pine nuts ) caused by an higher percentage of damaged or empty pine nuts and, to a lesser extent, a lower number of developed pine nuts per cone.

The prevalence of this reduction on the kernel-per-cone yield over the years and in growing regions with contrasted climate, does support the hypothesis of the main causality due to the action of L. occidentalis, whose feeding produces this kind of damages, although they can be aggravated in years with extreme drought.In the last decade, this pest has reduced the production of pine nuts in all Mediterranean countries. This work confirms that due to the high percentage of empty seeds, the kernel-per-cone yield in the factory is only half of the normal one, now often below 2.5% of cone weight.

At the same time, the harvests from forests are scarce due to massive conelet abortion due to bug feeding and severe droughts. Fierce competition between buyers and processors all over Europe has pushed the price of cones at the factory gate even above 1 €/kg, regardless of its effective kernel yield. This is not sensible and can only be explained by speculative resale operations and large sums in cash moved by some actors of this sector.  More effective regulation of cone sale is necessary that leads to  paying an adjusted price for each lot of cones after sampling its yield in pine nuts/kernels at the factory entry, or before. More Information:

El rendimiento final de piñón blanco por peso de piña disminuyó significativamente en tres de las cuatro regiones estudiadas, en las zonas más afectadas en más del 50%. Esta reducción se debió principalmente a un menor rendimiento de piñón blanco sobre piñón con cáscara por el alto porcentage de piñones dañados o vanos y, en menor medida, a un menor número de piñones desarrollados por piña. La persistencia de esta reducción en el rendimiento de piñón blanco sobre piñón con cáscara a lo largo de los años y en regiones de con clima contrastado apoya la hipótesis de una causalidad principal debida a la acción de L. occidentalis, que causa este tipo de daños, aunque puede agravarse en años de sequía extrema.En la última década, esta plaga ha mermado las producciones de piñón en todos los países mediterráneos.  Debido al altísimo porcentaje de piñones vanos en fábrica, el rendimiento piña-piñón blanco se queda en apenas la mitad de lo normal, por debajo del 2,5 % del peso de la piña.

Al mismo tiempo, la cosecha en monte escasea por el aborto de piñitas predadas por la chinche y por la sequía. Una descarnada competencia entre compradores y procesadores de todo Europa ha disparado el precio de la piña en fábrica por encima del 1 €/kg, independientemente de su rendimiento en piñón. Este disparate se explica sólo por operaciones especulativas de reventa y por las grandes sumas en efectivo movidas por actores del sector.

Se debería pagar un precio justo por cada lote de piña tras un muestreo de su rendimiento en piñón blanco al entrar en fábrica, o ya antes. More Information:

This pest was detected in 2014 in Portugal and appeared in the Terra Fria region in 2015. A methodology for pest prospection, identification of outbreaks and execution of parasitoid releases was defined, with specific criteria - releases are made in the second quarter of each year; release of insects should be done in three to four trees with the presence of galls; and the distance between releases should be of at least 500 m for regions with a severe infestation (51-80% of buds with galls). There have already been done 36 releases in 2018 and 170 in 2019 in the Terra Fria. In Spring 2019, Torymus sinensis was found in 93.3% of the places where parasitoid releases were done in 2018 spring, with an average parasitism rate of 0.74%.At the beginning of the gall wasp attack in the region, farmers were asked to identify affected trees and remove and burn the tissues with galls. With the introduction of biological control, this action is no longer recommended, and farmers must allow the parasitoid to establish itself, without intervening or, if necessary (by normal management actions like prunings), leave the galls in the orchard itself.

The fight has been carried out on a municipal scale, and it is essential to assess this problem territorially. It is a joint effort between various associations, private and public institutions, in an essential collaboration for the effective planning and execution of the work. More Information:

Em Portugal esta praga foi detetada em 2014, e em 2015 surge na região da Terra Fria Transmontana. Foi definida uma metodologia de prospeção e identificação dos focos e execução das largadas de parasitoides, com critérios específicos: largadas realizadas no segundo trimestre de cada ano; libertação dos insetos em três a quatro árvores com presença de galhas; distância entre largadas de, no mínimo, 500 m para casos de regiões com infestação de nível grave (51-80% de gomos com galhas). Foram já efetuadas 36 largadas em 2018 e 170 em 2019 na região da Terra Fria. Na primavera de 2019, observou-se o estabelecimento de Torymus sinensis em 93,3% dos locais onde foram realizadas largadas do parasitoide na primavera de 2018, com uma taxa média de parasitismo de 0,74%.No início do ataque de vespa na região, foi pedido aos agricultores que identificassem árvores afetadas e que retirassem e queimassem os tecidos com galhas. Com a introdução da luta biológica, esta ação deixou de ser recomendada, devendo os agricultores permitir ao parasitoide estabelecer-se, não intervindo nas árvores, ou caso seja necessário (pelas normais ações de gestão - podas e limpezas sanitárias), deixarem as galhas no próprio souto.

O combate tem sido realizado a uma escala municipal, sendo essencial avaliar este problema de uma forma territorialmente alargada. Trata-se de um trabalho conjunto entre várias associações, empresas e instituições públicas, numa colaboração essencial para um planeamento e execução eficaz do trabalho. More Information:

Several studies have demonstrated the potential of the Longal variety compared to other varieties. The fruit is easily recognized, due to its elongated shape, reddish tones and well-marked and characteristic longitudinal stripes. It is sweet with a high starch content and excellent taste. However, it is a relatively late-maturing variety, with lower yields and of medium caliber. It has good dehiscence of the fruits (the chestnut falls out of the burr), and these are monospermic without recesses (i.e., the kernel is not divided). It has the best technological aptitude, with easy peeling and good conservation capacity and is thus the variety of choice for the industry.It is the industry itself - the main responsible for setting prices to the producer - should work in favor of discrimination in the quality of the fruit and homogeneity of lots (by variety), contributing to an equal valuation of this variety in relation to others.

The identification of productive areas by variety and more detailed studies of the ecological needs of each will bring benefits in terms of installation options for new chestnut orchards and the subsequent differentiated harvest of the fruit.

It is necessary to promote Longal among the consuming public, informing them about the diversity of existing varieties and the added value of each one, demystifying the importance of caliber against taste and peeling ability. More Information:

Vários estudos têm demonstrado a potencialidade da variedade Longal em relação a muitas outras variedades. Trata-se de um fruto que se reconhece com facilidade, pela sua forma alongada, com tons avermelhados e riscas longitudinais bem vincadas e características. É doce, com um elevado teor de amido, e de excelente sabor. É, contudo, uma variedade de maturação relativamente tardia, com produções mais baixas e de calibre médio. Tem boa deiscência dos frutos (a castanha cai fora do ouriço) e estes são monoespérmicos e sem reentrâncias ( i.e., a polpa não se encontra dividida). É a que apresenta melhor aptidão tecnológica, com fácil descasque e boa capacidade de conservação, sendo a variedade de eleição da indústria.É a própria indústria, principal responsável pela fixação dos preços ao produtor, quem deveria trabalhar em prol duma discriminação por qualidade do fruto e homogeneidade de lotes (por variedade), contribuindo para uma valorização equitativa desta variedade em relação a outras.

A identificação das áreas produtivas por variedade e estudos mais detalhados das necessidades ecológicas de cada uma traria benefícios ao nível da instalação de novos soutos e na posterior colheita diferenciada do fruto.

Há que promover a Longal junto do público consumidor, informando-o sobre a diversidade de variedades existentes e das mais-valias de cada uma, desmistificando a importância do calibre face ao sabor e à aptidão para o descasque. More Information:

In 2010, producers created a common transformation tool. It enabled since to transform from 10 t of chestnuts to 40 t in 2019 to produce chestnut cream for luxury and traditional sectors, syrup, coulis, flour and whole chestnut. However, the local market has been saturated because of the efficiency of the sale on-site. The rest of the production was sold-off to industries.

In 2015, producers joined together in an economic interest group, “Castane”, to extend their market. It represents 4 producers. Its status require organic certification and the respect of a protected designation of origin specification.

The Castane production increased from 500 kg to 3,000 t. Due to a partnership with wholesalers, the market extended from Cévennes region to the whole South of France.The structure is sustainable if its members always share the same project: to enhance the production and know-how and quality products. Key drivers are necessary.

At the beginning, to choose a legal form adapted to the needs and to invest a minimum for the future are necessary. The economic interest group involves a low taxation. The benefits are shared between all members accounts.

The sales strategy has to be dynamic and adaptive in order to associate different produces to different target customers.

In this case, relying on wholesalers made marketing more efficient than employing a salesman. More Information:

En 2010, les producteurs transformateurs ont créé un outil commun de transformation. Il a permis de transformer de 10 tonnes de châtaignes à 40 en 2019 pour produire des crèmes de marron destinés aux secteurs du luxe et des produits de terroir, du sirop, du coulis, de la farine et de la châtaigne entière. Cependant, le marché local a été saturé par l’efficacité de la vente sur place. Le reste de la production était bradée aux industriels.

En 2015 Les producteurs se sont donc groupés en groupement d'intérêt économique, « Castane », pour étendre leurs marchés. Il regroupe 4 producteurs. Ses statuts  imposent une labellisation en bio et le respect du cahier des charges d'une appelation d'orignie protégée.

La production du groupement est passée de 500 kg à 3000 tonnes en 2019. Grâce à un partenariat économique avec des grossistes, le marché s’est agrandi des Cévennes à tout le Sud de la France.La réussite du groupement tient au fait que les associés partagent toujours le même projet d’augmenter la production en garantissant la qualité et les savoir faire. Il faut aussi des éléments moteurs.

