project - Research and innovation

Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through mobilization Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Systems
Prácticas innovadoras en protecció de cultivos, incluyendo tecnología, formación y asesoramiento, mediante la transferencia del conocimiento y los sistemas innovadores

Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main objective of INNOSETA is to set up an Innovative self-sustainable Thematic Network on Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising to contribute in closing the gap between the available novel high-end crop protection solutions either commercial or from applicable research results with the everyday European agricultural practices by promoting effective exchange of novel ideas and information between research, industry, extension and the farming community so that existing research and commercial solutions can be widely communicated, while capturing grassroots level needs and innovative ideas from the farming community.


El objetivo principal de INNOSETA es desarrollar una Red Temática auto-sostenible que ayude a llenar el hueco entre la investigación y el sector profesional en el ámbito de la UE, promoviendo el intercambio de ideas y soluciones y la información entre los diferentes sectores; investigadores, fabricantes, asesores, agricultores. INNOSETA pretende identificar las necesidades específicas de los usuarios, en función de sus condicionantes particulares, acercando los desarrollos y soluciones ya existentes al usuario final. El proyecto pretende también captar ideas y necesidades de los usuarios.


WP1 includes activities related to synthesizing research results and industrial products available on spraying equipment, training and advising (SETA). WP2 will assess farmers’ needs, innovative ideas and interests of best practices for spraying technologies and diffusion of these innovations. WP3 will build on the results produced in WP1 and WP2, generating interactive and multi-actor innovation at regional level, supporting cross-border collaboration and ensuring the sustainability. WP4, the “SETA Platform” will be created and populated with WP1, WP2 and WP3 results. WP5 will conduct interactive dissemination activities. WP6 will ensure administrative, financial and risk management.


WP! Incluye actividades relacionadas con la busqueda de material disponible (tecnologías de aplicación, desarrollos de la industria, material para formación y asesoramiento (SETA). WP2 identifica necesiades de los agricultures, ideas innovadoras, interes por buenas prácticas fitosanitarias y difusión de innovaciones. WP3 promueve la interacción entre los agentes implicados, facilitando el intercambio de idas y seleccionando las SETAS más interesantes. WP4 tiene como objeto crear la plataforma, que se alimentará con lo obtenido en los anteriores paquetes de trabajo. WP5 se encarga de las acciones de comunicación y difusión. WP6 asegura el manejo administrativi y financiern del projecto.


INNOSETA will create an inventory of national and EU projects in SETA and will identify research results near to be put into practice but not yet known by practitioners, maximizing the return of the investment made by the EC in R&D projects in SETA research over the past years. These SETA research results, along with commercial solutions from industry, will be assessed on the basis of productivity, and sustainability criteria (reduction of PPP use, potential for yield and quality increase, work efficiency, reduction of environmental impacts and operator’s exposure) in order to identify SETA solutions with significant potential for being exploited and taken up in practice. Innovative ideas from practice will be captured through the use of a conceptual framework, allowing the ideas to be channelled to the most appropriate stakeholders for development of real applicable solutions. The research results, innovations, best practices as well as the innovative ideas captured will be spread through interactive dissemination activities, mainly in multi-actor workshops and through the SETA Platform.INNOSETA will foster cross-border knowledge exchange as the research entities participating are based in 5 different EU countries, while farmers’ associations, extension services an advisors are coming from 7 member states. This thematic network will reach all related to SETA activities EIP-AGRI OGs and establish a close relationship and collaboration, having also as target the development of new OGs after its implementation.

Additional comments

The target audiences for SETA will be:

- Farmers: farmers’ associations and federations, farmers’ unions, farmers’ cooperatives at regional, national and EU level (COPA-COGECA is a full partner of the project);

- Agriculture Advisory and Extension Services: private and public crop advisory, national, regional and local representatives of agricultural authorities (ministries, departments) related to CAP and EARDF Regional Development Programmes;

- Research and innovation networks: EIP-AGRI and other TNs; research networks and initiatives on pesticide application, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, sprayers development, information technology in agriculture, Internet of Things initiatives; Relevant European Technology Platforms, the Agriculture Food Security and Climate Change and Water JPIs and other networks and initiatives at EU level.

- SETA industry: plant protection products industry through ECPA, agriculture machinery through CEMA (represented by its section focused on spraying equipment), sprayer’s parts manufacturers (nozzles, pumps, booms, tanks, etc.), sensors and software solutions for efficient application of sprayers in the field;

- Authorities and policy makers: experts on regulatory issues related to the use of spraying equipment in agriculture, PPP use, environmental pollution (in soil, surface and ground water, non-target organisms, biodiversity); standardization and certification bodies; policy makers at European and national level, EU’s DG RESEARCH, DG AGRI, DG INDUSTRY, DG SANTE, DG ENV, SCAR, Public Environmental Monitoring Authorities, National and International Organizations in sustainable agriculture

Additional information

Novel SETA has a real potential to deliver a more productive and sustainable agricultural production, based on a more precise and PPP-efficient approach, especially in a scenario of farming labour shortage and climate change7. However, novel SETA are not widely implemented throughout Europe , except in some advanced European countries (i.e. Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark), where there are still a large number of innovations in spraying technology to be adapted. Improvement of training activities have been widely underlined as the most efficient tools to improve the application-phase of PPP in EU members with lower technological level and higher number of small and traditional farmers (i.e. Mediterranean countries), while in large agriculture productions from the North of Europe, new technological improvements and developments are largely appreciated .

The underlying reasons for this implementation gap can be deduced from empirical adoption studies that have shown that individual adoption and the wider diffusion of technological innovations and new application techniques depend on characteristics of the innovation (e.g. cost, complexity), the innovator and his/her socio-economic background (e.g. preferences and educational level of farmer), the perceived usefulness and ease of use, the informational, social and institutional environment, and, in particular the knowledge support system in place .

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1998562

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

48 Practice Abstracts

During the regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations in Belgium (ILVO), 3 topics were discussed, including the precision of spraying. The presented innovations are listed here from best scoring to least as valued by the visitors.

The best scoring SETA was a precision sprayer with variable dosage where nozzles are automatically and individually controlled. The second place was for pulsating nozzles (PWM) which use electromagnetic valves to open and close the nozzles very quickly (up to 20 Hz). GPS systems with individual nozzle control came in third. Next on the list was also a precision sprayer with variable dosage but with cameras/sensors. This SETA was closely followed by spray robots and -drones. They can navigate autonomously in the field and detect and spray individual weeds. Next in line was again a GPS system but with automatic section control instead of nozzle control (to avoid spray overlap). After that came automatic boom height control. The next SETA was band spraying. During band spraying, specific zones of the fields are treated. The third lowest score went to double fan nozzles that ensure better penetration into the crop due to the spray cone being directed forwards and backward. The second to last place was for under leaf spraying systems. These systems use nozzles mounted on extensions under the spray boom, allowing applications in and under the crop. The SETA who was valued as the worst by the visitors was magnetic and elelctrostatic spraying. loading the spray liquid magnetically or electrostatically changes its physicochemical properties, thus creating droplets that are attracted to the crop.

Tijdens de regionale workshop over spuitinnovaties in veldgewassen in België (ILVO) werden 3 onderwerpen besproken, waaronder precisie spuiten. De gepresenteerde innovaties worden hier opgelijst van best scorend tot minst gewaardeerd door de bezoekers.

De best scorende SETA was een precisiespuit met variabele dosering waarbij de spuitdoppen automatisch en individueel worden aangestuurd. De tweede plaats was voor pulserende doppen (PWM) die elektomagnetische kleppen gebruiken om de doppen snel te openen/sluiten. GPS-systemen met individuele regeling van de doppen strandden op de derde plaats. Volgende op de lijst was opnieuw een precisiespuit, maar met camera's/sensoren. Deze SETA werd op de voet gevolgd door spuitrobots en -drones. Deze kunnen autonoom navigeren en onkruiden opsoren en bespuiten. De volgende in rij was opnieuw een GPS-systeem, deze keer met automatische sectie controle (beiden dienen om spuitoverlap te voorkomen). Daarna kwam automatische boomhoogte regeling. Met een iets lagere score was bandbespuiting de volgende in de lijst. Bij bandbespuiting worden specifieke zones van velden behandeld. De op twee na laagste score ging naar tweewaaierdoppen, die zorgen voor een betere penetratie in het gewas doordat de spuitkegel naar voren en naar achteren wordt gericht. De voorlaatste plaats was voor onderbladbespuitingen. Deze systemen maken gebruik van doppen die gemonteerd zijn op verlengstukken onder de boom, waardoor toepassingen in/onder het gewas mogelijk zijn. Op de laatste plaats strandde magnetisch/elektrostatisch spuiten. Door de spuitvloeistof magnetisch of elektrostatisch te laden veranderen de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen, waardoor de druppels door het gewas worden aangetrokken.

During the regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations in Belgium (ILVO), 3 topics were discussed, including drift. The innovations presented regarding minimization of drift are listed here, from best scoring to least as valued by the visitors.

Not surprising, drift reducing nozzles came in first. Air support was valued as second best SETA. The air flow that is created through fans blowing the spray droplets into the crop. At the third place two SETAs had the same score: off-center nozzles (assymmetrical nozzles with a restricted spray pattern) and precision sprayers with variable dosage. Directly behind were also precision sprayers but with cameras/sensors. After that came band spraying, in which specific zones of the field are treated. Next in line were pulsating nozzles (PWM) that use electromagnetic valves to open and close the nozzles. The two last SETAs both reduce drift through lower application rates. With an almost identical score, they were followed by reduced nozzle distance and spray boom height. The next SETA was a shielded spray boom. After that came air injection nozzles. Spray liquid and air are mixed inside the nozzle thus producing coarser, less drift-susceptible droplets. The third lowest score went to under leaf spraying systems. These systems use nozzles mounted on extensions under the spray boom, allowing applications in and under the crop. The second to last SETA was magnetic/electrostatic spraying. Loading the spray liquid magnetically or electrostatically changes its physicochemical properties, creating droplets that are attracted to the crop. Finally, there were spray robots and drones that navigate autonomously in the field and detect and spray individual weeds.

Tijdens de workshop over innovaties voor veldspuiten in België (ILVO), werden 3 onderwerpen besproken, waaronder drift. De driftreducerende innovaties worden hier opgesomd, van best scorend tot minst gewaardeerd door de bezoekers.

Driftreducerende spuitdoppen kregen niet verrassend de hoogste score. Luchtondersteuning werd als tweede beste gescoord. De gecreëerde luchtstroom blaast de druppels in het gewas. Twee SETAs deelden de derde plaats met dezelfde score: kantdoppen (asymmetrische spuitdoppen met een beperkt spuitpatroon) en precisiespuiten met variabele dosering. Daar net achter volgden ook precisiespuiten, maar met cameras/sensoren. De volgende was bandbespuiting, waarbij specifieke zones van het veld worden behandeld. Daarna kwamen pulserende doppen (PWM) die elektromagnetische kleppen gebruiken om de doppen te openen/sluiten. Nadien volgde een gereduceerde dopafstand en spuitboomhoogte. De volgende SETA was een afgeschermde spuitboom. Daarna kwamen luchtinjectiedoppen. Spuitvloeistof en lucht worden in de dop gemengd, waardoor grovere druppels worden geproduceerd. De op twee na laagste score was voor onderbladspuitsystemen. Deze maken gebruik van doppen die op verlengstukken onder de boom zijn gemonteerd, waardoor in/onder het gewas kan worden gespoten. De voorlaatste SETA was magnetisch/elektrostatisch spuiten. Door de spuitvloeistof te laden, veranderen de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen van de druppels waardoor ze door het gewas worden aangetrokken. Ten slotte waren er spuitrobots en -drones die autonoom in het veld navigeren en onkruid detecteren en bespuiten

During the regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations in Belgium (ILVO), 3 topics were discussed, including prevention of point sources pollution and operator health. Below, the presented innovations for the correct filling and cleaning of sprayers are listed, from best scoring to least as valued by the visitors.

The best scoring SETA was an induction hopper with rinsing nozzle to introduce and mix the PPP and to rinse empty packages. After that came a clean water tank with internal cleaning nozzles. These nozzles allow to clean the sprayer in 3 steps in the field. The third best were circulation systems (spray liquid is continuously pumped around in the supply lines). Next was the automatic spray tank filling. This is an electric tank level measurement tool, available with automatic shutdown during filling. After that came closed transfer systems. These systems are used to introduce the PPP into the spray tank and to clean empty packaging with reduced risk for the operator and environment. Then there was an automatic/continuous internal cleaning system. It's an automatic rinsing program that provides complete cleaning of the spray tank and spray circuit with a minimum of water and in a limited amount of time. The next SETA in the list was an overpressure cabin with filter and ventilation. Just behind there were direct injection systems. Using these systems, PPP are injected directly into the spray lines close to the nozzle without contaminating the main water tank. After that came systems for monitoring nozzle blockage (using flow meters, radars, or LED lights on the boom). The SETA with the lowest score were external cleaning systems (brushes or lances).

Tijdens de regionale workshop over spuitinnovaties in veldgewassen in België (ILVO) werden 3 onderwerpen besproken, waaronder het voorkomen van puntbron verontreiniging en de gezondheid van de toepasser. Hieronder worden de voorgestelde innovaties voor het correct vullen en reinigen van veldspuiten opgelijst, van best scorend tot minst.

De best scorende SETA was de vultrechter met fustenreiniger voor het inbrengen en mengen van GBM en voor het spoelen van lege verpakkingen. Daarna kwam een schoonwatertank met interne reinigingsdoppen. Deze doppen maken het mogelijk de spuit op het veld snel te reinigen. Op de derde plaats stonden de rondpompsystemen (spuitvloeistof wordt continu rondgepompt in de leidingen). Het volgende was het automatisch vullen van de spuittank. Dit is een elektrisch hulpmiddel om het tankniveau te meten, verkrijgbaar met automatische uitschakeling tijdens het vullen. Daarna kwamen gesloten vulsystemen. Deze systemen worden gebruikt om de GBM in de spuittank te brengen en om lege verpakkingen te reinigen met minder risico voor de operator en het milieu. De volgende was een automatisch/continu intern reinigingssysteem. Het is een automatisch spoelprogramma dat zorgt voor een volledige reiniging van de spuittank en het spuitcircuit met een minimum aan water en in een beperkte hoeveelheid tijd. De volgende SETA in de lijst was een gesloten cabine met filter en ventilatie. Vlak daarachter kwamen directe injectiesystemen. Met deze systemen worden GBM rechtstreeks in de spuitileidingen dicht bij de dop geïnjecteerd. Daarna kwamen systemen om verstopte doppen te detecteren (met behulp van debietmeters, radars, of LED-lampjes op de spuitboom). De SETA met de laagste score waren externe reinigingssystemen.

By screening the new entries on the INNOSETA platform every week, WP1 and WP4 noticed that many new SETAs lacked information. When contacted, the users were generally unaware that their entry was incomplete. Sometimes even empty new SETAs were found on the platform. ILVO therefore made an instruction video on how to upload a SETA correctly and completely to the platform.

One video was produced by recording a screen of a computer while uploading a SETA correctly. This video was translated into the eight INNOSETA languages (French, English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Polish and Swedish) by adding subtitles in every language. So eight different videos are available on the official INNOSETA Youtube channel. Here is the link to the English video: . This video already has more than 450 views.

For users to quickly find these videos, they are also displayed on the homepage of the INNOSETA platform. If a user selects his/her native language, the video in that language appears on the homepage. The videos last approximately two and a half minutes. This is short and fluent enough so users keep their interest, while the different steps of a SETA upload process are still clear enough.

Since the deployment of these videos on the platform homepage, considerably less empty and incomplete records were found while screening the new SETAs. The videos thus seem to help end users to upload their content.

Door wekelijks de nieuwe inzendingen op het INNOSETA-platform te screenen, merkten WP1 en WP4 dat veel nieuwe SETA’s onvolledig zijn. Wanneer de gebruikers werden gecontacteerd wisten ze meestal niet dat hun invoer onvolledig was. Soms werden er zelfs lege nieuwe SETA's gevonden op het platform. Daarom heeft ILVO een instructievideo gemaakt over hoe je een SETA correct en volledig kunt uploaden naar het platform.

Er is een video gemaakt van het correct opladen van een SETA correct. Deze video werd vertaald naar de acht talen van INNOSETA (Frans, Engels, Nederlands, Spaans, Italiaans, Grieks, Pools en Zweeds) door ondertitels toe te voegen in elke taal. Er zijn dus acht verschillende video's beschikbaar op het officiële INNOSETA Youtube-kanaal. Hier is de link naar de Engelse video: Deze video werd al meer dan 450 keer bekeken.

Opdat gebruikers deze video's snel kunnen terugvinden, worden ze ook weergegeven op de startpagina van het INNOSETA-platform. Als een gebruiker zijn/haar moedertaal selecteert, verschijnt de video in die taal op de homepage. De video's duren ongeveer twee en een halve minuut. Dit is kort en vlot genoeg zodat gebruikers hun interesse behouden terwijl de verschillende stappen van een SETA-uploadproces toch duidelijk zijn.

Sinds het plaatsen van deze video's op het platform worden beduidend minder lege en onvolledige records gevonden bij het screenen van de nieuwe SETA's. De video's lijken de eindgebruikers dus te helpen bij het uploaden van hun content.

