Evaluation of Estonia’s Rural Development Programme on animal welfare
This evaluation examined measures within Estonia’s 2014-2022 Rural Development Programme (RDP) related to animal welfare, under three Priority Areas.
- Estonia
- 2014-2022
- Environmental impacts
The evaluation aims to examine the development of the RDP in relation to its objectives on animal welfare through a results-based and needs-based approach. The evaluation assessed the RDP in relation to its objectives and relevant impact indicators on animal welfare and made proposals to improve the plan, thereby enhancing the quality of its implementation. The methodology involved the collection of diverse data from Estonia’s Agricultural Registers and Information Board and other agencies, as well as consultations with various specialists and experts. Key findings indicate that land use, predominantly influenced by area-based payments, has remained relatively stable between 2009 and 2020, with increases in land used for crop cultivation.
Rural Development Programme: EE
Programming period: 2014-2022
Original publication date: 2021
Estonian Centre for Agricultural Research
Evaluation of Estonia’s Rural Development Programme on animal welfare
(PDF – 5.5 MB – 200 pages)