Au départ il est nécessaire de bien choisir une structure juridique adaptée aux besoins et réaliser les investissements nécessaires au futur de la structure. Le groupement d'intérêt économique permet une très faible imposition. Les bénéfices sont partagés sur les comptes des associés.

La démarche commerciale doit être dynamique et adaptative pour produire différents produits à des cibles différentes et pénétrer de nouveaux marchés.

Pour la commercialisation, il a été plus efficace de passer par des grossistes que de passer par un commercial.  More Information:

Between 2011 and 2015, experimental releases of TS were done on 58 sites in France. Releases were done using several modalities of introduction in order to optimize the biological control against Dk. Following 7 years of post-release surveys, results showed a first exponential growth rate of TS populations with no effect of the modality of introduction during the 4 first years after releases, followed by a decrease of both TS and Dk populations.

Moreover, we also observed a positive effect of the connectivity of the site (presence of oak-chestnut natural stands in the surroundings) on TS population size. This suggests a successful establishment and colonization at a wide spatial scale beyond the introduction sites.The classical biological control in France showed that TS is an efficient biocontrol agent, with a highly active dispersal. Indeed, this parasitoid naturally colonized control sites (i.e. without releases) very quickly. Knowing this dispersal ability, the main recommendation for massive releases was to release small numbers (i.e. 100 females) of TS every 5km.

Control of Dk was achieved around 6-7 years after first releases implemented in France, with levels of chestnut production back to its initial level 6-7 years after first releases. More Information:

Entre 2011 et 2015, des lâchés expérimentaux de TS ont été faits sur 58 sites en France. Les lâchés ont été réalisés avec plusieurs modalités d'introduction dans le but d'optimiser le contrôle bilogique contre Dk. Avec un recul de 7 ans d'études après les lâchés, les résultats montrent d'abord un taux de croissance exponentiel des populations de TS avec aucun effet de la modalité d'introduction pendant 4 ans après les lâchés, puis une décroissance des populations de TS et de Dk. 

De plus, nous avons observé aussi un effet positif de la connectivité du site (présence de peuplements naturels de chênes et de châtaigniers aux alentours) sur la taille de la population de TS. Ceci suggère le succès de l'établisement et de la colonisation à une échelle importante au-delà les sites d'introduction.Le contrôle bilogique classique en France a montré que TS est un agent biologique de contrôle efficace, avec une dissémination très active. En conséquence, ce parasite a naturellement colonisé les sites de contrôle (i.e. sans lâché) très rapidement.

Connaissant sa capacité de dissémination, la recommandation principale pour des lâchés massifs est de lâcher un petit nombre (i.e; 100 femelles) de TS tous les 5km.

Le contrôle de Dk s'est achevé environ 6-7 ans après les premiers lâchés implémentés en France, avec des niveaux de production qui sont revenus à la normale 6-7 ans après les premiers lâchés. More Information:

The map of the vegetative compatibility groups of C. parasitica has been updated, allowing each major chestnut-growing regions to define the best hypovirulent strains to be used locally. The rule is to use strains belonging to the most frequent vegetative compatibility groups, so they can transmit the virus to local strains. A know-how licence is being renewed between has INRAE and BIOTISA which will produce these mixtures. This licence establishes the distribution rules of these strains. The definition of the mixture to be used is made by INRAE.

The CA partners have made it possible to test and demonstrate the interest of a new method of the product application, much less constraining for the user and for the manufacturer.It appears that all cankers caused by C. parasitica (possible diagnostic aid with the Vigil'encre application) can be treated but it is recommended to treat first the cankers likely to cause the most damage. The virus spreads naturally within the chestnut groves infected by the fungus, and many cankers heal spontaneously.

Once the product is registered, it will be imperative to obtain it only from the company that distributes the strains in order to use the one that will be most effective locally. Indeed, the use of wrong vegetative compatibility groups contributes increasing the diversity of the fungus populations and thus to making biological control less effective. More Information:

La carte des groupes de compatibilité végétative de C. parasitica a été actualisée, ce qui permet pour chacune des grandes régions castanéicoles de définir les souches hypovirulentes à utiliser localement. La règle est d’utiliser des souches appartenant aux groupes de compatibilité végétative les plus fréquents, afin qu’elles puissent transmettre le virus aux souches locales.

Une licence de savoir-faire est en cours de renouvellement  entre  INRAE et BIOTISA qui produira ces mélanges. Cette licence établit les règles de distribution de ces souches, la définition de mélange à utiliser étant faite par INRAE.

Les partenaires des CA ont permis de tester et démontrer l’intérêt d’une nouvelle méthode d'application du produit, beaucoup moins contraignante pour l’utilisateur et pour le fabricant.Il apparâit que tous les chancres causés par C. parasitica (aide au diagnostic possible avec l’application Vigil’encre) peuvent être traités mais il est recommandé de traiter les chancres susceptibles de causer les plus forts dégâts. Le virus se dissémine naturellement au sein des châtaigneraies les plus anciennement infectées par le champignon, et de nombreux chancres cicatrisent de façon spontanée.

Une fois le produit homologué, Il sera indispensable de se fournir uniquement auprès de l’entreprise qui distribue les souches afin d’utiliser celles qui localement seront le plus efficaces. En effet l’utilisation de mauvais groupes de compatibilité végétative contribue à faire augmenter la diversité des populations du champignon et par là à rendre moins performante la lutte biologique. More Information:

The project was participative and involved the chestnut sector. It has been initiated in partnership with the chestnut associations union in Languedoc-Roussillon (ULRAC), the regional chamber of agriculture of Occitanie, the chamber of agriculture of Ardèche and the interprofessional technical centre for fruits and vegetables (CTIFL).

The main results are:

- Identification of asymptomatic rootstocks in infested parcels

- Selection of the most resistant trees (five years of laboratory tests)

- Multiplication of selected trees by cutting

- Molecular taxonomic classification (they all belong to C. sativa specie)

- Installation of seed orchardsReported trees in infected sites can concern wild chestnut on which local varieties have been grafted or seedlings from natural regeneration. Laboratory tests must be anticipated and done at the right phenological stage and have to be repeated several years or on multiple copies.

The tests to confirm resistance of trees selected as survivors are more reliable if they are done on vegetative copies of these trees. Previously, selected trees must multiplied by grafting. This step is used to have vegetal material to produce plants of this selection on their own roots (cutting and micro-propagation) in order to do resistance tests not on cuttings but on root systems. It also permits to ensure preservation of the selected individuals. More Information:

Le projet a été participatif et a impliqué la filière de la châtaigne. Il a été initié en partenraita avec les associations castanéicoles de Languedoc-Roussillon (ULRAC), la cchambre régionale  d'agriculture d'Occitanie, la chambre d'agriculture d'Ardèche et le centre technique interprofessionnel des fruits et légumes (CTIFL).

Les principaux résultats sont :

L’identification de porte-greffe asymptomatiques en parcelles infestées

La sélection des arbres les plus résistants (5 années de test en laboratoire)

La multiplication par bouturage des arbres sélectionnés

Leur caractérisation taxonomique moléculaire (ils appartiennent tous à C. sativa)

L’installation de « vergers à graines »Le signalement des arbres en sites infectés peut concerner des châtaigniers dits sauvages, sur lesquels des variétés locales ont été greffées, ou des semis issus de régénération naturelle. Les test en laboratoire doivent être bien anticipés et réalisés au bon stade phénologique et doivent être répétés plusieurs années, ou plusieurs copies.

Les tests pour confirmer la résistance des arbres sélectionnés sur leur phénotype de survivants sont plus robustes s’ils sont faits sur des copies végétatives de ces arbres. Les arbres retenus doivent être dans un premier temps multipliés par greffage. Cette étape permet de disposer de matériel végétal pour produire les plants de ces sélections sur leurs propres racines (bouturage et micro propagation ) afin de pouvoir réaliser les tests de résistance sur tige non excisée et sur racines. Cela permet aussi d’assurer une conservation des individus sélectionnés. More Information:

Eurocastanea has interconnected the chestnut sectors of the main producing areas in Europe, through the main sectorial organizations of each country. Specifically Austria, France, Spain, Italy and the constant collaboration of organisations in the rest of the growing countries.

This union has been worked on since in 2009 in Ourense (Spain) the first European Chestnyt Meeting was organized, and since it has served to fight for the interests of the sector, and to mobilize funding for training, research and promotion o chestnut.

One of the milestones is the organisation of thecyclic European Chestnut Workshops "Eurocastanea" and the representation of the sector to European authorities.The European Chestnut Network is a model of concertation promoted by the chestnut growers, distributors and industry, and although it does not have the direct support of the public administrations of each country, it has been promoted and supported by the sector and the secretariat of the European Assembly of Horticultural Regions (AREFLH).

Currently, it represents the main producing regions through the representation of their national sectorial bodies and it is these bodies that are in charge of directing the strategies of the organization supported by AREFLH and its structure.

Therefore, it is a model of agreement that can be replicated in other areas and products as long as there is dynamism and a sufficient productive context. More Information:

Eurocastanea, ha unido al sector de la castaña de las principales áreas productoras de Europa, a través de las principales organizaciones sectoriales de cada país, Austria, Francia, España, e Italia, y la colaboración de organizaciones en el resto de países productores.

Este trabajo de unión existre desde que en 2009 en Ourense (España) se organizase el primer encuentro europeo de la castaña. Ha servido para luchar por los intereses del sector y movilizar recursos económicos para el castaño en el ámbito de la formación, investigación y promoción.

Uno de los principales hitos es la organización de las jornadas europeas de la castaña “Eurocastanea” y la representación del sector ante las autoridades europeas.La Red Europea de la castaña es un modelo de concertación promovido por el sector productor, comercializador e industrial de la castaña, y aunque no cuenta con el apoyo directo de las administraciones públicas de cada país ha contado con el impulso y apoyo del sector y la secretaría de la Asamblea Europea de Regiones Hortofrutícolas (AREFLH).