To ensure the wide communication and dissemination of project results, EU projects not only need to create specialised material, like easy-to-read dissemination posts, but also implement a schedule for their social media activity and keep an active online appearance. Based on INNOSETA experience, creating a social media plan and following a schedule for creating and publishing posts is considered an important aspect of the communication and dissemination strategy of the project. This plan should include: (a) the content of social media posts (distinguishing among communication, dissemination and networking), (b) time plan for posting troughout the project's lifespan, (c) audiences targeted via social media posts. Social media presence should be regural, with no long periods of inactivity, e.g., two weeks of inactivity. Moreover, identification of relevant social media pages and groups of users, as well as media pages, is important in order to widen the project's network and foster interactions.

Για να διασφαλιστεί η ευρεία επικοινωνία και διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων των έργων, τα έργα της ΕΕ όχι μόνο χρειάζεται να δημιουργήσουν εξειδικευμένο υλικό, όπως ευανάγνωστες αναρτήσεις διάδοσης, αλλά και να εφαρμόσουν ένα χρονοδιάγραμμα για τη δραστηριότητά τους στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και να διατηρούν μια ενεργή εμφάνιση στο διαδίκτυο. Με βάση την εμπειρία του INNOSETA, η δημιουργία ενός σχεδίου μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και η τήρηση ενός χρονοδιαγράμματος για τη δημιουργία και τη δημοσίευση αναρτήσεων θεωρείται σημαντική πτυχή της στρατηγικής επικοινωνίας και διάδοσης του έργου. Αυτό το σχέδιο θα πρέπει να περιλαμβάνει: (α) το περιεχόμενο των αναρτήσεων στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (διάκριση μεταξύ επικοινωνίας, διάδοσης και δικτύωσης), (β) χρονικό πλάνο για τη δημοσίευση καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια ζωής του έργου, (γ) το κοινό που στοχεύεται μέσω αναρτήσεων στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Η παρουσία στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης θα πρέπει να είναι τακτική, χωρίς μεγάλες περιόδους αδράνειας, π.χ. δύο εβδομάδες αδράνειας. Επιπλέον, ο εντοπισμός σχετικών σελίδων μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και ομάδων χρηστών, καθώς και μέσω ενημέρωσης, είναι σημαντικός προκειμένου να διευρυνθεί το δίκτυο του έργου και να ενισχυθούν οι αλληλεπιδράσεις.

Thematic Network projects, like INNOSETA, aim to disseminate centralised pre-existing knowledge and close the gap between research and practice. When targeting the farming community, it is important to disseminate project results using the tools and activities that prove to be the most efficient for these specific target groups (specific social media, targeted working group meetings, workshops etc.). After identifying the proper pathways for dissemination, projects should ensure high levels of understanding of results by target groups. This can be done through the creation of easy-to-read material (small, easy to understand texts) and other multimedia material (such as tutorials and demo videos, case study videos, presentations) with content created based on project results. These material can then be widely share via social networks and other digital tools that projects use, as well as popular magazines and during project/non-project events.

Τα θεματικά δίκτυα, όπως το INNOSETA, στοχεύουν στη διάδοση της προϋπάρχουσας γνώσης και στη μείωση του χάσματος μεταξύ έρευνας και πρακτικής. Όταν στοχεύεται η αγροτική κοινότητα, είναι σημαντικό να τα αποτελέσματα του έργου να διαχέονται χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία και τις δραστηριότητες που αποδεικνύονται ότι είναι οι πιο αποτελεσματικές για αυτές τις συγκεκριμένες ομάδες ανθρώπων (συγκεκριμένα κοινωνικά μέσα, στοχευμένες συναντήσεις ομάδων εργασίας, εργαστήρια κ.λπ.). Μετά τον εντοπισμό των κατάλληλων τρόπων για τη διάδοση, τα έργα θα πρέπει να διασφαλίζουν υψηλά επίπεδα κατανόησης των αποτελεσμάτων από τις ομάδες-στόχους. Αυτό μπορεί να γίνει μέσω της δημιουργίας ευανάγνωστου υλικού (μικρά, εύκολα κατανοητά κείμενα) και άλλου υλικού πολυμέσων (όπως σεμινάρια και βίντεο, παρουσιάσεις) με περιεχόμενο που δημιουργείται με βάση τα αποτελέσματα του έργου. Αυτό το υλικό μπορεί στη συνέχεια να κοινοποιηθεί ευρέως μέσω κοινωνικών δικτύων και άλλων ψηφιακών εργαλείων που χρησιμοποιούν τα έργα, καθώς και δημοφιλών περιοδικών και κατά τη διάρκεια εκδηλώσεων.

Online workshops and events have been the main pathway for communication, dissemination and target group engagment during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, increasing and keeping the interest of potential participants is crucial, especially when considering the farming community. According to INNOSETA experience, for a successful online event the following aspects should be considered: (a) sufficient time for discussion and interaction with participants, (b) use of multimedia tools during the online event, such as demonstration videos, (c) online questionnaires for getting participants' feedback, (d) use multiple virtual rooms for separation of audience and more fruitful interactions. Regarding the number of participants, small groups of people result in more successful online events, as discussions can be more "personalised" and friendly.

Τα διαδικτυακά εργαστήρια και εκδηλώσεις υπήρξαν ο κύριος τρόπος επικοινωνίας και διάχυσης αποτελεσμάτων κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας COVID-19. Για το λόγο αυτό, η αύξηση και η διατήρηση του ενδιαφέροντος των πιθανών συμμετεχόντων είναι ζωτικής σημασίας, ειδικά όταν αναφερόμαστε στην αγροτική κοικότητα. Σύμφωνα με την εμπειρία του INNOSETA, για μια επιτυχημένη διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση θα πρέπει να λαμβάνονται υπόψη οι ακόλουθες πτυχές: (α) επαρκής χρόνος για συζήτηση και αλληλεπίδραση με τους συμμετέχοντες, (β) χρήση πολυμέσων κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικτυακής εκδήλωσης, όπως εκπαιδευτικά βίντεο, (γ) διαδικτυακά ερωτηματολόγια για τη λήψη σχολίων από τους συμμετέχοντες, (δ) χρήση πολλαπλών εικονικών αιθουσών για διαχωρισμό του κοινού και πιο γόνιμες αλληλεπιδράσεις. Όσον αφορά τον αριθμό των συμμετεχόντων, μικρές ομάδες ατόμων καταλήγουν σε πιο επιτυχημένες διαδικτυακές εκδηλώσεις, καθώς οι συζητήσεις μπορούν να είναι πιο «εξατομικευμένες» και φιλικές.

On 12 April 2021 an on-line webinar was held on the INNOSETA platform entitled "Innovative and practical on-line tool to improve the adoption of new technologies on spray application". The webinar consisted in explaining the main objectives of the project, as well as the basic principles and advantages for the users of the platform, including a practical demonstration on how to upload innovations to the platform.

At the same time, the extensive list of materials within the four categories (industrial solutions, projects, articles and training material) available to users was shown, and how the categorisation of all this information material is done.

One outcome of the webinar was to demonstrate that innovation is an essential point for the European agriculture sector and the transfer of knowledge between the different actors in the food chain through thematic networks and other digital platforms. Furthermore, the results of INNOSETA will feed into actions initiated by DG SANTE and other EU DGs, such as the drafting of a guidance document on PPR and the revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, among others.

The results of the survey conducted during the webinar showed that the most used section of the INNOSETA platform is training materials (45%) followed by industry solution (27%). In addition, 94% of users found the information provided on SETA sufficient and useful, and 98% of users would recommend it to others.

El 12 de abril de 2021 se realizó un webinar on-line sobre la plataforma INNOSETA titulado “Innovative and practical on-line tool to improve the adoption of new technologies on spray application”. El webinar consistió en explicar los objetivos principales del proyecto, así como los principios básicos y ventajas para los usuarios de la plataforma, incluyendo una demostración práctica sobre como cargar innovaciones a ésta.

A su vez, se mostró la amplia lista de materiales dentro de las cuatro categorías (soluciones industriales, proyectos, artículos y training material) disponibles para los usuarios, y cómo se realiza la categorización de todo este material informativo.

Un resultado del webinar fue demostrar que la innovación es un punto esencial para el sector de la agricultura europea y de la transferencia de conocimiento entre los distintos actores de la cadena alimentaria a través de redes temáticas y otras plataformas digitales. Además, los resultados de INNOSETA alimentarán las acciones iniciadas por DG SANTE y otras direcciones generales de la Unión Europea, como por ejemplo la redacción de un documento de orientación sobre la RMP y la revisión de la Directiva sobre uso sostenible de pesticidas, entre otras.

Los resultados de la encuesta llevada a cabo durante el webinar mostró que la sección de la plataforma INNOSETA más usada es training materials (45%) seguida de industry solution (27%). Además, el 94% de los usuarios encontraron que la información proporcionada sobre la SETA era suficiente y útil, y el 98% de los usuarios la recomendarían a otras personas.

On 15th October 2021 took place the on-line meeting "Gender in Agri-Tech" with more than 100 registered participants, organised by the DEMETER and SmartAgriHubs projects, with the participation of INNOSETA together with other European projects (FAIRSHARE), private companies (Fattoria della Pianna), farmers' representatives and public authorities (DG AGRI, Institute for European Environmental Policy).

The event, on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, was held to discuss the significant role of women in improving rural development worldwide.

The INNOSETA project presented its knowledge transfer platform on innovative techniques of plant protection application, as well as the data on the use of the platform according to gender.

According to this data, 46% of the sessions initiated on the platform are female actors, indicating the high activity of female participants, and how these knowledge transfer tools can help to reduce the gender gap in the agriculture sector.

As an example of this, a video fragment of a Spanish farmer user of the INNOSETA platform was shown, in which she values positively this tool for decision-making in the use of new technologies for her olive plantation.

El 15 de octubre de 2021 tuvo lugar el meeting on-line “Gender in Agri-Tech” con más de 100 registrados, organizado por los proyectos DEMETER y SmartAgriHubs, y donde participó INNOSETA junto con otros proyectos europeos (FAIRSHARE), empresas privadas (Fattoria della Pianna), representantes de los agricultores y de organismos públicos (DG AGRI, Institute for European Environmental Policy)

El evento, con motivo del día Internacional de la mujer rural, se realizó para discutir sobre el significante rol de la mujer en la mejora del desarrollo rural en todo el mundo.

El proyecto INNOSETA presentó su plataforma de transferencia de conocimiento respecto a técnicas innovativas de aplicación de fitosanitarios, así como los datos de uso de la plataforma en función de género.

Según estos datos, el 46% de las sesiones iniciadas en la plataforma son actores de género femenino, lo que indica la alta actividad de las participantes femeninas, y cómo estas herramientas de transmisión de conocimientos pueden ayudar a reducir la brecha de género en el sector de la agricultura.

Como ejemplo de esto, se mostró un fragmento de video de una agricultora española usuaria de la plataforma INNOSETA, en la cual valora positivamente esta herramienta para la adopción de decisiones en el uso de nuevas tecnologías para su cultivo de olivos.

The 3rd Italian regional workshop about innovations in the orchards sector was held on 11/05/20 in an online mode, due to the pandemic situation. Registered participants were divided into three Thematic Groups (TG): i) quality and accuracy improvement in distribution of PPPs; ii) drift reduction and iii) reduction of point source pollution risks during filling/mixing operations and washing of the sprayers’ tank. Due to the online structure of the workshop, it was not possible to demonstrate the selected SETAs in the field (as it was done in the previous editions of the Italian Regional Workshops). Therefore, SETAs were introduced to participants by PPT presentations (and had-hoc produced videos) showing their working principle and functioning. After “demonstrations”, participants were asked to rank the SETAs. Sprayer control units and canopy reading systems ranked 1st and 2nd in Group 1, Air induction nozzles and systems to move the distribution group close to the target were selected by participants of TG2, whereas Induction hoppers and Systems for dosing and safely transfer PPP were considered as the two more interesting solutions by TG3. Attendees highlighted a general need to make information on this equipment available at all level, by specific training events and practical demonstrations. Also, induction hoppers and canopy reading systems were suggested to be made as standard on new sprayers. Financial aids were also mentioned to implement some of the proposed solutions on sprayers in use. Overall, spray quality was considered a key point for an effective PPPs application. Nevertheless, lack of knowledge/competence of advisor/technicians, together with costs of innovations are still limiting their diffusion.

Il 3° workshop regionale sui trattamenti in frutteto si è tenuto il 5/11/20 in modalità online. I partecipanti sono stati divisi in tre Gruppi Tematici (TG): i) miglioramento della qualità e precisione nella distribuzione degli agrofarmaci; ii) riduzione della deriva e iii) riduzione dell’inquinamento puntiforme durante le operazioni di riempimento/miscelazione e lavaggio dei serbatoi delle irroratrici. A causa della struttura online del workshop, il principio di funzionamento dei SETA è stato illustrato attraverso slides e materiale video. I partecipanti hanno poi selezionato quelli ritenuti da loro più interessanti. Le unità di controllo dell'irroratrice e i sistemi di identificazione della chioma si sono classificati al 1° e 2° posto nel TG1, gli ugelli a induzione d'aria e i sistemi per avvicinare il gruppo di distribuzione al bersaglio sono stati selezionati dai partecipanti del TG2, mentre i premiscelatori e i sistemi per il dosaggio e il trasferimento in sicurezza degli agrofarmaci sono stati individuati dal TG3. Durante la discussione finale è stata evidenziata la necessità di rendere maggiormente disponibili le informazioni su queste attrezzature, attraverso eventi formativi e dimostrazioni pratiche. Inoltre, è stato suggerito di rendere obbligatoria l’installazione di alcune delle innovazioni proposte sulle macchine di nuova costruzione. Nel complesso, la qualità della distribuzione degli agrofarmaci è stata riconoscita come elemento chiave nell’efficacia dei trattamenti. Tuttavia, la mancanza di conoscenza/competenza dei consulenti/tecnici, insieme al costo delle innovazioni, ne limitano ancora la diffusione. Pertanto, il supporto economico alle aziende è stato evidenziato essere un elemento chiave.

On June 28th 2021 a networking workshop was organized by the Innoseta partners. The event was held in an online mode due to the pandemic situation. Goal of the workshop was to exchange information between Innoseta and other EU-project sharing the same objectives. Eight projects (FAIRSHARE, EUREKA, SMARTAGRIHUBS, IPMWORKS, SMARTPROTECT, DEMETER, NEXTFOOD, AGRILINK) were represented by their coordinators. A discussion on common points, weaknesses and strengths of the projects led to interesting outcomes. 80% of the projects are developing platforms or online tools which are expected to be available online also after the projects’ end. Nevertheless, concern about financial, legal and practical aspects of keeping the tools active after the end of the projects was expressed. According to the projects’ coordinators, farmers are the most important stakeholders’ category to reach, followed by advisors and manufacturers. Farmers are also considered to be the most problematic actors to involve due to difficulties in disseminating projects’ results in rural areas (digital divide, language barriers, etc..). Besides big efforts in disseminating results, farmers and stakeholders in general are considered to be not informed enough about EU-projects’ contents. Researchers, manufacturers and authorities are considered the 3 stakeholders’ categories with the highest level of acceptance of new technologies, whereas advisors and farmers those with the lowest. Novel technologies are indeed considered by farmers either too complicated or expensive. Farmers are also considered to have the lowest level of knowledge and implementation of the EU-legislation when compared to other stakeholders.

Il 28/06/21 è stato organizzato uno specifico workshop (in modalità online a causa della pandemia in atto) finalizzato allo scambio di informazioni tra Innoseta e altri progetti UE che ne condividono gli obiettivi principali. In quell’occasione, 8 progetti (FAIRSHARE, EUREKA, SMARTAGRIHUBS, IPMWORKS, SMARTPROTECT, DEMETER, NEXTFOOD, AGRILINK) sono stati rappresentati dai rispettivi coordinatori. Una discussione plenaria su punti comuni, di debolezza e di forza delle diverse iniziative ha portato a risultati interessanti. L'80% dei progetti sta sviluppando piattaforme o strumenti online che saranno disponibili online anche dopo la fine delle attività. Tuttavia, ciò comporta problemi finanziari, legali e gestionali relativamente ai quali i coordinatori hanno espresso preoccupazione. Secondo gli stessi coordinatori, gli agricoltori sono la categoria di stakeholder più importante da coinvolgere, seguita da consulenti e produttori di macchine e tecnologie. Gli agricoltori sono anche considerati le figure più problematiche da raggiungere a causa delle difficoltà nel disseminare i risultati della ricerca nelle zone rurali. Di conseguenza, nonostante i grandi sforzi profusi, gli agricoltori spesso non sono abbastanza informati sui contenuti e sulle attività dei progetti europei. I ricercatori, i costruttori e i funzionari sono considerati le categorie con il più alto livello di accettazione delle nuove tecnologie, mentre tecnici ed agricoltori quelli che mostrano maggiori resistenze. Le nuove tecnologie sono infatti spesso considerate dagli agricoltori troppo complicate o costose. Gli agricoltori sono anche considerati gli stakeholders con il minor livello di conoscenza ed implementazione delle normative UE vigenti.

On October 11th 2019 the 2nd Italian regional workshop on open field crops was held in Bari, southern Italy. The workshop was organized as a part of the Agrilevante fair that represents the most important event in the agricultural field for Central and Southern Italy. Besides being instructed on the INNOSETA project and platform functionalities, participants had the possibility to join one of the three thematic groups (TG) dealing with: i) quality and accuracy improvement in distribution of PPPs; ii) drift reduction and iii) reduction of point source pollution risks during filling/mixing operations and washing of the sprayers’ tank. At the end of seminars and practical demonstrations during which the most innovative SETAs were presented, participants were asked to choose the technical solutions they considered to be the most useful and promising. Boom stability and height control systems were chosen in TG1, air sleeves and boom shields in TG2, whereas personal protection equipment (PPE) and closed transfer systems in TG3. A demand for more information on novel equipment and on their working principle was expressed especially by farmers. The opportunity to promote international events, round tables, web platforms for the exchange of information between PPP producers, sprayers’ manufacturers, technicians and end users coming from different countries were also considered relevant. Underestimate the risk related to the use of PPP was also recognized as the main reason behind the lack of adoption of PPE. Therefore, stakeholders suggested that professional courses directly offered by PPE manufacturers may represent an efficient tool to make their use more diffused within the farmers and contractors’ community.

