project - Innovative project

The AgriSenseTour - co-creating and sharing knowledge in agro-ecology and social entrepreneurship
The AgriSenseTour - co-creating and sharing knowledge in agro-ecology and social entrepreneurship

Ongoing | 2015 - 2020 Other, European Union
Ongoing | 2015 - 2020 Other, European Union
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The AgriSenseTour is a field study to meet the social entrepreneur farmers who innovate in their business model and agricultural practices to develop and maintain their agro-ecological project. It aims to share their innovations with other farmers and consumers. Furthermore, another main goal of the AgriSenseTour is to help farmers innovate to solve their challenges organizing "Hold-Ups" of ideas that foster co-creation by and between farmers and citizens. These are brainstorming sessions which allow developing community-based solutions to solve the challenges of social entrepreneur farmers.


The AgriSenseTour is a field study to meet the social entrepreneur farmers who innovate in their business model and agricultural practices to develop and maintain their agro-ecological project. It aims to share their innovations with other farmers and consumers. Furthermore, another main goal of the AgriSenseTour is to help farmers innovate to solve their challenges organizing "Hold-Ups" of ideas that foster co-creation by and between farmers and citizens. These are brainstorming sessions which allow developing community-based solutions to solve the challenges of social entrepreneur farmers.


A “Hold-Up” is a one hour and a half creativity workshop which gathers fifteen persons maximum and focuses on solving a concrete challenge of a social entrepreneur farmer who is fulltime on his/her project, even if only at the idea stage. Anyone can participate, no need to be an expert. A “Hold-Up” uses design thinking and creativity techniques to help the participants give and share many ideas at first and turn them into three or four applicable solutions at the end. For instance, “Hold-Ups” have helped farmers to design innovative agro-ecological techniques (e.g. growing shiitake mushrooms on brewery waste and breeding insects with the mycelium in Belgium), to organize a crowdfunding campaign to finance the implementation of these innovations (e.g. to buy the animals and learn how to use animal-drawn sledges in Spain), to organize a participatory practical session to apply the innovations on the field (e.g. to build raised garden beds inspired from the Austrian hugelkultur technique, in France), to find solutions to optimize the use of resources (e.g. to create a system to collect the organic waste of a consumers group in order to transform it in organic compost for the farmers).

Project details
Main funding source
Not yet funded
Agricultural sectors
  • Crops (generic)
  • Livestock (generic)
  • Other permanent crops
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Sidney F.Ortun

Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Neo-Agri association

    Project partner