Actualmente, representa a las principales regiones productoras a través de la representación de sus órganos sectoriales nacionales y son estos los encargados de dirigir las estrategias de la organización apoyados por AREFLH y su estructura.

Por ello, es un modelo de concertación replicable a otras áreas y productos siempre y cuando exista dinamismo y un contexto productivo suficiente. More Information:

For twenty years, there has been a significant increase of chestnut ink disease mentions by the Department of Forest Health in eastern, western and central France. Such symptoms can be caused by P. cinnamomi (or P. cambivora) alone, by abiotic stresses (drought or unadapt forest soils) or by a combination of both.

To improve our knowledge about ink disease distribution, we developed a citizen science program called Vigil'Encre, a nomade application for smartphones. It is hosted by the site ephytia. Developed by INRAE, this site is specialized in plant health and offers several applications. Their main purposes are to allow users to diagnose disease, to characterize pathogens, to know their biology and to manage sustainable crop protection.Vigil'Encre offers help in the diagnosis of the main diseases affecting chestnut trees. It is thus possible for neophytes to report the presence of symptoms characteristic of the disease. The collection of this information, as well as the georeferencing of the sites where these symptoms are observed and the uploading of photos can be carried out on site or at home. A questionnaire accompanies the sending of this information. Once treated by INRAE, if necessary and depending on the possibilities, the diagnosis is confirmed or invalidated in the laboratory and fed into the database created. More Information:

Depuis 20 ans, il y a eu une augmentation significative de relevés mentionnant la maladie de l’Encre par le Département Santé des forêts dans l'est, l'ouest et le centre de la France. De tels symptômes peuvent être dus à P. cinnamomi uniquement, à des contraintes abiotiques (sécheresse, ou sols forestiers inadaptés) ou à une combinaison de ces deux facteurs.

Pour faire progresser le savoir sur la distribution de la maladie de l’Encre, nous avons développé un programme scientifique participatif appelé Vigil’Encre, application portable pour smarphone. Elle est hébergée par le site ephytia. Développé par INRAE, ce site, spécialisé dans la santé des plantes, offre plusieurs applications. Leur objectif principal est de permettre aux utilisateurs de diagnostiquer les maladies, caractériser les pathogènes, connaître leur biologie et gérer la protection d’une culture durable.Vigil'Encre propose une aide pour le diagnostic des principales maladies affectant les châtaigniers. Il est ainsi possible pour les néophytes de signaler la présence de symptômes caractéristiques de la maladie. Le recueil de ces informations, ainsi que le géo-référencement des sites où sont observés ces symptômes et le chargement de photos peuvent être réalisés sur site ou à la maison. Un questionnaire accompagne l'envoi de ces informations. Une fois traitées par INRAE, si nécessaire et en fonction des possibilités, le diagnostic est confirmé ou infirmé au laboratoire, et alimente la base de données créée. More Information:

The Mesa del Castaño brings together more than 30 public and private entities, not only as a forum for consultation but also as a body to promote projects in the territory.

The main results, in economic terms, have been the recovery of the profitability of farms in the region, with a higher price paid to producers (+79%) in the last 10 years, the projection of the Bierzo chestnut on the national and international markets and the structuring and rejuvenation of an aged and extremely atomized sector by the smallholders, allowing through the creation of different associative structures, to face risks such as phytosanitary ones together, mobilizing resources, which would have been impossible before.Ten years later, the Mesa del Castaño del Bierzo has become a reference point in the consultation and promotion of the development of sectoral strategies. Moreover, it presents a permanent dynamism and constant change, which allows adapting to adverse situations as organization, both social and economic. Therefore, it is a model that can be replicated in other areas and for other products, as long as there is dynamism, interested stakeholders and a productive, natural and cultural context that does embrace it. More Information:

La Mesa del Castaño aglutina a más de 30 entidades públicas y privadas, no solo como foro de concertación sino como órgano impulsor de proyectos en el territorio.

Los principales resultados en términos económicos han sido la recuperación de la rentabilidad de las explotaciones de la comarca, con un mayor precio pagado a productores (+79%) en los últimos 10 años, la proyección de la castaña del Bierzo en los mercados nacionales e internacionales y la vertebración y rejuvenecimiento de un sector envejecido y extremadamente atomizado por el minifundio, permitiendo a través de la creación de distintas estructuras asociativas, afrontar riesgos como los fitosanitarios de forma conjunta, movilizando recursos, que anteriormente hubiera sido imposible.Tras 10 años de trabajo, la Mesa del Castaño del Bierzo se conforma como un referente en la concertación e impulso para el desarrollo de estrategias sectoriales. Además, presenta un constante dinamismo y cambio constante, que le permite adaptarse a situaciones adversas como organización, tanto de tipo social como económico. Por ello, es un modelo replicable a otras áreas y productos siempre y cuando exista dinamismo, dinamizador y un contexto productivo, natural y cultural que lo acoja. More Information:

The HWT consisted in the immersion of the dormant scions for 10 minutes, with or without a previous period of water hydration, comparing two water temperatures (49 ºC and 52 ºC). The results obtained indicate significant differences in terms of the water bath temperature and the percentage of successful grafts, sprouted buds and shoots with galls after the grafting of C. sativa scions. Percentages of successful grafts and sprouted buds were also influenced by the year. The application of pre-HWT hydration, however, did not have any significant effect.

Intraspecific grafting of C. sativa resulted in success rates after HWT with percentages higher than that recorded for the control. Hot water treatment at both 49 ºC and at 52 ºC eliminated the development of galls in the new shoots, while in the untreated control 70% of shoots presented galls. A 10 minutes soak at 49 ºC was found to be effective in killing chestnut gall wasp larvae, while retaining an excellent percentage of successful grafts. Also a positive effect on shoot growth was recorded after hot water treatment. On the other hand, the hydration before treatment did not improve the success of the hot water treatment.

These results offer an effective, low-cost, simple and eco-friendly HWT protocol, which enables the erradication of ACGW larvae from C. sativa scions, without compromising the viability or the vigour. The results provide guidelines for the commercial production of C. sativa propagation material, free of chestnut gall wasp. More Information:

El trabajo consistió en la inmersión de púas de castaño durante 10 minutos a 2 temperaturas de agua diferentes (49 ºC ó 52 ºC), con y sin periodo previo de hidratación en agua.  Los resultados obtenidos indican diferencias significativas para la temperatura del inmesión sobre el porcentaje de injertos exitosos, yemas brotados y brotes con presencia de agallas después del injerto de púas de C. sativa. Por el contario, la aplicación de la hidratación pre-HWT no tuvo ningún efecto significativo .

El injerto intraespecífico de C. sativa dio lugar a tasas de éxito después de HWT con porcentajes más altos que en el control. El tratamiento tanto a 49 ºC como a 52 ºC eliminó el desarrollo de las agallas en los nuevos brotes, frente a 70% de los brotes en el control que presentaban agallas.Se comprobó que un remojo de 10 minutos a la temperatura de 49 ºC era eficaz para matar las larvas de avispilla del castaño, conservando un excelente porcentaje de injertos exitosos, y además se observó un efecto positivo sobre el crecimiento después del tratamientos con agua caliente. Una hidratación previa a la inmersión en agua caliente no influyó en el tratamiento.

Estos resultados permiten definir un protocolo efectivo, simple y ecológico para la erradicación de las larvas de la avispilla de púas de C. sativa, sin comprometer su viabilidad o vigor. Los resultados dan directrices para la producción de material de propagación de C. sativa libre de larvas de avispilla. More Information:

In 34 permanent plots of stone pine in the Portugal, soil samples were collected at 0-0.2 m and 0.2-0.5 m depths. The analytical results show that most soils had coarse texture (sand, loamy sand and sandy loam), with a slightly or moderately acid reaction [pH(H2O) 4.6 to 6.5], low content of soil organic matter at the surface (0.6-1.5%) and very low at  the sub superficial layer (≤0.5%).

Levels are mostly very low for extractable phosphorus (Results from the soil analysis reveal that portuguese stone pine stands grows mainly on sands with acid reaction, low levels of organic matter, extractable phosphorus, boron and other nutrients, and low potential cation exchange capacity.  These soils, caracterized by a generally low fertility, a rational fertilization may help to improve species resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and potentially help to achieve a higher and more regular cone production.

Is therefore necessary to use soil analysis as one of the diagnostic tools for establishing rational fertilizer recommendations. More Information:

Em 34 parcelas permanentes de pinheiro manso em Portugal, foram colhidas amostras de terra a 0-0,2 m e 0,2-0,5 m de profundidade. Os resultados analíticos mostram que a maioria dos solos apresenta textura grosseira (arenosa, franco-arenosa e areno-franca), com reação ácida [pH(H2O) 4.6 to 6.5], baixo teor de matéria orgânica à superfície (0,6-1,5%) e muito baixo na camada sub superficial (≤0,5%).

Os teores são muito baixos no caso do fósforo extraível (Os resultados obtidos sobre o estado de fertilidade do solo em povoamentos de pinheiros mansos mostram solos de textura grosseira, ácidos, com baixos teores de matéria orgânica, fósforo e boro extraíveis e baixa capacidade de troca catiónica. Uma fertilização racional permitirá satisfazer as necessidades nutricionais das plantas e, consequentemente, melhorar o estado de nutrição dos povoamentos de pinheiro manso o que contribuirá para aumentar a resistência das árvores a fatores de stresse biótico e abiótico e obter maiores e mais regulares produções de pinha e de pinhão.