L'11/10/19 si è tenuto a Bari, presso Agrilevante, il 2° workshop INNOSETA dedicato all’innovazione nel settore delle colture di pieno campo. I partecipanti hanno potuto partecipare ad uno dei tre gruppi tematici (TG): i) miglioramento della qualità e della precisione nella distribuzione degli agrofarmaci; ii) riduzione della deriva e iii) riduzione dei rischi di inquinamento puntiforme durante le operazioni di riempimento/miscelazione e lavaggio dei serbatoi delle irroratrici. Dopo i seminari e le dimostrazioni pratiche dei SETA più innovativi, ai partecipanti è stato chiesto di individuare le soluzioni tecniche che ritenevano più utili. Nel TG1 sono stati selezionati i sistemi per il controllo della stabilità e dell’altezza delle barre, le maniche d'aria e la schermatura delle barre nel TG2, mentre i dispositivi di protezione individuale (DPI) e i premiscelatori nel TG3. Durante la discussione finale, gli agricoltori hanno evidenziato la necessità di una maggiore quantità di informazioni sia sul tipo di innovazioni disponibili, sia sul loro principio di funzionamento. È stata anche considerata rilevante l'opportunità di promuovere eventi internazionali per lo scambio di informazioni tra produttori di agrofarmaci e di macchine irroratrici, tecnici e agricoltori. La sottovalutazione del rischio connesso all'uso dei prodotti fitosanitari da parte degli operatori è stata riconosciuta come la ragione principale della mancata adozione dei DPI da parte di questi ultimi. I partecipanti hanno quindi sottolineato che la possibilità di accedere a corsi professionali, offerti direttamente dai produttori di DPI, potrebbero rappresentare uno strumento efficace per rendere il loro uso più diffuso tra agricoltori e contoterzisti.

To aid in the appropriation of spraying innovations by farmers, workshops have been organized within the INNOSETA project, bringing together different stakeholders to exchange insights. During the regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations in Belgium (ILVO), 3 topics were discussed, i.e. (i) spray drift, (ii) spray quality and application precision, and (iii) point sources pollution and operator health. The insights gained on the latter are given here.

In total, 10 techniques to prevent contamination were presented to the participants. These techniques were discussed and given a score on their ability to reduce point source contamination and safeguard operator health. The highest scoring techniques were the rinsing water tank with inside cleaning nozzle, and induction hopper to fill the sprayer and clean the empty PPP containers. Outside cleaning systems, such as lances, scored lowest. Ways to promote spray innovations were also discussed. Suggestions included a sprayer labelling system comparable to the energy labels on electronic devices and making certain techniques mandatory, as done in e.g. Wallonia and Germany. Informing farmers about the available techniques might also support implementation, as they are not always aware of the different options. Training should also encourage farmers to follow the legislation on their own accord. The participants stated a clear need for simple, universal PPP packaging, preferably without seal. In addition, more investments for well-equipped filling and rinsing areas were declared a priority. More infrastructure and long-term maintenance of those areas is needed. Unclear long-term legislation was perceived as a bottleneck to invest in new, more sustainable equipment.

Om landbouwers te helpen bij de adoptie van spuitinnovaties, werden binnen het INNOSETA-project workshops georganiseerd waarin stakeholders samenkwamen om inzichten uit te wisselen. Tijdens de regionale workshop over innovaties bij veldgewassen in België (ILVO) werd o.a. de preventie van puntvervuilingen en de gezondheid van de operator besproken.

In totaal werden 10 technieken gepresenteerd aan de deelnemers. Deze werden besproken en beoordeeld op hun vermogen om puntvervuiling te verminderen en de gezondheid van de gebruiker te vrijwaren. De best scorende technieken waren de spoelwatertank met interne reinigingsdop én de fustenreiniger om het spuittoestel te vullen en de lege PPP-containers te reinigen. Externe reinigingssystemen, zoals lansen, scoorden het laagst. Ook kwamen manieren om spuitinnovaties te promoten aan bod. Suggesties waren onder meer een labelsysteem voor spuittoestellen vergelijkbaar aan energielabels op elektronische apparaten, en het verplichten van bepaalde technieken, zoals bijvoorbeeld in Wallonië en Duitsland. Het informeren van landbouwers over beschikbare technieken kan ook de implementatie ondersteunen, aangezien ze niet altijd op de hoogte zijn van de verschillende opties. Via opleidingen kunnen we landbouwers ook aanmoedigen om de wetgeving uit eigen beweging te volgen. er is bovendien een duidelijke behoefte aan eenvoudige, universele PPP-verpakkingen, bij voorkeur zonder afdichting. Daarnaast werd als prioriteit de nood aan goed uitgeruste vul- en spoelruimtes genoemd. Meer infrastructuur en langdurig onderhoud van dergelijke installaties is nodig. Onduidelijke lange-termijn wetgeving werd gezien als een knelpunt om te investeren in nieuwe, duurzamere apparatuur.

To aid in the appropriation of spraying innovations by farmers, workshops have been organized within the INNOSETA project, bringing together different stakeholders to exchange insights. During the regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations in Belgium (ILVO), 3 topics were discussed, i.e. (i) spray drift reduction, (ii) spray quality and application precision, and (iii) prevention of point sources pollution and operator health. The insights gained on spray quality and application precision are discussed here.

In total, 12 precision spraying techniques were presented to the participants. These techniques were discussed and given a score on their ability to perform precision spraying and to meet the challenges. The techniques with the highest score were precision variable rate sprayers, GPS and individual nozzle control, and PWM spraying. In addition, section control, spray drones and –robots also scored high, whereas under leaf spray applications and magnetic/electrostatic spraying scored the lowest. Ways to promote and implement spray innovations were also discussed. Suggestions included incentives for purchase (including contractors), as well as long term perspectives with regard to legislations, profitability and return of investment. The latter is a clear message addressed to policy makers. Furthermore, more field demonstrations are needed to highlight the benefits of the techniques to end users. But communication should also be directed to the general public, illustrating the investments, efforts and goodwill from farmers to safeguard the environment. Another priority mentioned by the participants is the need for standardization of communication protocols between different machines and manufacturers.

Om landbouwers te helpen bij de adoptie van spuitinnovaties, werden binnen het INNOSETA-project workshops georganiseerd waarin stakeholders samenkwamen om inzichten uit te wisselen. Tijdens de regionale workshop over innovaties van veldspuiten in België (ILVO) werden 3 onderwerpen besproken, namelijk (i) spuitdrift, (ii) spuitkwaliteit en toepassingsprecisie, en (iii) verontreiniging door puntbronnen en de gezondheid van de operator. De verkregen inzichten over spuitkwaliteit en applicatieprecisie worden hier besproken.

In totaal werden 12 precisiespuittechnieken aan de deelnemers gepresenteerd. Deze technieken werden besproken en gescoord op hun vermogen om met de uitdagingen van nauwkeurig spuiten om te gaan. De technieken met de hoogste score waren spuittoestellen met variabele dosering, individuele dopcontrole, en PWM. Daarnaast scoorden sectiecontrole en spuitdrones en –robots ook hoog, terwijl onderbladbespuiting en magnetisch/elektrostatisch spuiten het laagst scoorden. Ook werden manieren besproken om spuitinnovaties te promoten. Suggesties waren het subisidiëren van de aankoop (ook voor loonwerkers), het bieden van langetermijnperspectieven met betrekking tot wetgeving, winstgevendheid en rendement van investeringen. Dit laatste is een duidelijke boodschap aan beleidsmakers. Bovendien zijn er meer velddemonstraties nodig om de voordelen van de technieken onder de aandacht te brengen. Maar de communicatie moet ook gericht zijn op het grote publiek, ter illustratie van de geleverde inspanningen van landbouwers om het milieu te beschermen. Een andere prioriteit is het standaardiseren van communicatieprotocollen tussen verschillende machines en fabrikanten.

To aid in the appropriation of spraying innovations by farmers, and to close the gap between technology developers and end-users, several workshops have been organized within the INNOSETA project bringing together different stakeholders to exchange insights. In November 2019, a regional workshop on field crop sprayer innovations took place at ILVO (Belgium). At this workshop, 3 topics were discussed, i.e. (i) spray drift reduction, (ii) spray quality and application precision, and (iii) prevention of point sources pollution and operator health. The insights gained on drift reduction are discussed here.

In total, 13 drift reducing techniques were presented to the participants. These techniques were discussed and given a score on their ability to handle spray drift. The techniques with the highest score were drift reducing nozzles, air support, off-center nozzles, and variable rate spraying. The lowest scoring techniques were under leaf spray applications, magnetic/electrostatic spraying, spray drones and -robots. Ways to promote spray innovations were also discussed. Suggestions included more knowledge on the bio-efficiency of the techniques, as well as decent communication of the results. In addition, a clear need for more field trials to evaluate the techniques under practical conditions was expressed. It was suggested that highlighting the positive experiences with drift reduction techniques in the Netherlands could boost implementation in Belgium. At policy level, implementation might profit from a harmonized European list of approved techniques. Finally, also up-to-date and feasible regulations, stricter enforcement of buffer zones, and financial support measures were proposed.

Om landbouwers te helpen bij de adoptie van spuitinnovaties én om de kloof tussen ontwikkelaars en gebruikers te dichten, werden binnen het INNOSETA-project workshops georganiseerd waarin stakeholders samenkwamen om inzichten uit te wisselen. In november 2019 vond bij ILVO (België) een regionale workshop plaats over innovaties bij veldspuiten. Tijdens deze workshop werden 3 onderwerpen besproken, namelijk (i) spuitdrift, (ii) spuitkwaliteit en toepassingsprecisie, en (iii) puntbronverontreiniging en de gezondheid van de gebruiker. De opgedane inzichten over driftreductie worden hier besproken.

In totaal werden 13 driftreducerende technieken aan de deelnemers gepresenteerd. Deze technieken werden besproken en gescoord op hun potentieel om spuitdrift te reduceren. De technieken met de hoogste score waren driftreducerende doppen, luchtondersteuning, kantdoppen en variabel spuiten. De technieken met de laagste score waren onderbladbespuiting, magnetisch/elektrostatisch spuiten, spuitdrones en -robots. Ook werden manieren besproken om spuitinnovaties te promoten zoals meer kennis over de bio-efficiëntie van de technieken, evenals degelijke communicatie van resultaten. Bovendien werd een duidelijke behoefte uitgesproken voor meer veldproeven om de technieken te evalueren. Er werd gesuggereerd dat het communiceren van de positieve ervaringen in Nederland de implementatie in België zou kunnen stimuleren. Op beleidsniveau zou implementatie gebaat kunnen zijn bij een geharmoniseerde Europese lijst van goedgekeurde technieken. Ten slotte werden ook een actuele en haalbare regelgeving, strengere handhaving van bufferzones en financiële ondersteuningsmaatregelen geopperd.

PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® : Qualification of vineyard sprayers according to their performance.

PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® is a label that guarantees the performance of vineyard sprayers by rating their application quality and their potential for Plant Protection Products reduction.

The scores given by PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® are based on the results of sprayer trials carried on the EvaSprayViti test bench, an artificial vine ensuring the standardization of spraying tests.

The quality of the spraying is accessed by measuring the quantity of deposition on the vegetation and their distribution within the canopy. Following the tests, detailed ratings (A+ to C) and synthetic ratings (Class 1 to 7) are given to the sprayers.

In 2017, a Steering Committee composed of different stakeholders (Ministry of Agriculture, extension services, AXEMA, UIPP, INAO, Regional Councils, OFB and FranceAgriMer) was set up. This Committee designed the structure of PERFORMANCE PULVE® and the drafting of the charter including the rules for the sprayers classification.

With the device, the qualification is attributed at the scale of the specimen sprayer via the edition of a PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® certificate specific to it. This certificate contains the serial number of the machine.

The internet platform allows:

• Winegrowers and their advisers to consult the list of qualified sprayers and as well as their detailed fact sheets to help them in the choice of sprayer renewal and settings,

• Manufacturers to edit the certificates for each labelled machine,

• Users of the label (investment aid instructor services) to consult the list of labelled copies.

PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® garantit de manière indépendante les performances des pulvérisateurs viticoles par des notations sur leur qualité d’application .

Les notes attribuées par PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® reposent sur les résultats d’essais des pulvérisateurs sur le banc d’essais EvaSprayViti, une vigne artificielle assurant la standardisation des tests de pulvérisation.

La qualité de la pulvérisation est évaluée via la mesure de la quantité de dépôts de produits sur la vigne et de leur répartition au sein de la végétation. A l’issue des essais, des notations détaillées (A+ à C) et des notes synthétiques (Classe 1 à 7) sont attribuées aux pulvérisateurs.

En 2017, un Comité de Pilotage constitué de différentes parties (Ministère de l’Agriculture, services de développement, AXEMA, UIPP, INAO, Conseils Régionaux, OFB et FranceAgriMer) a été mis en place. Ce Comité a permis de structurer PERFORMANCE PULVE® et de rédiger la charte qui définit les règles pour le classement des pulvérisateurs.

Avec le dispositif, la qualification est attribuée à l’échelle de l’exemplaire de pulvérisateur via l’édition d’un certificat PERFORMANCE PULVÉ® qui lui est propre. Ce certificat contient le numéro de série de la machine.

La plateforme internet permet aux :

• Viticulteurs et leurs conseillers de consulter la liste des modèles, des déclinaisons qualifiés et leurs fiches détaillées pour les aider dans le choix du renouvellement des pulvérisateur,

• Constructeurs d’éditer les certificats pour chaque exemplaire de machine qualifiée,

• Utilisateurs du label (services instructeurs des aides aux investissements) de consulter la liste des exemplaires labellisés.

Farmers need easy-to-use systems that make easier the preparation of plant protection products and their insertion into the sprayers' tanks. Premixers respond to this need by allowing to prepare the phytosanitary mixture and to convey it to the tank respecting the environment and the operator's health. Today this technical solution is mainly used on spray booms where the premixers can be easily installed next to the main tank. On the other hand, their use on sprayers for vineyards and orchards is not widespread as premixers increase the size of the machine with possible constraints to its passage in narrow inter-rows. To overcome this problem, the Company Polmac from Mirandola (Italy) has designed an innovative independent premixer. The device has a volume of 50 liters and it is mounted on a frame that makes its handling and transport easy. The mixer is directly fed by connecting it to the farms' water pipeline and can be used for all sprayers owned by the farm. The independent mixer can be used for mixing chemical products in any formulation: liquid, powdery, granular, in paste and contained in water-soluble bags. The advantages of this device are several: i) possibility to collect the PPP liquid formulation directly from the container, ii) production of a homogeneous mixture, regardless of the initial formulation of the plant protection product, iii) no contact between operator and pesticide during mixing and filling operations, iv) rinsing of empty containers with clean water.

Gli agricoltori necessitano di sistemi di semplice utilizzo che facilitino la preparazione dei prodotti fitosanitari e il loro inserimento nei serbatoi delle irroratrici. I premiscelatori rispondono a questa esigenza consentendo di preparare la miscela fitoiatrica e di convogliarla al serbatoio nel rispetto dell'ambiente e della salute dell'operatore. Questa soluzione tecnica oggi è impiegata principalmente sulle barre irroratrici dove il premiscelatore può essere installato con facilità in prossimità del serbatoio principale. Diversamente sugli atomizzatori per vigneto e frutteto il loro impiego è poco diffuso perché comporterebbe un incremento delle dimensioni della sagaoma della macchina con possibili vincoli al suo passaggio in filari stretti. Per ovviare a questo problema, la ditta Polmac di Mirandola (Mo) ha realizzato un premiscelatore innovativo di tipo indipendente. Quest'ultimo, di capacità di 50 litri e montato su un supporto che ne consente una facile movimentazione, viene alimentato direttamente dalla presa d’acqua della tubazione aziendale e può essere utilizzato per più macchine irroratrici. Il mixer indipendente può essere impiegato per la miscelazione di prodotti chimici in qualsiasi formulazione: liquidi, in polvere, granulari, in paste e contenuti all'interno di sacchetti idrosolubili. I vantaggi di questo dispositivo sono molteplici: i) possibilità di aspirare il formulato liquido direttamente dal contenitore, ii) produzione di una miscela omogenea, indipendentemente dalla formulazione iniziale del prodotto fitoiatrico, iii) nessun contatto tra operatore e agrofarmaco nel corso delle operazioni di miscelazione e riempimento, iv) risciacquo con acqua pulita dei contenitori vuoti.

On June 10th 2019 the first Italian regional INNOSETA workshop was held in Alba, Italy. The event was planned as a day to train stakeholders about the INNOSETA project & platform and the SETAs available for improving PPPs applications in vineyard. Participants were divided into three thematic groups: i) quality and accuracy improvements in distribution of PPPs; ii) drift reduction, iii) point-source pollution risks reduction for operators’ health and for environment safety in operations of filling, mixing and cleaning of the sprayer tank. Sprayers equipped with crop canopy sensors and Apps for sprayers adjustment were considered the most promising SETAs for Group 1. Group 2 choose anti-drift nozzles and sprayers equipped with air deflector as the best solution to reduce drift. Personal protection equipments and induction hoppers were chosen as the first and second best SETA by Group 3. It was underlined how the diffusion of information plays a key role in the adoption of innovations. According to the audience, information should be better circulated by i) manufacturers themselves (e.g. by a higher presence to specific fairs and by offering training courses for farmers, consultants and retailers), and ii) public institutions to guarantee impartiality, to rise awareness about economic advantages and better safety for both the operators and the environment derived from the use of SETAs. The technology advancement gap between farmers and available technology was also acknowledged. Law framework was recognised to be of great help in the attempt to cover the gap. Limits to the diffusion of innovations at farm level were recognised in: the economic investments, bureaucracy and, sometimes, limited post-sell assistance.

