project - Research and innovation

Best Practice Hens: Pilot project to support the transition to cage-free systems for laying hens in the EU
Best Practice Hens: Pilot project to support the transition to cage-free systems for laying hens in the EU

Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain
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To prepare and provide practical support to egg producers to encourage them convert from cage systems to non-cage systems. a. This applies to both the rearing of laying hens and the keeping of laying hens in the production period.

To ensure a wide dissemination of the information collected in the best practices through the development of communication materials. Best practices should provide the birds with the best possible welfare given commercial situations.

To organise dissemination events targeting Member States with a high percentage of cage systems to increase the application of non-cage housing system in the target Member States.


To prepare and provide practical support to egg producers to encourage them convert from cage systems to non-cage systems. This applies to both the rearing of laying hens and the keeping of laying hens in the production period.

To ensure a wide dissemination of the information collected in the best practices through the development of communication materials. Best practices should provide the birds with the best possible welfare given commercial situations.

To organise dissemination events targeting Member States with a high percentage of cage systems to increase the application of non-cage housing system in the target Member States.


To support egg production in non-cage systems and to improve animal welfare, a consortium consisting of 7 partners will develop Best Practices for non-cage Egg Production Systems as a European Commission, DG SANTE pilot project. These Best Practices will provide practical support to egg producers to encourage them convert from cage systems to non-cage systems. This pilot project has started in May 2021 and will finish by the end of May 2023.

Project details
Main funding source
Other EU research and development funds
Project acronym
Best Practice Hens
Agricultural sectors
Other livestock and animal products
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Prof. T. Bas Rodenburg

Project coordinator

Project partners