É portanto necessário utilizar as análises de terras como uma das ferramentas de diagnóstico para estabelecer recomendações racionais de fertilização. More Information:

From the statistical analysis carried out on height, diameter at 1.3 m and the survival rate of standing trees, it was possible to identify the best adapted and most efficient species. According to the results obtained, the survival rate varies according to the species from 88.7% (P. pinea: Djebel Abderrahmen station) to 23.5% (P.halepensis: Souiniet station) and the height varies from 19 m (P. Pinaster at Souiniet) ti 8.33 (P. halepensis: Djebel Abderrahmen). The Aleppo pine recorded the lowest survival rate and growth in diameter and height in the two stations. However, both P. pinea and P. pinaster showed a vigorous growth rate and good adaptation to the conditions of two stations.By jointly considering the two selection criteria adaptation to the environment conditions (survival rate> 70%) and productivity (height and diameter 1.3 m), the choice is limited to the following two species following P. pinaster, P. pinea.

Due to their adaptation to the environment and their growth, the use of these two species offers guarantees for success in reforestation programs in northern Tunisia and Cap Bon.        More Information:

A partir de l’analyse statistique réalisée sur des mesures dendrométriques (hauteur, diamètre à 1,3 m) et le taux de survie effectués sur des arbres sur pied, il a été possible d’identifier les espèces les mieux adaptées et les plus performantes aux conditions pédoclimatiques des deux stations  à préconiser dans les programmes de reboisement dans les conditions similaires à celles rencontrées dans les deux sites expérimentaux. D’après les résultats obtenus, le taux de survie varie selon l’espèce de 88.7  (P. pinea: station de Djebel Abderrahmen) à 23.5 (P.halepensis: station de Souiniet) et la hauteur  varie  de 19 m (P. Pinaster: souiniet à 8.33 (P. halepensis: Djebel Abderrahmen). Le pin d’Alep a enregistré le taux de survie et la croissance en diamètre et en hauteur la plus faible dans les deux stations. Cependant, Les deux espèces Pinus pinea et Pinus pinaster ont montré un taux de croissance vigoureux et une bonne adaptation aux conditions de deux stations.En considérant conjointement les deux critères de sélection adaptation au milieu (taux de survie > 70 %) et productivité (hauteur et diamètre 1,3 m), le choix se limite aux deux espèces suivantes suivante P. pinaster, P. pinea. 

De par leur adaptation au milieu et leur croissance, l’utilisation de  ces  deux espèces offre de meilleures garanties pour leur réussite dans des programmes de reboisement au Nord de la Tunisie et au Cap Bon. More Information:

Nine associated companies that label the product destined to the final client under the  Castaña del Bierzo GLThe massive adhesion to the guarantee label by producers and companies, and the evolution of the same to other types of brands with greater depth in the market. Likewise, other brands or quality labels can provide added value to the product, such as sustainable forest management certifications. More Information:

Nueve empresas asociadas que etiquetan el producto destinado a cliente final bajo la MG Castaña del BierzoLa adhesión masiva  a la marca de garantía por parte de productores y empresas, y la evolución de la misma a otro tipo de marcas con mayor calado en el mercado. Así mismo, otras marcas o etiquetas de calidad pueden proporcionar un valor añadido al producto, como las certificaciones de la gestión forestal sostenible. More Information:

In terms of proliferation, chestnut shoots grew under autotrophic conditions without sucrose, and vigorous shoots were obtained with lower multiplication coefficients than those made with sugar. As soon as rooting was observed, levels of 1,200-1,500 ppm of CO2 were the most appropriate. In terms of rooting supports , success rates of 51% were observed on Kiemplug supports and 71% on Block AO support. Therefore, feasiblility of chestnut proliferation and rooting under photoautotrophic conditions has been confirmed for the first time.  Rooting under photoautotrophic propagation (PAP) conditions was effective and good acclimatization rates were obtained, indicating that the PAP system can be efficiently applied to mass propagation of chestnut clones.The use of ink-resistant clonal rootstocks, also adapted to the conditions of the area, is necessary for orchard replanting where the fungus is prevailing, in order to allow profitable chestnut cultivation and production. The system presented here allows for for mass-propagation of the these ink-resistant clones once selected in genetic improvement programmes. More Information:

En cuanto a proliferación, los brotes de castaño crecieron en en condiciones autotróficas sin sacarosa, y se obtuvieron brotes vigorosos con coeficientes de multiplicación menos elevados que los realizados con azúcar. En cuanto enraizamiento se observo que niveles de 1.200-1.500 ppm de CO2 son los más adecuados. En cuanto a soportes de enraizamiento, se observó valores de éxito de 51%  con Kiemplugs y del 71% con Blocks. Por tanto, se confirma por primera vez la posibilidad de proliferar y enraizar castaño bajo condiciones fotoautotróficas.  El enraizamiento en condiciones de propagación fotoautotrófica (PAM) fue efectivo y se obtuvieron buenos porcentajes de aclimatación, lo que indica que el sistema PAM puede aplicarse de modo eficiente a la propagación clonal a gran escala de castaño.El uso de clones resistentes a la tinta (si bien deben estar adaptados también a la condicones del territorio objetivo) es obligatorio en la renovación de plantaciones en áreas donde la incidencia de esta afección es elevada, para permitir la rentabilidad del cultivo y la producción en estas áreas. El sistema presentado permite abordar una propagación a escala operativa de los clones resistentes seleccionados. More Information:

Complete resistance was observed onñy in Bouche de Betizac, and the highest was in Marsol, while the cultivars of Castanea sativa showed different levels of sensitivity, high, medium or low, the levels being determined by the number of gills and their impact on the plant.  The wasp lays eggs on all buds, including resistant chestnuts and different types of preference depending on size, texture and the presence of volatile substances in the bark.European cultivars must be preserved as they represent an important biological diversity. In future plantations, in areas where the chestnut gallwasp is being implanted and its subsequent biological control, the choice of cultivar must be taken into account.  Similar studies have been carried out in other European countries (Spain 2018). More Information:

Unicamente se observó resistencia completa en Bouche de Betizac, y los más altos fueron en Marsol, mientras que los cultivares de Castanea sativa presentaron diferentes niveles de sensibilidad, alte, media o baja, fueron los niveles determinados en función del número de agallas  y su impacto en la planta.  La avispilla pone huevos en todas las yemas, incluidos los castaños reesistentes y diferentes tipos de preferencia en función del tamaño, la textura y la presencia de sustancias volatiles en la corteza.Se deben conservar los cultivares europeos ya que representan una importante diversidad biológica. En las plantaciones futuras, en las áreas en las que se esté implantando la avispilla y su control biológico posterior se debe tener en cuenta la elección del cultivar.  Estudios similares han sido realizados en el resto países europeos (España 2018). More Information:

The main results have been: the creation of 3 producer organizations (associations) grouping more than 200 chestnut growers for marketing more than 130 tons of chestnuts, the turnover exceeding 200,000 euros. This new model has also been a milestone in the normalisation of fiscal relations between producers, eliminating the barriers of a essentially underground economy. 8 years after constitution, the marketing companies highlight the positive role of the associations, since they provide stability of supply, calibrated and quality product, facilities in the payment of the product and a totally legal commercial relationship.The grouping of the product offer has been fundamental in the organization of the sector, not only because it increases the producer's negotiating power and obtains fair prices, but also because it unifies the productive sector in the fight against the main phytosanitary threads. Another key issue has been the extension work on the fiscal implications for the producer, which are not very limiting to carry out the activity. More Information:

Los principales resultados han sido: la creación de 3 organizaciones de productores (asociaciones) con más de 200 productores que comercializan de forma conjunta más de 130 tn de castaña y facturan más de 200.000€. Además, ha sido un hito en la normalización de las relaciones fiscales de los productores, eliminando las barreras de una economía fundamentalmente sumergida. Después de 8 años de proceso, las empresas comercializadoras destacan el papel de las asociaciones, ya que proporcionan una estabilidad de suministro, producto calibrado y de calidad, facilidades en el pago del producto y una relación comercial totalmente legal.La agrupación de la oferta de producto es fundamental en la organización de un sector, no solo porque incrementa el poder de negociación del productor, y obtiene mejores rentas, si no porque prepara al sector productivo para luchar contra las principales afecciones fitosanitarias. Otras de las cuestiones clave ha sido el trabajo de información sobre las implicaciones fiscales que supone al productor, escasamente limitantes para realizar la actividad. More Information:

The main results have been: the organization of 10 editions, more than 2.000 participants to the technical conferences, 100.000 assistants to the sectorial fair, more than 200 technical and scientific communications, the impulse of the Chestnut State Network and the consolidation of a reference event for the transference of the technical and scientific knowledge to the productive sector.It is fundamental in the event to improve the capacity to incorporate different activities every year, to avoid repeating communications successively and to have activities of practical character that facilitate the transference of the knowledge to the productive sector. More Information:

Los principales resultados han sido: la organización de 10 ediciones, más de 2.000 participantes a las jornadas técnicas, 100.000 asistentes a la feria sectorial, más de 200 comunicaciónes técnicas y científicas,  el impulso de la Red Estatal del Castaño y la consolidación de un evento de referencia para la trasnferencia del conocimiento técnico y científico al sector productivo.Es fundamental en el evento mejorar la capacidad de incorporar actividades diferentes cada año,  evitar repetir comunicaciones de forma sucesiva y disponer de actividades de carácter practico que favorezcan la transferencia del conocimiento al sector productivo. More Information:

The results of the root excision and mycorrhization trials showed a positive effect from techniques practiced at an early stage on the growth and development of the different parts of the plants (root and vegetative parts). These two techniques applied separately or in combination, allowed the seedlings to increase two to three times their root and aerial mass, height, collar diameter and number of secondary roots (figure).Because of its economic interest and profitability, carob tree cultivation can be proposed as a forest farming model in forest areas or also in agricultural land with the aim of integrated management and income diversification for small and medium-sized farmers. Basic techniques of excising the root of the seed after germination and mycorrhizing the seedlings are very advantageous for successful planting. Both interventions are relatively inexpensive and easy to perform. More Information:

Les résultats des essais d’excision racinaire et de mycorhization ont montré un effet positif des techniques pratiquées au stade précoce, sur la croissance et le développement des différentes parties des plants (partie racinaire et partie végétative). En effet, ces deux techniques, appliquées d’une manière séparée ou combinée, ont permis aux jeunes plants d’accroitre deux à trois fois leur masse racinaire et aérienne, leur hauteur, leur diamètre au collet et le nombre de leurs racines secondaires (figure).De par son intérêt économique et sa rentabilité, la culture du caroubier peut être proposée comme modèle d’aménagement dans les espaces forestiers ou aussi dans les terrains agricoles dans un objectif d’aménagement intégré et de diversification des revenus pour les petits et moyens agriculteurs.