A giugno 2019 si è tenuto ad Alba il 1° workshop nazionale del progetto INNOSETA. L'evento è stato organizzato per informare gli stakeholders dei contenuti e degli obbiettivi del progetto, oltre che dell'esistenza e del principio di funzionamento delle innovazioni tecniche in grado di migliorare la distribuzione degli agrofarmaci in vigneto. I partecipanti sono stati divisi in tre gruppi tematici: i) miglioramento della qualità e della precisione nella distribuzione dei prodotti fitosanitari; ii) riduzione della deriva, iii) riduzione della contaminazione nel corso delle operazioni di riempimento, miscelazione e lavaggio dei serbatoi delle irroratrici. Le irroratrici dotate di sensori per rilevare la presenza della vegetazione e le App per la regolazione delle irroratrici sono state considerate le SETA più promettenti dal gruppo 1. Il gruppo 2 ha invece individuato gli ugelli anti-deriva e le irroratrici dotate di sistemi di controllo del flusso d'aria della ventola come le migliori soluzioni per contenere il fenomeno della deriva. I DPI e i premiscelatori sono stati invece scelti come migliori soluzioni tecniche dal gruppo 3. I partecipanti hanno sottolineato come la circolazione delle informazioni giochi un ruolo chiave nell'adozione delle innovazioni da parte degli utilizzatori finali. Queste ultime potrebbero essere diffuse in modo più efficace grazie all'intervento: i) dei produttori stessi (ad es. con una maggiore presenza alle fiere e tramite corsi di formazione per agricoltori, consulenti e rivenditori), e ii) delle istituzioni pubbliche (che oltre a garantire l'imparzialità dell'informazione, potrebbero sensibilizzare gli utilizzatori sui vantaggi economici e ambientali legati all'uso delle innovazioni).

This example of collaboration between university and private company is focused on the collaboration between Estel, S.L. and the Polytechnic University of Cataluña (UPC). The WAATIC system (Estel S.L.), is an electronic spray control ready to be implemented in all orchard sprayers. The system controls all parameters during the spraying process, while recording georeferenced data for a complete traceability. DOSAVIÑA (UPC) is a free App (IOS and Google Play) to determine the optimal volume rate during PPP application in vineyards. The combination of WAATIC + DOSAVIÑA allows the implementation of Variable Rate Application based on the canopy characteristics. DOSAVIÑA generates the prescription map with (optimal amount of PPP, volume rate and working conditions) for every specific zone in the parcel. Once the prescription map is loaded, WAATIC adjusts the working parameters to apply the calculated amount of PPP on each zone. Results in large-scale tests at the Jean Leon winery indicate pesticide savings between 15 and 25% depending on the specific circumstances. The system allows a total traceability of the spraying process. This combination of new technologies is totally aligned with the recently published "Farm to Fork" strategy, allowing interesting reductions on PPP and water, and promoting considerable risk reduction of environmental contamination. This successful use case demonstrates the interest in collaborative activities between universities and private sector. Also it has been demonstrates the benefits of an adequate training program and practical information to increase the degree of adoption of new technologies have been demonstrated.

La combinación WAATIC + DOSAVIÑA es un ejemplo de colaboración entre universidad y empresa para el acercamiento de la tecnología al usuario. WAATIC (Estel S.L.), es un hardware universal para el control electrónico durante la aplicación de productos equipo. DOSAVIÑA (UPC) es una App (IOS y Google Play), para calcular del volumen óptimo de aplicación en tratamientos fitosanitarios en viña. La combinación WAATIC + DOSAVIÑA permite la adaptación del atomizador para un sistema de aplicación variable basado en las características de la vegetación. A partir del mapa de vegetación de la parcela, DOSAVIÑA genera el mapa de prescripción calculando la cantidad óptima de producto y caldo en cada una de las zonas. Este mapa se carga en el dispositivo y WAATIC realiza los controles para modificar las condiciones de aplicación en las diferentes zonas, ajustando la cantidad aplicada a las condiciones de la vegetación. Los resultados obtenidos en pruebas a gran escala llevados a cabo en la bodega Jean Leon (España) indican ahorros de producto y agua entre un 15 y un 25% según las circunstancias específicas. El sistema permite también la completa trazabilidad del proceso. Los resultados obtenidos con esta combinación de tecnologías están totalmente alineados con la estrategia Europea "De la granja a la mesa", generando una importante reducción de producto fitosanitario, lo que minimiza el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. El caso de éxito presentado demuestra el interés de la colaboración entre la universidad y la empresa. También pone de manifiesto como un buen programa de formación y de información mejora considerablemente el grado de adopción de las nuevas tecnologías.

Agrohalc is an electrostatic system for use in sprayers, manufactured in Greece. It is a user-friendly tool that can be mounted on any sprayer to enhance the effectiveness of plant protection products (PPP) and the quantity/ quality of production.

Agrohalc development started in 1998. Aquacare, manufacturer of cooper ion generators for water treatment (e.g. pools), decided to construct its own ion generator for sprayers, thus addressing the need to reduce/ improve the use of PPPs. The first prototype tools were given to farmers for trial and feedback.

Around the same period (2000-2003), the Plant Phytopathology Laboratory of National Research Foundation, at Chania, Crete, conducted experiments, studying the possibility to control plant pathogens through spraying solutions containing water ionized with copper ions and less fungicide. The trials were satisfying against diseases such as mildew in vineyards, peacock spot in olive trees, tomato late blight and botrytis in greenhouse tomato. Once the company was informed about these experiments, meetings and discussions were initiated to share knowledge and experimentation know-how and results, which helped in Agrohalc further development.

Based on such exchanges with farmers and scientists, significant improvements were made, during the period 2005-2015. These include the reduction of ionization time from 39 to 8 min per 2 tons of water, the ability to use any kind of water, PVC chamber replacement by a stainless-steel chamber and the change of the system’s façade, thus shaping tool’s final edition. Agrohalc is officially recognised as an innovation subsidised by the Greek RDP; it is thus distributed by 15 representatives of the company across the country as well as in Italy and Spain.

Το Agrohalc είναι ένα, ελληνικής κατασκευής, σύστημα ηλεκτροστατικού ψεκασμού. Είναι κατάλληλο για κάθε είδους ψεκαστικό, φιλικό προς το χρήστη και αποσκοπεί στην ενίσχυση της αποτελεσματικότητας των φυτοφαρμάκων και της ποσότητας και ποιότητας της παραγωγής.

Το 1998, η εταιρεία Aquacare που κατασκεύαζε ιονιστές χαλκού για χρήση σε πισίνες κ.α., αποφάσισε να κατασκευάσει το δικό της ιονιστή χαλκού (Agrohalc) για χρήση σε ψεκαστικά μηχανήματα, λόγω της ανάγκης για συστήματα τα οποία μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στη μείωση ή στη βελτίωση της χρήσης των φυτοπροστατευτικών προϊόντων.

Τα πρώτα πειραματικά συστήματα δόθηκαν σε γεωργούς για δοκιμή και ανατροφοδότηση.

Περίπου τη ίδια περίοδο (2000-2003), το Εργαστήριο Φυτοπαθολογίας του Ινστιτούτου Ελιάς και Υποτροπικών Φυτών Χανίων, έκανε πειράματα αντιμετώπισης παθογόνων με τη χρήση ιονισμένου με χαλκό νερού και μειωμένη δόση μυκητοκτόνου, με ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα στον έλεγχο διάφορων ασθενειών (π.χ. βοτρύτης και περονόσπορος τομάτας, ωίδιο αμπέλου και κυκλοκόνιο ελιάς). Όταν η εταιρεία το πληροφορήθηκε, ξεκίνησε την επικοινωνία με το συγκεκριμένο Εργαστήριο για την ανταλλαγή γνώσεων γεγονός που βοήθησε στην ανάπτυξη του Agrohalc.

Με βάση λοιπόν το διάλογο με την έρευνα αλλά και τους γεωργούς, έγιναν κάποιες σημαντικές βελτιώσεις στο Agrohalc (2005-2015), όπως η μείωση του χρόνου ιονισμού από τα 39 στα 8 λεπτά για τον ιονισμό 2 τόνων νερού, η δυνατότητα χρήσης όλων των ειδών νερού, η αντικατάσταση του PVC θαλάμου με θάλαμο από ανοξείδωτο ατσάλι καθώς και η αλλαγή της πρόσοψης του συστήματος, διαμορφώνοντας έτσι τη σημερινή, τελική έκδοση του Agrohalc. Το Agrohalc είναι εγκεκριμένη καινοτομία, επιδοτούμενη από το ΠΑΑ, και διατίθεται τόσο στη χώρα όσο και στο εξωτερικό.

The successful innovation process of the Wingssprayer is nicely documented in a video available through the various INNOSETA dissemination channels.

The story started in 2000 when the Dutch government started to realize that spray drift was becoming an issue. To address the drift problems, farmers were recommended to spray with bigger droplets. But Dutch farmer Harrie Hoeben, founder & CEO of Wingssprayer, was convinced that this works the other way around. Large droplets are not as effective as small droplets and big droplets have the tendency to wash out to the soil and groundwater. That is why Harrie decided to write a project to see if spray drift could be limited while using a fine spray and still maintain the effectiveness of the PPP by developing a technical solution. This project eventually evolved in the development of the Wingssprayer.

Mid-2008 Harrie took the first steps towards the development of the Wingssprayer. There were a lot of actors involved at varying times in the process: companies, farmers & contractors, advisory services, research centers/universities, authorities and several funding bodies.

The spray units of the Wingssprayer can be mounted on almost any sprayer, both new and existing. The wings block strong winds and prevent drift. The wings open the crop, so that the spray liquid reaches the bottom of the crop. Small droplets ensure optimal coverage. All these measures make sure that a drift reduction of 99% is obtained and that farmers can save time, water and up to 40% spraying fluid.

The development of the Wingssprayer went through a disruptive process. It's very hard to divide the innovation process in different stages. It was - and still is - a continuous process of improvements and changes.

Het succesvol innovatietraject van de Wingssprayer is gedocumenteerd in een video die beschikbaar is via de verschillende INNOSETA kanalen. Het verhaal start in het jaar 2000 toen de Nederlandse overheid begon in te zien dat spuitdrift een probleem was. Om dit probleem aan te pakken, werd aangeraden om met grote druppels te spuiten. Maar boer Harrie Hoeben was ervan overtuigd dat dit andersom werkte. Grote druppels zijn niet zo effectief als kleine druppels en grote druppels hebben de neiging om uit te spoelen naar de bodem en het grondwater. Daarom besloot Harrie een project te schrijven om te kijken of de spuitdrift beperkt kon worden bij gebruik van een fijne nevel om zo toch de maximale effectiviteit van de GBM te behouden door een technische oplossing te ontwikkelen. Dit project evolueerde uiteindelijk in de ontwikkeling van de Wingssprayer.

In 2008 zette Harrie de eerste stappen naar de ontwikkeling van de Wingssprayer. Er waren veel actoren betrokken in het proces: bedrijven, boeren & loonwerkers, adviesdiensten, onderzoekscentra/universiteiten, overheden en verschillende financieringsinstanties.

De spuitunits van de Wingssprayer kunnen op bijna elke spuitmachine worden gemonteerd, zowel nieuwe als bestaande. De Wings blokkeren sterke winden en voorkomen drift. Ze openen het gewas, zodat de spuitvloeistof de bodem van het gewas kan bereiken. Kleine druppels zorgen voor een optimale bedekking. Al deze aspecten zorgen er voor dat een 99% driftreductie bekomen wordt en dat boeren tijd, water en tot 40% GBM besparen.

De ontwikkeling van de Wingssprayer heeft een lang proces doorlopen. Het is erg moeilijk om het innovatieproces in verschillende fases te verdelen. Het was - en is nog steeds - een continu proces van verbeteringen.

The third and last regional workshop organized by the UPC and UPA within the INNOSETA project took place on January 9, 2020, in El Alquián, Almería. This workshop aimed to share knowledge and learn about different concerns about innovations in techniques for applying phytosanitary products in greenhouses. During the first part of the workshop, a brief explanation of the project and the INNOSETA platform was done and the main objectives of the workshop were presented. Then the participants were divided into 3 thematic groups: calibration and adjustment of the dose, distribution of the spraying and cleaning and filling of the sprayer. In each, group the different problems to be faced on the particular subject were raised and the SETAs that best solve these challenges were discussed and selected. Finally, the possible activities to promote, develop and implement the selected SETAs were discussed:

- Training for sprayers regulation

- Vertical spraying equipment

- Personal protective equipment (PPE)

In general, what worried farmers most was the need for training and keeping up to date with innovations, and PPEs (gloves, coveralls, masks), because in summer they cause many problems due to the high temperatures inside the greenhouse. On the other hand, during the workshop, the importance of these types of workshops was also highlighted, as they offer the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with professionals in the sector, also to get to know and understand the different needs and problems they have. The importance of authorities and funders attending these workshops was also pointed out.

El tercer y último taller regional organizado por la UPC y UPA dentro del proyecto INNOSETA, tuvo lugar el 9 de enero de 2020 en El Alquián, Almería. El objetivo de este taller fue compartir conocimientos y conocer diferentes preocupaciones sobre las innovaciones en las técnicas de aplicación de productos fitosanitarios en invernaderos. En la primera parte de la jornada se hizo una breve explicación del proyecto y de la plataforma INNOSETA y se expusieron los principales objetivos de la jornada. Después se dividió a los participantes en 3 grupos temáticos: calibración y ajuste de la dosis, distribución de la pulverización y limpieza y llenado del pulverizador. En cada grupo se plantearon las diferentes problemáticas a afrontar sobre la temática en particular y se discutieron y seleccionaron las SETAs que mejor resuelven estos retos. Por último, se debatió sobre las posibles actividades para promocionar, desarrollar e implementar las SETAs seleccionadas, que fueron:

- Formación para la regulación de pulverizadores

- Equipos de pulverización verticales

- Equipos de protección personal (EPI)

En general, lo que más preocupaba a los agricultores es la necesidad de formación y de estar actualizados ante las nuevas innovaciones, y los EPI (guantes, monos, mascarillas), pues en verano causan muchos problemas debido a las altas temperaturas dentro del invernadero. Por otra parte, durante la jornada también se destacó la importancia de estos tipos de talleres puesto que brindan la oportunidad de comunicarse y colaborar con los profesionales del sector, también de conocer y comprender las diferentes necesidades y problemáticas que tienen. Se destacó también la importancia de que las autoridades y los financiadores asistan a estas jornadas.

The second regional workshop organized by the UPC within the INNOSETA project took place on December 5, 2019, in Épila, Zaragoza. The thematic of this workshop was the improvement of orchard application techniques. The workshop was organized jointly with the Union de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA), partner of the project and the Atria of Épila. After the initial presentation of the project and the platform, the attendees were divided into 3 thematic groups: quality of the spraying and precision of the application, reduction of drift and filling and cleaning of the sprayer. Practical demonstrations of some related SETAs were made to familiarize the attendees. In each group, the different existing problems and possible solutions to face them were discussed. The SETAs that best cover these challenges were also selected:

- Applications for the adjustment of the sprayer

- Systems capable of adapting the spraying to the target

- System of incorporation of phytosanitary products

In general, farmers were concerned about the precision and correct application of phytosanitary products to reduce the risks of contamination both in the field and at the operator's level, that’s why the best rated SETAs address these problems. In the discussions, the attendees also highlighted the importance of training and awareness on these issues, highlighting the need to be informed and advised correctly. The importance of authorities and other financing entities having the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with farmers and other professionals of the sector to know the issues and concerns were also pointed out.

El segundo taller regional organizado por la UPC dentro del proyecto INNOSETA, tuvo lugar el día 5 de diciembre de 2019 en Épila, Zaragoza. La temática de este taller fue la mejora de las técnicas de aplicación en frutales. La jornada fue organizada conjuntamente con la Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA), socio del proyecto y la Atria de Épila. Después de la presentación inicial del proyecto y de la plataforma, se dividió a los asistentes en 3 grupos temáticos: calidad de la pulverización y precisión de la aplicación, reducción de la deriva y llenado y limpieza del pulverizador. Se hicieron demostraciones prácticas de algunas SETAs relacionadas para familiarizar a los asistentes. En cada grupo se discutieron las diferentes problemáticas existentes y las posibles soluciones para afrontar. Se seleccionaron también, las SETAs que mejor cubren estos retos:

- Aplicaciones para el ajuste del pulverizador

- Sistemas capaces de adaptar la pulverización al objetico

- Sistema de incorporación de fitosanitarios

En general, se observó que los agricultores estaban preocupados por la precisión y la correcta aplicación de fitosanitarios con el fin de reducir los riesgos de contaminación tanto en el campo como en el operario, por eso las SETAs mejor valoradas tratan estas problemáticas. En las discusiones, los asistentes también destacaron el papel clave de la formación y la concienciación sobre estos temas, subrayando la necesidad de mantenerse informado y ser asesorado de manera correcta. Se recalcó también la importancia de que las autoridades y demás entidades financiadoras tengan la oportunidad de comunicarse y colaborar con agricultores y otros profesionales del sector para conocer las problemáticas y preocupaciones que tienen.

The first regional workshop organized by the UPC as part of the INNOSETA project took place on 25 October in the school of Espiells. The aim of this regional workshop was to bring together different interest groups from the wine sector in order to share knowledge and get to know the different concerns of the sector in relation to innovation in phytosanitary products. With this purpose, the participants were divided into 3 thematic groups: Improvements in quality and precision in the distribution of phytosanitary products, reduction of drift and filling and cleaning of the sprayer. In each thematic group, different challenges to be faced were presented, then a selection was made of the SETAs that best solve these challenges, and finally a brainstorming session with the objective of promoting these SETAs and developing their implementation. The best SETAs selected are the following ones:

• Variable application based on maps

• Systems that are close to the objective

• Incorporation of phytosanitary products

The best evaluated SETAs are those that help the farmer to reduce the risks of contamination of the field and the farmer. The subsequent discussions revealed that the majority of participants are concerned about training and awareness, the safety of the applicator and the reduction of environmental pollution. It is important to advise and inform farmers on all these issues in addition to new innovations. In the regional workshops it is also very important that the authorities and financiers have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with the farmers, technicians and other professionals of the sector, in order to know and understand the different problems and concerns they have.

El primer taller regional organizado por la UPC dentro del proyecto INNOSETA, tuvo lugar el 25 de octubre en la escuela de Espiells, El objetivo de este taller regional, ha sido reunir a diferentes grupos de interés del sector vitícola, con el fin de compartir conocimientos y conocer las diferentes preocupaciones del sector en relación a la innovación sobre los productos fitosanitarios. Con esta finalidad, se dividieron a los participantes en 3 grupos temáticos: Optimización de la pulverización, reducción de la deriva y llenado y limpieza del pulverizador.

En cada grupo temático se plantearon diferentes retos que hay que afrontar, luego se hizo una selección de las SETAs que mejor resuelven estos retos, y finalmente una lluvia de ideas con el objetivo de promover estas SETAs, y desarrollar su implementación. Las mejores SETAs seleccionadas fueron:

• Aplicación variable en base a mapas.

• Sistemas que se acercan al objetivo.

• Incorporación de fitosanitarios.

Las SETAs mejor valoradas son aquellas que ayudan al agricultor a reducirlos riesgos de contaminación tanto del campo como del agricultor. Las discusiones posteriores, revelaron que la mayoría de participantes les preocupa sobretodo la formación y la concienciación, la seguridad del aplicador y la reducción de la contaminación del entorno. Es importante asesorar e informar a los agricultores sobre todos estos temas a parte de las nuevas innovaciones que hay en la actualidad. En los talleres regionales es muy importante también que las autoridades y los financiadores tengan la oportunidad de comunicarse y colaborar con los agricultores, técnicos y demás profesionales del sector, con tal de conocer y comprender las diferentes problemáticas y preocupaciones que tienen.

Within the Innoseta project a comprehensive search of scientific and technical papers related to PPPs application was carried out by the partners. Special focus was posed to papers addressing an innovative and environmentally friendly approach to plant protection products application (PPPs) and to technical papers providing practical information to farmers.

The survey was carried out by using the main available online databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and national repositories. Results led to the collection of 251 articles, 109 of those (69 scientific articles and 40 technical papers) were considered relevant after the screening process performed by the partners and suitable to be included in the Innoseta multi-actor platform. Articles’ predominant language is English, as it is the official language for international literature. Nevertheless, about 50 articles in other languages (namely Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Chinese) are available. Most of the papers (53) fall within the innovative sprayers’ category including sprayers for arboreal, field and greenhouse crops.

To date about 50 papers are already available on the Innoseta platform. Users can freely search for them by using keywords. Search results will display a list of papers matching the keywords. By clicking on the desired record, all main information about the selected paper will be displayed, e.g.: title, authors and contact details, abstract, link to the original database etc. The database on the platform will serve as a tool for both scientists and SETA users (farmers and contractors) to have a comprehensive overview of the state of the art on research and good practices in the PPPs sector.

Nell'ambito del progetto Innoseta i partner hanno condotto un’approfondita ricerca di articoli scientifici e tecnici relativi alle macchine e alle attrezzature per la distribuzione degli agrofarmaci. Particolare attenzione è stata posta ai documenti che presentavano un approccio alla distribuzione dei prodotti fitosanitari innovativo e rispettoso dell'ambiente e ad articoli di taglio tecnico in grado di fornire informazioni pratiche agli agricoltori.

L'indagine è stata condotta utilizzando le principali banche dati online disponibili, quali Scopus, Web of Science e gli archivi nazionali di ciascun partner. I risultati hanno portato alla raccolta di 251 articoli, 109 dei quali (69 di taglio scientifico e 40 di tipo tecnico) sono stati considerati rilevanti e idonei ad essere inseriti nella piattaforma multi-attore Innoseta. La lingua predominante degli articoli è l'Inglese, in quanto lingua ufficiale della letteratura internazionale. Tuttavia, sono disponibili circa 50 articoli in altre lingue (Spagnolo, Francese, Olandese, Italiano, Portoghese, Polacco e Cinese). La maggior parte dei documenti (53) trattano di macchine irroratrici innovative, comprese quelle per colture arboree, di pieno campo e protette. Ad oggi sono circa 50 gli articoli già inseriti sulla piattaforma Innoseta. Gli utenti, una volta collegati alla piattaforma, possono effettuare una ricerca per parole chiave: i risultati saranno visualizzati sotto forma di un elenco di documenti che corrispondonoa queste ultime. Cliccando sul record di interesse, verranno visualizzate tutte le informazioni principali sul documento, quali, ad esempio: titolo, autori e loro informazioni di contatto, riassunto dell’articolo, link al database originale, ecc.

A deep search for training materials related to PPPs application was carried out by the Innoseta partners.

In the first phase, a total of 325 SETAs about training material were identified and were uploaded into the INNOSETA platform. All materials were classified into four classes/topics: 1) Optimization of spray quality and precision of application, 2) Prevention of spray drift, 3) Correct filling and cleaning of sprayers – prevention of contamination and 4) New technologies for spray application. They include materials in 10 different languages, which will make the platform more accessible for all the users of the European Union countries and also easily disseminated among the target people. Digital tools (websites, applications, webinar and e-learning courses) represents the 36% of the collected material, educational material available (manuals, videos, presentation and case studies) covers the 44% and the dissemination material (leaflets, diagrams and photos) the 20% of the total collected information.

The database will help to cover the existing gap between the wide range of training materials already developed for universities, research institutes, companies, etc. availables and their final users (farmers and contractors).

This large list of material represents the starting point of the process. The INNOSETA platform was launched including all this material, and it will be implemented progressively with new records during the total period of the project and even after the end of the project.

Los socios de Innoseta han realizado una búsqueda detallada y profunda de materiales de formación relacionados con la aplicación de las PPP.

En la primera fase, se han identificado un total de 325 material de formación que se han incluido en la plataforma INNOSETA. Todos los materiales se han clasificado en cuatro clases/temas: 1) Optimización de la calidad de la pulverización y precisión de la aplicación, 2) Prevención de la deriva de la pulverización, 3) Llenado y limpieza correctos de los pulverizadores - prevención de la contaminación y 4) Nuevas tecnologías para la aplicación de la pulverización. Incluyen materiales en 10 idiomas diferentes, lo que hará que la plataforma sea más accesible para todos los usuarios de los países de la Unión Europea y también se disemine fácilmente entre agricultores y técnicos. De los materiales de formación encontrados, un 36% corresponde a herramientas digitales (sitios web, aplicaciones, seminarios web y cursos de e-learning), el 44% materiales educativos (manuales, vídeos, presentaciones y estudios de casos) y un 20% materiales de difusión (folletos, diagramas y fotos).

La base de datos Innoseta ayudará a cubrir la brecha existente entre el extenso tipo de materiales de formación ya desarrollados por universidades, institutos de investigación, empresas, etc. disponibles y sus usuarios finales.

Esta lista de materiales representa el punto de partida la plataforma pues a lo largo de la vida del proyecto, e incluso posteriormente, la plataforma irá incorporando progresivamente nuevos registros.

A thorough search for projects related to PPPs application was done by the partners of the Innoseta project. The reference period for the search was 2010-2018. Special focus was posed to national and international research activities dealing with aspects related to the improvement of PPPs application, with special regards to the development and testing of innovative and environmental friendly technologies, able to enhance spray quality and safety for both the environment and the operator. Projects where just a minor part of the activity was dedicated to machineries, equipment and application techniques were not included in the survey.

The first survey, carried out in the first semester of 2019, led to the approval of 55 projects out of the initial 135 identified by partners. 50% of the approved records are related to European projects, whereas the remaining ones are national, regional or industry-funded projects. Most of the accepted projects (50%) deal with innovative sprayers, whereas 20% are focused on the development of sensors for weed or diseases automatic detection. Mapping systems are the third most represented group of SETAs (15% of the selected and approved records). All data are now available in the INNOSETA multi actor platform and freely accessible by farmers, researchers, contractors and all interested users. The platform is multi lingual to make all information available at EU level.

The database on existing projects is currently being updated with new records and will be kept up to date in the coming years. It will serve as a tool to promote collaboration between international research groups dealing with PPPs application technologies.

I partner del progetto Innoseta hanno effettuato una ricerca approfondita dei progetti di ricerca condotti nel periodo 2010-2018 e inerenti il settore dei trattamenti fitosanitari. Particolare attenzione è stata posta alle attività di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali che si occupano, o che si sono occupate, di aspetti legati al miglioramento della distribuzione degli agrofarmaci, con particolare riferimento allo sviluppo e alla messa a punto di tecnologie innovative in grado di migliorare la qualità del lavoro svolto, oltre che di aumentare la sostenibilità delle operazioni, nel rispetto anche della sicurezza del personale addetto. La prima indagine, effettuata nel 2019, ha portato all'approvazione di 55 progetti sui 135 iniziali individuati dai partner. Il 50% dei record approvati sono relativi a progetti europei, mentre i rimanenti sono progetti nazionali, regionali o finanziati dal settore privato. Il 50% dei progetti approvati riguarda macchine irroratrici innovative, mentre il 20% è incentrato sullo sviluppo di sensori per la rilevazione automatica delle infestanti o delle malattie. I sistemi di mappatura sono il terzo gruppo più rappresentato. I dati raccolti sono disponibili sulla piattaforma multilingua INNOSETA e liberamente accessibili dagli utenti. Il database sui progetti conclusi o attualmente in corso è in fase di aggiornamento continuo e continuerà ad esserlo negli anni a venire. Il suo scopo è quello di essere uno strumento in grado, da un lato, di mettere a conoscenza il pubblico della direzione in cui sta andando la ricerca e, dall’altro, di promuovere la collaborazione tra gruppi di ricerca internazionali che si occupano di aspetti relativi alla distribuzione dei prodotti fitoiatrici.

A thorough search for industry products related to PPPs application was carried out by the Innoseta partners. Special focus was posed to innovative and environmental friendly technologies, able to enhance spray quality and safety for both the environment and the operator.

The survey led to the collection of 289 industry solutions, 188 of those were considered relevant and selected by the partners to be included in the Innoseta multi-actor platform. Most of the records (69) are represented by innovative sprayers for open field, orchards and greenhouses and by sprayers' components (60). The latter category includes, e.g., spraying booms, nozzles and nozzles accessories, filling and mixing systems . Also integrated systems (36 records) e.g. for boom height or nozzles control, personal protective equipments (PPE), sensors and support systems for sprayer calibration, mapping and operation monitoring are available and ready to be included in the platform.

When fully operational, the platform will enable users to search for innovative industry products by using keywords (e.g. nozzles, variable rate, sprayer calibration...). Search results will be available in eight languages including English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Greek, Italian and Swedish. By clicking on the desired record, all main information about the selected industry product will be displayed: general description, effect (e.g. reduction of PPPs use), operation type , manufacturer and contact details, cropping system etc.

The database will serve as a tool to cover the existing gap between the availability on the market of innovative industry solutions and their final users (farmers and contractors).

I partner del progetto Innoseta hanno condotto una ricerca approfondita sui prodotti industriali attualmente disponibili per la distribuzione degli agrofarmaci. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta a tecnologie innovative e rispettose dell'ambiente, in grado di migliorare la qualità delle operazioni, di contenere l'inquinamento e di aumentare la sicurezza degli operatori.

L'indagine ha portato alla raccolta di 289 soluzioni industriali, 188 delle quali sono state considerate rilevanti e selezionate dai partner per il loro inserimento nella piattaforma Innoseta. La maggior parte dei record (69) sono rappresentati da irroratrici innovative (per colture di pieno campo, frutteto e serre) e da loro componenti (60). Quest'ultima categoria comprende ugelli e loro accessori, sistemi di riempimento e miscelazione dei serbatoi ecc. Sono disponibili per l'inserimento in piattaforma anche 36 sistemi integrati di controllo dell'irroratrice, oltre a dispositivi di protezione individuale e sistemi di supporto per la taratura dell'irroratrice.

Una volta inseriti i dati in piattaforma, gli utenti potranno cercare i prodotti industriali innovativi utilizzando specifiche parole chiave. I risultati della ricerca saranno disponibili in 8 lingue: Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Olandese, Polacco, Greco, Italiano e Svedese. Cliccando sul record desiderato, verranno visualizzate tutte le informazioni principali sul prodotto industriale selezionato: descrizione generale, informazioni e contatti del produttore, tipo di operazione per la quale può essere impiegato, ecc.

Il database servirà a mettere a conoscenza gli utilizzatori finali (agricoltori e contoterzisti) dell'esistenza sul mercato delle più recenti tecnologie.

The main challenge in pesticide spray application in greenhouses is to make a correct and effective application environmentally sustainable and safe for the operator. This was the conclusion of the regional workshop held in the context of the Innoseta project in one of the most productive greenhouse areas in Europe, Almería (Spain).

The key factor for this challenge is training. Farmers demand that training courses on best management practices in spray application adapted to the areas and conditions of each crop should be encouraged. Although it is true that currently there is a compulsory training but the sector is aware that this training is not enough.

As regards operator safety, farmers claim that personal protective equipment needs to be adapted to greenhouses conditions, since high temperatures in summer make it difficult or even impossible to use them correctly. In relation to this aspect, they also demand that spraying innovations are available to small and medium-sized farmers in order to increase the automation of spray applications in greenhouses.

Finally, and in a more general context, growers are calling for their work, which is often undervalued, to be valued by the authorities and society in general.

El principal reto en las aplicaciones de productos fitosanitarios en invernadero es realizar una correcta y eficaz aplicación de una manera sostenible para el medio ambiente y segura para el operario. Esta fue la conclusión del taller regional que se realizó en el contexto del proyecto Innoseta en una de las zonas más productivas en invernadero de Europa, Almería (España).

El factor clave para afrontar este reto es la formación. Los agricultores demandan que se deberían incentivar los cursos de formación sobre buenas prácticas de aplicación de fitosanitarios adaptados a las zonas y condiciones de cada cultivo. Si bien es verdad que actualmente existe la formación obligatoria del carnet de aplicador, el sector consta que esta formación no es suficiente.

En cuanto a la seguridad del operario, los agricultores reclaman la necesidad de adaptar los equipos de protección individual a los invernaderos, puesto que las altas temperaturas en verano dificultan o incluso impiden su uso correcto. En relación a este aspecto, también demandan poner al alcance de pequeñas y medianas empresas desarrollos tecnológicos para incrementar la automatización de las aplicaciones en invernaderos.

Por último, y en un contexto más general, los productores reclaman la necesidad de poner en valor su trabajo, muchas veces infravalorado, por parte de las autoridades y de la sociedad en general.

The challenges and potential solutions in pesticide spray application in orchards and vineyards in Spain were discussed in the two regional workshops that took place at the end of 2019 in two of the main productive areas of the country. The most relevant feature of these workshops was to assess the different concerns, deficiencies and aspects to be improved in relation to this issue by the sector.

The main challenges that were highlighted were the lack of availability of new technologies, data management available to small and medium farms and the insufficient access to all available information on spray application technologies, especially by those less familiar with the new technologies.

Faced with these two challenges, farmers in the sector stress both the importance of the existence of extension services for farmers with well-trained professionals who know the territory and its peculiarities, and the need for a direct involvement of the agricultural machinery and plant protection product manufacturers. It also highlights the role of the authorities through incentives to those farmers who invest in spraying innovations and sanctions for those who engage in did not apply best management practices in spray applications.

Los retos y soluciones en los tratamientos de productos fitosanitarios en frutales y viña en el caso español se discutieron en los dos talleres regionales que se llevaron a cabo a finales del año 2019 en dos de las principales zonas productivas del país. La característica más relevante de estos talleres fue escuchar y valorar las diferentes preocupaciones, deficiencias y aspectos a mejorar en relación a esta temática por parte del sector.

Los retos fundamentales que se destacaron fueron la falta de disponibilidad de nuevas tecnologías, el manejo de datos al alcance de pequeñas y medianas explotaciones y el insuficiente acceso a toda la información disponible sobre tecnologías de aplicación de fitosanitarios sobretodo por parte de aquellos menos familiarizados a las nuevas tecnologías.

Ante estos dos retos los agricultores del sector destacan tanto la importancia de la existencia de servicios de asesoramiento al agricultor con profesionales bien formados y conocedores del territorio y de sus particularidades, como la necesidad de una implicación directa del sector de los fabricantes de la maquinaria agrícola y de la de productos fitosanitarios. Asimismo también destaca el papel de las autoridades mediante incentivos a aquellos agricultores que inviertan en innovaciones y de sanciones para aquellos que realicen prácticas de aplicación incorrectas.