Pour réussir la plantation, le recours à des techniques de base consistant à exciser la racine des graines après germination et à mycorhizer les plantules s’avère très avantageux. Ces deux interventions sont relativement peu coûteuses et faciles à exécuter. More Information:

Exploration of the carob tree in forestry (spontaneous state) and in agriculture (cultivated and grafted trees) has led to the identification of more than 70 morphotypes within natural populations and cultivated varieties. The characterization of the morphotypes, in particular from the point of view of pod and seed yield, chemical composition of the pulp and gum, revealed the existence of a high variability in the populations and varieties prospected. The results of the morphological characterization are given below in an illustrated form (Figure).The presence of a marked geographical variability between the provenances tested translates in practice into the possibility of selecting in favor of the best performing provenances, a selection combining good survival and better growth. Considering its economic interest and profitability, carob tree cultivation can be proposed as a management model in forest areas or also in agricultural land with a purpose of integrating management and income diversification for small and medium-sized farmers. More Information:

L’exploration du caroubier dans le domaine forestier (état spontané) et dans le domaine agricole (arbres cultivés et greffés) a permis l’identification de plus de 70 morphotypes au sein des populations naturelles et des variétés cultivées. La caractérisation des morphotypes, notamment du point de vue rendement en gousses et en graines, composition chimique de la pulpe et de la gomme a mis en évidence l’existence d’une forte variabilité des populations et variétés prospectées. Les résultats de la caractérisation morphologique sont donnés ci après sous forme illustrée (Figure).La présence d’une variabilité géographique marquée entre les provenances testées se traduit dans la pratique par la possibilité d’opérer une sélection au profit des provenances les plus performantes, sélection combinant à la fois une bonne survie, une meilleure croissance. De par son intérêt économique et sa rentabilité, la culture du caroubier peut être proposée comme modèle d’aménagement dans les espaces forestiers ou aussi dans les terrains agricoles dans un objectif d’aménagement intégré et de diversification des revenus pour les petits et moyens agriculteurs. More Information:

The maximum monthly (ETo) were registered in July: 300 mm at Djebel Sarj (DS), and 289 mm at Djebel Zaghouan (DZ).  Annual reference (ET0) was lower at DZ with 1732 mm than DS with 2370 mm, however (ETc) were 714 mm at DS, and 561 mm at DZ.  Water balance shows that for the wet period with low evaporative demand, Aleppo pine (ETa) can reach potential (ETc). The model predicts that water uptake can reach zero when the root-soil layers approach desiccation. This extreme forest water stress during the summer and autumn was reported by Schiller and Cohen (1995) and Baraket et al. (2019) . The deeper water depletion in DS compared to DZ is highly dependent upon the type of soil. In fact, DS soil had higher water holding capacity than DZ.The FAO Penman-Monteith approach can be used to assess the temporal dynamics of soil moisture to better understand the water-growth relationship of Pinus halepensis Mill. forests in arid and semiarid areas. According to GIEC (2013) and Allani et al. (2020), in the future, an increase of ETo is expected to reach 6% on average, where rainfall could be reduced up to 8% under RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5 emission scenarios. These changes could negatively impact the water supply and the water demand of the forest ecosystem. Using WEAP-MABIA model to assess future water situations under different scenarios of climate change and socio-economic development affecting the Tunisian forest ecosystem will be of great interest. More Information:

Les provenances de DM et DS montrent des taux d’ET0 de l’ordre de 5.3 et 5.5 mm/j successivement, ces taux sont un peu plus loin de la moyenne de  DZ 3.2 mm/j.

La baisse relative de l’ET0 de DZ peut montrer que son statut hydrique est plus tolérable aux changements climatiques.

La variabilité de ces moyennes n’est pas observée en été, ceux-ci peut être expliqué par l’effet de fort ensoleillement et l’augmentation des températures estivales. 

 La modélisation d’ET0, basé  essentiellement sur les données climatiques  et culturales, montre une moyenne de 3.2 mm/j  dans DZ, cette moyenne est  considérée la moyenne la plus faible en la comparant avec DM et DS.  cette variabilité peut être expliquée , selon INM, 2015 ,par l’aridité en effet elle est en rythme de migration du sud vers le nord, d’après les projections entre 2031 et 2040, le climat humide serait presque absent sur tous le territoire sauf à l’extrême du nord ouest.

Cette migration touche essentiellement les dorsales d’où nos sites seront touchés.

Les figures 3 et 4 montrent que Cette accentuation suit les variations des températures et des précipitations selon les projections des modèles climatiques. More Information:

Aleppo pine seeds have a high content of vegetable oil. Extracted mechanically by the press, its yield is around 15 (varying by geographical origin (10% -17%)). The quality of vegetable oil is defined by its organoleptic, physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics. Zgougou oil has a delicate odor, pleasant and sweet aroma, light yellow color, light texture and penetrates easily into the skin. All the physical characteristics of zgougou oil (acid number, peroxide value, specific extinction coefficient K232) comply with national and international standards. It has a high content (90%) of unsaturated fatty acids: 63% linoleic, 15% linolenic, and 12% oleic acid.The typical pleasent taste of zgougou is well preserved in the cake based on defatted paste, allowing hence valorization of the residue from oil extraction establishing a specific value chain of Aleppo pine seeds. It is highly recommended to extract first oil from seeds and then transform defatted paste in food industry, allowing for better profitability. Indeed, the added value of such transformations is much more advantageous compared to seeds selled raw. More Information:

Les graines ont une teneur élevée en huile végétale. Extrait mécaniquement par presse, son rendement est de 15% (selon l’origine géographique 10-17%). La qualité d’une huile est définie par ses caractéristiques organoleptiques, physiques, chimiques et sensorielles. L’huile du pin d’Alep a une odeur délicate, arome agréable et doux, coloration jaune claire,  texture légère, et pénètre facilement dans la peau. Toutes ses caractéristiques physiques (l’indice d’acide, l’indice de peroxyde, le coefficient d’extinction spécifique K232) sont conformes aux normes nationales et internationales. Il se distingue par sa richesse en acides gras insaturés: 63% linoléique, 15% linolénique et 12% oléique.Dans le cadre d’une chaine de valeur spécifique aux graines du pin d’Alep, il est recommandé d’extraire de l’huile à partir des graines et de transformer la pâte dégraissée pour avoir une meilleure rentabilité. En effet, la plus value de telles transformations est de loin plus avantageuse par comparaison aux graines brutes. More Information:

Baraket et al., 2019, had shown the extreme forest water stress following the rainy season and the very low physiological activity of pine forest throughout the summer and autumn and that (DZ) site is physiologically more tolerant to the effects of climate change than Djbel Mansour and Djbel Sarj sites. Therefore, (DZ) had a significant relative humidity in the soil of the order of 26% and a xylemial conductivity 16.3% of embolism compared to (DM) and (DS) which had the highest percentages in relation to the increasing rate of the dryness.The  comparison  of  the  three sites Djbel Zaghouan, Djbel Mansour  and Djbel Sarj requires a good  knowledge  of  the  soil-plant-atmosphere  system  during  the  same  periods of study. Indeed the measurement variations  are  positively correlated  with  climatic  factors  such  as the rainfall decrease in summer and the increase of the daylight period.

These results showed that the measured of eco-physiological parameters can be adopted as an indicator of better water management in order to manage a drier future climate. For instance, the species of Djbel Zaghouan site could be the sustainable alternative for future reforestation in Tunisia and the extreme weather conditions. More Information:

Mokhtar et al,2018, ont montré que La provenance DZ a montré une physiologie tolérables aux effets de changements climatiques par rapport aux deux autres provenances DM et DS, en effet  Djebel Zaghouan s’est montré  par une humidité relative importante dans le sol de l’ordre de  26% et une  conductivité xylèmienne avec 16.3% d’embolisme en la comparant à DM  et DS qui présentent  les  plus forts  pourcentages en relation avec l’augmentation du  tarissement.Ces résultats ont montré que les paramétres éco-physiologiques mesurés peuvent être adopté comme indicateur de meilleur gestion de l'eau face à un climat future chaus et plus sec, de plus la provenance Djbel Zaghouan a montré  sa bonne tolérance aux conditions climatiques extrêmes, cette provenance sera recommandé pour un futur reboisement en Tunisie. More Information:

Fruits of myrtle showed an important amount of minerals. Both black and white fruits showed an important amount of magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) and Iron (Fe). Magnesium amount varied from 3961 to 4587 mg/g MS for black and white fruits, respectively. The rate of calcium was about 9567 mg/g MS for black fruits and about 12942 mg/g MS for white fruits. White fruits of myrtle showed higher amount of Fe (510 mg/g MS) when compared with Black ones (345 mg/g MS).Fruits of M. communis constitute an important source of minerals.