The first regional Workshop organized as part of the INNOSETA project took place in Montpellier (France) on June 18th, 2019. The objective of this Workshop was to bring together different stakeholders involved in viticulture in France. In order to share knowledge and address issues related to innovation in the field of pesticide application and its appropriation by farmers, participants were divided into 4 thematic groups. One group worked specifically on "New technologies for spraying".

During the workshop, participants were invited to select the innovations they consider most important to promote to farmers:

• Real-time application parameters control devices

• Direct injection systems

• Real-time dose adaptation using a recommendation map

• Development of autonomous sprayer

It is interesting to note that three selected innovations allow producers to be relieved of the task of adjusting the equipment / calibration / choice of dose to be applied. This choice underlines the need to develop autonomous spray systems that reduce the risk of errors and keep the operator out of this difficult task.

The discussions revealed that one of the main challenges remains not only to take advantage of the new technologies available but also to help winegrowers to use their sprayers correctly. Beyond this aspect, demonstrations of new technologies and users feedback are necessary to assess the available supply and to be able to assess the reliability of these new technologies.

On the public policy side, authorities and funders must have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with accessible experts about new spraying technologies in order to know and understand them.

Le premier atelier régional organisé dans le cadre du projet INNOSETA a eu lieu à Montpellier le 18 juin 2019. L'objectif de cet atelier était de réunir différents acteurs impliqués dans la viticulture afin de partager les connaissances et d'aborder les questions liées à l'innovation dans le domaine de l'application des pesticides. Les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes thématiques. Un groupe s'est penché sur les questions liées au " Nouvelles technologies et nouveaux moyens d’application des produits phytosanitaires ".

Au cours de l'atelier, les participants ont été invités à choisir les innovations qu'ils jugent les plus importantes à promouvoir auprès des agriculteurs:

• Dispositifs de contrôle des paramètres d'application en temps réel

• Systèmes d'injection directe

• Adaptation en temps réel de la dose à l'aide d'une carte de recommandation

• Développement de pulvérisateurs autonomes

Il est intéressant de noter que trois innovations sélectionnées permettent aux producteurs d'être déchargés de la tâche liée au réglage de l’appareil /étalonnage / choix de la dose à appliquer. Ce choix souligne la nécessité de développer des systèmes de pulvérisation autonomes qui réduisent les risques d'erreurs et tiennent l'opérateur à l'écart de cette tâche difficile.

Il est ressorti des discussions que l’un des principaux enjeux demeure non seulement de tirer profit des nouvelles technologies disponibles mais également d'aider les viticulteurs à utiliser correctement leurs pulvérisateurs. Au-delà de cet aspect, les démonstrations de nouvelles technologies ainsi que des retours d’utilisateurs sont nécessaires pour permettre d’apprécier l’offre disponible et de pouvoir évaluer la fiabilité.

The first regional Workshop organized as part of the INNOSETA project took place in Montpellier (France) on June 18th, 2019. The objective of this Workshop was to bring together different stakeholders involved in viticulture in France. In order to share knowledge and address issues related to innovation in the field of pesticide application and its appropriation by farmers, participants were divided into 4 thematic groups. One group worked specifically on "Correct filling and cleaning of sprayers – Prevention of contamination".

During the workshop, participants selected the innovations that they felt were the most important to promote to farmers:

• Annex tank for mixture preparation

• Closed-Transfer Systems

• Volumetric counter for sprayer filling

• Point sources pollution diagnosis tool OPTIPHYTO

As a conclusion to the discussions, it seems that the innovations on the market adequately address the challenges of protecting the environment and the health of operators; the problem is their adoption by winegrowers. It was also pointed out that personal protective equipment must be improved for greater comfort and ergonomics.

Furthermore, the subject of point sources pollution has been a long-standing concern in France. All attention is currently focused on drift and it seems that the problems related to point sources pollution are often misinterpreted as solved. It is therefore necessary to communicate on this issue and Certiphyto could be used by the authorities to communicate widely on point sources pollution.

Concerning public policies, one point that was highlighted is to set up a "mandatory and periodic pedagogical control" for each farm on good PPP management practices and ways to limit point sources pollution.

Le premier atelier régional organisé dans le cadre du projet INNOSETA a eu lieu à Montpellier (France) le 18 juin 2019. L'objectif de cet atelier était de réunir différents acteurs impliqués dans la viticulture en France. Afin de partager les connaissances et d'aborder les questions liées à l'innovation dans le domaine de l'application des pesticides, les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes thématiques. Une des groupes s'est penché sur les questions liées au " Remplissage et nettoyage du pulvérisateur – Prévention des contaminations ".

Au cours de l'atelier, les participants ont sélectionné les innovations qui leur paraissent les plus importantes à promouvoir auprès des agriculteurs :

• Cuve annexe supplémentaire pour la préparation de la bouillie

• Système de « Closed Transfer »

• Compteur volumétrique pour le remplissage du pulvérisateur

• Outil de diagnostic Optiphyto

En conclusion des discussions, il semble que les innovations présentes sur le marché répondent de manière adéquate aux défis de la protection de l'environnement et de la santé des opérateurs ; la problématique consiste en leur adoption par les viticulteurs. Toutefois, il a été souligné que pour la protection de l'opérateur, les équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) doivent être améliorés pour plus de confort et une meilleure ergonomie.

D’autre part, le sujet des pollutions ponctuelles est une préoccupation de longue date en France. Toute l'attention est actuellement concentrée sur la dérive et il semble que les problèmes liés aux pollutions ponctuelles soient souvent interprétés à tort comme résolus. Il est donc nécessaire de communiquer sur cette question et le Certiphyto pourrait être utilisé par les autorités comme moyen de communication.

The first regional Workshop organized as part of the INNOSETA project took place in Montpellier (France) on June 18th, 2019. The objective of this Workshop was to bring together different stakeholders involved in viticulture in France. In order to share knowledge and address issues related to innovation in the field of pesticide application and its appropriation by farmers, participants were divided into 4 thematic groups. One group worked specifically on "Spray drift reduction".

Participants were asked to select the innovations they consider most important to promote to farmers:

• Air induction nozzles

• Classification of sprayers and practices according to drift risk using Eoledrift

• Recycling tunnel sprayers

Several participants underlined the need to better train farmers and advisors so that they can understand the conditions that promote drift. It is also necessary to promote the use of drift-reducing technologies by demonstrating their effectiveness. Except the air injection nozzles that can be installed on air-jet technology sprayers, the majority of participants highlighted the significant price gap between devices that significantly reduce drift and more traditional, less efficient devices, and therefore mentioned the need to subsidize the purchase of high-performance devices.

In terms of public policy, two main thoughts were expressed:

1. Make it mandatory to use high-performance validated sprayers and devices to reduce drift near sensitive areas (rivers, homes) ;

2. Raise awareness among farmers with mandatory trainings about the importance of the consequences of the drift phenomenon on health, environment, etc....

Le premier atelier régional organisé dans le cadre du projet INNOSETA a eu lieu à Montpellier (France) le 18 juin 2019. L'objectif de cet atelier était de réunir différents acteurs impliqués dans la viticulture en France. Afin de partager les connaissances et d'aborder les questions liées à l'innovation dans le domaine de l'application des pesticides, les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes thématiques. Un groupe s'est penché sur les questions liées à la "Réduction de la dérive de pulvérisation".

Les participants ont été invités à choisir les innovations qu'ils jugent les plus importantes à promouvoir auprès des agriculteurs :

• Buses à injection d'air

• Classement des pulvérisateurs et des pratiques en fonction du risque de dérive à l'aide d'Eoledrift

• Panneaux récupérateurs

Plusieurs ont souligné la nécessité de mieux former les agriculteurs et les conseillers afin qu'ils puissent comprendre les conditions qui favorisent la dérive. A l'exception des buses à injection d'air qui peuvent être installées sur les pulvérisateurs à technologie jet porté, la majorité des participants ont souligné l'écart de prix important entre les appareils permettant de réduire significativement la dérive et les appareils moins performants, et ont donc souligné la nécessité de subventionner l'achat des appareils performants.

Sur le plan des politiques publiques, deux éléments été exprimés :

1. Rendre obligatoire l'utilisation de pulvérisateurs et de dispositifs validés performants pour la réduction de la dérive à proximité des zones sensibles (cours d'eau, habitations)

2. Sensibiliser par des formations obligatoires les agriculteurs à l'importance des conséquences du phénomène de dérive sur la santé, l'environnement, etc...

The first regional Workshop organized as part of the INNOSETA project took place in Montpellier (France) on June 18th, 2019. The objective of this Workshop was to bring together different stakeholders involved in viticulture in France. In order to share knowledge and address issues related to innovation in the field of pesticide application and its appropriation by farmers, participants were divided into 4 thematic groups. One group worked specifically on "Spray quality and application precision".

During the workshop, participants selected the innovations that they felt were the most important to promote to farmers:

• Real-time application parameters monitoring device

• Sprayer setting assistance by advisers;

• Spray quality assessment tools at farm level

The most important point that emerged from the discussions was the need for winegrowers to be better informed of the importance of sprayer settings and their major influence on both the effectiveness of protection and the risks of contamination (health and environment). Since there is a lack of information and know-how on the part of winegrowers for the adjustment of equipment, it seems necessary to offer training courses covering very practical aspects. Moreover, it was agreed that innovation is more about teaching farmers to use their sprayers correctly than about introducing the latest technologies on farms.

At the level of public policy priorities, participants underlined the need to encourage and promote the renewal of the sprayer fleet towards more efficient machines and to support this transition with purchase subsidies.

Le premier atelier régional organisé dans le cadre du projet INNOSETA a eu lieu à Montpellier (France) le 18 juin 2019. L'objectif de cet atelier était de réunir différents acteurs impliqués dans la viticulture en France afin de partager les connaissances et d'aborder les questions liées à l'innovation dans le domaine de l'application des pesticides. Les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes thématiques. Le premier groupe s'est penché sur les questions liées à la "Qualité de la pulvérisation et précision des applications".

Au cours de l'atelier, les participants ont sélectionné les innovations qui leur paraissent les plus importantes à promouvoir auprès des agriculteurs :

• Dispositif de surveillance en temps réel des paramètres d'application

• Assistance au réglage du pulvérisateur par des conseillers (Chambre d’Agriculture)

• Outils d'évaluation de la qualité de pulvérisation au niveau de l'exploitation

Le point le plus important qui est ressorti des discussions est la nécessité pour les viticulteurs d’être mieux informés de l'importance des réglages du pulvérisateur. Par conséquent, il apparait nécessaire d’offrir des formations abordant des aspects très pratiques. Sur ce volet, il a été convenu que l'innovation consiste davantage à apprendre aux agriculteurs à utiliser correctement leurs pulvérisateurs plutôt qu'à introduire les dernières technologies dans les exploitations.

Au niveau des priorités en lien avec les politiques publiques, les participants ont souligné la nécessité de promouvoir le renouvellement du parc de pulvérisateurs vers des machines plus efficaces, notamment en offrant des subventions à l'achat.

The first regional workshop organized as part of the European INNOSETA project (H2020 thematic network on spraying) took place in Montpellier on June 18th 2019. The event was organized as part of a full technical day devoted to improving application techniques in viticulture. The day began with the presentation of the LabelPulvé (IFV-IRSTEA-Chambres d'Agriculture-CIVC), the new system for labelling wine-growing sprayers according to their performance.

In a second step, the EoleDrift project (IFV-IRSTEA) was presented. The objective of this project is to develop a new method to measure spray drift under controlled conditions and to acquire references on the drift levels generated by the main types of sprayers. The new drift measurement method is based on the use of a fan wall (5m*5m) which produces a steady wind over the experimental area. A demonstration of drift measurement tests was also carried out on the EvaSprayViti artificial vine using the fan wall.

The afternoon was then devoted to INNOSETA exchange workshop on innovation in wine-growing spraying techniques and technologies. The objective of this workshop is to bring together the different actors of viticulture in France (sprayer manufacturers, PPP manufacturers and suppliers, authorities, technical advisors, farmers, farmers' unions, media, researchers, etc.) in order to address issues related to innovation in pesticide application and identify the keys to its appropriation by farmers in the field. To encourage exchanges, participants were divided into four thematic groups: Group 1. Spray quality and application precision;

Group 2. Spray drift reduction;

Group 3. Sprayer filling and cleaning - Contamination prevention;

Group 4. New technologies for spraying.

Le premier Workshop régional (atelier participatif) organisé dans le cadre du projet européen INNOSETA a eu lieu à Montpellier le 18 juin 2019. L'événement a été organisé dans le cadre d'une journée technique complète consacrée à l'amélioration des techniques d'application en viticulture. La journée a débuté avec la présentation du LabelPulvé (IFV-IRSTEA-Chambres d’Agriculture-CIVC), le nouveau dispositif de labellisation des pulvérisateurs viticoles selon leur performance.

Le projet EoleDrift (IFV-IRSTEA) a ensuite été présenté. Ce projet a pour objectif le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie de mesure de la dérive de pulvérisation en conditions contrôlées. La nouvelle méthode de mesure de la dérive s’appuie sur l'utilisation d'un mur de ventilateurs (5m*5m) qui permet de produire un vent régulier sur la zone d’expérimentation. Une démonstration d’essais de mesure de dérive a été réalisée sur la vigne artificielle EvaSprayViti en utilisant le mur de ventilateurs.

L’après-midi a été consacrée aux ateliers d’échanges INNOSETA sur l’innovation en techniques et technologies de pulvérisation viticole. L'objectif de ces ateliers était de réunir les différents acteurs de la viticulture en France (fabricants de pulvérisateurs, fabricants et fournisseurs de PPP, autorités, conseillers techniques, agriculteurs, syndicats d'agriculteurs, médias, chercheurs, etc.). Pour favoriser les échanges, les participants ont été répartis en quatre groupes thématiques :

Groupe 1. Qualité de pulvérisation et précision d'application ;

Groupe 2. Réduction de la dérive de pulvérisation ;

Groupe 3. Remplissage et nettoyage du pulvérisateur - Prévention de la contamination ;

Groupe 4. Nouvelles technologies.

A part of the INNOSETA project has been to perform interviews of 50 farmers in each of the participating seven countries. The Swedish partner VISAVI made interviews among farmers with field crops, open field vegetables and orchards, 25 adopters and 25 non adopters of innovative spraying techniques.

The non-adopters often had no interest in innovative spraying technique but those who had claimed they had to little knowledge in the technology to trust it.

The adopters all had an interest and trust in technology as a background for investment. Sweden has no own manufacturer of innovative spraying technology and famers are depennding on importers or dealers to get information, service or training. Dealers have workshops but the staff also have to have competence in all other agriculrural machinery. They had all experienced some kind of problems with their equipment, some that could have been solved by themselves, if they had been trained. Instead equipment could have been forced to stand still for several days. Some reported about malfunction of equipment because of lack of knowledge that the equipment must be recalibrated e.g. when driving speed had changed or when another tractor was used.

Adopters who had got training by e.g. sprayer manufacturer after purchase or by supplier of gps, auto boom height control or boom section shut off were more satisfied and confident with their innovative technology. Both categories reported lack of competence and needed training on innovative spraying technnology among trainers, advisors and delares.

En del i INNOSETA projektet har varit att intervjua 50 lantbrukare i vart och ett av de deltagande sju länderna. Den svenska partnern, VISAVI, intervjuade odlare av spannmålsgrödor, frilandsodlingar av grönsaker och fruktodlare, 25 användare och 25 som inte använder innovativa tekniker vid sprutarbetet.

De som inte använder hade ofta inget intresse för innovativ sprutteknik och de som hade intresse menade att de hade för liten kunskap om teknikerna för att lita på dem.

Användarna hade alla intre4sse för och tillit till teknologierna i sina underlag för investering. I Sverige finns inga tillverkare av av innovativ sprutteknik och lantbrukarna är beroende av importörer eller återförsäljare för information, service och utbildning. Återförsäljare har verkstäder men personalen ska även ha kompetens för alla andra typer av lantbruksmaskiner. Alla hade upplevt någon form av problem med sin utrustning, en del som de kunde löst själva om de fått utbildning. Istället har de varit tvungna att ha urtrustningen stillastående i flera dagar. Några rapporterade fel i funktioner beroende på bristande kunskap att utrustningen måste kalibreras omexempelvis vid ändrad körhastighet eller när annan traktor använts.

Användare som hade fått utbildning av ex spruttillverkare efter köp av gps, bomhöjdsautomatik, eller sektionsavstängning var mera nöjda och litade på sin innovativa teknik.Båda kategorierna rapporterade brist på kompetens och behov av utbildning om innovativa sprutteknik hos utbildare, rådgivare och återförsäljare.

A Swedish project made by RISE and Visavi made a prestudy about possibillities to use drift reducing sprayer with different settings in Swedish orchards. Studies of deposits were made by placing water sensitive papers on standardised holders on each 50 cm from ground to 1 m over the top of the apple trees. Tests were done in early season, no leaves and late season, after flowering. The training system was espallier. Tests were done at three different farms with their own sprayers; one axial fan sprayer, one crossflow sprayer and one three row crossflow sprayer. Tests were done with nozzles and settings of the sprayers according to Swedish approval, the same as JKI, Germany. Tests were done with the highest reduction class the sprayer could reach, 25 % for the axial fan sprayer and 95% for the other two sprayers.

For spraying in early season, no leaf, the both crossflow sprayers showed better covarage with the fan shut off than with air, also in case the fan speed was reduced. The axial fan did not get enough covarage with air shut off.

When spraying in late season, after flowering with full leaf on the trees, the sprayers showed not enough coverage without fan. The three row cross flow sprayers showed not enough coverage with reduced fan revolutions, due to low fan capacity but sufficient covarage when using settings with normal airflow, which had a lower drift reduction class.

The tests were preliminary looking at just qualitative deposits. Further tests are needed for quantitative measurements of deposits and studies of biological effect on diseases.

I ett svenskt projekt gjorde RISE och Visavi en förstudie på möjligheter att använda avdriftsreducerande sprutot vid olika inställningar i svenska fruktodlingar. Avsättning undersöktes att placera vattenkänsliga papper på standardiserade hållare i odling på varje 50 cm från mark till 1 m över äppelträdens topp. Tester gjordes vid tidig säsong, utan blad på träden och sen säong, efter blom. Trädformen var slank spindel. Tester utfördes i tre olika odlingar med deras agna sprutor; en axialfläktspruta, en tvärströms spruta och en treradig tvärströmsspruta. Testerna utfördes med spridare och sprutinställningar enligt svensk godkännande av avdriftsreducerande utrustning, samma som JKI, Tyskland. Tester gjordes vid den högsta klass för avdriftsreduktion som sprutorna kunde nå,25% för axialfläktsprutan och 95% för de båda andra sprutorna.

Vid spruning i tidig säsong, inga blad,visade de båda tvärströmssprutorna en bättre täckning med fläkten avstängd än med luft, även vid reducerad fläkthastighet. Axialfläktsprutan fick inte tillräcklig täckning med luften avstängd.

Vid sen säsong, efter blom med full bladsättning på träden nåddes inte tillräcklig avsättning utan fläkt. Den treradiga tvärströmssprutan nådde inte tillräcklig täckning vid reducerat fläktvarvtal beroende på låg fläktkapacitet, men tillräcklig täckning vid normal luftmängd, vilket dock gav en lägre avdriftsreduktion.

Förstudien gjordes primärt med att enbart titta på kvalitativ avsättning. Vidare undersökningar behövs för kvantitativa undersökningar av avsättning och biologiska studier av biologiska effekter på skadegörare.

Diseases on plants can be placed on areas that are difficult or impossible to reach by using traditional boom sprayers. Especcially leaf undersides, where e.g. larvaes often are located are a problem.

A Swedish research project, made by RISE and VISAVI, on application of biological plant protection products in field grown vegetables and berries studied qualitative deposit in crops and quantitative deposits in laboratory by using water sensitive papers and collectors placed on a standardised holder, representing the structure and leaf orientation on plants, horisontal upper and undersides of leaves and vertical, front/back, left/right. One objective was to optimise the deposit depending on location of diseases on the plants.

Bandspraying over the crop rows were tested for single rows and double row beds.

For single row deposit on plants were increased compared to boom spraying by spraying with two nozzles spraying the row from 45 degree angle. To cover also the undersides of the leaves the nozzles should be placed close to the ground directed horisontally and upwards plus one nozzle over the row. For double rows using six nozzles placed angeled and over the rows improve deposits however not enough in the middle between the rows. To get covarage on both rows it is necessary to place nozzles between the rows, like a dropleg.

For deposit on undersides it is necessary to place nozzles directed horisontally, located under the lowest leaves and have the spray directed upwards. It is needed to have some kind of support to keep the nozzle height constant over the ground, to avoid nozzle damage of nozzles and assure correct application.

Skadegörare på plantor kan vara placerade på ställen som är svåra eller omöjliga att nå vid användning av bomsprutor. Särskilt bladundersidor där ex larver kan finnas är ett problem.. I ett svenskt forskningsprojekt om applicering av bioogiska växtskyddsmedel i frilandsodlingar av grönsaker och bär, undersökte RISE och VISAVI dels kvalitativ avsättning i grödor och kvantitativ avsättning i laboratorium genom användning av vattenkänsliga papper respektive kollektorer placerade i standardiserade hållare representerande struktur och bladläge på plantor; horisontella över och undersidor och vertkala fram/bak, vänster/höger sida. Ett mål var att optimera avsättningen beroende på skadegörarnas placering på plantor. Bandsprutning av grödor testades för enkelrader och för dubbelrader i odlingsbäddar. För enkelrad ökades avsättningen jämfört med bomsprutning vid sprutning med två spridare riktade 45 grader mot raden. För att få täckning även på bladundersidor måste spridarna placeras nära marken, riktade horisontellt och uppåt plus en spridare rakt över raden. För dubbelrader användes sex spridare placerade vinklade och över raderna ökade avsättningen dock inte i mitten mellan raderna. För att få optimal täckning i båda raderna är det nödvändigt med spridare placerade mellan raderna, liksom en dropleg. För avsättning på undersidor är det nödvändigt att placera spridare som är riktade horisontellt, under de lägst sittande bladen och med sprutduschen riktad uppåt. Det är nödvänt att ha någon form av stöd som håller spridarna på konstant höjd över mark och säkrar en korrekt applicering.

Diseases on plants can be placed on areas that are difficult or impossible to reach by using traditional boom sprayers. Especcially leaf undersides, where e.g. larvaes often are located are a problem.

A Swedish research project, made by RISE and VISAVI, on application of biological plant protection products in field grown vegetables and berries studied qualitative deposit in crops and quantitative deposits in laboratory by using water sensitive papers and collectors placed on a standardised holder, representing the structure and leaf orientation on plants, horisontal upper and undersides of leaves and vertical, front/back, left/right. One objective was to optimise the deposit depending on location of diseases on the plants. Lobaratory tests were done at JKI, Germany using a test track with a spray boom running over the collectors, varying forward speeds, nozzletypes, pressures and water rates. A tracer was used in the spray liquid to be able to analyse and quantify deposits on the different targets. Two types of the principle for droplegs were studied, with different nozzle types and nozzle orientation. Dropleg have nozzles placed on the end of vertical pipes mounted on the boom, lowered down into the crop.

Droplegs with nozzles spraying horisontally and upwards generally increased deposits on plants.

To get deposit on underside of leaves it is necessary to lower the nozzle to be located under the lowest leaves and have the spray directed upwards. In order to optomise this air injection off center nozzles were mounted with the spray jet orientated horisonatl and upwards to avoid losing spray liquid to the ground.

Skadegörare på plantor kan vara placerade på ställen som är svåra eller omöjliga att nå vid användning av bomsprutor Särskilt bladundersidor där ex larver kan finnas är ett problem.. I ett svenskt forskningsprojekt om applicering av bioogiska växtskyddsmedel i frilandsodlingar av grönsaker och bär, undersökte RISE och VISAVI dels kvalitativ avsättning i grödor och kvantitativ avsättning i laboratorium genom användning av vattenkänsliga papper respektive kollektorer placerade i standardiserade hållare representerande struktur och bladläge på plantor; horisontella över och undersidor och vertkala fram/bak, vänster/höger sida. Ett mål var att optimera avsättningen beroende på skadegörarnas placering på plantor. Laboratoriestudier gjordes vid JKI, Tyskland, genom att använda en testbana med en med en sprutbom som kördes över kollektorer. Hastighet, munstyckstyper, tryck och vätskemängder varierades. Ett spårämne användes i sprutvätskan för att kvanitifiera avsättningen på de olika ytorna. Två typer av principen för dropleg undersöktes med olika munstyckstyper och riktning av sprutdusch. Dropleg har spridare placerade i änden på vertikala rör, sänkta ner i grödan. Dropleg med spridarna riktade i sidled och uppåt ökar generellt avsättningen på plantor. För att få avsättning på undersida av blad är det nödvändigt att sänka spridarna så att de kommer under de understa bladen och har sprutduschen riktad uppåt. För att ytterliga förbättra kan assymetiska off-center injektorspridare riktas horisontellt och uppåt för att undvika förluster av sprutvätska till marken.

In a Swedish research project, made by RISE and VISAVI, on application of biological plant protection products in field grown vegetables and berries was studied qualitative deposit in crops and quantitative deposits in laboratory by using water sensitive papers and collectors placed on a standardised holder, representing the structure and leaf orientation on plants, horisontal upper and undersides of leaves and vertical, front/back, left/right.

One objective was to optimise the deposit depending on location of diseases on the plants. Labaratory tests were done at JKI, Germany using a test track with a spray boom running over the collectors, varying forward speeds, nozzletypes, pressures and water rates. A tracer was used in the spray liquid to be able to analyse and quantify deposits on the different targets.Water rates between 300 l/ha and 1200 l/ha were tested, relevant practices among farmers for these crops. There were no found differences on deposited amount between flat fan nozzles and air injection nozzles; neither on horisontal nor vertical targets. Increased water rates gave corresponding increase of deposited amount. Double fan air injection nozzles compared to flat fan nozzles increased total deposit, relative numbers 143-160%. On vertical tagets, mainly backside, deposits increased to relative numbers 243 - 299. On horisontal underside surfaces, no deposits were found using nozzles directed downwards.

General advise is to air injection nozzles to reduce drift from boom sprayers.

To get higher deposits and the plant protection products placed on relevant places of plants, double fan air injection nozzles should be used.

I ett svenskt forskningsprojekt om applicering av bioogiska växtskyddsmedel i frilandsodlingar av grönsaker och bär, undersökte RISE och VISAVI dels kvalitativ avsättning i grödor och kvantitativ avsättning i laboratorium genom användning av vattenkänsliga papper respektive kollektorer placerade i standardiserade hållare representerande struktur och bladläge på plantor; horisontella över och undersidor och vertkala fram/bak, vänster/höger sida. Ett mål var att optimera avsättningen beroende på skadegörarnas placering på plantor. Laboratoriestudier gjordes vid JKI, Tyskland, genom att använda en testbana med en med en sprutbom som kördes över kollektorer. Hastighet, munstyckstyper, tryck och vätskemängder varierades. Ett spårämne användes i sprutvätskan för att kvanitifiera avsättningen på de olika ytorna. Vätskemängder mellan 300 och 1200 l/ha testades, de är relevanta för dessa grödor. Det sågs inga skillnader i avsatta mängder mellan spaltspridare och injektorspridare, varken på horisontella eller vertikala ytor. Ökad vattenmängd gav motsvarande ökning av avsättningen. Två-håls injektorspridare i jämförelse gav i jämföresle med spaltspridare ökad total avsättning, relativtal 143 - 160%. På vertikala ytor, framförallt baksidor ökade avsättningen till relativtal 243-299. På horisontella undersidor fanns ingen avsättning då spridare var riktade nedåt. Generellt råd är att använda injektorspridare för att reducera vindavdrift från bomsprutor. Två-håls injektorspridare bör användas för att få en ökad avsättning och placering av växtskyddsmedlen på avsedd plats på plantor plantor.

The adoption of innovative spraying technologies can be facilitated if the end users (farmers) participate in their co-creation and assessment. In this respect, a well-functioning AKIS/ innovation platform fostering collaborations and synergies among stakeholders is of paramount importance.

The experts interviewed in INNOSETA agree on the lack of a functional AKIS/ innovation platform regarding innovative spraying equipment and the difficulty of bringing relevant stakeholders together. Policy’s excessive slowness in decision-making along with bureaucratic inefficiency as well as the fact that decision-makers rarely consult farmers when they take measures on farming are underlined.

Moreover, even if there is interaction between farmers and industry, manufacturers are found to interact with a very small group which is rather not representative of the heterogeneity in farming.

It is also noted that there are many gaps between research (not interested in practical applications), industry (have their own objectives), farmers (rarely consulted) and policy-makers (making legislation without knowing/taking into account the realities of the sector/ in the field). Experts maintain that even if the rest of the actors somehow cooperate, farmers are usually left out.

According to the interviewees extension/advisory services are in the best position (as compared to the other actors) to play an intermediation role among AKIS actors.

Η υιοθέτηση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών ψεκασμού μπορεί να διευκολυνθεί εάν οι τελικοί χρήστες (γεωργοί) συμμετέχουν στη συν-δημιουργία και αξιολόγησή τους. Από αυτή την άποψη, μια άρτια λειτουργική πλατφόρμα καινοτομίας AKIS που προωθεί τις συνεργασίες και τις συνέργειες μεταξύ των ενδιαφερομένων είναι ύψιστης σημασίας.

Οι ερωτηθέντες εμπειρογνώμονες του INNOSETA συμφωνούν στο ότι δεν υπάρχει μια λειτουργική πλατφόρμα AKIS / καινοτομίας όσον αφορά τον καινοτόμο εξοπλισμό ψεκασμού καθώς και στη δυσκολία του να έρθουν οι διάφοροι εμπλεκόμενοι φορείς σε επαφή. Η υπερβολική βραδύτητα της λήψης πολιτικών αποφάσεων σε συνδυασμό με την γραφειοκρατική αναποτελεσματικότητα καθώς και το γεγονός ότι οι υπεύθυνοι για τη λήψη αποφάσεων σπάνια συμβουλεύονται τους γεωργούς όταν λαμβάνουν μέτρα για τη γεωργία, τονίζονται ιδιαίτερα.

Επιπλέον, ακόμη και αν υπάρχει αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των γεωργών και της βιομηχανίας, οι κατασκευαστές βρίσκονται σε επαφή με μια πολύ μικρή ομάδα, η οποία μάλλον δεν αντιπροσωπεύει την ετερογένεια της γεωργίας.

Σημειώνεται επίσης ότι υπάρχουν πολλά κενά μεταξύ της έρευνας (που δεν ενδιαφέρεται για πρακτική εφαρμογή), της βιομηχανίας (που έχει τους δικούς της στόχους), των γεωργών (που σπάνια λαμβάνεται υπόψη η γνώμη τους) και των υπευθύνων για τη χάραξη πολιτικής (που δημιουργούν νομοθεσίες χωρίς να γνωρίζουν ή να λαμβάνουν υπόψη τις πραγματικές συνθήκες του τομέα/στον αγρό). Οι ειδικοί υποστηρίζουν ότι ακόμη και εαν οι υπόλοιποι παράγοντες συνεργάζονται με κάποιον τρόπο, οι γεωργοί συνήθως μένουν εκτός αυτής της συνεργασίας.

Σύμφωνα με τους ερωτηθέντες, αυτοί που είναι σε καλύτερη θέση να διαδραματίσουν τον ρόλο του διαμεσολαβητή μεταξύ των φορέων του AKIS είναι οι υπηρεσίες γεωργικής συμβουλευτικής.

Besides INNOSETA farmers’ survey, in order to assess farmers’ needs and interests and to better understand the factors that affect novel spraying equipment adoption, expert interviews were conducted too. Expert groups comprise representatives from Research, Industry, Advisory Services and Farmers’ groups.

Experts are in favor of innovative spraying equipment due to specific characteristics such as efficiency, environmental and economic benefits, safety and comfort of the operator and ease-of-use. On the other hand, they underline the high initial (purchase) costs of such equipment as well as their complexity, thus the need to provide farmers with continuous training and technical support. The technical limitations/ vulnerability of such advanced, complex technology is also noticed.

To facilitate adoption, experts support targeted subsidization of certified machinery and best management practices (possibly favoring smaller family farms). However, for experts, subsidies should not be the sole measure taken; stricter legislation and its enforcement, information campaigns, farmers’ training and technical support by independent extension/advisory services are deemed equally important.

Για να μπορέσουμε να αξιολογήσουμε τις ανάγκες και τα ενδιαφέροντα των γεωργών αλλά και να κατανοήσουμε καλύτερα τους παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την υιοθέτηση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών ψεκασμού, πραγματοποιήθηκαν, εκτός από συνεντεύξεις με γεωργούς, και συνεντεύξεις με εμπειρογνώμονες.

Οι εμπειρογνώμονες είναι υπέρ της χρήσης καινοτόμου ψεκαστικού εξοπλισμού λόγω των συγκεκριμένων χαρακτηριστικών του όπως η αποτελεσματικότητα, τα περιβαλλοντικά και οικονομικά οφέλη, η ασφάλεια και η άνεση του χειριστή και η ευκολία της χρήσης. Από την άλλη, υπογραμμίζουν το υψηλό αρχικό κόστος αγοράς του αλλά και την πολυπλοκότητά του, και συνεπώς, την ανάγκη να παρέχεται στους γεωργούς συνεχής κατάρτιση και τεχνική υποστήριξη.

Για τη διευκόλυνση της υιοθέτησης, οι εμπειρογνώμονες υποστηρίζουν τη στοχευμένη επιδότηση του πιστοποιημένου εξοπλισμού καθώς και τήρησης βέλτιστων πρακτικών (ενδεχομένως ευνοώντας μικρότερες οικογενειακές εκμεταλλεύσεις). Ωστόσο, κατά την άποψή τους, οι επιδοτήσεις δεν πρέπει να αποτελούν το μοναδικό μέτρο. Η αυστηρότερη νομοθεσία και η εφαρμογή της, οι ενημερωτικές εκστρατείες, η κατάρτιση των γεωργών και η τεχνική υποστήριξη από ανεξάρτητες υπηρεσίες γεωργικής συμβουλευτικής θεωρούνται εξίσου σημαντικές.

According to the farmers interviewed in INNOSETA, the characteristics that would make innovative spraying equipment more relevant to their needs are primarily ease of use, long term reliability and operator safety followed by availability of technical support, compatibility with the existing machinery, reduction of environmental hazards, and price.

Easiness to install the equipment, economic benefits are also important equipment characteristics for the majority of the farmers.

With reference to incentives that farmers would like to see in future policies to facilitate the acquisition of innovative spraying equipment, financial incentives predominate with financial support, mostly in the principle of subsidization, asked by 2/3 of farmers. Other financial incentives include tax reductions, reduced equipment prices and higher/fair prices for their produces. Some ask increased support for small-scale farms, support to certified and/or high precision equipment as well as the reduction of bureaucracy.