The harvesting method is also important to preserve the resource. The fruits must be harvested directly from the plant without tearing the branches. More Information:

Les fruits de myrte se sont montrés riches en minéraux. Les fruits noirs et blancs présentaient une quantité importante de magnésium (Mg), de calcium (Ca) et de fer (Fe). La quantité de magnésium variait de 3961 à 4587 mg / g MS pour les fruits noirs et blancs, respectivement. Le taux de calcium était d'environ 9567 mg / g MS pour les fruits noirs et d'environ 12942 mg / g MS pour les fruits blancs. Les fruits blancs du myrte présentaient une quantité de Fe supérieure (510 mg / g MS) à celle enregistrée pour les fruits noirs (345 mg / g MS).Les fruits de M. communis constituent une source importante de minéraux.

La méthode de récolte des fruits de myrte est importante pour préserver la ressource. Les fruits doivent être récoltés directement de la plante sans couper les branches. More Information:

The new technology of extraction allowed the improvement of both oil yield and quality. Oil yield was improved from 5% (of fruit weight) using the traditional method to 12% using the new one.

The new method is more ergonomic and allows saving time. The grinding of fruits, instead of being achieved by traditional grinding stone, is performed by a chopper which is common in almost all households. The simplification of work using the chopper generated a better grinded past.

Mixing in double boiler allowed protection of the phenolic compounds of the oil against thermal degradation. The quality of the oil is therefore improved...

Without need to let the paste to rest for a whole night at least, it is directly introduced into the press, which leads to extract the maximum of the oil contained in the paste.Fruits of Pistacia lentiscus should be harvested in mature period. (November-December) in order to optimize oil yield. Oil yield is low before this period (September).

The harvesting method is also important to preserve the resource. The fruits must be harvested directly from the plant without tearing the branches.

If the branches are cut, the fruit yield will be reduced for the year after.

To preserve quality, oil should not be exposed directly to fire, during extraction.  

After extraction the oil must be put in opaque glass bottles to reduce the oxidation caused by light. These bottles have to be put in a cool place to minimize the effect of heat. More Information:

La nouvelle technologie d'extraction a permis d'améliorer à la fois le rendement et la qualité de l'huile. Le rendement en huile a été amélioré de 5% selon la méthode traditionnelle à 12% en utilisant la nouvelle technologie d’extraction.

La nouvelle méthode est plus ergonomique et permet de gagner du temps. Le broyage des fruits, au lieu d'être réalisé avec la meule traditionnelle, est effectué par un hachoir qui existe dans presque tous les ménages.

Le malaxage dans un bain-marie permettait de protéger les composés phénoliques de l'huile contre la dégradation thermique. La qualité de l'huile a été par conséquent améliorée.

Sans avoir besoin de laisser la pâte reposer pendant au moins une nuit, elle est directement introduite dans la presse, ce qui conduit à extraire le maximum de l'huile contenue dans la pâte.Les fruits de Pistacia lentiscus doivent être récoltés à maturité (novembre-décembre) afin d’optimiser le rendement en huile. Le rendement en huile est faible avant cette période (septembre).

La méthode de récolte est également importante pour préserver la ressource. Les fruits doivent être récoltés directement à partir de la plante sans couper les branches.

Si les branches sont coupées, le rendement en fruits sera réduit pour l'année suivante.

Pour préserver la qualité, l'huile ne doit pas être exposée directement au feu, lors de l'extraction.

Après extraction, l'huile doit être placée dans des bouteilles en verre opaque afin de réduire l'oxydation provoquée par la lumière. Ces bouteilles doivent être placées dans un endroit frais pour minimiser l'effet de la chaleur. More Information:

In the last decades, prospection of stone pine trees with outstanding individual cone yields has led in Spain to the register of 15 elite clones as qualified or tested basic materials for their use in grafted orchards, after their evaluation in grafted comparative trials in different regions. Their use in grafted orchards allows for a sustained increment in per-hectare mean cone yields, and optimised tending techniques are under development. In Portugal a list of 64 plus trees sampled in pine forests has been registered in 2009 as qualified clone mixture for supply of graft scions to private land owners, still pending their evaluation in ongoing grafted comparative trials.The pine clones registered as basic materials for graft scions are an opportunity to establish orchard plantations that can offer in a few years cone production, bypassing the juvenile phase without cone formation in non-grafted pine trees. In coastal areas of Portugal or Catalonia, private landowners experienced in growing stone pine are opting for grafting in situ on local rootstocks. But there is a commercial alternative of container-raised treelets grafted in nursery, that offers a key-in-hand solution for newcomers or for establishing orchards in less favourable climate conditions like inner Spain where in situ grafting often fails.

When establishing a new plantation, the use of the maximum avaiable number of different clones is recommended. Labeling the genetic identity of each tree, the pine grower will be able to compare their local performance and production. More Information:

Desde finales del siglo pasado se ha realizado en España una prospectiva de árboles grandes productores de piña, que ha llevado en 2015 al registro de 15 clones élite para su uso injertado, tras una rigurosa evaluación en ensayos comparativos. El empleo de este material mejorado en plantaciones en intensivo permite obtener rendimientos de piña por árbol y por hectárea muy superiores a un pinar tradicional. En Portugal, por otra parte, se ha optado en 2009 por autorizar temporalmente un mezcla de 64 clones seleccionados en monte, para el suministro de púas de injertar hasta que se seleccionen los clones más interesantes en base a ensayos comparativos todavía en marcha.Los clones admitidos como materiales de base para la producción de púas para injertar permiten establecer plantaciones agronómicas para la producción procoz de piña, saltándose los 15-20 años de fase juvenil inmadura de pinos no injertados. En las zonas costeras, por ejemplo en Portugal o el Ampurdán catalán, hay propietarios con experiencia en el manejo de la especie que están injertando in situ sobre repoblado existente. Pero la oferta comercial de plantón injertado en vivero en contenedor forestal permite una solución "llave-en-mano" para otros interesados menos formados. Sobre todo en comarcas del interior y de clima menos benigna, los plantones de vivero son la mejor alternativa evitando fracasos de campañas de injerto in situ.

En nueva plantación, se recomienda mezclar clones, pero mantener cada árbol identificado, para comparar su comportamiento y producción. More Information:

The effect of current climate and future climate projections point out that the persistance of P. pinea in the Spanish Northern Plateau is seriously jeopardised. The climatic impacts observed in pine stands are: (1) A generalized dieback and decay, with defoliation and lack of vigor on terminal shoots and increased mistletoe infestation ; (2) Lack of regeneration; (3) Growth loss; (4) Less cone production; (5) Shifts on vegetation, P. pinea being displaced by Juniperus thurifera and Quercus ilex better adapted to the new conditions; (6) Increased incidence of native and exotic pests.Both current situation and future projections highlight the difficulties that Pinus pinea is suffering and will continue facing in the future in the Northern Plateau.  Different ongoing research lines look for alternatives to reduce the impacts and adapt the stands to climatic conditions: (1) The use of emprirical and process-based models allow for better predictions of the impacts of climate change and management on growth and cone production; (2) Promotion of mixed stands of Pinus pinea with Quercus ilex and Juniperus thurifera will increment  their resilience to pests and diseases and their portfolio of ecosystem services.  Both rearch lines will help to develop those management options that help to improve the state and profitability of this forests. More Information:

El efecto del clima actual y las proyecciones climáticas futuras indican que la persistencia y viabilidad  de las masas de P. pinea en la Meseta Norte corren grave peligro. Los impactos climáticos observados en los rodales de pino son: (1) decaimiento y ountisecado  generalizada, con defoliación y falta de vigor en brotes terminales y mayor incidencia de muérdago; (2) Falta de regeneración; (3) Pérdida de creimientos; (4) Disminución en la producción de piña; (5) Cambios en la distribución de especies, siendo P. pinea desplazada por enebro, Juniperus thurifera y encina, Q. ilex, que son especies mejor adaptadas a las nuevas condiciones; (6) mayor incidencia de plagas nativas y exóticas.Tanto la situación actual como las proyecciones futuras destacan las dificultades que Pinus pinea está comenzando a sufrir y continuará enfrentando en el futuro en la Meseta Norte. Se están desarrollando diferentes líneas de investigación en curso que buscan alternativas para reducir los impactos y adaptar los pinares a las futuras condiciones climáticas: (1) Se desarrollan modelos empíricos y basados en procesos para definir mejor el impacto del cambio climático y los efectos de la gestión en el crecimiento y la producción de piña; (2) Se estudia la composición óptima de especies y las opciones selvícolas para alcanzarla, por ejemplo pin con encina y enebro. La información generada en ambas líneas servirá para encontrar las opciones de gestión que aumenten la resilience de las masas frente a sequías, enfermedades y plagas. More Information:

The new developed Mediterranean system of biomass equations allows estimating aboveground biomass more accurately through a wide range of diameter classes and across different sites. The study also included a new and more precise belowground biomass model. The tree variables that best describe aboveground biomass variability are the d, h and h/d (the slenderness index). Models including only d or d + h do not differ greatly. Thus, the first approach may be considered for its simplicity, since height is often unavailable and it is more challenging to measure with the same precision as diameter.An arbitrary choice of biomass models from the literature can lead to inaccurate estimates. This poses serious threats to the integrity of forest biomass estimates in the future. Due to its simplicity, the applicability of biomass models will continue to be widespread so care should be taken in interpreting and reporting results. It is important to examine the applicability of existing species-specific biomass to the data under evaluation. In that sense, and although the models developed have a broad application, care should be taken when using them outside the range of tree diameter classes from where they were developed, that is below 6 cm or above 73 cm diameter at breast height. More Information:

O novo sistema de equações de biomassa do pinheiro manso, desenvolvido para a região mediterrânica, permite obter estimativas mais precisas da biomassa acima do solo, usando uma maior amplitude de classes de diâmetros e locais. O estudo incluiu também um novo e mais preciso modelo de biomassa para as raízes. As variáveis da árvore que melhor descrevem a variabilidade da biomassa acima do solo são o d, h e o rácio h/d. Os modelos que incluem apenas d ou d + h não diferem significativamente. Pela sua simplicidade, os modelos apenas com d poderão ser usados, dado que a medição da altura nem sempre é realizada e, quando o é, não é tão precisa como a medição do diâmetro.A escolha arbitrária de modelos de biomassa existentes na literatura, pode levar à obtenção de estimativas de biomassa pouco precisas. Tal, pode constituir um problema de integridade na informação sobre estas estimativas de biomassa e consequentemente das estimativas de carbono. Devido à simplicidade de utilização, os modelos de biomassa continuarão a ser aplicados de forma generalizada, pelo que é importante avaliar a sua aplicabilidade para cada espécie. Nesse sentido, e apesar dos modelos desenvolvidos terem uma ampla aplicação, deve ter-se em atenção o seu uso para classes de diâmetro à altura do peito inferiores a 6 cm ou superiores a 73 cm. More Information:

Thanks to the collective label/trademark of the Modena chamber of commerce, many local products, such as wild bilberries, gain visibility and their quality is guaranteed by specific procedures and controls. With regard to wild bilberries, in the Apennines of Modena in 2018:

- 141 pickers licenses were released for the professional harvesting by the local authority “Ente Parchi Emilia Centrale”;

- 320 tons is the amount of wild bilberries harvested and traded by pickers;

- 9 enterprises (mainly focus on transformation) currently can utilize the label promoted by the local chamber of commerce.A label/trademark can contribute to awareness-raising of local minor products. However, behind the label, there should be clear and shared standards, in order to give credibility to the label itself. In the territorial marketing strategy, minor local products can represent an added value and become complementary to the most famous products of a territory.  Apart from the product itself, it is essential to promote synergies among local networks, in order to increase social capital and make more attractive the tourism destination, with local fairs and events. More Information:

Grazie all'etichetta “Tradizione e Sapori di Modena” della locale Camera di Commercio, molti prodotti locali, come i mirtilli selvatici, possono ottenere visibilità e la loro qualità è garantita da procedure e controlli specifici. Per quanto riguarda i mirtilli selvatici, nel 2018:

- 9 imprese (principalmente focalizzate sulla trasformazione) utilizzano l'etichetta promossa dalla Camera di Commercio locale;

- 141 raccoglitori sono stati registrati per la raccolta professionale;

- 320 tonnellate è la quantità annuale di mirtilli selvatici raccolti e commercializzati dai raccoglitori che possono utilizzare il marchio.Un'etichetta/marchio può contribuire alla valorizzazione dei prodotti minori locali. Tuttavia, per essere credibile e spendibile nel mercato, un marchio serio deve avere standard chiari e condivisi. Nella strategia di marketing territoriale, i prodotti locali minori possono rappresentare un valore aggiunto e diventare complementari ai prodotti più famosi di un territorio. Oltre al prodotto stesso, è essenziale promuovere sinergie tra gli attori a livello locale, al fine di aumentare il capitale sociale e rendere più attraente la destinazione turistica, con fiere ed eventi locali. More Information:

Several management scenarios are modelled in order to estimate their average carbon stock, according to different time paths. From the forest production data (tables and growth models), carbon stock in forestry system is assessed with the software CO2FIX. Different technological itineraries suggested answer to the fertility variability of stations and allow the comparison of the choices effect in forest management: date, intensity and numbers of cuts, or duration of rotation particularly. Diverse hazards can also be simulated (forest fires, prematurely clear cuts) in order to study the impacts. It is then possible to compare the carbon footprints of a baseline scenario to an improved management scenario.Amongst the tested scenarios, it seems beneficial to promote, in Alepo pine forests, long terms technological itinerary with several thinning before final harvest rather than itinerary voluntarily shorten or through the simulation of forest fire.

Reasoned thinning (≤ 40 % of the volume) also allow a greater carbon sequestration while limiting understory vegetation development, thus the forest fire risk.

To showcase carbon aspect can make silvicultural operations attractive while the latter address other issues. This approach can mobilize the forestry sector and possible funding sources to trigger economically unprofitable but necessary intervention. More Information:

Plusieurs scénarios de gestion sont modélisés afin d’estimer leur stock de carbone moyen, sur différents pas de temps. À partir de données de production (tables et modèles de croissance), le stock de carbone dans le système forestier est évalué grâce au logiciel CO2FIX. Les différents itinéraires techniques proposés répondent aux variabilités de fertilité des stations et permettent de comparer les effets des choix de gestion sylvicole : date, intensité et nombre de coupes, ou durée de révolution notamment. Divers aléas peuvent également être simulés (incendie, coupe rase anticipée) pour en étudier l’impact. Il est alors possible de comparer les bilans de carbone d’un scénario de base et d’un scénario de gestion améliorée.Parmi les scénarios sylvicoles testés dans les massifs de pin d’Alep, il apparaît plus intéressant de promouvoir des itinéraires techniques sur un cycle long, comprenant plusieurs éclaircies avant récolte, plutôt que ceux raccourcis volontairement ou par la simulation d’un incendie.

Les éclaircies d’intensité raisonnée (≤ 40 % du volume) permettent aussi une séquestration plus importante, tout en limitant le développement du sous-étage et donc le risque d’incendie.

La mise en avant l’aspect carbone peut rendre les opérations sylvicoles attractives, ces dernières répondant également à d’autres enjeux. Cette démarche aide à mobiliser la filière et d’éventuelles sources de financement, pour déclencher les interventions déficitaires mais nécessaires. More Information:

The bovine herd consists of 120 livestock units for the production of meat, managed on a rotational basis. This rotation system allows to control shrubs accumulation and reduce the fire risk. The natural herbaceous growth occurs in two very short periods: in autumn and spring, with April rainfall being particularly important.

The cork oaks are quite old and with a high percentage of diseased trees. The oldest stone pine trees comes from natural regeneration with a quite irregular interannual cone production.

When the present management started 20 years ago, the owner realized that the soil was a degraded ecosystem resource, unable to fulfil the most basic functions of water infiltration and storage and with a very low nutrient status. Soil recovery has been the priority.The most important decision was the exclusion of soil mobilizations, which allowed to reduce erosion, enabling a permanent soil cover and protection. The shrubs control is now done with minimally invasive machinery. To correct the soil nutrient content, phosphorous fertilizers were used in a first phase, followed by the use of organic-based products. The pH corrections are done with dolomitic limestone.

In the last decades, dead or diseased cork oaks and stone pine trees are systematically removed or pruned in order to avoid pests and disease spreading. Tree regeneration protection with metal mesh protectors is a priority due to the presence of cattle. In the past, pine were plantated for cones at 15x15 or 20x20m spacing grids, more recently at 10x10m and grafting at age 5. Periodic thinning are applied in young and adult pine trees to avoid excessive stocking. More Information:

O efectivo bovino é composto por 120 cabeças normais para produção de carne, gerido em regime de pastoreio rotacional. Este sistema permite controlar o mato e reduzir o risco de incêndio. O crescimento da pastagem natural acontece em 2 períodos muito curtos: no outono e na primavera. A precipitação do mês de Abril é particularmente importante.

O montado é bastante antigo e com uma percentagem elevada de árvores decrépitas. O pinhal manso mais antigo é proveniente de regeneração natural.

Quando a gestão actual da herdade se iniciou, há 20 anos, constatou-se que o solo era um recurso degradado, incapaz de cumprir as funções mais básicas de infiltrar e armazenar água e disponibilizar nutrientes para as culturas. A recuperação do solo tem sido a prioridade deste gestor.A decisão tomada mais relevante foi terminar com as mobilizações, reduzindo os efeitos da erosão, permitindo a cobertura e protecção permanente do solo. O controlo da vegetação arbustiva passou a ser feito com corta-mato. Numa primeira fase foram feitas adubações com fósforo, e numa segunda fase com produtos de base orgânica. A correcção de pH é feita com calcário dolomítico.

Quer no sobreiro e no pinheiro manso têm-se realizado, ao longo da última década, desbastes das árvores decrépitas e a protecção do renovo espontâneo do gado com protectores metálicos. As clareiras têm vindo a ser adensadas com pinheiro manso em compasso de 15x15 e 20x20. Numa segunda fase o adensamento passou a fazer-se num compasso de 10x10 e com enxertia aos 5 anos. Nos pinheiros jovens e adultos, ocorrem desbastes periódicos para correcção de densidades excessivas. More Information:

The acorns conservation of is a set of processes beginning from the harvest to the storage. After 8 months of acorns storage, water content, germination and infestation percents were used as quality indicators.

Acorns harvested directly from trees and collected on tarps were better conserved than those collected directly on the ground.

Acorns put in the cold room (temperature:+4 °C and relative humidity: 80%) were better stored than those put in the open air

The packaging container of barrel (humidity content > 35%) was better than the jute bag and the plastic crate (P= 0.035During harvest, it is recommended to select good acorns including ripe fruits and excluding dead (empty) and rotten (pathogenic fungi) acorns and those with holes (insect pests).

During storage it is recommended to:

Disinfection of the cold room prior to storage

Treat well-sorted acorns with a fungicide prior to storage and periodically as a preventative way to control the spread of fungi in healthy ones. The thermotherapy can be also used, especially, for acorns dedicated to animal feed:  soak the acorns in hot water at 41° C for 3 hours then re-dry them gently.

Pack the acorns in half full hermetic container and wrap them with peat (alternating layers of acorns and peat).

Put acorns in an environment where the temperature range is between 0°C and 4°C and the relative humidity is equal to 80%.

 Periodically, stir and ventilate containers and control the viability and quality of acorns. More Information:

La conservation des glands est un ensemble de processus allant de la récolte au stockage. Après 8 mois de stockage des glands, la teneur en eau, les pourcentages de germination et d'infestation ont été utilisés comme indicateurs de qualité.

1. Les glands récoltés directement des arbres et collectés sur des bâches étaient mieux conservés que ceux collectés directement sur le sol.

2. Les glands placés dans la chambre froide (température: +4 ° C et humidité relative: 80%) étaient mieux stockés que ceux placés à l'air libre

3. Le fut, comme conteneur d’emballage, (teneur en humidité> 35%) était meilleur que le sac de jute et la caisse en plastique (P = 0,035• Lors de la récolte, il est recommandé de sélectionner des glands mûrs et sains, en excluant les glands morts (vides), pourris (champignons pathogènes) et perforés (insectes).

• Pendant le stockage, il est recommandé de:

Désinfection de la chambre froide avant le stockage

Traiter les glands bien triés, préalablement à leur stockage et périodiquement, avec un fongicide comme moyen préventif contre la propagation des champignons. La thermothérapie peut également être utilisée, notamment, pour les glands dédiés à l'alimentation animale: faire tremper les glands dans de l'eau chaude à 41 ° C pendant 3 heures puis les sécher à nouveau délicatement.

Emballer les glands dans un récipient hermétique à moitié plein et enveloppez-les de tourbe (couches alternées de glands et de tourbe).

Placer les glands dans une ambiance où la plage de température est comprise entre 0 ° C et 4 ° C et l’humidité relative égale à 80%.

Remuer et ventiler périodiquement les récipients et contrôler la viabilité et la qualité des glands. More Information:

The adaptation of the forest management plans will allow better conditions for both biomass production and the diversity and occurrence of nwfp’s. The wood (timber) quality and its price can be increased, together with the higher number of sold licences for nwfp’s collection. The potential for territorial branding, education and development of forest science are created. With the cooperation of all value chain representatives and by the constant education on examples of good practice the awareness on proper forest management ecosystem diversity preservation rises. The stability of the forest ecosystem has also a positive impact on animal species that lives in it.The proper management of the forest enhancing  the production of nwfp’s does not necesseraly implies the decrease of the wood biomass production. Through the increase intensity of forest thinnings, the forests can preserve their stability and structure, increasing their potential for bigger wood growth and occurrence of nwfp’s, having a positive impact on rural economy. Because a licence is needed for nwfp's collection in state forests, public consultation for management plan approval should take into consideration the opinion of all forest users. Scientific research on each locality should be enabled so a scientific opinion on each type of forest management could be developed. More Information:

Prilagođenim načinom gospodarenja stvaraju se povoljni uvjeti za razvoj drvne biomase, te raznovrsnost i količinu nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda. Povećava se kvaliteta drva, prihod od prodaje drva te prodaja dozvola za sakupljanje nedrvnih proizvoda. Stvara se potencijal za brendiranje lokaliteta, edukaciju i razvoj šumarske znanosti. Suradnjom svih dionika lanca vrijednosti i edukacijom na primjerima dobre prakse podiže se svijest o pravilnom gospodarenju šumama i očuvanju raznolikosti ekosustava. Stabilnost šume ima i povoljan utjecaj na životinjski svijet koji na datom lokalitetu egzistira.Gospodarenje šumskim područjima na način da se potencira proizvodnja nedrvnih proizvoda ne umanjuje proizvodnju drvne mase. Šume zadržavaju stabilnost i sastojinsku strukturu, proredama jačeg intenziteta te redovitim čišćenjem stvara se potencijal za veći drvni prirast i pojavnost nedrvnih proizvoda, čime se povoljno utječe i na ruralnu ekonomiju. Budući da je za sakupljanje nedrvnih proizvoda u državnim šumama potrebno ishodovati dozvolu, javnim savjetovanjima kod stvaranja programa gospodarenja potrebno je uzeti u obzir mišljenja i iskustva svih korisnika šuma. Potrebno je omogućiti istraživanja na svim lokalitetima kako bi se stvorili znanstveni zaključci o svakom pojedinom načinu gospodarenja. More Information:

"The Val di Non and Val di Sole Apples and Flavours route" was designed to integrate the offer of agricultural and wild products, food and wine, hotels and restaurants under one all-embracing itinerary. Apples constitute the most famous product of these valleys, but many others, such as aromatic & medicinal plants, cheeses are involved in the activities carried on by the "route". Food and board facilities, farms, companies and all stakeholders should pay a fix annual fee (around 100 euros) to join the route, that will promote their products and services during local events and fair. To date, more than 200 companies are included in the "route", whose activities animated the valley throughout the year. The success of "The Val di Non and Val di Sole Apples and Flavours route" demonstrates that the synergies between the public sector (tourist promotion agency) and private companies are essential to diversify the classic tourism offer of a region. The branding of a territory should be comprehensive and multidisciplinary, including all its peculiarities, also the gastronomic ones. Utilize the most iconic product (apples in this case) to promote secondary ones, such as aromatic and medicinal plants, mushrooms, wild berries, wild nuts, honey and several others, is a smart and effective promotion strategy.  More Information:

Strada della Mela e dei Sapori delle Valli di Non e di Sole è stato progettato per coordinare l'offerta di prodotti agricoli e selvatici, cibo e vino, hotel e ristoranti in un’unica iniziativa/percorso globale. Le mele costituiscono il prodotto più famoso di queste vallate, ma altri tra cui le piante aromatiche & medicinali, sono inclusi nell’iniziativa. Le organizzazioni e le aziende che intendono diventare membri della “strada” pagano una quota annuale (circa 100 euro): ad oggi circa 200 aziende/organizzazioni locali hanno aderito. I prodotti e i servizi dagli aderenti (produttori, aziende di trasformazione e del settore terziario) vengono promossi e coinvolti nelle attività proposte dalla “strada” tutto l’anno. Il successo del percorso "Strada della Mela e dei Sapori delle Valli di Non e di Sole" dimostra che le sinergie tra il settore pubblico (l’agenzia di promozione turistica) e le aziende private sono fondamentali per diversificare l'offerta turistica tradizionale di una regione. Il “branding” di un territorio dovrebbe essere completo e multidisciplinare, includendo tutte le sue peculiarità, anche quelle gastronomiche. Nella stategia promozionale della "strada" le mele sono sfruttate anche per la promozione di prodotti secondari come il miele, i funghi, le piante officinali e aromatiche, i frutti di bosco e molti altri. More Information:

The arboretums set up throughout the country are 28 in number. They have the distinction of covering very different and very contrasting bioclimatic and edaphic conditions.   28 arboretums have been set up including 208 coniferous and broadleaved species in 32 genera that the most important are: Eucalyptus genus: 117 species; Acacia: 26 species; Pinus: 18 species; Casuarina: 7 species

The study of the adaptive behavior of the species relative to the different environmental conditions and the evaluation of their productivity has made it possible to draw up a list of the most suitable species for the environment and the most productive, suitable for many uses.Arboreta offer a wide range of species with different production and uses objectives:

Species of forest interest for the production of wood and biomass such as: Pinus laricio and Eucalyptus saligna, (in humid bioclimate), Pinus brutia and Eucalyptus brockwayi (in wet and semi-arid bioclimates).

Pastoral species of interest such as: Pistacia atlantica, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia salicina

Species of honey interest such as Eu bicolor, Eu gillii, Eu lehmani, Eu incressata, Eu

salubris, Eu Leucoxylon.

Species of ornamental interest including several species of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Cypress.

Bioenergetic species of interest: Eucalyptus diversifolia and Eu. lehmanii.

Agroforestry species of interest: Ceratonia siliqua and Argania spinosa. More Information:

Les arboretums mis en place à travers tout les pays sont au nombre de 28. Ils ont la particularité de couvrir des conditions bioclimatiques et édaphiques très différentes et très contrastées.

28 arboretums comprennent 208 espèces résineuses et feuillues réparties en 32 genres dont les plus importants:

            Genre Eucalyptus : 117 espèces

            Genre Acacia : 26 espèces    

            Genre Pinus : 18 espèces

            Genre Casuarina : 7 espèces

L’étude du comportement adaptatif des espèces en rapport avec les différents facteurs du milieu et l’évaluation de leur productivité a permis d’arrêter une liste des espèces les plus adaptées au milieu et les plus productives, convenant à des usages très diversifiés.Les arboretums offrent un éventail d’espèces répondant à des objectifs de production différents pour des usages très variés :

Des espèces d’intérêt forestier pour la production du bois et de la biomasse telles que Pinus laricio et Eucalyptus saligna, (en bioclimat humide) Pinus brutia et Eucalyptus brockwayi (en en bioclimats sub humide et semi aride).

Des espèces d’intérêt pastoral telles que : Pistacia atlantica, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia salicina.

Des espèces d’intérêt mellifère telles que : Eu. bicolor, Eu. gillii, Eu. lehmani, Eu. incressata, Eu. salubris, Eu. Leucoxylon.

Des espèces d’intérêt ornemental dont plusieurs espèces d’Eucalyptus, d’Acacia et de cyprès.

Des espèces d’intérêt bioénergétique telles que : Eucalyptus diversifolia et Eu lehmanii.

Des espèces d’intérêt agroforestier telles que : le caroubier et l’arganier. More Information:

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