Training, especially demonstrations, is also quite frequently mentioned as a prerequisite for the adoption of innovative technologies.

Quite a few farmers claim that the change of regulations, more strict inspections, the compulsory use of Low Drift Nozzles and the like could also be a good incentive as well.

Attention also should be given on farmers’ demand for the better balance between environmental and agronomic performance of new technologies (spraying machinery and PPP).

Σύμφωνα με τις απαντήσεις των ερωτηθέντων γεωργών του INNOSETA, τα χαρακτηριστικά που θα έκαναν τον καινοτόμο ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό πιο σχετικό με τις ανάγκες τους είναι κυρίως η ευκολία στη χρήση, η μακροπρόθεσμη αξιοπιστία και η ασφάλεια του χειριστή. Ακολουθούν η τεχνική υποστήριξη, η συμβατότητα με τον υπάρχοντα εξοπλισμό, η μείωση των περιβαλλοντικών κινδύνων και η τιμή.

Η ευκολία εγκατάστασης του εξοπλισμού και τα οικονομικά οφέλη από τη χρήση του είναι επίσης σημαντικά χαρακτηριστικά για την πλειοψηφία των γεωργών.

Ως προς τα κίνητρα που θα ήθελαν οι γεωργοί να δουν σε μελλοντικές πολιτικές ώστε να διευκολυνθεί η απόκτηση καινοτόμου ψεκαστικού εξοπλισμού, τα οικονομικά κίνητρα κυριαρχούν, με την οικονομική υποστήριξη, κυρίως με τη μορφή επιδότησης, να ζητείται από τα 2/3 των ερωτηθέντων γεωργών. Άλλα οικονομικά κίνητρα αποτελούν η μείωση των φόρων, η μείωση της τιμής του εξοπλισμού καθώς και οι υψηλότερες/πιο δίκαιες τιμές πώλησης των γεωργικών προϊόντων. Κάποιοι ζητούν αυξημένη υποστήριξη για τις μικρές γεωργικές εκμεταλλέυσεις, υποστήριξη για την αγορά πιστοποιημένου εξοπλισμού ή/και εξοπλισμού γεωργείας ακριβείας, όπως επίσης και μείωση της γραφειοκρατίας.

Η εκπαίδευση, κυρίως με τη μορφή γεωργικών επιδείξεων, αναφέρθηκε συχνά ως προαπαιτούμενο για την υιοθέτηση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών.

Αρκετοί γεωργοί ισχυρίζονται ότι η αλλαγή των κανονισμών, οι πιο αυστηρές επιθεωρήσεις, η υποχρεωτική χρήση ακροφυσίων χαμηλής διασποράς και συναφών τεχνολογιών, θα αποτελούσαν επίσης ένα καλό κίνητρο.

Θα πρέπει παρ’όλ’αυτά να δοθεί ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στην απαίτηση των γεωργών ώστε οι νέες τεχνολογίες να είναι εξίσου αποτελεσματικές και όσον αφορά την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος αλλά και όσον αφορά την απόδοσή τους στον αγρό.

According to the INNOSETA farmers’ survey, adopters and non-adopters of innovative spraying equipment show quite a few differences.

Adopters are more likely to be full-time farmers, to be more satisfied from farming and to be located in plain areas. Regarding training, they are more likely to have attended a training course in spraying machinery. They tend to rely more on industry (sprayers’ and PPP manufacturers/dealers) than own experience as source of information regarding their spraying equipment. Adopters tend to visit agricultural fairs, field days/demonstrations or exhibitions more often than non adopters. They are more likely to be the first in their social circle of friends and relatives to know about and buy new machinery/technology and overall, they are stronger believers in technology.

On the other hand, non adopters are more likely to be involved in farming due to family tradition or to be less dependent on agriculture in terms of income. They tend to rely more in their own experience and they have different attitudes towards technology than adopters. Non adopters tend to wait to buy new things, until they know others have positive experiences with them and prefer to have some experience with something before they buy it as compared to adopters.

With respect to the criteria for buying/choosing spraying equipment, economic considerations are more important for non-adopters, while the reduction of PPP inputs and environmental protection seem to be less important.

Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα του ερωτηματολογίου INNOSETA για τους γεωργούς, οι χρήστες και μη χρήστες του καινοτόμου ψεκαστικού εξοπλισμού παρουσιάζουν αρκετές διαφορές.

Οι χρήστες είναι πιο πιθανό να είναι γεωργοί πλήρους απασχόλησης, να είναι περισσότερο ικανοποιημένοι από την ενασχόλησή τους με τη γεωργία και να βρίσκονται σε πεδινές περιοχές. Όσον αφορά την εκπαίδευσή τους, είναι πιο πιθανό να έχουν παρακολουθήσει κάποιο εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο για ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό. Έχουν τη τάση να βασίζονται περισσότερο στη βιομηχανία (κατασκευαστές/πωλητές εξοπλισμού και γεωργικών φαρμάκων) απ’ότι στην δική τους εμπειρία ως πηγή πληροφόρησης σε ό,τι αφορά τον ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό. Οι χρήστες τείνουν να επισκέπτονται αγροτικές εκθέσεις και γεωργικές επιδείξεις πιο συχνά απ’ότι οι μη χρήστες. Επίσης, είναι πιο πιθανό να είναι ανάμεσα στους πρώτους από τον κοινωνικό τους κύκλο που μαθαίνουν και αγοράζουν καινούργια μηχανήματα και τεχνολογίες και συνολικά, πιστεύουν περισσότερο στην τεχνολογία.

Από την άλλη, οι μη χρήστες, είναι πιο πιθανό να ασχολούνται με τη γεωργία λόγω οικογενειακής παράδοσης ή το εισόδημά τους να είναι λιγότερο εξαρτώμενο από αυτήν. Τείνουν να βασίζονται περισσότερο στη δική τους εμπειρία και έχουν διαφορετική στάση ως προς την τεχνολογία σε σχέση με τους χρήστες.

Όσον αφορα τα κριτήρια με τα οποία επιλέγουν/αγοράζουν ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό, τα οικονομικά κριτήρια είναι πιο σημαντικά για τους μη χρήστες, ενώ η μείωση των εισροών ΦΠΠ και η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος φαίνεται να είναι λιγότερο σημαντικά.

Despite the plethora of available technologies on innovative spraying equipment and machinery which are already available in the market, their adoption rate is still low.

The INNOSETA survey results indicate that farmers’ most important reasons for not adopting are that their land is too small or the equipment is not affordable. Other less reported reasons were that they do not see future benefit out of their use, uncertainty about equipment’s long term efficiency or lack of technical support (especially in the case of greenhouses), non-compatibility with existing farm technology, or the complexity to understand its use/to work with it.

Non adopters’ most powerful incentives for investing in something new are primarily the expectation for increased profit (or justified cost/benefit ratio; reduction of production costs), depreciation of existing equipment and spray efficacy.

On the other hand, non adopters said that they would renew their farm equipment if they got a subsidy and/or relevant training.

Παρ’όλη την πληθώρα των διαθέσιμων τεχνολογιών καινοτόμου ψεκαστικού εξοπλισμού που υπάρχουν αυτή τη στιγμή στην αγορά, ο βαθμός υιοθέτησής τους είναι ακόμα χαμηλός.

Τα αποτελέσματα του ερωτηματολογίου INNOSETA για τους γεωργούς, δείχνουν ότι οι πιο σημαντικοί λόγοι για τους οποίους οι γεωργοί δεν υιοθετούν καινοτόμο ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό είναι είτε λόγω μικρού γεωργικού κλήρου είτε λόγω οικονομικής αδυναμίας αγοράς του εξοπλισμού. Άλλοι λόγοι που αναφέρθηκαν λιγότερο συχνά, είναι ότι οι γεωργοί δεν βλέπουν κάποιο μελλοντικό όφελος από τη χρήση του, η αβεβαιότητα σχετικά με την μακροπρόθεσμη αποτελεσματικότητά του ή η έλλειψη τεχνικής υποστήριξης (κυρίως στην περίπτωση των θερμοκηπίων), η μη συμβατότητα με την υπάρχουσα τεχνολογία της εκμετάλλευσης ή ότι ο εξοπλισμός είναι πολύ πολύπλοκος για να καταλάβουν τη χρήση του ή να δουλέψουν με αυτόν.

Για τους μη χρήστες, τα πιο ισχυρά κίνητρα για να επενδύσουν σε κάτι καινούργιο είναι κυρίως η προσδοκία για αυξημένο κέρδος (ή η δικαιολογημένη αναλογία κόστους/οφέλους, μείωση του κόστους παραγωγής), η απόσβεση του ήδη υπάρχοντος εξοπλισμού, καθώς και η αποτελεσματικότητα του ψεκασμού.

Παρ’όλ’αυτά, οι μη χρήστες δήλωσαν ότι θα ανανέωναν τον ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό τους εάν λάμβαναν επιδότηση για την αγορά του ή/και την αντίστοιχη εκπαίδευση για τη χρήση του.

According to the results of INNOSETA survey, farmers’ most important source of knowledge/know-how on the use and operation of their spraying equipment is their own experience followed by information/advice from equipment manufacturers and dealers, the Internet and advisors (private and public/cooperative). Some differentiations are observed between countries; in Spain and Italy manufacturers/dealers come in first place, while in France, Greece, Poland and Sweden ‘own experience’ predominates.

Adopters tend to rely more on industry (sprayers’ manufacturers/dealers) followed by farmer’s own experience, other farmers and private advisors.

The most important source of information non-adopters would trust before deciding to purchase innovative spraying equipment are demonstrations followed by other farmers using the equipment, a cost-benefit analysis tailored to their farm as well as personal trial or conversation with advisor.

Farmers’ most recent source in which they sought out information in relation to innovative spraying equipment are exhibitions/trade fairs, the Internet and professional press. Nevertheless, in Greece and Sweden, Internet comes in first place.

Furthermore, the most important sources of knowledge/know-how with regard to PPP application (when, how much, precautionary measures, etc.) are PPP dealers, farmers’ experience and private advisors. Nevertheless, in France own experience and public service/extension service come first, followed by private advisors.

Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα του ερωτηματολογίου INNOSETA, οι πιο σημαντικές πηγές γνώσης/τεχνογνωσίας των γεωργών ως προς τη χρήση και λειτουργία του ψεκαστικού τους εξοπλισμού είναι η εμπειρία τους, η λήψη πληροφοριών/συμβουλών από κατασκευαστές ψεκαστικών και πωλητές, το Ίντερνετ και οι γεωργικοί σύμβουλοι (ιδιωτικοί και δημόσιοι/συνεταιριστικοί). Κάποιες διαφοροποιήσεις παρατηρήθηκαν μεταξύ των χωρών: Σε Ισπανία και Ιταλία οι κατασκευαστές/πωλητές είναι η κύρια πηγή πληροφόρησης, ενώ σε Γαλλία, Ελλάδα, Πολωνία και Σουηδία οι γεωργοί βασίζονται κυρίως στη δική τους εμπειρία.

Οι χρήστες καινοτόμου εξοπλισμού τείνουν να χρησιμοποιούν περισσότερο τη βιομηχανία ως πηγή πληροφόρησης, ενώ ακολουθεί η εμπειρία τους, καθώς και οι πληροφορίες από άλλους γεωργούς και ιδιωτικούς συμβούλους.

Από την άλλη, η πιο σημαντική πηγή πληροφόρησης την οποία θα εμπιστεύονταν οι μη χρήστες πριν την αγορά καινοτόμου ψεκαστικού εξοπλισμού, είναι οι γεωργικές επιδείξεις, ενώ ακολουθούν σε σειρά σημαντικότητας εαν ο εξοπλισμός χρησιμοποιείται ήδη από άλλους γεωργούς, μια ανάλυση κόστους/οφέλους της εκμετάλλευσης, η προσωπική δοκιμή ή οι συζητήσεις με συμβούλους.

Οι πιο πρόσφατες πηγές στις οποίες οι γεωργοί αναζήτησαν πληροφορίες για καινοτόμο ψεκαστικό εξοπλισμό είναι οι γεωργικές εκθέσεις, το Ίντερνετ και ο επαγγελματικός γεωργικός τύπος.

Οι πιο σημαντικές πηγές γνώσης/τεχνογνωσίας των γεωργών ως προς τη χρήση γεωργικών φαρμάκων (πότε, πόσο, μέτρα προφύλαξης κατά την εφαρμογή ψεκασμών, κτλ.) είναι οι πωλητές γεωργικών φαρμάκων, η προσωπική εμπειρία των γεωργών και οι ιδιωτικοί γεωργικοί σύμβουλοι. Παρόλαυτά, στη Γαλλία σε πρώτη θέση έρχονται η προσωπική εμπειρία και οι δημόσιες υπηρεσίες συμβουλευτικής, ακολουθούμενες.

INNOSETA website has been already launched. Continuing with the improvements and information about the development of the EU platform to help farmers in their daily use of plant protection products (PPP), the new INNOSETA WEBSITE ( ) is already available in 8 different languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Greek, Belgian, Dutch and Polish). INNOSETA website has been developed following a clear and useful structure, allowing an easy access to the most important information about partners, project and other related EU and local projects.

INNOSETA website will host the INNOSETA platform, that will be officially launched next May 1st 2019.

From INNOSETA website you will have an easily accessible way to partner’s information. Clear and useful information about the seven “hubs” selected in the project is also included.

INNOSETA website allocates also direct links to the most important and related EU projects on the topic of crop protection in general, and spray application more specifically. INNOSETA website also allocates the newletter section and the possibility to free joint the INNOSETA community, allowing the end-users to be updated with the latest techologies, developments and project improvements related with the topic of crop protection and plant protection product's uses.

La página web del proyecto INNOSETA ya está disponible. Continuando con la actividad de recopilación de material disponible para el usuario relacionado con el uso seguro y eficiente de los productos fitosanitarios, se ha puesto en marcha la página web del proyecto (

Disponible en los 8 idiomas oficiales de los partner que participan en el proyecto (inglés, español, francés, italiano, belga, holandés, griego y polaco), la página web se ha desarrollado siguiendo una estructura clara y fácil de consultar. El usuario encontrará toda la información necesaria sobre los partners participantes en el proyecto, así como información práctica específica de otros proyectos europeos y nacionales relacionados con la temática. Asimismo, la plataforma INNOSETA se aloja en la página web y estará disponible a partir del próximo 1 de mayo.

La página web contiene además una zona donde los usuarios interesados pueden suscribirse, de forma totalmente gratuita, a la información periódica qu el proyecto va generando. La suscripción a la "newsletter" permitirá a todos los usuarios conocer de primera mano todos los avances que vayan apareciendo relacionados con el uso seguro y eficaz de los productos fitosanitarios.

INNOSETA project started with the main objective to facilitate the final users (farmers and advisors) an easy and profitable access to all the materials, developments, software… already available for a better and more safe and sustainable use of pesticides. From a new developed nozzle to a tutorial about how to determine the optimal volume rate. From a research latest news about drift reduction to the simplest training leaflet in your own language.

INNOSETA consortium has been built traying to include all the involved agents: researchers, advisors, manufacturers (sprayers and pesticides), advisors and farmers, all of them have an active participation in the project.

INNOSETA will develop a European platform where most of the already available interesting materials will be available for the end-users just within a “click”. Interesting research developments generated after EU and local projects, most valuable technical and scientific articles, the latest developments launched by manufacturers (new nozzles, software, new devices, APPs…) and the most useful training material (focused on farmers and advisors mainly) will be collected, classified and uploaded into the platform, sort4d in a easy and logical way.

By working together with the final users, INNOSETA community will be able to identify the most interesting and demanded materials, the actual needs for end-users, the existing gaps concerning information and training.

Only an accurate, precise and sustainable use of PPP will lead into a important benefits. Less amount of PPP can be guaranteed through an accurate sprayer adjustment, while maintaining the pest/disease control. And for that, training is still a key player. Enjoy INNOSETA and improve your skills.

INNOSETA tiene como objetivo principal facilitar a los usuarios finales (agricultores y asesores) un acceso fácil y útil a todos los materiales, desarrollos, software ... disponibles actualmente para un uso más racional y sostenible de los fitosanitarios. Desde una nueva boquilla hasta un tutorial sobre el volumen óptimo de aplicación. Desde las últimas novedades para reducción de la deriva hasta el último de divulgación en su propio idioma. Para ello INNOSETA incluye a todos los agentes: investigadores, asesores, fabricantes y agricultores.

INNOSETA va a desarrollar una plataforma europea donde la mayoría de los materiales interesantes ya publicados estarán disponibles para el agricultor solo con un "clic". Los interesantes desarrollos de investigación generados en proyectos nacionales y europeos, los artículos técnicos y científicos más valiosos, los últimos desarrollos lanzados por los fabricantes (nuevas boquillas, software, nuevos dispositivos, aplicaciones…) y el material de capacitación y formación más avanzado se recopilará, clasificará y cargará en la plataforma, ordenándolo de una manera fácil y lógica.

Al trabajar en conjunto con los usuarios finales, INNOSETA podrá identificar los materiales más interesantes y demandados, las necesidades reales de los usuarios finales, las brechas existentes con respecto a la información y la capacitación.

Solo un uso adecuado y sostenible de los productos fitosanitarios dará lugar a importantes beneficios. Se puede garantizar una menor cantidad de producto mediante un ajuste preciso del pulverizador, manteniendo el mismo control de la plaga y/o enfermedad. Y para eso, la formación sigue siendo un factor clave. Disfruta de INNOSETA y mejora tus habilidades y conocimientos.

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